Sarah Hopkins & The Gyuto Monks of Tibet
1. Elektra Rec. "Tibetan Buddhism : Tantras of Gyütö" (TIB,1973,1975)***** (traditional) 1. Those who...

Stephan Rigert's Talking-Drums
Suisa Stephan Rigert's Talking-Drums : Between (CH/IND/BF/ML/JAM,2002)**** Talking-Drums not only is a band. It also is an agency...

Secret Chiefs 3
Web of Mimicry Secret Chiefs 3 : Book M (US,2001)***** I was already impressed by "Eyes of Flesh / Eyes of Shame" (1999)***°°, for its...

Special Venture
Gateway Music Special Venture : Twice (DK,rec.1999-2000,pub.2007)**** Guitarist John Sund was stimulated to explore new, often...