Michel Sajrawy

Private Michel Sajrawy: Floating City (IS,2016)****
Remember how Lebanese guitarist Omar Khorshid introduced the electric guitar to the Middle Easter music heritage. So many years later and there hasn’t been too many guitarists who explored further arrange of expressions that find roots in middle eastern music culture to embrace sounds that belong to a bigger world of understanding and feeling, but you know I have reviewed some before and each of them explored like a pioneer further into this new era of possibilities. Also Miche Sajrawy is amongst these artists who discovered a way to express his electric guitar a path of jazz fusion with roots in Middle eastern sensibility, chords and rhythm while embracing also jazz and jazz fusion standards, moods and well performed mood swings, for which a pat is led by well played oud picking and bass/drum/quanon zither add extra balance and, mood or swing and groove to the music. In the beginning and in the end a bit of Arab singing and response are incorporated in some of the tracks.