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신중현과 뮤직파워 -Shin Jung-Hyun & Musicpower

vol.1/ Beautiful Country

LP 1980-10-13 / 1980-10-11 Jigu (JLS-1201562) 뒷면 상단 신중현과 뮤직파워

CD 1990 (추정) Jigu (JCDS-0094) 바코드 무 / 16-07-1992

CD 1994-10-12 Jigu (JCDS-0094, 8805115000875) 바코드 유

신중현과 뮤직파워 1집 - 신중현과 뮤직파워

신중현과 뮤직파워 노래 | 지구레코드 | 1995년 05월 01일

01 아름다운 강산 / Beautiful river and Mountain

02 미인 / Beautiful woman

03 아무도 없지만 / Although No one Exists

04 저무는 바닷가 / Close sunshine at the Beach

05 떠나야 할 그 사람 / The Man Who Should Leave

06 너만 보면 / Just looking at you

* 07 힛트곡 메들리 / Hit Medley

* 08 커피 한잔​ / Cup of coffee

Performed by 신중현과 뮤직파워 1기 (1980) - 신중현 : 기타 - 김문숙 : 보컬 - 박점미 : 보컬 - 이승환 : 드럼 ; - 박태우 : 베이스 기타 - 김정희 : 오르간 - 이근희 : 트럼펫 - 홍성호 : 색소폰 - 한준철 : 색소폰 기획사 : 임석호 Singer : 신중현과 뮤직파워 / 김문숙, 박점미 ; Drum's : 이승환 / Bass : 박태우 ; Organ : 김정희 / Trumpet : 이근희 Alto Sax : 홍성호 / Tenor Sax : 한준철 ; Guitar : 신중현

Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics from a western point of view of listening, as tracks to check out for sure because for some reason they seem to stand out as such, which makes them also very suitable for western radio show airplay. Tracks that are only underlined can be considered fine tracks you might better check out as well, but I am not sure how essential they are.

Shin Yung-Hyun was banned to make music in public or release any music for many years. When the times were changed and his ban was lifted he tried to adapt his own sound to the now commercialized disco era. This track is such an effort. It is incomparable to his previous psyhedelic years but it has some good and intereting elements, but in a way it is a sad and slightly lost-in-time try mixing disco, brass funk and psychedelia with mainstream pop and rock guitar. I personally find this picked out 14 minute track for airplay worth hearing.

When the ban on Shin Jung Hyun's music was lifted musically a lot was changed. People were listening to disco and music was merely entertainment. Shin Jung-Hyun tried to get into the scene with his own voice and a certain integrity intact. With this release and his new band Music Power, clearly a studio/podium band with not much creativity to add he made the best of a poor situation. First we hear a few different versions of older famous songs. The first one with a simple strummed rhythm sounds, a simplified folk-pop version. The band is a drummer and bass player who keeps it simple, synthesisers which fit with the disco area, and a trio of soul podium female backing singers, the singers responding with a groove to Shin's own soft voice singing. Compared to most disco influenced pop music from these days this still is better or more serious, the result is also a more lame version of the psychedelic years. The sixth track is a bit more funky, and we can also hear some trumpets added. The 7th track is counting more ambitiously to over 13 minutes, has a couple of changes and surprises and some longer electric guitar parts too, the arrangements remain from the same area. The singing is led by a female singer. You can hear the adaptations and hints to the funk and disco area. The last track shows this disco touch as well. Despite the time frame dominance which has a sad aftertaste after all, the result still is enjoyable.

About this period : "Following his arrest, Shin was banned from performing in Korea for years. Sympathetic fans on the military bases helped ensure he always had a place to play, even if it was just a small, solo show, but still, it was tough for Shin to make a living.

It was the start of the bubblegum pop and syrupy ballads that have ruled Korea ever since. “It was all, ‘Let’s work hard,’ and ‘Let’s be happy’ kind of stuff,” Shin says, with a soft, matter-of-fact bitterness.Only with Park Chung Hee’s passing, in 1979, was the ban on Shin finally lifted, but he discovered a greater obstacle in his path—time. The rock trend passed by in the late 1970s to be replaced by a curious blend of disco, modern synthesizers, and a return to the old trot tunes that Park Chung Hee had enjoyed—it was the start of the bubblegum pop and syrupy ballads that have ruled Korea ever since. “It was all, ‘Let’s work hard,’ and ‘Let’s be happy’ kind of stuff,” Shin says, with a soft, matter-of-fact bitterness. “It was completely physical, with no spirit, no mentality, no humanity. That trend has carried over all the way to today, so people are deaf to real music. They don’t know because they are never exposed to it.”

Shin tried to update himself, making disco versions of his old hits, but his era was gone. In the 1980s, he opened a live music club that did well in the foreigners’ enclave of Itaewon, but he was forced out by his partner. In 1986, he opened another bar, Woodstock, in the southeast edge of Seoul, and based there for twenty years. When Shin’s son met Seo Taiji at Woodstock, Shin helped to usher in Korea’s second great age of music. He released a few albums that sold modestly, toured from time to time, and taught at a local university, but Shin has, for the most past, spent recent years quietly."

신중현과 뮤직파워* ‎– 신중현과 뮤직파워 2집

Jigu Records ‎– JLS-1201707 21 Jun 1982 LP

1994 Jigu (JCDS-0618) CD

1 내가 쏜 위성 / Sattelite (?) 5:02

2 기다리는 마음 / Waiting Hearts 3:05

3 코스모스 아가씨 / Babes of the Cosmos 3:24

4 내 친구 / My friend 4:27

5 이렇게 몰라주나 / I do not know this 4:53

6 비가 내리면 / When it rains 3:08

7 잊어야 한다면 / f You Should Forget 5:15

8 봄 / Spring 4:11

9 꿈이었다면 / If it only was a dream 3:45

10 선녀 / Faerie 6:04

The first track is a hard rocker which I think could have been mixed or produced much better. It is not bad, slighly forward, and a bit like an out of place moment, it still is one of the better tracks of the album.

The best track is the last track with a new version of an old song into a soft somewhat progressive rocker with a nice voice and a beautiful melancholic melody, with simplified arrangements to the original version, ending with a nice instrumental improvisation by guitar and band.

There are more reworks of old songs, some of which even tend to mix a rock element with a disco rhythm.

More schlager-like songs are mixed with soft old rock and disco rhythms. It never comes out very well, and it becomes clear this concept isn't really having or coming to much power, perhaps if only there has been more worked out ambition in these ideas. It is also about time to stop the career, with nothing more too convincing to add in a way it is getting into the new areas well enough to add anything fresh to succeed in surprising the new generation. 신중현과 뮤직파워, 「아름다운 강산」Who Is..

1958년 미8군내에서 ‘히키申’으로 불리며 한국 록음악 역사의 기초를 다졌던 신중현은 국내 최초의 록밴드 앨범의 주인공인 에드 훠를 결성해서 『1집 빗속의 여인』을 발표했다. 음악적으로 진보적인 시도와 완성도 높은 작품을 여럿 발표했지만, 대중적으로 제대로 히트를 기록하지 못했다. 결국 신중현은 한국을 떠나서 음악활동을 전개해 나가고자 마음을 굳혔다. 그러나 1968년 한국에서의 마지막 작품으로 제작했던 펄시스터즈의 앨범이 성공을 거두면서 그의 계획은 무산되었다. 이후 신중현은 덩키스와 퀘션스, 더 멘, 엽전들 등 실력있는 밴드의 리더와 기획자로 활약해 나왔다. 그러나 1975년 대마초 파동으로 활동이 중지되었고, 1980년 활동 재개 이후 곧장 뮤직파워를 결성했다. 1980년대부터 신중현은 이전 록사운드에 디스코 등 비트를 가미하며 새로운 음악적 스타일을 선보였고, 기존에 금지곡으로 묶여 있던 그의 음악은 1987년에 해금되었다. 2006년 7월 공식적인 은퇴공연 이후 대외 활동을 중단한 상태이다. An Episode.. 윤심덕의 「사의 찬미」와 안기영의 「내 고향을 이별하고」, 박채선과 이류색의 「이 풍진 세월(희망가)」, 그리고 이정숙의 「낙화유수」에 이르기까지 한국 최초의 대중가요는 아직까지도 논쟁 상태에 놓여 있다. 국내 대중가요는 정치와 사회적 소용돌이 속에서 여러 결정적인 순간들을 접해 나왔다. 일제강점기에 태동되기 시작한 대중음악은 광복 이후 38선을 사이에 두고 적잖은 가수와 작사·작곡자들이 월북을 하며 양날과도 같은 창작이 이루어지기 시작했다. 한국전쟁이 발발하면서 진중가요가 주를 이루며 대중의 애환을 담았던 많은 명곡들이 쏟아져 나왔다. 그러나 이 당시 발표된 주옥같은 음악들의 데이터베이스는 불명확하게 방치되어 커다란 안타까움으로 남겨졌다. 휴전 이후 미8군 무대를 통해 대중가요는 여러 스타일이 형성되었고, 다양한 신진이 등장하기 시작했다. 더해서 대중가요는 산업 규모로 성장하면서 최초의 의미를 지닌 여러 뮤지션의 다채로운 음악을 통해서 전성기를 맞이했다. 하지만 1970년대 접어들어 군사정권의 통제가 강화되고 기성문화에 반기를 든 청년문화의 기운이 번지면서 대중가요는 빛과 그림자로 양분되어 성장과 발전을 이뤘다. 1975년 말 이장희와 윤형주를 비롯한 8명이 구속된 것을 필두로 1976년 초까지 100여 명의 연예인이 대마초 연예인으로 분류되며 입건되었고, 그 가운데 수십 명은 구속까지 되었다. 이들은 유흥업소는 물론 방송까지 출연할 수 없는 상황에 놓이며 생활고에 시달리기도 했다. 연주자와 제작자로서 꾸준하게 활동해 나오던 신중현 역시 박정희 정권의 가요정화운동의 영향으로 활동에 제약을 받게 된다. 급기야 대마초 파동에 연루된 신중현은 물고문을 받는 등 고역을 치르다가 정신병원에 감금된 이후에 구치소에 수감되는 상황에까지 이르렀다. 2012년 tvN의 <백지연의 피플인사이드>에 출연했던 신중현은 당시 상황에 대해 “처음 수감된 정신병원에서 서대문 구치소로 이감되자, ‘차라리 여기는 극락이구나.’라는 생각이 들 정도였다.”고 회상했다. 1979년 12월에 해금된 신중현은 컴백을 위해 조직한 뮤직파워와 함께 첫 번째 정규 앨범 『신중현과 뮤직파워 1집』을 발표했다. 신중현과 뮤직파워는 9인조로 구성된 화려한 멤버를 바탕으로 기존 신중현식 록 사운드에 경쾌한 디스코 리듬을 접목시켰다. 신중현과 뮤직파워 1기에 해당하는 당시 라인업은 세 명으로 구성된 브라스 파트와 같은 파격적인 구조로 구성되었다. 폭이 넓게 구성된 멤버 전원의 합을 통해서 전체 수록곡은 리듬기타의 프레이즈와 신디사이저의 몽롱한 전개, 그리고 장중함으로 표출되었다. 신중현 음악의 특징 중 하나는 이미 발표한 노래에 대한 다양한 버전이 존재한다는 점이다. 그는 자신이 결성한 밴드는 물론 인연을 같이하는 가수, 혹은 노래가 어울릴만한 가수에게 직접 곡을 주면서 자신만의 라이브러리를 형성해 나왔다. 과거 히트곡과 두 곡의 신곡이 수록된 이 앨범의 수록곡 중 가장 눈에 띄는 곡은 단연 13분대의 긴 러닝타임을 지닌 「신중현 힛트곡 메들리」이다. 또한 1972년 신중현과 더 멘을 통해 처음으로 발표되었던 「아름다운 강산」은 두 여성 코러스와 브라스의 화려한 음악적 맥이 그 어느 버전보다 풍성하게 담겨져 있다.

"Shin Shin Hyun and Music Power, Beautiful Gangsan

Who Is ..

In 1958, Shin Ji-hyun, who was called "Hiki-chan" in the 8th US Army and laid the foundations of Korean rock music history, formed Ed Wong, the hero of Korea's first rock band album, and released "The Woman in the Rain". He has presented several musically progressive attempts and highly accomplished works, but failed to hit well with the public. In the end, Shin Jung-hyun was determined to leave the country and carry out musical activities. However, with the success of the Persisters' (Pearl Sisters) album, which was produced in 1968 as the last film in Korea, his plan failed. Since then, Shin has been active as a leader and planner of talented bands such as Dunquis (Donkeys), Quests, The Men, and Yeopjeon (Coins). In 1975, however, he was suspended due to the cannabis wave, and after resuming his activities in 1980, he formed Music Power. Since the 1980s, Shin Jung-hyun has introduced a new musical style by adding a disco and beats to the previous rock sound, and his music, which was previously banned, was released in 1987. After his official retirement in July 2006, he suspended from outside activities.

An Episode ..

Korea's first popular song is still controversial. It comes from Yoon Shim-duk's "Han Sung-mi" and Ahn Ki-young's "parting from my hometown", Park Chae-sun and Lee-ryu Lee's "Rugarse" (Hope), and Lee Jung-sook's "Flower Flow". This is a state affair. Korean pop songs have encountered many crucial moments in the political and social vortex. Popular music, which began to emerge during the Japanese colonial period, began to be created as a double-day creation with few singers, writers, and composers across the 38 lines after liberation. As the Korean War broke out, many popular songs that sang jung-jung songs were popular. However, the database of gem-like music published at that time was left unclear and left a great pity.

After the armistice, the style of pop music was formed through the Eighth Army stage, and various buddings began to emerge. In addition, pop songs grew to an industrial scale and reached their heyday through the colorful music of many musicians with the first meaning. In the 1970s, however, as the control of the military regime became more intensified and the energy of youth culture against the established culture spread, popular songs were divided into light and shadow to grow and develop. At the end of 1975, eight people including Lee Jang-hee and Yoon Hyung-ju were arrested, and by early 1976, about 100 entertainers were classified as cannabis entertainers, and dozens of them were arrested. They were in a situation where they could not appear in entertainment or broadcast, and suffered from life.

Shin Jung-hyun, who has been active as a performer and producer, is also restricted from activities under the influence of the Park Jung-hee regime's song purification movement. Su-hyun, who was involved in the cannabis wave, suffered a torture, including being tortured, until she was detained in a detention center after being detained in a mental hospital. Shin Joong-hyun, who appeared in tvN's <Baek Ji-yeon's People Inside> in 2012, recalled the situation, saying, "When I was transferred from the first incarcerated mental hospital to Seodaemun detention center, I thought," I'd rather be paradise. " .

Since being released in December 1979, Shin Shin-hyun released the first regular album "Shin Joong-hyun and Music Power Vol. 1" with the music power organized for the comeback. Shin Joong-hyun and Music Power have combined a disco rhythm with the existing discreet rock-based sound based on a brilliant member composed of nine members.

The lineup at the time of Shin Joong-hyun and Music Power Stage 1 consisted of an unprecedented structure like a brass part consisting of three members. Through the sum of all the members, the entire song was expressed with rhythmic guitar phrases, synths, and grandeur.

One of the characteristics of Shin Joong-hyun's music is that there are various versions of the songs already released. He created his own library by giving songs directly to the band he formed, as well as to a singer or a singer with whom the song suited.

The most prominent of the album's tracks, including past hits and two new songs, is "Shin Joong-Hyun's Hit Medley'' which has a long running time of 13 minutes. Also released in 1972 by Shin Joong-hyun and The Men, "Beautiful Gangsan" is richer than any other version."



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