박춘석 - Park Choon-Seok (Park Chun Seok)
DISC01. Park Choon-seok Composition: Master Builder Series of the Music World! DISC01. 박춘석 작곡집: 가요계의 명장 시리즈!(Master Builder Series) 01....

윤.. - Yoon A-Jeang
The album cover is highly misleading, because the Korean zither is hardly if ever heard on the album. The album is composed jazz with...

손석우 - Sohn Sug-Woo (Sug Woo Sohn)
손석우 - 손석우 앤솔로지 : 뷔너스레코딩 VOL.1 I prefer not to miss the limited editions of old musicians or pop composers. 200 were printed from this...

백영호 - Back Yeong Ho
Compared to Park Chun Seok, this composer provides a bit more predicable, still pretty tasteful arrangements and songs with a certain...