펄 시스터즈 - The Pearl Sisters (Perl / Pul)

"Pearl sisters Shin Jung-Hyun directed all songs and music 1968 ; This record normal price is a over 200$(original record is a gatefold sleeve single cover is a second pressing and normal price is a 150$) Also Pearl sisters is a Korean popstar and debuted by Shin Jung-Hyun. Especially this record is one of the best records of them. Side A are garage style plus arrange and all Shin Jung-Hyun's songs but Side B are all cover songs of American pop songs. Song lyrics were influenced by Hippie ideology. I think that this record was influenced (composition form, cord progress, voice style, arrangement) by Jefferson Airplane, but feeling is a different, as this record also influenced by other music genres (soul and Korean traditional music etc.). Musical performance by Donkeys of Shin Jung-Hyun. Recommendable !!" Folkie Jin

"1968 : Side A are same to Cover 1 album (Pearl sisters Shin Jung-Hyun directed all songs and music) but side B are all instrument songs of garage pop style. This record normal price is a over 100$. Musical performance by Donkeys of Shin Jung-Hyun. Second cover : This record is the same to first cover, only differently coloured cover."
Folkie Jin

"Pearl sisters-Soulful pearl sisters hit album 1969 ; All songs are cover songs of American popsongs but this record has very good musical performance. Recommendable !! This record normal price is a over 250$ " Folkie Jin

펄 시스터즈 - 나팔바지, 님아 KLH - 9 1970
SJHMVD 0005, Pony Canyon Inc. (Korea) PCSD 00076 19 Nov 2002 CD miniature LP
2009-06-30 Pony Canyon Korea CD
* 1. Nim-Ah (님아) / Hey My Lover!
* 2. Tteonayahal Geu Saram (떠나야할 그 사람) / The person to leave
* 3. Du Geurimja (두 그림자) / Two Shadows 4. Keopi Han Jan (커피 한 잔) / A cup of coffee
* 5. Bimirigie (비밀이기에) / Because of its secret
6. Alkko Sipeoyo (알고 싶어요) / I want to know 7. Napal-Baji (나팔바지) / Trumpet
* 8. Songnima (속님아) / Hey My Lover! (part 2)
Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics, or tracks to check out for sure because for some reason they seem to stand out as unique moments, which makes them also very suitable for western radioshow airplay. Tracks that are only underlined can be considered fine tracks you might better check out as well, but I am not sure how essential they are.
Psychefolk Radioshow comments : "Nice girl harmony driven pop/ psych. With Shin Jung Hyun on electric guitar. With 60’s rock band, partly orchestrated. The recording quality isn't too good, but the music is great. Last track is even less well recorded (live ?) but musically it's still too good to miss."
Article on Bae In-Soon : http://news.empas.com/show.tsp/20031117n03990/?s=1098:
"The former pop idol first entered the entertainment business in 1967, after winning a singing contest hosted by the 8th U.S. Army here.She later formed a two-member singing group with her sister called,the ``Pearl Sisters,’’ which became an instant smash success. Their debut album recorded more than 1 million sales, a rare feat in the1960s. The song, ``A Cup of Coffee’’ was one of her major hits at that time.
Folkie Jin : "All songs were from SJH as he taught all musical theories and techniques to them. He was the most famoust song writer at the time. At first, Pearl sisters asked him to sing something like Jefferson Airplane's "Somebody to Love" andd if he couldn't rearrange the song for them. After that they wanted to learn Music study from him. So he became to be their music tutor. After a little while, they asked SJH " Please Sir! make one album for us" before you leave to Vietnam. At the time, Korea had to send many soldiers to the Vietnam War, because Korea was a very poor country so they needed the money and USA said to Korea that " We can give money if you can send soldiers to Vietnam". Sad but true!! Anyway Also SJH would liked to go Vietnam because in Vietnam was a Big stage for Rock musicuans worldwide at the time and the 8th US army stage was bad more and more. He wanted to make a memorial record (as a last record in Korea),too. So he produced the album with Pearl Sisters! But the album became an smash success so they didn't go to Viet Nam. This is a full story behind this album."
신중현사단이 배출한 최고의 자매듀오 펄씨스터즈의 히트 넘버들을 엄선한 음반. 당시의 가요들과는 전혀 다른 방식의 작편곡을 보여줬던 명곡들. 설명이 필요없는 명곡 ′님아′, ′커피한잔′, ′떠나야할 그사람′은 물론 독특한 코러스라인이 흥미로운 곡 ′나팔바지′와 ′속님아′수록. 1967년 중앙대 연극영화과에 재학중이던 배인순, 배인숙 자매가 신중현에게 Jefferson Airplane의 ′Somebody To Love′의 편곡을 부탁했고, 신중현은 흔쾌히 편곡을 해주고 창법을 가르쳤다. 이 자매가 바로 펄씨스터즈이고 그 후 신중현은 그들에게 가정교사 노릇을 하며 음악을 가르쳤다. 1968년 신중현은 사향길로 접어든 미8군 쇼무대를 떠나 월남 으로 갈 결심을 한다. 그리고 월남으로 가기전 마지막으로 기념음반을 내려고 당시 자신의 심정을 담아 ′님아′, ′떠나야 할 그 사람′을 만들었다. 이때 펄 씨스터즈에게 이 노래들을 부르도록 했고 ′님아′가 크게 히트했다. 그후 ′떠나야 할 그 사람′, ′커피 한 잔′까지 히트되어 당시로서는 상상할 수 없었던 백만장이라는 엄청난 판매고를 올렸다. 신향음반 제작소에서 제작된 이 음반은 ′킹박′으로 불리우는 킹레코드사의 박성배사장이 기획했고 인기 DJ 이종환도 기획에 참여했다. 결국 신중현은 월남행을 포기하고 이후 국내에서 작곡가 겸 기타리스트로서 큰 활약을 하게 된다.
"This album carefully selected the hit numbers of the best sister duo Pearl Sisters produced by the Shinju Hyun. The masterpieces showed composition in a completely different way from the songs. The song "Trumpets" and "Gones" are interesting songs that require a special chorus line, as well as the masterpieces that need no explanation.
Bae In-soon and Bae In-sook, who were in the Department of Theater and Film at Chung-Ang University in 1967, asked Shin Young-hyun to arrange Jefferson Airplane's "Somebody To Love." This sister was Pearl Sisters, and afterwards Shin, Shin-hyun taught them music as a tutor. In 1968, Shin Joong-hyun left the Eighth Army show stage on a musk road determined to go Finally, before going to Vietnam, he made his own feelings at that time and made 'Nim Ah' and 'People to Leave'. At this time, I had the Pearl Sisters sing these songs, and Nim'ah was a big hit. After that, he was hit by "the man who left," "a cup of coffee," and he had a huge sales volume of millionaires unimaginable at the time. New music record
The album was produced by the director Park Sung-bae of King Records, called King Park, and the popular DJ Lee Jong-hwan also participated in the planning. Eventually, Shin Gi-hyun gave up Vietnam and later played a big role as a composer and guitarist in Korea."

펄 시스터즈 - 펄 시스터즈 골든 2CD (23 March 2006) Jigu JMCD-0079-1/2
Disc. 1 * 01. 비 / Rain * 02. 슬퍼도 떠나주마 / I will leave even when I'm sad * 03. 사랑의 교실 / Classroom of Love 04. 언제나 타인 / Always Others * 05. I Love You * 06. 밤의 멜로디 / Night Melody 07. 호숫가의 별처럼 / Like a star by the lake * 08. 웃는 얼굴 다정해도 / When your smile is sweet * 09. 소나기 사랑 / Shower of Love 10. 너무나 사랑했기에 / I loved you so much * 11. 안녕 / Hello * 12. 남자가 혼자 있을때 / When a man is alone 13. 총각타령 / Bachelor's degree 14. 슬퍼도 떠나주마 (경음악) / I will leave even when I'm sad (instrumental) Disc. 2 * 01. 첫사랑 / First Love * 02. 빗속의 여자 / The girl in the rain * 03. 철새 / Migratory Birds * 04. 낙엽 / Fallen leaves * 05. 그럴 수가 없어요 / I can't * 06. 욕망의 블루스 / Blues of Desire * 07. 빨간불 파란불 / Red light Blue light * 08. 수탉 같은 여자 / Cocky Girl 09. 어둠이 오면 / When darkness comes 10. 동백 아가씨 / Camellia lady 11. 꿈속의 연인 / Lovers in Dreams 12. 사람 나고 돈 났지 / I was sick 13. 사랑의 기타 / The Guitar of Love 14. 웃는 얼굴 다정해도 (경음악) / With a smiley face (instrumental)
I have airplayed the Pearl Sisters before when they participated with Shin Yung-Hyun on their earliest recordings. But also here on their later works they're still worth discovering. This album proves this well. The voices are recorded a bit too loud but the music is great. Entertaining 70s Korean pop/rock at its most attractive. The instrumental on track 14 has a what we call "surf guitar" lead and nice sax solos, and strings and such.
For a large part, the music of the first CD is rooted in American music of the late 50s mostly. The voice harmonies of the sisters are reminiscent of the Kessler Sisters my girlfriend told me, which is actually very true. The arrangements are professional, with full band, pop/rock instruments, and brass and orchestral elements. The voices are often recorded shamelessly loud which does not always makes the best mix, it still sounds all right on good equipment, but sometimes the bigger than necessary contrast against the music can become a bit annoying. Some tracks have more rock elements, like here and there a surf guitar, but also a sax or flute solo. The last track is a good instrumental by the rock band with again some surf guitar.
The second album is also well arranged, orchestrations with the pop/rock band, often the roots tend to entertain in easy-in-the-ear dance rhythms which becomes a form of exploiting a safe taste, so that the best elements creatively not always are as well developed equally freely, and sometimes it just works less convincingly than it could. Also the second album ends with a pop/rock instrumental, with some sax solos.
All-in-all, the Pearl Sisters still have a distinctive style of singing / arrangements which keep an attraction vivid or present. They were not the first harmony-driven vocalists. The trio, the Kim Sisters, had started earlier in a comparable way, in the fifties, worth checking out: very American in style, and very good entertainers and musicians. But I don't think the Kim Sisters have seen a reissue yet.
More info on this release from http://z80cpu.eu/mirrors/home.att.net/~halbower/singers.htm :
"As part of Jigu's re-release of old music, they released this 2-CD set of Pearl Sister's music (although they seem to have forgotten how to spell). This release only adds six cuts (4 by the Pearl Sisters, 2 instrumentals by Kyeong Eum Ahk) to the play list on JCDS-0186. From my perspective, it is a good buy (from www.annyoung.com) because the four new songs are new to my collection." "Until Jigu began releasing their Golden two-CD sets, my favorite CD was Jigu Records JCDS-0186. This CD was available at www.annyoung.com as late as early 2007, but is no longer listed. Selections on the disc seem to span the entire career of the Pearl Sisters, but only those released on the Jigu label."
Info on Pearl Sisters : http://www.last.fm/music/The+Pearl+Sisters :
"The Pearl Sisters were two Korean women called Bae In Soon and Bae In Sook. Unlike a lot of 60’s Korean ‘happy happy’ pop music they produced music with a beautifully moving melancholy edge.
They also covered popular American pop tunes. Real stand out tracks include the wonderful ‘Oh!’ and the song ‘I Love You’ sung in charmingly mispronounced English. The Pearl Sisters are a great ‘lost’ act and although there is little information on the net about them it seems that they split in the mid 1970’s. Bae In Sook re-emerged in 2004 with a new album called ‘A Cup Of Coffee With My Song’."
Info on http://masterleemovies.wordpress.com/2007/12/17/the-pearl-sisters/ :
"In the late 1960s and early 1970s the Pearl Sisters were fairly popular, partly because they had the genius of composer – and Korea’s granddaddy of Rock ‘n Roll – Shin Chunghyŏn (of Add 4 fame) behind them, but also because they looked much better than the competition and were often duly complimented on their legs. The album ‘My Dear’ (Nima; 1968), named after their best selling song, also included the hit ‘A Cup of Coffee’. Other albums were called ‘First Love’ (Ch’ŏt sarang; Shinsegi Records 1969), and ‘Goodbye Rain’ (1970). The whole concept of the duo was, of course, not new, and had been introduced by actress/singer Yi Nanyŏng during the Korean War by letting her teenage daughters perform as the Kim Sisters (and, later, her sons as the Kim Brothers). It was Pae Insun who picked up on the idea and after winning a contest at a quintessential 8th-Army show stage managed to enthuse her sister Insuk to form a duo. One problem remained: their talent lay primarily in their presentation, which is why Master Lee was one of their biggest fans (he himself always getting credit for having great talent, but failing to make busting up a hundred opponents in 5 minutes look pretty). In the mid 1970s the sisters could no longer stand each other, and split. Sue Kim of the Kim Sisters told Master Lee that they got in touch with her at some point, hoping to make it in the US as well, but to be frank, they never had any real talent beyond that wicked leg and hip action that makes even Master Lee’s heart pound a little faster (up to 1 beat a minute). Here is a website from a fan with more detailed information on the records and sounds of the Pearl Sisters. And here’s one with more information on both Shin Chunghyŏn and the Pearl Sisters. But of course we all want to SEE the Pearl Sisters, so here goes nothin’ (enjoy!):
In 2003 Pae Insun published a book detailing her marriage to and divorce from her selfish and promiscuous tycoon-husband Ch’oe Wônsuk (of Dongah Construction Industrial Co.). Ch’oe’s company fell into debt as a result of the economic financial crisis in 1997 and has reportedly so far failed to become solvent again. He does, of course, still deserve an ass-kicking by Master Lee."

Jigu 펄 시스터즈 - 히트전집 1991 CD JCDS-0186
1 비 / Rain 2:53
2 슬퍼도 떠나주마 / / I will leave even when I'm sad 2:40
3 사랑의 교실 / Classroom of Love 3:39
4 첫사랑 / First Love 3:34
5 언제나 타인 / Always Others 3:19
6 I Love You 3:25
7 밤의 멜로디 / Night Melody 3:16
8 호수가의 별처럼 / Like a star by the lake 2:43
This is the first track that was not found on the previous compilation. It is a romantic song with lush strings, double bass, sax and glockenspiel and with of course the nice vocal harmonies by this duo. It is safe pop music but beautiful and effective.
9 웃는 얼굴 다정해도 / When your smile is sweet 2:40
10 소나기 사랑 / Shower of Love 2:39
11 너무나 사랑했기에 / I loved you so much 2:34
12 안녕 / Hello 2:54
13 총각 타령 / Bachelor age 2:38
"Bachelor's Age" is a mixture of twist (?) and Trot. Under the hands of Pearl Sisters anything sounds good. The arrangements are fine too.
14 남자가 혼자 있을 때 / When a man is alone 1:36
15 빗속의 여자 / The Girl in the rain 2:32
16 철새 / Mirgatory Birds 2:48
17 낙엽 / Fallen Leaves 2:35
18 그럴 수가 없어요 / I can't 2:35
19 욕망의 블루스 / Blues of Desire 3:34
20 빨간불 파란불 / Red Light Blue Light 2:17
김형찬의 대중음악 이야기 <17> 가요 흐름 바꾼 펄시스터즈(하)
판탈롱 입은 펄 자매, '동백아가씨' 울리고 가수왕 차지
- 파격적인 디자인의 의상 입고
- 세련되고 섹시한 춤 선보여
- 기존 시스터즈·윤복희 초월
- 댄스 여가수의 계보 선두주자
펄시스터즈가 등장하기 이전에 '시스터즈'라 불렸던 걸그룹은 도시적이고 팝적인 곡목에서는 새로웠지만 무대 위에서의 동작은 기존 여성 가수처럼 정적인 모습을 벗어나지 못했다. 하지만 펄시스터즈는 이런 한계를 뛰어넘었다. 166㎝의 큰 키에 균형잡힌 몸매와 준수한 외모라는 완벽한 조건으로 절도 있으면서도 섹시한 춤까지 선보여 TV 시청자들의 눈을 단번에 사로잡았다. 사실 이런 조건으로 무대에 처음 선 사람은 2년 전의 윤복희였으나 대중에게 낯선 존재로 끝나고 말았다.
화보가 예쁘게 나와 각종 언론 매체의 사랑을 받았던 펄시스터즈의 1968년 사진. 김형찬 제공
펄시스터즈가 기존의 시스터즈와 윤복희의 한계를 뛰어넘었던 것은 그들이 내세운 '소울 사이키'라는 새로운 트렌드 때문이었다. '소울'이란 1960년대 미국 흑인들의 공민권 투쟁이라는 자아 찾기 운동이 음악에 반영되어 흐느끼듯 절규하는 창법의 음악을 말한다. '사이키'란 '사이키델릭' 음악의 준말인데 1960년대 후반부터 미국 백인들이 마약을 하면서 느꼈던 비현실적이고 환상적인 느낌을 담아낸 몽환적인 음악을 말한다.
미국 대중음악계에서는 이 두 가지 트렌드가 독립적으로 존재했지만 한국에서 1969년부터 이 두 가지가 결합되어 '소울 사이키'라는 새로운 트렌드로 부상한 건 신중현의 새로운 음악적 실험 때문이었다. 1968년 말 펄시스터즈의 갑작스런 히트로 국내에 주저앉게 된 신중현은 흐느끼듯 절규하는 여성 가수를 전면에 내세우고 자신의 밴드는 뒤에서 그에 어울리도록 화려한 사이키델릭 사운드로 반주를 담당하는 형태로 김추자, 이정화, 임희숙, 김상희 등의 가수 음반을 계속 발매하며 가요계의 새로운 흐름을 주도해 나갔다. 이 중 펄시스터즈와 김추자가 대성공을 거두면서 '소울 사이키'는 기존의 기성세대가 주도해왔던 가요계의 흐름을 뒤집는 강력한 새로운 흐름으로 자리잡게 되었다.
데뷔 음반으로 인기 절정에 오른 펄시스터즈는 1969년 7월 4일부터 사흘간 서울 시민회관에서 '쇼 올 카니발'이라는 리사이틀을 갖는다. 당시 리사이틀이란 경력과 무게가 있는 정상급의 가수만 열 수 있었는데 데뷔 1년도 안 된 펄시스터즈가 리사이틀을 열었다는 것만 보더라도 이들의 인기가 어느 정도였는지를 짐작할 수 있다. 정훈희, 이주랑, 코코브러더즈, 키보이스, 임희숙, 배상하 재즈 오케스트라와 한익평 재즈 발레단 등이 찬조 출연했고, 조영남이 사회를 보았으며 신중현의 밴드인 동키즈가 반주를 맡았다.
완벽한 신체조건과 외모를 갖춘 펄시스터즈
나흘을 계속해서 3000석 객석이 콩나물시루처럼 빼곡히 들어찬 장내는 연방 터지는 박수와 갈채로 해서 흥분의 도가니를 이루고, 쌍둥이처럼 귀엽고 예쁜 펄 자매들은 그 박수에 보답하기 위한 온갖 애교를 총동원했다. 특히 이날의 레퍼토리 중엔 이들 자매의 오리지널한 가요곡들 외에도 이미자 양의 '동백 아가씨'를 비롯한 많은 다른 가수들의 히트곡이 모조리 소울풍으로 둔갑하여 관객들의 인기를 독차지했다. 한편 이번의 리사이틀을 위해 펄 자매는 특별히 무대 의상에 신경을 곤두세우고 최신식 유행의 모드를 쫓았는데, 그중에서도 판탈롱 슈트가 단연 주역. 어떻게 보면 고대 이집트의 신화에 나오는 여왕과도 같고, 또 어떻게 보면 아프리카 인디언족의 아름다운 추장 딸과도 같은 분장엔 예전엔 미처 깨닫지 못했던 펄의 새로운 매력이 면면이 묻어나더라는 객석의 반응-<펄시스터즈 리사이틀>, '명랑', 1969. 9., 107쪽
이미자의 '동백 아가씨'를 소울풍으로 불렀다는 사실은 기존 가요계의 주류인 트로트와 맞짱을 뜨겠다는 펄시스터즈의 자신감에서 비롯된 도발적인 행동으로 보아야 할 것이다. 특히 당시 패션계의 스타이던 노라노 여사가 디자인한 사이키델릭풍의 판탈롱 의상까지 동원하여 춤, 노래, 의상이 모두 새로운 음악 경향인 '소울·사이키'의 이미지를 총체적으로 보여주도록 연출했다는 사실은 주목할 만하다.
펄시스터즈의 화려한 등장은 연말 MBC 10대가수상에서 펄시스터즈가 가수왕을 차지하면서 극적인 결말을 장식했다. 이미자와 경합을 벌이던 펄시스터즈가 호명되자, 펄시스터즈는 눈물을 터뜨리고 이미자는 서둘러 퇴장하던 광경을 상상해보라. 한국 대중음악계의 판도가 바뀌는 역사적인 순간이었다.
이렇게 등장한 지 1년 만에 가요계의 판도를 바꿔버린 펄시스터즈는 '소울사이키'라는 새로운 미국 지향적 음악 경향을 만들어냈고, 그들의 세련되고 정교한 댄스는 1980년대 김완선으로 시작되는 댄스 음악 계보의 맨 앞자리에 자리잡는다. 무엇보다 봄날을 만난 사람은 신중현이었다. 연속된 록밴드의 실패를 접고 '소울사이키'의 대부가 되어 이후 신중현 사단이라는 막강한 히트 제조기를 손에 넣게 되었다. 그동안의 실패를 거울 삼아 대중적 코드를 파악한 신중현은 이때부터 성공가도를 달리게 된다.
Automated translation:
Kim Hyung-chan's Story of Popular Music <17>
Percussionists Changed the Flow of Music
Pearl Sister Wearing Pantaloon Rings 'Camellia Girl'
International Newspaper Digital News Department
-Dress in exceptional design
-Showcasing stylish and sexy dance
-Transcending Sisters and Yun Bok-hee
-The genealogical leader of dance singers
The girl group, formerly called Sisters, was new in urban and pop songs, but the movement on stage was as static as a female singer. But Persisters pushed that limit. 166 cm tall, balanced body and perfect appearance, even theft and sexy dance showcased the eyes of TV viewers at once. In fact, the first person to appear on the stage under these conditions was Yun Bok-hee two years ago, but it ended up being unfamiliar to the public.
The 1968 photo of the Pearl Sisters, which was beautifully loved by various media. Provided by Hyung Chan Kim
The reason why Pearl Sisters surpassed the limits of Sisters and Yun Bok-hee was because of their new trend of 'Soul Psyche'. 'Soul' refers to the music of the creative method that weeps and screams as the self-search movement of the civil rights struggle of black Americans in the 1960s is reflected in the music. 'Psyche' is the acronym for 'Psychedelic' music, which is a dreamy music that captures the unreal and fantastic feeling that American whites have been feeling from drugs since the late 1960s.
In the American pop music industry, these two trends existed independently, but since 1969, the combination of these two emerged as a new trend called 'Soul Psyche' because of Shin's new musical experiment. In the late 1968, Shin Ji-hyun, who fell into Korea due to the sudden hit of the Pearl Sisters, puts a mourning screaming female singer on the front and his band plays accompaniment with a gorgeous psychedelic sound from behind. He continued to release albums such as Kim Sang-hee and led new trends in the music industry. Among these, as the Pearl Sisters and Kim Chu-za succeeded, 'Soul Psyche' became a powerful new flow that overturned the flow of the music industry that had been led by previous generations.
Percussions, which became popular with their debut album, has a recital called 'Show All Carnival' at the Seoul Civic Center for three days from July 4, 1969. At the time, only a top-ranked singer with a career and weight could open a recital. Jung Hoon Hee, Lee Joo Rang, Coco Brothers, Key Boys, Lim Hee Sook, Bae Sang Ha Jazz Orchestra, and Han Ik Pyeong Jazz Ballet Troupe, Cho Young Nam, watched the society, and Shin Ji Hyun's band Dong Kids played the accompaniment.
Perfect physique and appearance
Four days in a row, with 3,000 seats filled with bean sprouts, the market was excited by a burst of applause and applause, and the cute and pretty Pearl sisters, like twins, mobilized all sorts of sweetness to reward the applause. In particular, in the repertoire of the day, in addition to the original songs of these sisters, the hit songs of many other singers including Mi-Ja Yang's 'Camellia Girl' were all swept in the soul style, and they took the audience's popularity. Meanwhile, for this recital, Sister Pearl paid particular attention to the stage costumes and pursued the latest fashion mode, especially the pantaloon suit. In some ways, like a queen in ancient Egyptian mythology, and in a way, like a beautiful chief daughter of an African Indian, the audience's reaction is that Perl's new charm, which he had never realized before, was buried. 'Minging,' Sept. 1969, p. 107
The fact that Lee Mija's' camellia girl 'was called as a soul style should be seen as a provocative action that originated from Persisters' confidence to meet Trot, the mainstream of the existing music industry. In particular, it was remarkable that the dance, song, and costume all mobilized the psychedelic pantaloon costume designed by Norano, a fashion star at the time, to show the image of 'Soul Psychic' as a whole new music trend.
The spectacular appearance of the Pearl Sisters marked a dramatic ending with Perl Sisters winning the Singer King at the end of the year at the MBC Top 10. Imagine the scene when the Pearl Sisters were competing with the imager, and the Pearl Sisters burst into tears and the Rush was quickly left. It was a historic moment when the dominance of Korean pop music changed.
A year later, the Pearl Sisters changed the music scene and created a new American-oriented music trend called Soulsiki, and their sophisticated and sophisticated dances were at the forefront of the dance music line beginning with Kim Wanseon in the 1980s. Catch. Above all, the person who met the spring day was Shin Ji Hyun. After breaking down the successive rock bands, he became the godfather of Soulsiki, and later, he gained a powerful hit maker called Shingi Hyun Division. Shin, Shin-Hyun, who grasped the popular code by mirroring the failures, has been on the road to success.
Pop Music Writer

펄시스터즈 - 나만을사랑해줘/ 못잊어 못잊어 [180g LP][재발매] 펄 시스터스 (Pearl Sisters)뮤직앤뉴2020-10-06
오아시스 레코드 명반 재발매시리즈 펄시스터즈의 73년도 작품 [나만을 사랑해줘요/ 못잊어못잊어] LP 재발매!! 언니 배인순과 동생 배인숙으로 된 자매 보컬그룹 펄시스터즈는 1967년 미8군 쇼단에 픽업되어 일하기 시작했는데, 노래와 외모가 뛰어난 펄시스터즈는 높은 인기를 얻기 시작했으며 1968년 1월 부터는 TBC TV의 '쇼쇼쇼'에 고정출연하기 시작했다. 펄시스터즈는 월남으로 떠나려는 신중현에게 기념 음반이라도 하나 내달라고 부탁했고, 신중현은 1968년 12월 펄시스터즈의 데뷔 음반 '님아, 커피 한잔'을 만들어주었다. 별로 기대하지 않고 만들었던 펄시스터즈의 음반은 엄청남 대박을 터뜨렸다. 1969년 <커피 한잔> 이라는 곡으로 MBC 10대 가수 가요제에서 가수왕상을 수상하며 걸그룹 최초로 가요대상 수상, 걸그룹 최초로 공중파 가요대상 수상, 걸그룹 최초로 데뷔곡으로 가요대상 수상이라는 화려한 업적을 남겼다. 당시 월남 파병으로 우울했던 젊은이들은 신인 걸 그룹 펄시스터즈의 파격적인 노래와 춤에 열광했다. 혜성처럼 등장한 여대생 걸 그룹 펄시스터즈는 큰 키에 균형 잡힌 몸매, 예쁜 얼굴에 탁월한 가창력까지 뽐내며 대중의 눈과 귀를 사로잡았다. 73년에 발매된 [나만을사랑해줘요/못잊어못잊어] 이 앨범은 펄시스터즈의 새로운 곡들과 중기의 히트곡들이 망라되어 있는데 이 앨범에서 새롭게 발표한 노래들은 윤항기가 키브라더스 시절에 발표한 <어느날 갑자기>와 <목이 메어>, <기억해 줘> 등이다. <어느날 갑자기>는 키브라더스의 <별이 빛나는 밤에>를 리메이이크한 곡이며 <목이 메어>는 Procol Harum의 <A Whiter Shade of Pale>을 번안한 곡이다. * LP로 재발매되는 펄시스터즈의 [나만을사랑해줘요/못잊어못잊어]는 오아시스 레코드의 오리지널 마스터로 제작되었습니다. * 10월 6일 재발매하는 오아시스 레코드 LP 시리즈(총 5건)는 초판 한정으로 진행되는 앨범으로 발매일 이후 추가 제작은 하지 않습니다.
1-1. [SIDE A] 나만을 사랑해줘요
1-2. 비밀
1-3. 맥씨아가씨
1-4. 어느날 갑자기
1-5. 목이 메어
1-6. 커피한잔(Inst.)
1-7. [SIDE B] 못잊어 못잊어
1-8. 즐거운 여름
1-9. 총각타령
1-10. 청춘아베크
1-11. 기억해줘
1-12. 님아(Inst.)
Pearl Sisters-Love only me/ I can't forget [180g LP][
Rerelease] Pearl Sisters Music & New2020-10-06
Oasis Records Alum Re-release Series
Pulsisters' 73 year work [Love only me/ I can't forget] LP re-release!!
Pulsisters is a sister vocal group consisting of older sister Bae In-soon and younger sister In-sook Bae, who were picked up at the 8th Army Shodan in 1967 and started working together. They started to appear in the Broadcast Show.
The Pulse Sisters asked Shin Jung-hyun, who was about to leave for Vietnam, to release a commemorative album, and in December 1968, the Pearl Sisters made their debut album 'Nim, a Cup of Coffee'. The album by the Pulse Sisters, which they did not expect, made a huge hit.
In 1969, the song <One Cup of Coffee> won the Singer King Award at the MBC's Top 10 Singer Song Festival, and it was the first girl group to receive the Song Award, and the first girl group to receive the Public Music Award, as well as the first girl group to receive the Song Award for their debut song.
At the time, young people who were depressed by the dispatch to Vietnam and were enthusiastic about the unconventional songs and dances of the new girl group Pulsisters. The female college girl group Pulsisters, who appeared like a comet, caught the eyes and ears of the public by showing off her tall, balanced body, pretty faces, and excellent singing skills.
Released in '73 [Love Only Me/I Can't Forget Me] This album contains new songs from the Pulse Sisters and hit songs from the middle period. Suddenly One Day>, and <remember me>. <One Day Suddenly> is a remake of Key Brothers' <On a Starry Night>, and <Throat> is a remake of <A Whiter Shade of Pale> by Procol Harum.
* Pulsisters' [Love Only Me / I Can't Forget], re-released as an LP, was produced as the original master of Oasis Records.
* The Oasis Records LP series (5 total), re-released on October 6, is a limited edition album, and no additional production after the release date.
Tracked songs:
1-1. [SIDE A] Only love me
1-2. Secret
1-3. Macchia
1-4. One day suddenly
1-5. Sore throat
1-6. One cup of coffee (Inst.)
1-7. [SIDE B] I can't forget, I can't
1-8. Happy summer
1-9. Bachelor
1-10. Youth Abek
1-11. Please remember
1-12. Nim Ah (Inst.)
Pearl Sisters with no doubt are the most interesting girl harmony band with an always convincing sound. They were accompanied by Shin Yung Hyun from the start, but also in their more poppy approach their sound always was fabulous. Recommended to collect.