최무룡 - Choi Mu-Ryong / Choi Mooryong
This is a collection of old time music Trot (50s styled), with slow male singing and small combos (reeds, strings) with solo instruments...

유주용 - Yu Ju-Young
Several tracks can be found on: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum: 220 Best * CD3-17 나의 푸른 하늘 / My Blue Heaven (1963) With baritone sax and...

박춘석 - Park Choon-Seok (Park Chun Seok)
DISC01. Park Choon-seok Composition: Master Builder Series of the Music World! DISC01. 박춘석 작곡집: 가요계의 명장 시리즈!(Master Builder Series) 01....

오기택 - Oh Ki-Taek / Oh Kitaek
For a so-called compilation of 50s/60s songs I never expected such a rather cheap taste of Moog-like arrangements, with over-simplified...

(이인권편) / 이인권 - Lee In-Kweon / Lee In-Gwon
유성기로듣던 불멸의 명가수 Vol.14 이인권편 / Immortal Master Singer Vol.14 Lee In-kwon SYNCD-134 1 향수(鄕愁)의 휘파람 / Whistle of Perfume (OKEH 12202) 2 쪼각달 항로...

위키리 - Wicky Lee / Wiki Lee
Tracks can be found on: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum - 220 Best CD3-10 종이배 / Paper boat (1964) CD3-12 저녁 한때 목장 풍경 / Some evening in a...

이용복 - Lee Yong-Bok
Jigu 이용복 (Lee Yong-Bok) : 오리지날 힛송 총결산집 (1987 (?),re.1995)*°° (ok->vg) * 01. 그 얼굴에 햇살을 / Sunshine on that face 02. 잊으라면 잊겠어요 / I can't...

도미 - Domi
유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 / Second generation singer of Meteor (1945~1960) [Disc 5] 16 꽃서울 로맨스 / Flower Seoul Romance 17 그리운 목장(牧場) / Nostalgic...

박재홍 - Park Jae-Hong
KBS Media 박재홍/손인호 : 열창 CD 1-Park Jae Hong 2006.12.08 CD 1 - 박재홍 / CD 1-Park Jae Hong: 1. 물방아 도는 내력 / Story of the turning water mill 2....

고복수 - Ko Bok-Soo
고복수, 황금심 힛트곡 전집 (split album with Hwang Keum-Sim) 1988.01.20 1. 타향살이 / Saliva (1934) * 2. 사막의 한 / One of the desert 3. 짝사랑 / Unrequited...