V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 (1925~1945)

This is a collection of early Korean records, some of which shows some unique and some bizarre material. This collection dates from 1925-1933 in correct order of dates.
* The first track for instance is like a folk song with triple or so singers singing in some specific style with an ethnic flavour which has similarities to characteristics from somewhere else to compare with, possibly like a certain African village singing for instance.
* The next two tracks show piano and voice only, with an almost (Western) classical sort of singing.
* The third track starts a bit like klezmer, a nice song interpretation, then goes into a very high voice.
* The next track is a waltz with piano and accordion lead. The track is a bit warbled in sound, but shows a nice song.
* This is followed by the first of several more more bizarre singing voices, female voice with piano only.
* The next "waltz" is with trumpet/brass arrangements too. Then we have the first Japanese-like melody, interpreted with a bizarre voice and singing interpretation.
* This is followed by a few "waltzes" and such with brass/strings, played by a small combo, some of which have very nice melodies, others more bizarre voices.
* Track 13 and 14 and later 18 are in the Japanese style of their most known melody, the (warm flavoured) interpretations make it exceptional, both by the band (banjo, flute,..and the last track with picking guitar) and the singers. Unfortunately the last track is incomplete and interrupted.
* In between these we hear a new folk song and an new folk instrumental.
This collection, not too well restored but with all charm intact shows how original the early records were, unfolding the quality of the material onto disc and in these small tracks. It’s worth discovering, but the other CD’s I have reviewed as well from the same time are more perfect listens.
Track listing :
1 Various Artists: “풍진(風塵) 세월(歲月)” 2:17
2 안기영 / Ahn Ki-Yeong: “내 고향을 리별하고” 3:14
3 Various Artists : ‘사(死)의 찬미(讚美)” 4:43
4 (강남달) / Fallen Blossoms Flowing Water (Gangnam Dal): “낙화유수(落花流水)” 2:46
5 Various Artists: “반달” 2:21
6 이정숙 / Lee Jeong-Suk : “오빠생각” 2:30
7 Various Artists: “세동무” 2:39
8 Various Artists :“유랑인(流浪人)” 3:28
9 채규엽 / Chae Gyu-Yeop:“봄노래 부르자” 3:13
10 Various Artists: “방랑가(放浪歌)” 3:16
11 강석연 / Kang, Suk-Yeon: “오동(梧桐)나무” 3:00
12 이애리수 / Lee Aerisoo: “메리의 노래” 1:09
13 이애리수 / Lee Aerisoo: “고요한 장안(長安)” 3:06
14 이애리수 / Lee Aerisoo: “황성(荒城)의 적(跡)” 2:43
15 이경설 / Lee Kyung-Soo: “세기말(世紀末)의 노래” 3:07
16 서금영 / Seo Kem-Young: “달마중” 2:07
17 왕수복 / Wang Su-Bok: “신(新) 방아타령” 0:12
18 이난영 / Lee Nan-Young: “고적(孤寂)” 1:45
Lee Jeong-Suk can also be found on 30s V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 여명의 한국동요 / The South Korean wave of people who listened to phonographs (Children Songs) reviewed on next page->
안기영 / Ahn Ki-Yeong is also listed on the classical music compilation reviewed here

This second CD features songs in the right order of date, dating from 1933-1935. This shows the quality of these songs of that era. Most of it is led by one voice, has happy and often a bit more up tempo pum-ping rhythms, often led by piano, with solos by guitar and with small orchestrations (violins, brass or reeds and accordion). It’s singing shows most melodic variation in this period, influenced by Japanese standards, sung with certain refinement or grace, a stronger emotionality and with certain life-like expressions. There must be some influence of folkloristic song inspirations involved sometimes. At times the music start waltzing (13).
Very different that the rest is track 14 with sharp clarinets, and shouts, a folk inspirations that could be found in or compared to similar themes and tonal oddity that can be found in certain traditions from many countries (Asia, Middle East and Africa).
A recommended collection and period.
Track listing:
1 이난영 / Lee Nan-Young: “불사조(不死鳥)” 2:51
2 최명주 / Choem Yeong-Ju : 새희망(希望)” 2:38 (no link)
3 서상석 / Su Sang-Seok: “귀향(歸鄕)” 2:54 (no link)
4 강홍식 / Kang Ho-Sik: “개나리 고개” 3:34
5 강홍식 / Kang Ho-Sik:“조선타령(朝鮮打令)” 3:18
6 강홍식 / Kang Ho-Sik: “처녀(處女) 총각(總角)” 3:08
7 전옥 / Chun, Ok or Jeon -Ok: “실연(失戀)의 노래” 3:23
8 박부용 / Park Boo-Young: “노들강변(江邊)” 3:41 (no link)
9 신카나리아 / Shin Canaria : “원수(怨讐)의 고개” 2:45
10 신카나리아 / Shin Canaria : “꽃이 피면” 3:13
11 이난영 / Lee Nan-Young:“봄마지 (봄맞이)” 3:39
12 장일타홍 / Sani Ta-Hong: “옛 님을 그리면서” 3:27
13 채규엽 / Chae Yug-Jeop: “서울노래” 3:03
14 경성고악단 / Gyeong Seong-Go Band: “점두선전(店頭宣傳)” 3:15 (no link)
15 조금자 / ?? & 강홍식 / Kang Ho-Sik:“풍년(豊年)맞이” 2:55
16 고복수 / Ko Bok-Soo: “사막(沙漠)의 한(恨)” 3:17
17 고일심 / Kuy-Sin / Go Il Sim:“꽁꽁타령(打令)” 3:10 (no link)
18 김용환 / Kim Yong-Hwan:“젊은이의 봄” 2:50

유성기로 듣던 가요사 (1925~1945) [Disc 3]
track 1-9: 1935, track 10-19: 1936
to be found elsewhere on reissues:
not to be found elsewhere:
1. 목포의 눈물 (이난영) / Mokpo Tears (Lee Nan-Young) 2. 어촌 낙조 / Fishing Village (Lee Nan-Young)
* 3. 피지 못한 꿈 (전옥) / Unblemished dreams (Chun, Ok)
4. 청춘타령 (강홍식) / Youth Taing (Kang Hongsik)
* 5. 정한의 밤차 (박세홍/ 신은봉/ 이은파) /
Jeonghan Night Tea (Park Se Hong / Shin Eun-Bong / Lee Eun-Pa)
6. 꿈길 천리 (고복수) / Dream Way (Ko Bok-Soo) 7. 관서 천리 (이은파) / Kansai Temple (Lee Eun-Pa)
* 8. 앞강물 흘러흘러 / Flowing the front river ( Lee Eun-Pa) * 9. 돈바람 분다 (최남용/ 이은파) / Money Wind Blows (Nam Yong Choi / Eunpa Lee)
10. 애꾸진 달만 보고 (김복희) / Watching the Moon (Kim Bok-hee)
* 11. 사랑을 믿지마라 (김인숙) / Don't believe in love (Kim In Sook) * 12. 갑판의 소야곡 (이난영) / (Lee Nan Young)
13. 청춘은 물결인가 (김해송) / Is youth a wave? (Kim Hae-Song)
* 14. 흑장미 (고복수) / Black Rose (Ko Bok-Soo)
15. 짝사랑 / Unrequited Love (고복수 / Ko Bok-Soo)
* 16. 능수버들 (선우일선) / Twill Willow (Seon-U-Ilseon)
* 17. 조선 팔경 / Palgyeong, Chosun (선우일선 / Seon-U-Ilseon)
18. 광야의 달밤 (유종섭) / Moonlight Night in the Wilderness (Jongsub Yoo) 19. 십년이 어젠듯 (장옥조) / Like decades (Jang Okjo)
If you already purchased the reissues I have, like 32-CD box collection, this is not the real album to fill in the gaps. New was Chun Ok's track, in similar style as the other tracks, in a positive but not surprising at all way. The track (5) with 3 voices sounds like 'forcing nostalgia with music memories' moment in a movie mixed with a bit of spoken word. Also new for me were Kim in-Sook and Jongsub Yoo. It doesn't add much in contribution to what we already heard before.

유성기로 듣던 가요사 (1925~1945) [Disc 4]
Listed on other reissues
Not listed on other reissues
01 물방아 사랑 (박채선/ 이류색) / watermill love - 남인수 / Nam In-Soo
02 인생극장(人生劇場) / Life Theater - 남인수 / Nam In-Soo
* 03 북국(北國)의 외론손 / North Korea's Loon Son - 남인수 / Nam In-Soo
* 04풍년(豊年)송 / Pungnyeon Song- 고복수 / Ko Bok-Soo & 이은파 / Lee Eun-Pa
* 05 구십리(九十里)고개 / Gusimni Hill - 김용환 / Kim Yong-Hwan
* 06 산유화(山有花) / (Yamari Mountain Flower) - 송달협 / Song, Dal-Hyun
* 07덩덕궁타령(打令) / Dungdeokgung Taryeong - 이은파 / Lee Eun-Pa
* 08 눈물의 경부선(京釜線) / Gyeongbu Line of Tears - 울금향 / ulgeamhyang?
09 천리춘색(千里春色) 김해송 / Kim Hae-Song & 이은파 / Lee Eun-Pa
10연락선(連絡船)은 떠난다- 장세정 / Ferry leaves - Yang Se-Jeong
* 11요핑계 조핑계 - 이은파 / Lee Eun-Pa
12 연지 찍고 곤지 찍고- 박향림 / Park Hyang-Rim
* 13 고향(故鄕)의 녹야(錄野) / Hometown green field (-birds sounds!-) - 박향림 / Park Hyang-Rim
* 14 써커스 껄 (걸) / Circus girl - 박향림 / Park Hyang-Rim
* 15 국경특급(國境特急) / National Border Express - 김영춘 / Kim, Young-Choon
16 항구(港口)의 처녀설(處女雪) / Maiden snow in the harbor- 김영춘 / Kim, Young-Choon
* 17 한양(漢陽)은 천리원정(千里遠程)- 황금심 / Hwang Keum-Sim
18 알뜰한 당신 - 황금심 / Hwang Keum-Sim
This is one of the better ones so far that I heard in this collection. Also great to notice is that there are hardly overlaps with other compilations and CD Collections. It reveals again some of the more attractive sides of Korean's 30s.
Based upon the next few compilations I decided to list the reviews of each track to the pages of the artists. There are not too many artists left out.
1,2 김정구 / Kim Jeong-Goo ; 3,4 & 6,7 & 10 남인수 / Nam In-Soo ; 5, 백년설 / Baek Nyeon-Seol ; 9 남일연 / Nam, Il-Hyun ; 12,13 박단마 / Park Dan-Ma ; 이화자 / Lee Hwa-Ja ; 15 장세정 / Yang Se-Jeong ; 16-19 박향림 / Park Hyang-Rim (also with 김해송 / Kim Hae-Song)
Not with a separate page yet is this lost track by 김홍매 / Hongmae Kim, 초로인생(草露人生) / Elderly life (1938), a sad (Korean?) song sung emotionally by this female voice and with melody encouraging mandoline touches to the song. The 미스코리아 / Miss Korea song 백로산(白路山) 바라보고 [백로산타령(白路山打令)] / Looking out at Egret Mountain (White Egret) is in Korean folk style.
VOL. 6
1,2 김정구 / Kim Jeong-Goo ; 2 박향림 / Park Hyang-Rim ; 4,5 황금심 / Hwang Keum-Sim ; 6 박단마 / Park Dan-Ma ; 8 남인수 / Nam In-Soo ; 9,10 남일연 / Nam, Il-Hyun ; 11,12 고운봉 / Go, Woon-Bong ; 13 강남주 / Kang, Nam-Joo ; 14 김장미 / Kim, Jang-Mi ; 15,16 박향림 / Park Hyang-Rim ; 17,18 백년설 / Baek Nyeon-Seol
I have already explained there's no page for 미스코리아 / Miss Korea yet. 김춘희 / Chun-Hee Kim is Korrean new folk with a honky tonk jazz touch and some original slide guitar.
Check in google adding rockontherice + name of the artist and you will find these pages relatively easily.
VOL. 7
1,2 김영춘 / Kim, Young-Choon ; 3 진방남 / Jin Bang-Nam ; 4 선우일선 / Sun Woo Il-sun ; 5 이난영 / Lee Nan-Young ; 6 김해송 / Kim Hae-Song ; 7,8 이화자 / Lee Hwa-Ja ; 9 이영한 / Lee Young Han (with 함석초 / Suk Cho-Cho) ; 10,11 채규엽 / Chae Gyu-Yeop ; 12 황금심 / Hwang Keum-Sim ; 13 박향림 / Park Hyang-Rim ; 14 박향림 / Park Hyang-Rim ; 15 남인수 / Nam In-Soo ; 16-18 진방남 / Jin Bang-Nam ; 19 남일연 / Nam, Il-Hyun
Check in google adding rockontherice + name of the artist and you will find these pages relatively easily.
1 강남주 / Kang, Nam-Joo ; 2 계수남 / Kye, Soo-Nam ; 3 남인수 / Nam In-Soo ; 4-7 이화자 / Lee Hwa-Ja ; 8 장세정 / Yang Se-Jeong ; 9,10 백년설 / Baek Nyeon-Seol ; 11,12 백난아 / Baek, Nan-Ah ; 13-15 백년설 / Baek Nyeon-Seol ; 16,17 선우일선 / Sun Woo Il-sun ; 18,19 이난영 / Lee Nan-Young
Check in google adding rockontherice + name of the artist and you will find these pages relatively easily.
1 이인권 / Lee In-Kweon ; 2 손복춘 / Son, Book-Chun ; 3 박소성 / Park, So-Sung ; 4,5 진방남 / Jin Bang-Nam ; 6-8,14,15 백년설 / Baek Nyeon-Seol ; 9 이난영 / Lee Nan-Young ; 10,11 남인수 / Nam In-Soo ; 12,13 백난아 / Baek, Nan-Ah ; 16 왕죽희 / Wang Juk-Hee ; 17 박향림 / Park Hyang-Rim
The only artist I have not listed yet is 최병호 / Byungho Choi whose track is fun trot with a walking rhythm, a track which could fit in movie well. Its arrangements are nicely worked out and are slightly exotic in its arrangements based upon the rhythms.
Check in google adding rockontherice + name of the artist and you will find these pages relatively easily.
1 장세정 / Yang Se-Jeong ; 2 이규남 / Lee Kyu-nam ; 3 김정구 / Kim Jeong-Goo ; 4-7 남인수 / Nam In-Soo ; 8,9,14,16,17 백년설 / Baek Nyeon-Seol ; 10 이화자 / Lee Hwa-Ja ; 12 이해연 / Lee Ha-Yeon ; 13 백난아 / Baek, Nan-Ah ; 18 남인수 / Nam In-Soo ; There's a hidden track too with guitar trot.
김천애 / Kim, Chun-Ae I have mentioned in the classical music section and compilation I have reviewed. 차홍련 / Cha Hong Lyon I have not listed yet.
Check in google adding rockontherice + name of the artist and you will find these pages relatively easily.