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하남석 - Ha Nam Suk / Ha Nam-Suck

하남석 - 베스트 - The Best Of Ha Nam Suk

LP Apple 823 1976 ; CD Riak 1995.02.01

1. 막차로 떠난 여인 / The woman who left by the last train 2. 바람에 실려 / Loaded in the wind 3. 비오는 어느날 / One rainy day * 4. 나의 친구 / My friend 5. 회상 / Recallling 6. 낙엽의 속삭임 / The Whisper of fallen leaves 7. H부인 / Mrs. H 8. 홀로 핀 꽃 / Holographic flowers 9. 부두 / The Pier * 10. 잊지 않으리 / I won't forget 11. 웃으며 살아요 / Live with a smile 12. 꽃 / Flowers 13. 연민의 정(SYMPATHY) 14. 사랑이 올때 그리고 갈때 / When love comes and when 15. 무지개 / Rainbow

Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics, or tracks to check out for sure. It are tracks that makes them also very suitable for western radioshow airplay. Tracks that are only underlined can be considered fine tracks you might better check out as well, but I am not sure how essential they are.

The singer is already in the mainstream pop area so it’s not directly something psych/ rock/ pop/ folk lovers should go and search for directly. The voice is good, the songs and listenable direction is really ok and rather consistent and the arrangements are being taken care off well but roughly spoken never something too outstanding original or creative or out of the normal or ordinary. The fourth track gets a different arrangement with funky guitars, high pitched drums and cymbals, disco-styled keyboard textures, with some vocoder alike sounds, the song still might a little bit too mainstream to be really rewarding enough to check out for sure, although some might find this track odd enough to like it for its association with that area. I personally find this interesting to hear. The 6th track perhaps still stands out. It starts with a fastly played violin improvisation mixed with some acoustic guitar picking. Then there’s some spoken word in the beginning with acoustic guitar and cello. Strings are added, and a slow tempo song continues the track, again a bit on the edge of mainstream, the few surprising arrangements I think still make the track enjoyable enough to take out for airplay. At a later listen, I noticed that the performed and directed sentimentality of Ha Nam Suk’s pleasant warm voice after a few listens, starts to become more and more attractive. I still have enjoyed its listening pretty much, even when this might not be the kind of song collection a western music lover should make for his first choice, the overall effect is nice enough to truly enjoy. The first 6 tracks hangs between soft folk and pop/rock with interesting enough arrangements to keep your attention fed. As a collection of these tracks one can say that each of these tracks is in fact fine. Then, 7th track is a more mainstream schlager (with strings and piano). The track after that is still hanging onto the mainstream touching again original songwriting, slowly returning. "The Pier" returns its emotion to the song, until the track after that explores full originality of personal expression with full studio arrangement (rock band, strings and choir) once more. "Live with a Smile" is more sophisticated pop. The tracks after that are simply ok but not outstanding.

하남석 - 바람에 실려1974 [Remaster2020][180g LP]

하남석엠알씨2020-07-09 MRCD2007 (Cat.No)Disc : 1장300g

Namseok Han : Carried by the Wind (1974) [Remastered 2020][180g LP]

MRC 2020-07-09 MRCD2007 (Cat.No) Disc: 300g

하남석 / 바람에 실려1974 (Remaster2020) (1LP Black Vinyl) 통기타 전성시대의 대표곡 <바람에 실려, 밤에 떠난 여인>이 수록된 명반 46년 만에 오리지널 LP 포맷으로 재발매된 이 앨범은 애플기획에서 제작해 1974년 발매한 하남석의 데뷔 앨범이다. 지금은 실물을 보기가 쉽지 않은 비싼 몸값의 희귀음반이 되어 있다. 김홍규는 음악적 영향이 지대했던 친형 하남궁의 예명을 따라 ‘하남석’이라는 예명으로 활동을 시작했다. 총 10곡의 수록곡 중 앨범 제작을 주선한 작곡가 김성진이 작곡한 6곡이 중심을 이룬다. 팝송과 통기타 전성시대를 증언하듯 <바람에 실려(SADDLE THE WIND)>, <레이냐(LAIENA)>, <밀어(LOVE TOKEN)> 등 번안 곡 3곡과 싱어송라이터로서의 시발점이 된 하남석의 첫 창작곡 <잊지 않으리>가 함께 수록되어 있다. 앨범에서 번안 곡 <바람에 실려>와 창작곡 <밤에 떠난 여인>이 70년대의 청소년층을 중심으로 좋은 반응을 얻었다. 지금은 하남석의 대표곡으로 평가받고 있는 <밤에 떠난 여인>은 러닝타임 4분 4초의 롱 버전이다. 당시는 3분이 넘는 노래는 라디오 방송에서 잘 틀어주지 않던 시절이었다. 그 때문에 첫 히트가 터진 곡은 3분 22초 러닝타임인 번안곡 <바람에 실려>였다. 이 노래는 1966년 미국의 싱어송라이터 루 크리스티(Lou Christie)가 불러 우리나라에서도 널리 애창되었던 히트팝송 <SADDLE THE WIND>을 번안한 노래였다. 앨범 발매 후 다운타운을 중심으로 인기를 얻었던 이 노래는 부드러운 하남석의 버전이 원곡을 능가한다는 호평을 들었다. 하남석의 첫 창작곡 <잊지 않으리>는 데뷔앨범에서는 히트하지 못했지만 이후 발매한 그의 독집에 다시 수록되어 뒤늦게 히트했다. <회상>도 라디오와 다운타운을 중심으로 잔잔한 반응을 얻었던 부드러운 창법이 매력적인 노래이다. ?라이너노트 중 발췌 180그램 Black Vinyl 500장 한정판매 라이너노트_최규성 MRC SOUND Lab. 리마스터


1-1. [SIDE A] 바람에 실려 1-2. 잠못이뤄 1-3. 잊지 않으리 1-4. 회상 1-5. 내가새라면

1-6. [SIDE B]밤에 떠난 여인 1-7. 고향친구 1-8. 비에 젖어 1-9. 레이야 1-10. 밀어​

Han, Nam-Seok / In the Wind 1974 (Remaster2020) (1LP Black Vinyl)

"An album containing the representative song

<A woman who left at night, carried by the wind>

This album, which was re-released in the original LP format after 46 years, is Han Nam-seok's debut album, produced by Apple and released in 1974. Now, it is a rare album with an expensive value, and difficult to find. Kim Hong-gyu started his activities under the stage name “Ha Nam-seok” following the stage name of his brother Hanam Palace (?), whose musical influence was huge. Among the 10 songs in total, 6 songs were composed by composer Kim Sung-jin who arranged the production of the album form. As a testimony to the heyday of pop songs and guitar guitars, Han Nam-suk's first debut as a singer-songwriter with 3 songs of adaptation such as <SADDLE THE WIND>, <LAIENA>, and <LOVE TOKEN> The original song <I Will Not Forget> is also included. On the album, the adaptation song <Let the Wind> and the original song <A Woman Leaving At Night> received positive responses from the youth of the 70s. Now evaluated as Han Nam-seok's signature song, "The Woman Leaving at Night" is a long version with a running time of 4 minutes and 4 seconds. At that time, songs over 3 minutes were not played often on radio broadcasts. For that reason, the first hit song was <Rolled by the Wind>, an alternate song with a running time of 3 minutes and 22 seconds. This song was a rendition of the hit pop song <SADDLE THE WIND>, which was sung by American singer-songwriter Lou Christie in 1966, and was widely sung in Korea. This song, which gained popularity around downtown after the release of the album, received favorable reviews that the soft version of Namsuk Han surpassed the original song. Han Nam-seok's first original song <I Will Not Forget> did not make a hit in his debut album, but it was re-recorded in his solo album, which he released afterwards, making it a late hit. <Reminiscence> is also an attractive song with a soft singing method that received a calm response centered on the radio and downtown. ?" Excerpt from Liner Notes

Limited sale of 500 pieces of 180g Black Vinyl Liner Notes_Kyusung Choi

MRC SOUND Lab. Remastered.

1-1. [SIDE A] Driven by the wind 1-2. I can't sleep 1-3. I will not forget 1-4. Recall 1-5. If i am new

1-6. [SIDE B] The woman who left at night 1-7. Hometown Friend

1-8. Getting wet in the rain 1-9. Reiya 1-10. Push

Tracks on compilations:

7080 통기타 베스트 / 7080 Acoustic Guitar Best of

CD1-10 막차로 떠난 여인 / The woman who left by the last train



The LP I heard is a fine enough album of pop/soft rock/songwriting on the edge of mainstream and original songwriting with rewarding enough effect.



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