(이인권편) / 이인권 - Lee In-Kweon / Lee In-Gwon
유성기로듣던 불멸의 명가수 Vol.14 이인권편 / Immortal Master Singer Vol.14 Lee In-kwon SYNCD-134 1 향수(鄕愁)의 휘파람 / Whistle of Perfume (OKEH 12202) 2 쪼각달 항로...

고복수 - Ko Bok-Soo
고복수, 황금심 힛트곡 전집 (split album with Hwang Keum-Sim) 1988.01.20 1. 타향살이 / Saliva (1934) * 2. 사막의 한 / One of the desert 3. 짝사랑 / Unrequited...

남인수 - Nam In-Soo
CD1 of 12 CD BOX: Compilation with 13 songs by Nam In-Soo 1 휴전선(休戰線) 엘레지 / Arms Elegy 2 달도 하나 해도 하나 / Just one moon 3 향수(鄕愁) / Perfume 4...

장세정 - Yang Se-Jung / Jang Se Young / Yang Se Jeong / 朴 響 林
유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 장세정 편 Immortal Singer Heard during the Meteor Period: Jang Se-jeong (Vol. 5) SYNCD-127 1 연락선(連珞船)은 떠난다 / The ferry is...

김정구 - Kim Jeong-Goo / Kim Junggu / Kim Jungku
I guess this is a reissue of an original old LP (with 12 songs), containing songs that often have folk songs origins, and which show a...

명국환 - Myeong Kook-Hwan / 明 國 煥
Several tracks can be found on: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 / The second gratin of Meteor Singers (1945~1960) [Disc 3] * 8 공주(公主)의 비련(悲戀) / Princes...

현인 - Hyun In / Hyun-In
성인 / 트로트 [50년대~80년대] I have already listened to this double album a few times before but never came to review it. It is a double CD in...

김용환 / Kim Yong-Hwan
Songs can be found here: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수-김용환, 김영춘, 이규남 편 (vol.15) (SYNCD-137) Immortal Ming Singers Hee-Kee-Kim Yong-hwan, Kim...

강남주 / Kang, Nam-Joo / Gang Nam-ju / 姜 南 舟
Tracks you can find here: 유성기로 듣던 일제시대 풍자 해학송 / The satire of Japanese imperialists heard during the Domido/Meteor period * 12 거리의 신풍경 /...

V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 (1925~1945)
This is a collection of early Korean records, some of which shows some unique and some bizarre material. This collection dates from...