V.A.: 골든 포크 (Golden Folk)

V.A - 골든 포크 (Golden Folk) (2015 Audiophile) LP/CD
This is a remastered collection with a fine choice of classic songs of singer/songwriters from the 70s to early 80s, very representative of its period.
The first track is a bluesy waltz with acoustic guitars and smoked voice and an echoing whistling part (sung by Cho Young Nam). Also included is one of the most compelling sad songs by Lee Jang-Hee from his own classic, somewhat more progressive album. We also have the light swinging harmony pop cover from “Top of the World” from Carpenters sung in Korean (I Seong Ae). A light pleasant track from Kim Hyun is included too. Sunflower were known as one the better mid 80s songwriter bands, but I never bought more than one album because honestly I was not so impressed although I understand from high censorship days they were still a highlight of those (becoming terrible) days. This melancholic song (acoustic guitars and keyboard textures) is still quite nice and a good choice for a representation of the band. But of course we already miss the understanding of a bit more leading lyrics compared to the music. They also took out the most compelling sad song from Kim Se-Hwan, a track that also stood out on the original album they took it from. It contains some great emotional electric fuzz guitar arrangements. From the soundtrack I missed, (The Stars' Heavenly Home). it was said that it was one of best soundtracks not to be missed. It is a sad waltz song by a young girl voice (Yoon Si-Nae -Lyrics & Music by Lee Jang-hee). The second song is by Lee Jang-Hee himself, with spoken word and arranged with slow electric pickings. A later songwriter that also impressed me less (again, from the 80s already) and which is already more crooner-like is Cho Young Nam with still a representative song. From a whole different or certainly deeper level is the picking/voice of Euichul Kim from his recommended album. Another absolute classic is by One + One, happy pop/folk styled, with a song that I love a lot. Lighter songwriting styled is a song by Kim Se Hwan, possibly a cover? Another absolute classic included is the song by Oh Jung-Sun (with 60s harmony vocals and a ‘progressive’ feel). Last track is a nice example of a mellow folk harmony vocal by Yoon Hyun-Ju and Song Chang-Sik.
The new remastered tracks album had made a choice from classic albums of which I know that 10 of 14 were re-released and of which I personally have and have reviewed 8 of them before. I missed the OST reissue (track 8 & 7) and deliberately did not buy the album of track 5. Track 1, 3,12 came from releases that have not been reissued before as far as I know.
70년대 트렌드를 주도한 골든포크 시리즈는 송창식, 조영남, 이장희, 양병집, 김세환, 윤형주, 현경과 영애 등 스타들의 등용문이 되었으며, 당시 젊은이들의 문화 역시 이 시리즈가 대변한다. 포크, 록으로 대변되는 70년대 낭만과 저항의 시대정신이 음반의 자켓 일러스트에서도 잘 표현된 시리즈이다.
이 2017 재발매 시리즈는 최적화 리마스터로 당시의 사운드를 제대로 감상할 수 있다.

01. 불꺼진 창 - 조영남 / "Fired Spear"-Cho Young Nam
02. 비의 나그네 - 이장희 / "Rain's Wayfarer"-Lee Jang Hee
03. 사랑을 느낄때 - 이성애 / "When you feel love"-I Seong-Ae
04. 비몽 - 김혁 / "Bemont"-Kim Hyuk
05. 잊혀진그리움 - 해바라기 / "Forgotten Miss"-Sunflower
06. 비 - 김세환 / "B"-Kim Se Hwan
07. 나는 열아홉살이예요 - 윤시내 / "I'm 19 years old"-Yoon Si Na
08. 겨울이야기 - 이장희 / "Winter Story"-Jang Hee Lee
09.점이 - 조영남 / "Point-"Cho Young Nam
10. 저하늘의 구름따라 - 김의철 / F"ollow the Clouds of the Low Sky"-Euichul Kim
11. 당신의 모든 것을 - 1+1 / "Your everything"-1 + 1
12. 무뚝뚝한 사나이 - 김세환 / "Blunt Man"-Kim Se Hwan
13. 마음 - 오정선 / "Mind"-Oh Jung Sun
14. 두개의 작은별 - 윤형주,송창식 / "Two Little Stars"-Yoon Hyung-ju, Song Chang-sik

01. 불꺼진 창 - 조영남 / "Fired Spear"-Cho Young Nam
02. 비의 나그네 - 이장희 / "Rain's Wayfarer"-Lee Jang Hee
03. 사랑을 느낄때 - 이성애 / "When you feel love"-I Seong-Ae
04. 비몽 - 김혁 / "Bemont"-Kim Hyuk
05. 잊혀진그리움 - 해바라기 / "Forgotten Miss"-Sunflower
06. 비 - 김세환 / "B"-Kim Se Hwan
07. 나는 열아홉살이예요 - 윤시내 / "I'm 19 years old"-Yoon Si Nae
08. 겨울이야기 - 이장희 / "Winter Story"-Jang Hee Lee
09.점이 - 조영남 / "Point-"Cho Young Nam
10. 저하늘의 구름따라 - 김의철 / F"ollow the Clouds of the Low Sky"-Euichul Kim
11. 당신의 모든 것을 - 1+1 / "Your everything"-1 + 1
12. 무뚝뚝한 사나이 - 김세환 / "Blunt Man"-Kim Se Hwan
13. 마음 - 오정선 / "Mind"-Oh Jung Sun
14. 두개의 작은별 - 윤형주,송창식 / "Two Little Stars"-Yoon Hyung-ju, Song Chang-sik