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박춘석 - Park Choon-Seok (Park Chun Seok)

DISC01. Park Choon-seok Composition: Master Builder Series of the Music World!

DISC01. 박춘석 작곡집: 가요계의 명장 시리즈!(Master Builder Series)

01. 흑산도 아가씨 - 이미자 / 01. Heuksan Island Lady-Lee Mija

02. 가로등 켜진 육교 - 이미자 / 02. Street light on viaduct

03. 끝없는 여로 - 백설희 / 03. Endless Journeys-Baek Sul Hee

04. 약속 시간 - 남기숙 / 04. Appointment Time-Nam Ki Sook

05. 진달래 비가 - 김백화 / 05. Azalea Rain-Kim Baek Hwa

06. 슬픔이 시작될 때 - 권혜경 / 06. When sadness begins-Kwon Hye-kyung

07. 담배 연기 - 진송남 / 07. Tobacco Smoke-Jin Song Nam

08. 파란 이별의 글씨 - 성태미 / 08. The Blue Letter of Goodbye-Seong Taemi

09. 황혼의 벤치 - 성태미 / 09. Twilight Bench-Seong Taemi

10. 지뢰는 갔다 - 위키리 / 10. Landmines gone-Wikiri

11. 보고 싶은 마음 - 성태미 / 11.Want to See-Seong Taemi

12. 워커힐에서 만납시다 - 성태미 / 12. Meet at the Walkerhill - Seong Taemi

DISC02. Park Choon-seok Composition: Master Builder Series of the Music World!

DISC02. 박춘석 작곡집: 가요계의 명장 시리즈!(Master Builder Series)

01. 가슴 아프게 - 남진 / 01. Heartbreak-Nam Jin

02. 너와 나 - 남진 / 02. You and Me-Nam Jin

03. 사랑의 공중전화 - 남진 / 03. Payphone of Love-Namjin

* 04. 유성이 흘러간 곳 - 권혜경 / 04. Where the meteor flowed-Kwon Hye-kyung

05. 사랑이 가기 전에 - 권혜경 / 05. Before Love Goes-Hye Kyung Kwon

06. 추억 - 남강수 / 06. Memories-Namgangsu

07. 서글픈 종착역 - 남진 / 07. Suffolk Terminus-Namjin

08. 나그네 임금 - 이미자 / 08. Wayfarer King-Mi-Ja

09. 비 내리는 호남선 - 남진 / 09. Honam Line Rains-Namjin

* 10. 아리랑 춘풍 - 박재란 / 10. Arirang Spring Wind-Park Jae Ran

11. 해방둥이 - 이미자 / 11. The Liberation Snake

12. 대장군 고개 - 박재란 / 12. High Warlord Pass-Park Jae Ran

Here's an attempt to grading. Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics from a western point of view of listening, as tracks to check out for sure because they seem to stand out as such. This makes them also very suitable for western radio show airplay. Tracks that are only underlined can be considered fine tracks you might better check out as well, but I am not sure how essential they really are. Another listen might give a slightly different result. There's a portion of trot involved that lead to take out a few more or less tracks or not.

This compilation of songs from I think the 50s to 70s, I guess all from the same composer, performed by different singers (Lee Mi Ja, Park Jae-Ran, Kwon Hye Keyong, Wicky Lee and others).

The songs vary from sweetly and subtly arranged trot-based ballads to 60s waltzes and ballads, arranged with strings, accordion, flute, most often by a small effective old time combo, everything is in fact pretty enjoyable in an entertaining fashion.

Although I enjoy all pretty much, I give most preference to the ballads and genres outside the trot genre. For people looking for a relaxing form of somewhat exotic, orchestrated and rather romantic sounding old school pop music, this is a good reference point.

If I understood the google translation well, he composed over 2700 works; lived rather celebratory, and became 81.



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