V.A.:"March of Fools"
Most of the album is somewhat disappointing for me, for its easy mainstream use of rhythms and schlager-like pop songs, song festival-pop...

V.A.:"Stranger in the Rain"
비의 나그네, 아가씨들아 [White Colored 180g LP 500장 한정반] 2016 뮤직리서치 / 2005 MRC 2005 Song pop interpreted into folk interpretations succeeds now and...

손석우 - Sohn Sug-Woo (Sug Woo Sohn)
손석우 - 손석우 앤솔로지 : 뷔너스레코딩 VOL.1 I prefer not to miss the limited editions of old musicians or pop composers. 200 were printed from this...

신행일 - Sin Heng-Il
One song can be found here : 가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum: 220 Best [Disc 5] 18 청춘을 돌려다오 / Returning Youth (1967) I found not much more than...

30s V.A. "Listening to phonographs vol.1"
This is a collection of early Korean records, some of which shows some unique and bizarre material. The first track for instance is like...

장계현 - Jang Kye-Hyun
It is not so, that for all items where all the effort has been done to carefully remaster, restore and reissue them, even though the 70s...

한정호 - Hahn Jung-Ho
One track can be found here: 도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 / 50-60 Domido 17 차라리 꿈이라면 / If it's a dream This song starts with a Spanish trumpet...

백영호 - Back Yeong Ho
Compared to Park Chun Seok, this composer provides a bit more predicable, still pretty tasteful arrangements and songs with a certain...