선우영아 / Sunwoo Young Ah & He6
Rythmon 선우영아 / Sunwoo Young ah & He 6 – 내 님이 그리워 · 당신은 몰라 / I miss you (original LP 1971) -miniature-LP sized CD reissue: GEBLSC54...

송만수 / Song Man-soo
송만수 / Son Man-Soo : 베느남에서 / In Vietnam [ 신중현 작편곡 제1집 / Shin Jung Hyun Works Arrangements Vol. 1 700매 한정반 / 700 copies Limited Edition]...

박광수 - Park Kwang-Soo (The Men)
-(written on LP as Pak Kwang Su)- Radioshow comments : "Song oriented psychpop-rock item, with nice arrangements (rock band & organ but...

방태원 / Bang, Tae-Won
Tracks can be found on : V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 CD1-14 비오는 주막(酒幕) / Rainy Tabernacle CD1-15 Gyeongsang-do Man Tracks that are only...

V.A.: The Trip
Corvo Rec. V.A.: The Trip. Psychedelic Music from the Hippie Trail - Pt. 4/4 From South Korea to Singapore - –LP- (VAR,2016)***° After...

V.A.: 유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수 - I once heard a phonograph by a great immortal (23CD Box Set)
See separate CD reviews for Lee Nan-Young 1/2, Baek Nyeon-Seol, Yihwaja, Lee In-Kweon, Ko Bok-So, Kim Hae-Sung, Yang Se-Jung, Chaeg...

이수만과 365일 - Lee Su-Man & 365 Days (Lee Soo-Man)
I was first told this album was with Shin Yung Hyun, which does not seem to be true. The singing is mostly uninteresting mainstream rock...

V.A.: 가요 박물관 "Gayo Museum" Best 220 (10cd-box)
CD1, the 50s, an early achieved freedom in expression... In the 50s musically there was no restriction, and the music very much was...

V.A.: "Request for Memories : Best 40"
This is a rather good compilation of the somewhat more by American/English standards influenced folk & folk-rock singer-songwriter scene,...

V.A.: 7080을 위한 추억의 그룹 사운드 / Original Memory of Group Sound 7080
This compilation mostly focuses on the Group Sound created with MBC, which I think must at least have been heavily involved in podium...