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도미 - Domi

유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 / Second generation singer of Meteor (1945~1960) [Disc 5]

16 꽃서울 로맨스 / Flower Seoul Romance

17 그리운 목장(牧場) / Nostalgic Ranch

18 소공동(小功洞) 블루스 / Sogong-dong Blues

"The first one is old style entertainment. The last track is more clearly composed with its small jazzy combo orchestra...". "Nostalgic Ranch" is foxtrot with accordion and orchestra. It has a whistle part as if this comes from a musical. The last track is a slow song accompanied by a jazz combo with accordion.

유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc 12]

6 오부자(五父子)의 노래 / Obuza's Song

8 칸나의 사랑 / Kanna's Love

16 하이킹의 노래 / Song of hiking

with 백설희 / Baek-Sul Hee

Also the first track is accordion-led. It is a light musical-like song. Unfortunately "Kannas Love" has some damage by filtering out a returning click from a scratch. "Song of Hiking" is once more a warm musical-like song. There are background female choir and a second vocalist taken over.

유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc 11]

10 청춘 부라보 / Bureau of Youth

Also this track, led by accordion sounds as if being part from a musical. There's a male soldier voices-like background choir this time.

가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum Best 220 [Disc 2]

4 사랑의 메아리 / Echoes of love (1968)

Also this trot song has something as if it comes from a musical.

I heard 7 more songs but they do not stand out much and are rather trot-like and in fact sound rather mainstream or predictable.



Most tracks I have heard from Domi had this kind of light musical songs feeling or otherwise might fit onto a ballroom podium. His voice is warm and pleasant. Most arrangements are accordion-led, with orchestra or jazz orchestra.



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