Duk Project / 김병덕 / 상품명- Kim Byoung-Duk
Si Wan SRMKC 0002 Duk Project : The Old Is Funny recorded 1992 releases LP 01 Jan 1994 CD 1992 A1 Old Is Funny 1:36 A2 Cissy Strut 3:48...

데블스 - Devils
from the YouTube documentary about Korean Rock history: "Devils Questions is considered the first soul band" 1집 - 추억의 길 / 연인의 속삭임 Vol....

도미 - Domi
유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 / Second generation singer of Meteor (1945~1960) [Disc 5] 16 꽃서울 로맨스 / Flower Seoul Romance 17 그리운 목장(牧場) / Nostalgic...

동서남북 / dongseonambug / East, west, north and south
동서남북 (N.E.W.S.) - N.E.W.S. (아주 오랜 기억과의 조우) (1981) 1. 하나가 되어요 (5:01) 2. 나비 (5:17) : 3. 모래위에 핀 꽃 (5:45) 4. 밤비 (4:02) : 5. 나비 (Extended...

동방성애 / Dong Bangseong-Ae (="Oriental Love")
도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 Domido CD4-8 꿈실은 마차 / Dream Carriage This one of the few old pop songs with a slight exotic flavor in the string ad...

이정화 - Lee Jung-Hwa / Lee Jeong-Hwa & Donkeys
Radioshow comments : "Here Shin Jung Hyun & Donkeys were backing band for a basically mainstream song oriented release. Still, the psych...

동방의 빛 - Dongbangeui Bit / Light Of the East / The Light of the Orient
Dongbangeui Bit (1974~1976) 동방의 빛 - 나는 세시봉 연주자다 / Eastern Light - I'm Cecibong/ C'est Ci Bon [2CD] Hani Music | June 21, 2012 MRC /...

Shin Jung Hyun & Donkeys
Radioshow comments : "Here Shin Jung Hyun & Donkeys were backing band for a basically mainstream song oriented release. Still, the psych...