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동방의 빛 - Dongbangeui Bit / Light Of the East / The Light of the Orient

Dongbangeui Bit (1974~1976)

동방의 빛 - 나는 세시봉 연주자다 / Eastern Light - I'm Cecibong/ C'est Ci Bon

[2CD] Hani Music | June 21, 2012

MRC / Orient Jinyang Plus Media 동방의 빛 (LOE) : 나는 세시봉 연주자다 (2012) G->perf

-2CD pub.2012-06-19 - must-have tracks : CD1: track 3,6,11,12 ; CD2: track 2,15


* 1. 그건너 / That's you

2. 자정이 훨씬 넘었네/좋은걸 어떻게 / It's well past midnight

* 3. 한번쯤 / Some day

* 4. 나 그대에게 모두 드리리 / I will give you all

5. 그애와 나랑은 / He and me

* 6. 한잔의 추억 / Memories of a cup 7. 미운사람 / The Ugly

8. 주기도문 / The Lord's Prayer

9. 고별 / Farewell

10. 휘파람을 부세요 / Whistle

* 11. 비의 나그네 / Wander of the Rain

* 12. 비야비야 / Villa

* 13. 비와나 / Biwana

14. 불꺼진 창 / Burned out window

15. 여고졸업반 / High School Graduation Class 16. I Understand


1. 고래사냥 / Whale hunting

* 2. 왜불러 / Why not

3. 친구사이 / Between friends

4. 화가 났을까 / Are you angry?

* 5. 뻐꾹이의 춤(너 또한 별이 되어) / Cuckoo's dance (you also become a star)

6. 날이 갈수록 / Day by day

7. 피리부는 사나이 / The Pied Piper

8. 사랑을 노래해요 / Sing about love

9. 잊어질까 / Will it be forgotten

10. 불꽃 / Flame

11. 어린시절 / Childhood

12. 잊혀진 사람 / Forgotten Person

13. 토요일밤에/사랑하는 마음 / Saturday night / loving heart 14. 타복네 / Tabokne

15. 비 / Rain

The album was sold as being entitled as Sesibong performers. The band themselves is called Light Of The East or Of the Orient and this is the house band of the original label.

CD1 shows an instrumental album of exploited listening music with a rock edge by studio musicians. These tracks mostly have light, light-hearted feel but in general also pleasant to listen to tunes which are alternately are led by sax, fuzz guitar and keyboards, like moog synth, with an occasional lush orchestral keyboard effect. Especially the more melancholic tracks are most succesful. People who regularly listen to 60s/70s Korean pop/rock will recognise all the classic and at times touchy Korean pop/rock tunes. I really loved the two perfectly arranged tracks that are listen next to each other. The first is led by fuzz and the second by moog which also concluded sounds of rain and thunder in the first, and the sounds of frogs in the other track, which combines perfectly with the strange blurry tuning moog effect of the keyboards tune. A really enjoyable CD.

The second CD starts with a track that shows the potential of a progrockband in an exploitation context, interpreting by melody. Often the band shows the same potential, more and more, especially near the last half of the CD, the mode varies from studio prog/rock exploitation to bar music versions towards a bit too light humpapa rhythmic accompaniment, the fuzz guitars and a couple of synths make up for it more than once. Some surf-like instrumental is even very good. The last tracks however tend to become a bit more mediocre.

The double album can be found low price in Korea. I assume the double CD are at least 3 albums together for the 30 tracks in total. Perhaps it even includes instrumental versions of hits of the label, I cannot tell. The reissue is recommended especially for CD1. One of the best starters for discovering Korean pop/rock history.

Hyunjoon Shin, Ph.D : "The band which also played for the albums of April & May (DSO-0041) and Two Koreans (DSO-0033) is Dongbang-Ui Bit, which can be translated into "The Light of the Orient." It is a kind of "house band" in the label Orient production which was specialized in Korean "folk rock" and "folk pop" records. The lineup is KANG Geun-sik (g), CHO Won-ik (b), LEE Hojun (k), YOO Young-Soo (d). The band played for the most of the recording sessions for Korean folk singers/groups including the two (vocal) groups above during 1972-1975. If you find the records whose serial numbers are DSO- or SO- style, they are produced by Orient and the band played music for the recorded sounds."

Must have-heard tracks of CD1: track 11,12, 1,3 and perhaps 6 ;

from CD2, it's track 2, 15 and perhaps 5,7

70s and 80s hit songs with tracks such as from ' Lee Jang Hee ',' Song Joong Sik ',' Jo Young Nam ',' Yoon Hyung Joo ' and the saxophone led track 'Hwangcheon' all played between 1974 and 1976, instrumental collection from hit songs from all of their musical friends.

LP/tape 1986-11-01HKR (HC-200322) 동방의 빛 1집 - 동방의 빛

동방의 빛 - 나는 세시봉 연주자다 (연주자 : 강근식/이호준/조원익/유영수/황천수)

세시봉 출신 가수들인 '이장희', '송창식', '조영남', '윤형주', '김세환' 등의 70-80년대 히트곡들을 반주해준 당대 최고의 밴드 '동방의 빛(강근식-기타, 이호준-건반, 유영수-드럼, 조원익-베이스)'과 색소폰의 '황천수'가 1974년부터 1976년 사이에 연주한 세시봉 친구들의 히트곡들이 총 망라된 연주곡 모음입니다.

Seong-bong's singers 'Lee Jang-hee', 'Song Chang-sik', 'Cho Young-nam', 'Yun Hyung-ju', 'Kim Se-hwan' and the best bands of the age who accompanies hit songs from the 70's and 80's. With Yoo Young-soo-Drums, Cho Won-ik-bass and Saxophone's Hwang Chun-su this is a collection of performances from the hits of Si C'est Bon 's friends from 1974 to 1976.


BIOGRAPHY: (roughly translated):

Interesting retrospectives and inspirational songs from Song Chang-sik, Yoon Hyung-ju, Kim Se-hwan, and Cho Young-nam, could be heard in broadcast through a TV program. It resonated quickly and led to the creation of several similar formats and concerts. These programs and concerts have always been given the title of 'Seshibong'. Bookstores also contained books with the title "Se- sibong" in the title, and a collection of folks from the sixties and '70s that featured' Se-se-bong 'as the title. Compared to the word “7080,” which appeared in the mid-2000s, it is a noun that contains the contents of consultation, but it quickly became a pronoun that represents an era. However, although Seshibong is a part of our early folk music, it was not an absolute part as we now think.

Of course, it is not a story that denies the fact that the four singers listed above appeared in Se-sibong, or that the space at that time was more than just a moment for listening to music, but a space for sharing the culture of an era. However, among the cultural spaces where you can listen to these folk music, there were also 'Ricence' and some businesses such as 'Selbourg' and 'Sunshine'. And with four musicians who were the decisive motivations of the 'Se Sibong' fashion, there is the Light of Orient Productions and its Oriental Band. This Band of the Orient is founded by Na Hyun-gu, who was a descendant of composer Na-Oh and singer Kim Se-hwan's aunt. The biggest difference between Orient Productions and other contemporary productions is that Orient Productions had an “exclusive band” called Oriental Light, and its representative, Na Hyun-gu, was the producer and was deeply involved in their performance. This stable teamwork has been the driving force behind mass production of alums that represent the era, with outstanding “predecessors” who select singers and outstanding agendas that drive trends.

On January 19, Lee Jang-hee's concert was broadcasted through a TV program. The band members who played the part for his concert in 23 years were the bright light of the east, consisting of neat white-haired guitarist Kang Geun-sik, Cho Won-ik on the bass and Yoo Young-soo on the drum. The main members of Orient Productions gathered again, not Sesbong. In addition to the members gathered again this year, the keyboardist was Lee Ho-jun. Kang is a guitarist who originally worked as a duet with Lee Jang-hee. As Lee Jang-hee released the album through Orient, the band that Kang Geun-sik formed with existing session men in Orient Productions at that time is the light of the East. Kang basically struck a guitar that was influenced by the country, specifically Jean Atkins. On the record, you can generally hear the guitar playing, emphasizing the crystal clear sound of “Saint Tone.” However, this is only a basic story, and you can hear the pink floyd element in the playing of the light of the east. It was music that the members of the band enjoyed at the time, so it melted into their music. This performance was later expressed more specifically in songs such as 'birdy' recorded on Song Chang-sik's record.

Na Hyun-gu, the founder of Orient Productions, spared no investment in musical instruments as the first Moog was introduced in Korea for the light of the East, and played a guitar on top of a source recorded as a basic instrument when technically multitrack recording was impossible. Through the so-called 'Ping Pong Recording', which is re-coated, it dubbed the sound of the instrument and created a differentiated 'Studio Sound. Lee Jang-hee, Kim Eui-cheol, One Plus One, April and May, Hyun-young, Young-ae and Song Chang-sik, as well as the accompaniment of simple guitars such as on ``Fool's March'' and ``Starry Home'' will remain remembered in film history creating albums of Korean folk, in which the lights were of Orient Production, by Na Hyun-gu, and the East.

However, the orient production could not be freed in the so-called “cannabis wave,” which came with emergency measures no.9. The company, which had been tied to the activities of representative sign stars, soon came to a bankruptcy. Afterwards, it recovered and released hand-records such as Cho Dong-jin, Nam Gung-ok, and (Wild) Cats, but it was not comparable to the brilliant peak of the 1970s. It is fortunate that the precious live productions of the early Orient Productions, which may have been buried in history, are actively being re-released on CD through MRC Records (formerly Music Research), which has a formal contract. Through the re-release, we selected a group of orient productions that are relatively easy to purchase: - reviews you will find there

Jang Hee Lee | That's you! (1973)

One plus one | One Plus One (1973)

April and May | Home of Clouds / Lanterns (1974)

Euichul Kim | Kim Ui-chul's song collection (1974)

Song Chang-sik | First Confession / Walk Hand in Hand (1974)

Written by Song Myung-ha (20120324)




Light Of The East is a band to check out and to collect. Their double instrumental album is one of the better starters for western collectors of Korean pop music.



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