Shin Jung-Hyun & Actions (Action's)
All tracks are fine tracks, 1 and 3 are even essential. I had written down the titles for the airplay on Psychefolk radioshow : 1, Woman...

동방의 빛 - Dongbangeui Bit / Light Of the East / The Light of the Orient
Dongbangeui Bit (1974~1976) 동방의 빛 - 나는 세시봉 연주자다 / Eastern Light - I'm Cecibong/ C'est Ci Bon [2CD] Hani Music | June 21, 2012 MRC /...

라음파 - Ra Eum Pa Band
라음파 - 악단 연주 앰프기타 힛트곡집 1집 제작 1977년 11월 29일* (-LP, not reissued yet-) SIDE 1 1.메기의 추억 / Catfish Memories 2.스와니강 / Swani River 3.새드무비 /...