박재홍 - Park Jae-Hong

KBS Media 박재홍/손인호 : 열창 CD 1-Park Jae Hong 2006.12.08
CD 1 - 박재홍 / CD 1-Park Jae Hong:
1. 물방아 도는 내력 / Story of the turning water mill
2. 유정천리 / Oil well
3. 휘파람 불며 / Whistling Song
4. 비 내리는 삼랑진 / Rain Storm
* 5. 비에 젖은 주막집 / Wet house
6. 초가고향 / Seconds from home (?)
7. 향수 / Perfume
8. 울고 넘는 박달재 / Crying over Daljae
9. 경상도 아가씨 / Gyeongsang babes
10. 돌아가자 하동포구 / Return to Hadongpo-gu
11. 마음의 사랑 / Love of heart
12. 자명고 사랑 / Self-evident love
13. 제물포 아가씨 / Yemulpo Babes
14. 마음의 고향 / Hometown of the Mind
(-attention; this still might be a late (re) recording- Not a real starter at all: this is trot !!)
It seems that I have liked before the lightness and pleasantness of this album at first hearing so many years back. Still, I need to warn that this is mainstream trot, and the singer also aged already considerably, having got an aged vibrating voice, to which the arrangements are also simply meant and made to please. It never the less all fits together. Besides strings, (brass) bass and drums there's some electric guitar too. Looking back with more sceptic vision, let's say I will still make one song a winner, "Wet house" also because of its highly pleasant rhythm and despite its even heavier vibrating voice. I won't recommend it to foreigners except when they're totally into trot music.

The Second generation singers from Meteor (1945 ~ 960) [Disc 4]
1 비에 젖은 주막집(酒幕) / Barn Soaked in Rain
2 경상도(慶尙道) 아가씨 / Gyeongsang Lady (1953)
3 유정천리(有情千里) / Yujeong Cheonni (1957)
* 4 휘파람 불며 / Whistling (1956)
° 5 돌아가자 하동포구(河東浦口) / Let's go back to Hadongpo-gu
6 사나이 순정(純情) / Pure (man)
7 남북통일(南北統一) / Unification of North and South
8 충청도(忠淸道) 길손 / Chungcheong-do
9 자명고(自鳴鼓) 사랑 / Self-love
10 꿈에 본 대동강(大洞江) / Daedong River in Dreams
11 고향생각(故鄕生覺) / Thinking about my hometown
Oddly enough it seems that Park Jae-Hong's voice always had been the same. On the first track in trot style the arrangements clearly date from earlier days. His voice however I cannot place its age at all. It remains weird for us western listeners. A first winner track is the composition of "Whistling" It is not so much the singing but especially the WaltDisney-like arrangements that does it. Some of the elements on "Let's go back to Hadongo-gu makes it different too, although its basics are mainstream trot styled.

Domido 100 Best collection vol.1 (5CD Box)
CD1-8, 향수 / Perfume
"Perfume" is an arranged song with big orchestra (brass, strings, accordion and more). The singing itself is extra accompanied by melodic electric guitar and organ and foxtrot rhythms. It is very understandable why the compilation took this song out for restauration and remastering. The vibrating voice remains odd to my ears but fit and suit the song and musical themes in fact very well.
CD2 14, 내가 심은 해당화 / The plantation I planted
CD2 3, 물방아 도는 내력 / Turning water (wheel)
"Turing Water Wheel" has been given attention to detail in the arrangements too. It is trot music with vibrating voice.
CD4 13,야영의 밤/ Camping night
This last track might be even better in arrangement. Also this is trot with very much vibrating singing.

Domido 100 Best collection vol.2 (5CD Box)
CD1, 4 여수 [박재홍] / Yeosu
CD4, 9 주막없는 박달재 [박재홍] / without the curtain
Also these two are fine enough in arrangements, two more trot songs with heavy voice vibration. If you are skeptical to trot of the 50s/60s don't bother to check this artist.
Jae Hong Park (singer) °1927-1989
Born in Siheung-gun, Gyeonggi-do during the Japanese colonial rule in 1924, he worked briefly as a banker during his yout. Immediately after the liberation of Korea in 1947 jae Hong Park had a debut by winning in a contest organized by the Amateur Orchestra records, for the duet <ohrijeong of tears> published in 1948. In the same year “bulsareun diary” was released. In 1949 he released “Love of Princess Ja-myung-go” / “Chemulpo lady” and “Love the heart”. In 1950, when Banyawol founded the Namdaemunak Theater, where he worked as a member.
When the Korean War broke out and he fled to Busan. There, he sang at show stage. At the end of 1954, he was assigned to Dominado Records in Busan, where he recorded <Mill of History>, <Fragrance>, and <Sad Walls>. Since 1959, he has been active on the Asia Record, and has continued to do this util the 1960s. In the early 1960s, he founded Oasis Shodan and served as general manager.
Since the 1970s, he has been active in the theater stage. In the 1980s, the age of TV shows began, and senior citizens were active in broadcasting. On March 21, 1989, he died at age 66 due to a long illness.
유석 애도가 '유정천리'최현진의 LP로 듣는 한국현대사(11) 박재홍 : 유정천리 (1959)
최현진 담쟁이기자승인 2016.11.09 12:18댓글 0
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56년 선거에 후보를 내고 갑작스런 후보의 죽음으로 대선을 치러보지도 못한 민주당은 와신상담하게 된다. 자유당은 대통령으로 당선된 이승만이 고령으로 이승만의 사후를 장담할 수 없는 처지에서 민주당에 부통령 자리를 내주자 이기붕을 중심으로 대통령과 부통령을 동시에 석권하기 위해 각종 부정을 서슴없이 저지르게 된다.
투표율이 높아지면 자신들에게 불리하다는 판단 아래에 자유당은 4대 대통령 선거의 투표일을 3월 15일로 앞당겨 치른다. 대구에서는 야당 후보의 유세가 일요일에 열린다는 이유로 대구지역 일요일에도 강제적으로 등교조치를 내려 국민들과 야당 후보와의 거리를 멀게 만들었다.
1959년 민주당은 4대 대통령 선거를 앞두고 정·부통령 후보 지명식에서 총 투표수 944명 중 민주당 구파 후보인 조병옥 후보가 민주당 신파 후보인 장면 후보를 3표 차이로 누르고 대통령 후보 조병옥, 부통령 후보 장면을 선출해 후보 등록을 마치게 된다. 후보 등록을 마친 조병옥은 본격적인 선거운동을 하기도 전에 갑작스런 신병으로 미국으로 건너가 치료를 받게 되고 미국 월터리드 육군병원에서 입원한 지 23일 만인 2월 15일 숨을 거둔다. 또 다시 대통령 후보를 잃은 민주당과 어부지리를 얻게 된 이승만의 4대 대통령 선거는 부통령선거에 총력을 기울인다.
이 당시 경상도 지역의 중·고등학생들은 ‘유정천리’라는 곡에 가사를 바꿔 ‘유석애도가’로 부르며 조병옥 후보의 죽음을 애도했다. 유정천리라는 곡이 퍼지면 퍼질수록 자유당은 이 노래를 부르지 못하게 막았고 경상도를 중심으로 시작된 반 자유당 운동은 대구의 2.28 학생봉기로 나타났다. 마산에서는 3.15부정선거에 항의하는 중고생들에게 무차별적으로 대응한 경찰의 폭력이 전국에 알려지면서 4.19혁명의 도화선으로 작용하게 된다.
▲ 당시 신문에 난 영화 '유정천리' 광고
학생들이 부른 유정천리는 1959년에 발표된 영화 ‘유정천리’의 주제가였다. 이 노래가 처음 발표될 당시 정부에서는 노랫말이 현실도피적이고 반체제적 성격이 강하다는 의심을 받아왔다. 그런데 조병옥 후보가 숨을 거두자 이 곡이 곧바로 ‘유석애도가’로 사용된 것이다.
원곡의 가사는 “가련다 떠나련다 어린 아들 손을 잡고/ 감자심고 수수심는 두메산골 내 고향”이었다. 그러나 이 가사를 “ 가련다 떠나련다 해공선생 뒤를 따라/ 장면 박사 홀로 두고 조박사도 떠나가네”로 바꾼 것이다. 당시 중·고등학생을 중심으로 불린 이 노래에 대해 각급학교 교사들은 정부의 눈치를 보며 학생들의 소지품을 뒤져 이 가사가 적힌 쪽지를 버리는 등 노래가 더 이상 퍼지지 못하게 막았다고 한다.
갑작스런 대선후보의 죽음으로 부통령 선거가 대선보다 더 중요한 선거가 됐고 자유당은 어떻게 하든 이기붕이 부통령이 되게끔 술책을 써야 했다. 이기붕의 부통령 당선을 위한 자유당의 부정선거는 극에 달해 개표결과 이기붕의 득표율이 너무 높아지자 득표율을 낮춰서 발표하는 해프닝까지 유발하게 된다.
4.19 혁명으로 자유당이 몰락하고 유정천리의 가사는 다시 한 번 바뀌어서 불린다. 최초 바꿔 부른 가사에는 2절 마지막 부분의 “유정천리 꽃이피네 무정천리 눈이오네”를 “자유당에 꽃이 피네 민주당에 비가 오네”로 민주당의 애달픔을 노래하다가 “민주당에 꽃이 피네 자유당에 비가 오네”로 환희의 송가로 바뀐다.
Translation :
Korean History of Yoo Seok Mourning with 'Yu Jeong Cheon-ri' Choi Hyun-jin's LP (Jae Hong Hong) (1959) Posted on 11/9/2016, 12:18
The Democrats, who had nominated the election in 56 and failed to hold a presidential election due to the sudden death of the candidate, to be consulted. The Liberal Party was unwilling to commit various injustices in order to dominate the president and vice president at the same time, with Lee Gi-bung as the vice president of the Democratic Party.
In the face of higher voter turnout, the Liberal Party pushed the ballot date for the fourth presidential election to March 15. In Daegu, the opposition candidate's campaign was held on Sunday, which forced them to attend school on Sunday in the Daegu region, furthering the distance between the people and the opposition candidate.
In 1959, the Democratic Party elected the presidential candidate Cho Byung-ok and Vice-president candidates by pushing the three candidates, Cho Byeong-ok, a Democratic denomination candidate, out of 944 voters in the nomination ceremony before the fourth presidential election. Candidate registration is completed this year. Cho Byung-ok, who was registered as a candidate, went to the United States with a sudden recruit before he even started a full campaign. He died on February 15, 23 days after he was hospitalized at a US military hospital. Again Democratic Party, which lost its presidential candidate, and Rhee Syngman's fourth presidential election, focusing on the vice presidential election.
At this time, middle and high school students in Gyeongsang-do changed their lyrics to `Yujeongcheonri'' calling them ``Yooseok Ae-do'' and mourned the death of candidate Cho Byung-ok. As the song spread, the Libertarian Party prevented it from singing, and the anti-Liberal movement that started around Gyeongsang-do emerged as a 2.28 student uprising in Daegu. In Masan, police violence against the middle and high school students who protested against the March 15 unfair election became known throughout the country, acting as a fuse of the 4.19 Revolution.
Yujeong Cheon-ri, a student's song, was the theme song for the movie Yu Jeong Cheon-ri, released in 1959. At the time of the song's first release, the government has been suspicious of lyrics being escapist and dissident. But when Cho Byeong-ok died, the song was immediately used as “Yo Suk Ae Do”.
The lyrics of the original song were "I'm going to leave, I hold my young son's hand / potato planted in the hometown of Dumesangol". However, I changed the lyrics to “I'll be happy, leave behind the aviation teacher / leave the Scene alone. At the time, teachers at various levels of the song, which were centered on middle and high school students, noticed the government's notice, saying that they sought out their belongings and discarded the note with the lyrics to prevent the song from spreading.
The sudden death of the presidential candidate made the vice presidential election more important than the presidential election, and the Liberal Party had to dictate Lee Ki-poong to become vice president anyway. The Liberal Party's negative election for Lee Ki-poong's vice-presidential election reached a severity, and as the result of the vote counting turned out to be too high, it would lead to a lowering of the votes.
The Liberation Party collapsed in the April 19th Revolution, and Yoo Jeong Cheon's lyrics changed once again. The lyrics that were first changed are “Double-winged Yoojeong Cheon-ri, Unjeong Cheon-ri Snow” in the last part of verse 2, “Prime Flower Blooms. It turns into a hymn of joy.