
Independiente Tinariwen : Aman Iman/Water is life (ML,2006)***°
From all Touareg bands most attention still went to the Desert guitar pioneer band Tinarwen, who’s members met in the army camps of Lybia. They were one of the first bands to travel abroad and give a name and a voice to the Touareg music style and their identity (starting in 2001 with a close cooperation with the Belgian Sfinx Festival, this led to a first world tour as well). Although two other recordings preceded this one, “Ampan Iman” can be seen as the most clear introduction of the band to a wider public. The booklet has beautiful photographs, and introduction by producer Justin Adams and of course the translation of the lyrics. The first track, “Cler Achel” is immediately recognisable in style, like the use of hand claps, a fine lead guitar with this guitar repeating the song melody line with some nice variations of accents, a danceable groove. In this track and several others the backing vocals are full of rich harmonies because of the variety of voices of mixed sexes, there is a nice response with a different in style more western guitar (by Justin Adams), a nice dialogue which sadly fades out quickly. There surely has been care taken to create a good sound production. Often the music has something repetitive, the energy still is boiling and pulsating in its energy. The lead guitar has, although never too complicated, some nice solos on top. The rhythms are kept soft and go along smoothly with the songs. It can be that some songs repeat something similar, a certain simplicity comes along, the attraction never really disappears. The last song is more acoustically led.

Independiente Tinariwen :
Imidiwan/Companions -CD+DVD- (ML,rec.2008,pub.2009)***'
“Companions” continues where “Water is Life” was involved with, finding a village and companions to start with sharing the music and songs and performance. Besides, Touareg’s music is not about a specific remote village, a guitarist, songwriter or not even a band, these elements are only tools for communal sharing, through music, for Tinarwen it often was unclear who all belonged to the band or not. Deeper into that focus, with the warmth of sharing, this new album hangs together more than like a collection of comparable improvised ideas around some song ideas. The music shows warmth in the playing, at times a much groovier moment, the moments of enjoyment, and in this particular case also something of a form of blues, this time not just as an association, but as a real comparison in nature, and this not only in the way the guitar parts are treated (-which are done in a Touareg way, of course-), but also in the vocal parts, just take out the 6th track specifically. Also, it is as if there has been a story told with it, united in voice, lead guitar and band and in the songs and the energy being expressed and coming forward from and being produced with it. The general group sound remains attractive, with all the different guitars, some of them at times only playing a rhythm, note or chord endlessly. A few new ideas occurred too. Like the sort of deep vocal only arrangement in the 10th track, and the last, totally experimental track digging the silent echoing sounds from an electric guitar. The last before track, “Chabiba”, is also surprising : that it suddenly speeds up to great wild heights and energy. A rewarding album, which as a bonus also contains a DVD documenting the recording session.
This DVD is a small documentary which works perfectly as a background setting and illustration, recalling the setting up of the studio, stage and environment in the village, so that it becomes easy to imagine for someone being there as a witness, preparing the moment of the recording with it..

Independiente Tinariwen : Live In London -DVD- (ML,2008)***'
I also need to mention this live DVD of Tinarwen which very much gives an impression how they sound and look like on stage, colourful and entertaining. As I have read before, it is especially the mini documentary by Gregoire Gosset and Loic Wibeaux which is worth the buy, giving it a bit more background on the band. Additionally one large text has been provided on the DVD with more biographical notes.