V.A. /Olivia Wyatt : "Staring Into The Sun" DVD

Sublime Frequencies V.A. / Olivia Wyatt :
Staring Into The Sun -book,CD,DVD-(ETH,2011)****
It is worth checking out this documentary without words, from the vision of a photographer and with interest for people, with beautiful images of dances, with people posingwith local costumes and local dances, mixed with a few TV fragments of TV versions of dances for instance, made from travelling from tribe to tribe. It is more like the expansion of a book with moving images. We first of all also have a photo book of polaroid photographs of posing people, and a few pages with explanations of the essences of the local tribes. Without a judgement also these dances and rituals seems, as if they are only happening, without a deeper totality than of being. Recommended.
1000 copies only.