V.A.: Tradi Mods vs Rockers
Crammed Discs V.A. : Tradi Mods vs Rockers -2CD- (VAR,pub.2011)***° -alternative takes on Congotronics- The label asked 26 “rockers”...

V.A.: Roots Of OK Jazz
Crammed Discs V.A. : Roots Of OK Jazz -Congo classics 1955-1956 (CO,pub.2010)****° The orchestra 'OK jazz' was formed in June 1956...

V.A.: The World is Shaking
Honest Jons Rec. V.A. : The World Is Shaking - Cubanismo from the Congo, 1954-55 (CO,pub.2010)***°° With the first track I thought I...

V.A.: Roots of Rumba Rock
Crammed Discs V.A. : Roots Of Rumba Rock -Congo classics 1953-1955 -2cd- (CO,pub.2007)****° Introduction : While previously listed...

V.A.: Ngoma
Popular African Music V.A. : Ngoma : The Early Years (CO,1948-1960)**** Popular African Music V.A. : Ngoma : Souvenir ya...

V.A.: Congotronics 2
Crammed Discs V.A. : Congotronics 2 -cd + dvd- (CO,2005)****°/***** The first Congotronics was the Konono n°1 album, which introduced...

Konono n°1
Ache Rec. Konono n°1 : Congotronics (CO/ANG,2005)***** I found it always a shame that African music interest often stays associated with...