Lionel Brouet / "The Festival In The Desert" DVD
Wrasse Rec. Lionel Brouet / V.A. : The Festival In The Desert (MA,rec.2003,pub.2004)**' This is a one hour documentary of the Touareg...

Crammed Discs Tartit : Abacabok (MAL,2006)**** With the releases of Tinarwen and Desert Planet one could almost forget how the new...

"Desert Rebel"
Culture & Resistance Desert Rebel : Ishumars les Rockers oubliés du Desert -dvd + cd (NI/F,2007)***°+**° A Group of musicians...

Group Inerane
Sublime Frequencies Group Inerane : Guitars from Agadez (NI,rec.2004 & 2007)***° There has been given some attention lately to the...

Ron Wyman : "Agadez, the Music and the Rebellion" docu
Zero Gravity Films Ron Wyman : Agadez, the Music and the Rebellion -DVD- (NI,2011)***** I have seen already some documentaries about the...

Bombino / Group Bombino
Sublime Frequencies Group Bombino : Guitars from Agadez vol.2 (NI,rec.2007,pub.2009)***°' Group Bombino is a band gathering around...

Group Doueh
Sublime Frequencies Group Doueh : Guitar Music from the Western Sahara (WS,pub.2006)****° Alan Bishop and his label, Sublime Frequencies...

The Black Hippies
Academy The Black Hippies (ZM,1977,re.2014)****’ I’d like to mention the reissue of this lost classic Afrorock record. Once...

Strawberry Rain Survival: Simmer Down (NI,1977,re.2014)**** Survival has all the elements of a good psych-rock song album...

V.A.: Harafin So
Sahel Sounds V.A. : Harafin So - Bollywood Inspired Film Music from Hausa Nigeria (NI,comp.2013)***° It is a bit difficult to describe...