김세레나 - Kim Serena

김세레나 - 김세레나 오리지날 힛송 총결산집 / Kim Serena Original (new folk
1. 새타령 / Sata
2. 남원산성 / Namwon Fortress
3. 양산도 / Mass production
4. 태평가 / Evaluation
5. 진도 아리랑 / Progressing Arirang
6. 닐리리 강산 / Niligli River
7. 노다지 타령 / Bonanza
8. 진드기 타령 / Mite
9. 백두산 타령 / Baekdusan Taryeong
10. 여자의 순정 / Pure woman
11. 울릉도 사랑 / Ulleungdo love
12. 청개구리 / Tree frog
13. 갑돌이와 갑순이 / Gap Soon and Gap Soon
14. 성주풀이 / Seongju pool
15. 꽃타령 / Flower
16. 도라지 / Bellflower
17. 아리랑 / Arirang
18. 능수버들 / Willow
19. 풍년송 / Pungnyeonsong
20. 신만고 강산 / Shinmango Gangsan
21. 짚세기 신고 왔네 / I'm wearing straw
22. 언니 / Sister
23. 잊지 말아주 / Don't forget
All tracks are pretty similar. They are tasteful, fine, never unusual. You could easily like all of them while it is not necessary to check or not to miss any of the tracks. I chose one track for a few slightly unusual ideas that makes it just a bit better example to lift out as an example.
At first, especially because I could not prepare myself too well to know what to expect or where to expect original qualities, I kept myself at bit at a distance from the more Korean styled music forms of popular music, but I realised, when hearing a specific traditional song interpreted by Kim Serena combined with brass, strings and a few additional instruments, I thought I should better have a closer look and check out these forms of music interpretations better too. Kim Serena has a crafted voice to interpret such Korean folk songs in a more popular contemporary form. But I have no idea how this new style is called (--??). This compilation mostly has such songs, perhaps a few direct more into styles like Trot but even here I am not sure. I liked it especially when an electric guitar or some organ appears here too which gives an extra contrast in the combinations of instruments. When more focused on the singing itself it also is rewarding to do so. This album with 23 songs is worth hearing / discovering.
Looking back I think it is a fine album of light and perhaps common but in fact rather tasteful entertainment as a modern version of interpretation of old Korean folk songs. It creates a certain mood that can be appreciated. This means of course this is also without any surprises.
PS. The reinterpretation of folk songs is called minyo.

김세레나 - 가요 민요 골든 / Kim Serena-Music Folk Song Golden
CD 1- 1. 고향집 물레방아 / Hometown Watermill 2. 감귤 아가씨 / Citrus lady 3. 내 사랑 / My love 4. 정든 님 / Jeong-Don 5. 산처녀 / Virgin Lady 6. 가지마오 / Don't go 7. 사랑놀이 뱃놀이 / Love Play Boating 8. 이대로 영영 / Young Yeong 9. 김포발 12시 15분 / Gimpo at 12:15 10. 조용히 안녕 / A Quiet Hi 11. 부기우기 인생 / Boogie Life 12. 꽃님이와 진달래 / Azalea Flower
CD 2- 1. 성주풀이 / Seongju pool 2. 새타령 / Sata 3. 잘했군 잘했어 / Good job 4. 갑돌이와 갑순이 / Crust and Gap Soon 5. 꽃타령 / Flower 6. 짚세기신고 왔네 / Straw 7. 한오백년 / 500 years 8. 뽕 따러가세 / Follow the mulberry 9. 태평가 / Evaluation 10. 매화타령 / Plum Orchard 11. 남원산성 / Namwon Fortress 12. 신 만고강산 / Shin Mango River 13. 천안삼거리 / Cheonan Intersection 14. 까투리타령 / Katurita 15. 아무렴 그렇지 / No matter what 16. 군밤타령 / Gunbam Taryeong 17. 진도아리랑 / Jindo Arirang 18. 백두산타령 / Baekdusan 19. 한양낭군 / Hanyang Nanggun 20. 제주도타령 / Jeju Do Tayeong 21. 노들강변 / Nodeul River 22. 닐리리 강산 / Niliri Kangsan 23. 삼다도소식 / Samdado News 24. 풍년송 / Pungnyeonsong 25. 대한팔경 / Eight scenes
I assume that CD1 contains a collection of kayo songs and CD2 is with folk songs.
Compared to the previous compilation that I have reviewed before, especially CD1 is from a different time, mentality and quality. The production is much harsher, directer and in that way more primitive, even too loud and too contrasting, and it is cheaper in sound vis-a-vis its overuse of 80s typed production and keyboards which for me ruins the potential completely with unpleasant or too kitschy disco period based pop until even karaoke-like effects. To avoid.
CD2 is orchestrated folk songs, but also here the tracks are less essential and more often from a later production as well, milking the cow with repetitive elements of arrangements, harder contrasts in the production and with use of keyboards too, sometimes imitating the original strings, flutes or Korean clarinet, at least here we have the original instruments a bit more often. Also included are duets with a male singer.
Only a few tracks stand out a bit, like track 7 from CD2, which features some electric guitar and where we hear a bit more attention to the singer’s voice with slower singing. For foreigners I must say this is maximum more for completetists only, where there can still be discovered a few minor elements only, the most essential material is all on the previous compilation.
Conclusion: this shows the danger of performing music as entertainment. It's essences thins out in expression until the empty commercial element is the only left over element. Sad actually. Several folk songs on CD2 are still rather acceptable.

김세레나 - 신곡 제1집
1 고향집 물레방아 / Hometown Watermill
2 감귤아가씨 / Citrus Baby
3 내사랑 / My love
4 정든 님 / Jeong-den
5 산처녀 / Virgin
6 가지마오 / Don't go
7 사랑놀이 뱃놀이 / Love boating
8 이대로 영영 / Like this
9 김포발 12시 15분 / Gimpo at 12:15
10 조용히 안녕 / Quiet goodbye
11 부기우기 인생 / Boogie Life
12 꽃님이와 진달래 / Azalea Flower
Of course also “new songs” suffers from the same spoiled 80s mentality of production with lots harsh primitivism in sound, and the use of drum boxes and cheap keyboards. We also hear sax solos and a female backing choirs and here and there a real acoustic or electric guitar. Despite that most tracks suffer from this worse production, there are a few attempts of something else.
Two tracks have a small funk/disco influence in the production (track 7,8), which gives again different contrasts. There’s even one, not too successful, attempt (track 11) to adapt some element of twist/rock’n roll, mixed with a kitschy orchestra and a dominating mainstream approach. Also this one is a no for foreign ears : it is better to avoid this.
인기가수들의 24/ 김세레나 하춘화 남진 장미화 송창식/1975
고정 출연이 거의 없는 가수들은 어디든지 출연 요청이 있는 곳엔 빠짐없이 출연해야 할만큼 그 일과는 바쁘다
그러나 올해는 따분한 일과를 보내야 하는 적자 톱가수 도수를 수두룩하고 여전히 눈코 뜰 새 없이 바쁜가 수도 있는 혼란상태
이런 일과 속에서 얻어지는 수입은 어느 정도일까
가수 중 가장 바쁜 가수가 현재로는 민요 가수 김세레나
김세레나의 8월 27일부터 일주일간의 스케줄을 봐도 알 수 있다.
8월 27일 일선 장병 위문 공연 , tbc-tv 와 라디오 녹화 출연 ,28일 대구 지방 공연, 29일 30일 부산 지방 공연, 31일은 MBC TV 녹화 출연과 오아시스레코드사의 신곡 취입 9월 1일 제일교포 위문 공연 차 도일 1주일뿐 아니라 평소 하루 스케줄을 줄만 알아 봐도
10시부터 꼬박 방송가에 지내다가 오후 8시부터는 살롱 카레기 엠파이어 등 서너 곳의 밤 무대를 눈코뜰새없이 겹치기 출연해야 한다.
"몸이 둘이 였으면 좋겠어요. 그밖에 출연 교섭이 오는 곳이 많지만 모두 사절 할 수밖에 없는 형편입니다 게다가 전 가정주부입니다 애도 하나 있고요. 가정일만도 한사름 몫으로도 벅찰 텐데 가정은 결국 소홀할 수밖에 없습니다. 이 점을 언제나 마음 아프게 생각하고 있고요"
그 밖의 출연 교삽이 오는 곳은 정확히 알 수 없으나 일반 개인들이 여는 큰 규모의 파티 같은 것으로 짐작된다.
일반 파티에서 가장 인기가 높은 가수가 김세레나라고 하지만 이 점은 본인
이 분명히 밝히지 않고 있기 때문에 확인할 길은 없다 이렇게 하여 김세레나의 한 한 달 수입은 줄잡아 3-400만 원대 밤살롱 무대 개런티 만해도 200만 원 때는 넘는다.
딴 인기 가수들이 최근 밤무대를 기피하고 있으나 김세련 하는 이점에서 아무 잡음 없이 여러 곳에서 출연하고 있다.
"About singers with few fixed appearances who are busy enough to appear wherever there is a request to appear. (1975)
This year the chaos is overwhelmed by deficit top singers who have to spend a boring day and still be busy without free time.
How much income do you get from this routine?
The busiest singer of the singer is folk singer Kim Serena. This can be seen from the weekly schedule of Kim Serena's August 27th. August 27 First-line military service, tbc-tv and radio recording, 28 Daegu performances, 29 30 Busan performances, 31 days MBC TV recordings and new songs from Oasis Records, September 1. This is just one week of performances, where it is not known yet how she schedules her day.
From 10 o'clock, she has been a full-time broadcaster, and from 8 o'clock, she has to star in three or four night stages, including salon Carregie Empire.
"I wish I had two bodies. There are many other places where I can negotiate, but I have no choice but not to refuse. Besides, I am also a housewife. I have a lot to do with my family. I'm always thinking about it. "
It is not known exactly where the other appearances will come, but it is assumed to be like a big party held by ordinary individuals. The most popular singer at the general party time is Kim Serena.
There is no way to confirm this because it is not made clear. Thus, the monthly income of Kim Serena is over 3 million won."
This is a good example that can show how bad it can get when people chose to go for the cheap money of entertainment business. The quantity is in that way entirely overruling the quality. This becomes an interpretation of TV music versions of Korean folk. For a large part to avoid, even though there are some orchestral worlds which provide fine entertainment.