김세환 - Kim Se-Hwan (金世煥)

Mellow Pop/folk-pop, soft-rock album acoustic with some electric elements, some electric organ and Hammond (?) organ and (kitschy use of) moog(?), with little or soft percussion, mainstream in nature with western song pop context, sung in Korean, at times with sweet dual vocals.
One very different track (the worst one) with brass orchestra sounds like a communist nationalist song.
Style: early 60s. Most of it is forgettable. The 15th track with fuzz guitar, piano, acoustic guitar, drums however sounds rather good.
After listening back to it after all those years I think there are more tracks worth picking out. It's not a real collectable for western collectors for a large part or at least half of it will appeal less.

골든앨범 (사랑하는 마음/행복한 사람) / Golden album (love heart / happy person) (1980)
A 1. 사랑하는 마음 / Loving heart 2. 무뚝뚝한 사나이 / Straightfoward man 3. 화가났을까 / Are you angry? 4. 앚지못할 추억 / Unforgettable memories * 5. 토요일밤에 / Saturday night * 6. 나그대에게 모두드리리 / I will give you all 7. 사랑을 노래해요 / Sing of love 8. 국민응원가 / National Applicants (?) B 1. (9) 행복한 사람 / Happy people 2. (10) 좋은걸 어떻해 / How do you like it 3. (11) 슬픈노래는 싫어요 / I hate sad songs 4. (12) 두손을 마주잡고 / Face to face 5. (13) 길가에 앉아서 / Sitting by the side of the road 6. (14) 목장길따라 / Along the Ranch * 7. (15) 비 / Rain 8. (16) 우리의 이야기 / Our story
김세환 번안곡집(73.3.20 성음)=A. 호숫가, 밤의 노래(It’s Almost Tomorrow), 그리워(Missing You), 보고픈 사람(For The Good Times), 토요일 밤에, 그리운 옛날(One Of Us) B. 못다한 마음(Quentin’s Theme), 오늘은 일요일(Singin’ The Blues), 나를 잊지 말아요(Forget Me Not), 님의 모습(Burnning Bridge), 고이 간직하려오(Help Me Make It Through The Night), 못잊어(I Almost Lost My Mind)
Kim Se-hwan's Collection of Songs (73.3.20 Sungeum) = A. Lake shore, It's Almost Tomorrow, Missing You, For The Good Times, Saturday Night, One Of Us B. Quentin's Theme, Today is Sunday Singin 'The Blues, Forget Me Not, Burning Bridge, Help Me Make It Through The Night, I Almost Lost My Mind

김세환 - 골든 베스트 (2011)
CD 1 01 좋은 걸 어떡해 / What's Good
02 토요일 밤에 / Saturday night
03 사랑하는 마음 / loving heart
04 무뚝뚝한 사나이 / Straightforward Man
05 사랑을 노래해요 / Singing about love
06 나 그대에게 모두 드리리 / I will give you all
07 아름다운 사람 / Beautiful man
08 길가에 앉아서 / Sitting by the side of the road
09 화가 났을까 / If I Would Angry
10 두 손을 마주잡고 / face to face
11 님의 모습 / One's appearance
12 비 / Rain
13 슬픈 노래는 싫어요 / I hate sad songs
14 어느 날 오후 / one afternoon
15 왜 그런지 / why
16 우리 사랑 변함없으리 / Our love will never change
17 다시 한번 우리 / We once again
18 당신 / you
19 결혼식 / wedding
20 우리들의 이야기 / Our Story
21 행복한 사람 / happy people
22 그림자 따라 / follow the shadow
I picked here out some tracks that are worth checking out. The style in general is soft pop, it sounds like mostly songs of the singer himself but I can always be mistaken. The approach in general still is a bit too mainstream and into the ultra-save zone to truly work for foreign listeners despite hints to a basic potential. On the second CD I recognize several pop covers performed as rather mainstream versions, like for instance the tamed Elvis Presley version of "Starry Night".
CD 2 01청춘만세 / Long live youth
02 첫사랑 / first love
03 어리석은 사랑 / Stupid Love
04 아름다운 너 / beautiful you
05 꿈속의 천사 / Angel of Dreams
06 잊지 못할 추억 / Unforgettable Memories
07 내 사랑 코리나 / My Dear Corina
08 말해줘요 / tell me
09 별이 빛나는 밤에 / starry night (Elvis Presley)
10 어느 소녀에게 바친 사랑 / Love for a Girl
11 돌아오라 내게로 / Come back to me
12 새벽 별빛 아래로 / dawn starlight down
13 안녕 외로운 밤이여 / goodbye lonely night
14 그리움 / longing
15 눈물의 왈츠 / Waltz of Tears
16 이별의 노래 / parting song
17 소중한 사랑 / precious love
18 종이장미 / paper rose
19 사랑의 속삭임 / Whispering of Love
20 오늘은 일요일 / Today is Sunday
21 목장 길 따라 / Along the ranch road
22 옛날이야기 / Old Story

more will be added soon

Like many South-Korean singers with singer/songwriters qualities in the direction of the 80s suffer from mellowness due to overactive censorship directing everyone into a safe mainstream zone of music, artists start to act towards it a bit too much so that in the end the music genre in general becomes less attractive to western collectors once the 80s is reached. Despite a few good songs, most of the songs of the artist and singer are too mainstream, soft and mellow to collect.