남사당 - NamSaDang / Nam Sa Dong

남사당 (보컬 : 오세은,한영애,이보임)오세은 (남사당)
Radioshow comments : "A bit more modern sound here (some use of synthesiser in the first tracks) , but still a bit "progresive" in its core. I chose first track because it sounds very Korean rock styled. These are original interpretations of Shin Jung-Hyun songs. Also the third track is a Korean traditional, interpreted with a kind of jazzrock accompaniment. The 4th track (like the two last tracks) is an acoustic guitar instrumental of a Korean folk instrumental in UK style."
PS. The band has one former He6 member. And singer Oh See-Eun also participated here.
1.시조 2.강강술래 3.진도아리랑 4.아리랑 불루스 1.타령 3 2.한오백년 3.타령 2 4.타령 1
- 오세은 : 보컬, 기타 - 한영애 : 보컬 - 이보임 : 보컬 - 배수연 : 드럼 - 김광석 : 기타 - 김명곤 : 키보드 - 강성용 : 색소폰 - 이수용 : 베이스 기타