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나애심 - Na Ae-Sim

​열창! 송민도, 나애심

1. 과거를 묻지 마세요 / Don't ask the past

2. 미사의 종 / Four Bells

3. 짝사랑 / 짝사랑 / unrequited love

4. 황성옛터 / Yellow Planet

5. 애수의 소야곡 / Huang Sheng Ruins

6. 선창 / Dock

7. 물새 우는 강 언덕 / Waterfowl Crying River Hill

8. 백치 아다다 / Idiot

9. 사랑의 송가 / 사랑의 송가 / Hymn of love

10. 영원한 사랑 / Eternal Love

11. 언제까지나 / Forever -tango-

12. 이별의 블루스 / Parting Blues

13. 과거는 흘러갔다 / past has passed

14. 물새 우는 강 언덕 (경음악) / Waterfowl Crying River Hill (Instrumental)

1. Na Ae-sim

I did my best to trace compilation of older artists. The problem with some compilations is that those singers continued to sing to high age, while with their popularity, they were absorbed deeper into the commercial mainstream tsunami of television show entertainment and its money making business, some area that does not reveal and bring about or develop much ideas of real musical interests. And before you know it such compilation seems to be a complete remake of songs, solely made to sell.

And the older generation ? They probably does not care. They just want to hear to songs, in a third grade remembrance.

The first two tracks are with a mainstream band and orchestra and voice of older singer. It is sung slower too and doesn’t sound so inspired as when it was performed at first.

Then the arrangements on the next two tracks turn to acoustic picking guitars and backing vocals, which is already better fit. But then, I feel there are moments (track 4) it sounds as if I am listening at times to a warped record.

Then the arrangements are again more TV-show-like, not really what I had in mind in buying a compilation of such an artist who used to have not only such great voice, but also great songs and arrangements, not much of such cooperation of elements is left or made the best from what it had.

Track 7 has additional funky bass into it, which still doesn’t take us further away from the new, commercial and somewhat cheaply found approach. It’s still ok musically, but never ever great. Despite the use of electric guitars and strings, or electric piano, sax and strings, this doesn’t really bring us far musically.

2.Song Min-Do

The same can be said about the Song Min Do compilation, which is nothing but a commercial remake album, of wanting us to remember 80s/90s TV shows, not really being the best occasion or association to appreciate the/such music/singers/songs in its best conditions. Here the arrangements are strings and brass and an electric band and guitars, with older vibrating voice, are merely pressed out already died-out nostalgia pop, mellow, molded and highly corrupted.

To avoid.

PS. Track 6, Idiot, is great song, but one should check the better original version.

Other tracks can be found here:

유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc 10]

CD10-1 과거(過去)를 묻지 마세요 / Don't Ask Your Past (1958)

CD10-2 사랑 만리(萬里) / Love for the Great Wall

CD10-3 미사의 종(鍾) / A Big Mass (??) (1958)

작사 세고석 / 작곡 전오승/ Written by Sego Seok / Composer Seung-seung.

CD10-4 애수(哀愁)의 바이올린 / Violin of Depression

* CD10-5 영원한 사랑/ Eternal Love (1956) -blues-

작사 강남풍 / 작곡 전오승 / Lyrics written by Gangnam Pung / Composer​

* CD10-6 언제까지나 / Always

Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics, or tracks to check out for sure because for some reason they seem to stand out as unique moments. This makes them tracks that makes them also very suitable for western radioshow airplay. Tracks that are only underlined can be considered fine tracks you might better check out as well, but I am not sure how essential they are.

“Don't Ask your past” is beautiful / classic ballad/song with piano only. The track suffers from some surface noise and a few skips at the start. Luckily for the Domido releases (see further) it was chosen afterwards for remastering, because it's a great song and performance.

"Love For the Great Wall" is a somewhat sad slow fox, just like the track after that as well.

"Violin of Depression" is a bit odd track; it is introduced by violin of course, with a melody of song and violin which almost improvises its way throughout the song (unfortunately the track has increasing surface noise towards the end). I am still not sure what to think of it. It surely has an almost classical feel, in a somewhat “modern” way.

"Eternal Love" is the most negro-blues-like track I heard so far, which makes it something exceptional.

"Always" has something of a warming up-tango, but then also turns into a tango mood. Also this song seems to allow the singer a certain freedom of direction.

유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc 11]

* CD11-17 백치(白痴) 아다다 / Known idiots or A Fool (only) knows (?) (1956)

A true favorite is this very passionate track. It is one of my favorite by Na Aem-Sim and one of the classics if you ask me. Also the singing in low range and subtle orchestration is simply brilliant.

가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Kayo Museum Best 220

* CD1-1 과거를 묻지 마세요 / Do not ask the past (1959)

* CD1-8 백치 아다다 / A Fool knows (1956)

Two of the tracks listed on the previous compilation here are remastered and can be heard with an improved sound. I think both versions work in their own way, but for the second track the old surface noise adds perhaps a touch of mystery to it too.

CD9-7 그리운 님 / Nostalgic (1959)

CD9-13 아카시아 꽃잎 필 때 / When Acacia Petals bloom (1962)

Nostalgia is a slowly sung somewhat sad let's say ballad.

The sparsely and carefully orchestrated “When the Acacia Petals Bloom" fits to this still to trot-related musical style too. It has a small guitar melody interuption as well (with some sparse piano). It can’t help evoking a certain feeling of sadness, despite its title.

Best Collection 100 vol.1 Domido

* CD2 12 언제 까지나 / Always (1955 or 1962?)

* CD3 2 과거를 묻지 마세요 / Don't ask the past

CD3 13 미사의 종 - 나애심 / Mass of Mass

“Always” is a kind of slow pop/tango. Another favorite is the song “Don’t Ask the Past” for its melody, arranged with strings and sparse bass/guitar. The somewhat filmic “Mass of Mass” is arranged for a somewhat bigger orchestra.

Best Collection 100 vol.2 Domido

13 삘딩의 탱고 [나애심] / Boiling Tango (1960)

Another very good one is this well arranged and fresh sounding "Boiling Tango."



1950~60년대 풍미한 스타 나애심 씨 별세…가수 김혜림 모친상

송고시간 | 2017-12-21

(서울=연합뉴스) 이은정 기자 = 1950~60년대를 풍미한 가수 겸 배우 나애심(본명 전봉선) 씨가 지난 20일 별세한 사실이 뒤늦게 알려졌다. 향년 87세.

21일 빈소가 마련된 삼성서울병원 장례식장에 따르면 나씨는 전날 오후 5시 지병으로 세상을 떠났다. 나씨는 당대 '노래하는 은막 스타'이자 1990년대 인기 가수 김혜림의 어머니로 잘 알려져 있다.

1930년 평안남도 진남포 출신인 고인은 이국적인 외모와 허스키한 음색으로 주목받으며 1950~60년대 가요계와 영화계를 아울러 획을 그은 스타이자 당시 문인 등 예술인들의 집합지였던 '명동 시대'의 주역이었다.

1953년 친오빠 전오승(본명 전봉수, 2016년 별세)이 작곡한 '밤의 탱고'로 데뷔했으며 '정든 님', '언제까지나', '세월이 가면', '미사의 종', '황혼은 슬퍼', '과거를 묻지마세요', '맘보는 난 싫어' 등 300여 곡을 발표했다.

또 영화배우로도 활동해 '구원의 애정'(1955), '백치 아다다'(1956), '종말 없는 비극'(1958), '돌아오지 않는 해병'(1963), '쌀'(1964), '감자'(1968), '앵무새 몸으로 울었다'(1981) 등 1980년대 초까지 100여 편의 영화에 출연했다.



1950-60's savory star Na Nasimsim has died. She was also singer Kim Hye-rim's Mother (2017-12-21)

by (Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Lee Eun-jung.

It became known only recently that singer and actress Na Ae-sim (real name Jeon Bong-sun) has died at age 87.

Na was well-known as a 'singing silver star' and the mother of popular singer Kim Hye-lim in the 1990s.

Born in Jinnampo, Pyeongannam-do in 1930, she was noted for her exotic looks and husky tone, and was the star of the Myeong-dong period, a collection of artists such as artists and artists who drew both music and film in the 1950s and 1960s.

In 1953, she had debuted with 'Tango of Night' written by his brother Jeon O-seung (real name Jeon Bong-soo, who died in 2016). She released more than 300 songs including "Sad", "Don't Ask the Past", and "I don't Mambo".

She also worked as an actress, in films like 'Love of Salvation' (1955), 'Ada Ada' (1956), 'Tragedy without End' (1958), 'Marine Not Returning' (1963), 'Rice' (1964), She has appeared in over 100 films until the early 1980s, including Potato (1968) and Parrot Crying (1981).


한국전쟁 당시 이북 출신 예술인들로 구성된 ‘꽃초롱’에 입단해 무대 활동을 시작해 1953년 친오빠 전오승(본명 전봉수, 2016년 별세)씨가 작곡한 ‘밤의 탱고’를 부르면서 정식 데뷔했다. 그때부터 ‘나는 내 마음을 사랑한다’란 뜻의 나애심을 예명으로 사용했다. 이후 ‘정든 님’, ‘언제까지나’, ‘세월이 가면’, ‘미사의 종’, ‘황혼은 슬퍼’ 등 300여곡을 발표했다.


During the Korean War, he joined the “Flower Lanterns” of artists from North Korea, and began his stage performances. Since then, I have used the narcissism meaning “I love my heart” as a name. Since then, he has released more than 300 songs, including "Jin Jeong," "Whenever," "When Time Goes," "By Mass," and "Twilight is Sad."


【서울=뉴시스】 이재훈 기자 = 1950~60년대를 풍미한 인기 가수 겸 영화배우 나애심(87․전봉선)이 20일 별세한 사실이 뒤늦게 알려졌다. 1980년 말 'DDD'로 인기를 누린 가수 김혜림의 어머니다.

1930년 9월5일 평안남도 진남포에서 태어난 나애심은 진남포여고를 졸업했다. 아이들을 가르치던 스무 살 때 6·25 전쟁이 발발, 'HLKA 경음악단'에서 콘트라베이스를 연주하던 오빠 전오승을 찾아 단신 월남한다.

전오승은 나애심이 크게 히트시킨 '과거를 묻지 마세요' '미사의 종'의 작곡가다. 이듬해인 1·4 후퇴 당시 서울로 피란내려온 나머지 가족들과 가까스로 상봉, 피란길에 오른다.

대구 피란 시절, 작곡가 김동진을 단장을 주축으로 이북 출신 예술인들로 구성된 '꽃초롱' 단원으로 입단, 첫 무대 활동을 시작한다.

무엇보다 가수와 영화배우, 두 분야에서 큰 획을 그은 원조 만능 엔터테이너로 통한다.

1953년 '밤의 탱고'를 시작으로 300여 곡의 주옥같은 노래를 남김과 동시에 1980년대 초까지 배우로서도 활약하며 100여 편의 영화에 출연했다. '백치 아다다', '미사의 종', '아카시아꽃잎 필 때' 등이 대표적이고, 동시에 영화주제가까지 히트시켰다.

이국적인 외모로 인도 출신의 세계적인 배우 안나 카시피(1934~2015)를 연상케 해 '한국의 안나 카시피'로 불리기도 했다.

집안 자체가 스타 패밀리였다. 본인과 오빠 전오승 외에도 세 살 터울의 여동생 전봉옥 또한 1950년대에 '샌프란시스코의 꾸냥' '스냅 사진사' 등을 발표하며 가수로 활동했다.

박성서 대중음악평론가는 나애심에 대해 "정열적인 눈과 이지적인 마스크로 등장해 우리나라에서 본격적으로 노래하는 스타, 즉 '싱잉스타(Singing star) 시대'를 열었다"고 평했다.

[Seoul = News] Reporter Lee Jae-hoon

Popular singer and actress Nae Ae-sim (87, Jeon Bong-sun) has died. She is the mother of singer Kim Hye-rim who enjoyed popularity as 'DDD' at the end of 1980.

Born in Jinnampo, Pyeongannam-do on September 5, 1930, Na-ae Shim graduated from Jinnampo Girls' High School. At the age of twenty when she was teaching his children, when the Korean War broke out in search of his brother-in-law who played the contrabass at the HLKA Instrumental Troupe.

Jeon Oh Seung-sung is the composer of 'Don't Ask the Past' and 'Servant of the Mass', a big hit by Naesim. The following year, she retired to Seoul.

In Daegu Piran, she joined the composer, Kim Dong-jin, as a " flower lantern" unit composed of artists from North Korea.

Above all, it is said she had been an original entertainer who has drawn big strides in both fields.

Starting with `` Night Tango '' in 1953, he left over 300 gem-like songs and worked as an actor until the early 1980s. 'Idiot Adama', 'Servant of Mass', and 'When acacia petals bloom' are representative, and at the same time, a movie theme hit.

Her exotic appearance was reminiscent to Indian actress Anna Cassip (1934 ~ 2015), for which she was called 'Anna Cassip of Korea'.

Her family had more stars. In addition to her brother Jeon, her three-year-older sister Jeon Bong-ok also acted as a singer in the 1950s, releasing "San Francisco's Courage" and "Snap Photographer."

Park Sung-seo, a critic of pop music said, "She had passionate eyes and a wise mask, and started the age of singing star in Korea."

[SBS 연예뉴스 |이정아 기자] 1950~60년대를 풍미한 가수 겸 배우 나애심(본명 전봉선)이 지난 20일 별세한 사실이 뒤늦게 알려졌다. 향년 87세.

나애심은 20일 오후 5시 지병으로 세상을 떠났다. 그녀는 1990년대 인기 가수 김혜림의 어머니로 잘 알려져 있다.

1930년 평안남도 진남포 출신인 나애심은 이국적인 외모와 허스키한 음색으로 주목받으며 1950~60년대 가요계와 영화계를 넘나들며 눈부신 활약을 펼쳤다.

1953년 친오빠 전오승(본명 전봉수, 2016년 별세)이 작곡한 '밤의 탱고'로 데뷔한 나애심은 '정든 님', '언제까지나', '세월이 가면', '미사의 종', '황혼은 슬퍼', '과거를 묻지마세요', '맘보는 난 싫어' 등 300여 곡을 발표하며 대중들의 사랑을 받았다.

그 중 '세월이 가면'은 '목마와 숙녀'의 시인 박인환이 명동의 한 술집에서 쓴 즉흥시에 작가 이진섭이 멜로디를 붙인 곡으로 나애심이 발표한 뒤 조용필, 박인희에 의해 다시 불린 곡으로 유명하다.

영화배우로도 활동을 펼쳤다. 1954년 영화 '여군'을 시작으로 '구원의 애정'(1955), '백치 아다다'(1956), '종말 없는 비극'(1958), '돌아오지 않는 해병'(1963), '쌀'(1964), '감자'(1968), '앵무새 몸으로 울었다'(1981) 등 1980년대 초까지 100여 편의 영화에 출연했다.

고인은 연예인 집안으로도 유명하다. 오빠 전오승은 작곡가, 여동생 전봉옥은 가수다. 또 전오승의 딸인 조카 전영선은 1961년 신상옥 감독의 영화 '사랑방 손님과 어머니'에서 옥희 역을 맡았고 딸 김혜림은 'DDD'로 데뷔해 1990년대 인기를 모은 가수다.

[SBS Entertainment News | Reporter Lee Jung-ah]

Singer and actor Na Ae-sim (real name Jeon Bong-sun) has died at age 87.

She is well known as the mother of popular singer Kim Hye-rim in the 1990s.

Na-ae-sim, who was born in Jinnampo, South Pyongan Province in 1930, attracted attention with exotic looks and husky tones.

She devoted her voice to 'Tango at Night' composed by her brother Jeon O-seung (real name Jeon Bong-soo, who died in 2016) in 1953 she sang' Definite Love ',' Forever ',' When the Time Goes', 'Servant of Mass',' Twilight is sad, 'Don't ask the past', 'Mambo I don't like' and has released over 300 songs.

Among them, 'When the Time Goes' is a song sung by Lee Jin-seop and written by writer Lee Jin-seop during the improvisation written by Park In-hwan, a poet of horses and ladies at a bar in Myeong-dong.

She also worked as a movie star. Beginning with the film 'Female Army' in 1954, 'Love of Salvation' (1955), 'Ada Ida' (1956), 'Tragedy without End' (1958), 'Marine Not Returning' (1963), 'Rice' (1964) ), 'Potato' (1968), 'Crying parrot's body' (1981) appeared in more than 100 films until the early 1980s.

The deceased is also known as a celebrity family. Her brother Jeon Oseung is a composer and her younger sister Jeon Bong-ok is a singer. Jeon Young-sun, the daughter of Jeon Seung-seung, played the role of Ok-hee in Shin Sang-ok's movie 'Love Room Guest and Mother' in 1961, and her daughter Kim Hye-rim debuted as 'DDD'.



Na Ae Sim had a hot soulful voice which gave her choices of songs a unique character. It fit well with styles like tango. I don't particularly find those vocal qualities in her later singing.



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