남백송 - Nam Baek-Song

This is a compilation of Nam Baek Song’s repertoire.
He has a voice that is capable of singing with a power in and still also a certain delicacy in his voice.
There’s not too much variation in the songs. The band and style is old Trot music mostly, with small solos of accordion or clarinet or in combination, with here and there banjo oscillations, strings/reed/flute and brass responses of a small neatly playing entity of a band. It is music with its own attraction, but it becomes a bit an area of dedicated, completely applied art rather than a more prepared creative art of renewing arrangements, inventing styles or inspirations, even when the result could be the same.
Suddenly two tracks near the end of the compilation alternates with the appearance of a different singer, Kim Jung-Ae.
Two tracks (5,9) show a nice acoustic guitar picking introduction, as it had also been the case in some Japanese pre-einka guitar dominated folk/pop songs from that time.
A good compilation, but it might be better to start elsewhere when this era is still relatively new and still needs to attract more attention via surprise.
1. 방앗간 처녀 ; 2. 이별의 삼등열차 ; 3. 서울간 김서방 ; 4. 고향길 ; 5. 눈물의 선창 ; 6. 고향 편지 ; 7. 정거장의 키타소리 ; 8. 죄 많은 인생 ; 9. 고달픈 청춘 ; 10. 마도로스 인생 ; 11. 단간방 사랑 ; 12. 인생역사 ; 13. 전화통신(남뱃송, 심연옥) ; 14. 고국땅 ; 15. 찢어진 일기장 ; 16. 남매의 서름 (LP복각) ; 17. 우정 (LP복각) ; 18. 인생야화(남백송, 김정애)(LP복각) ; 19. 서울 아가씨 (LP복각)
남백송의 초기 녹음버전인 유성기 시대에 발표한 히트곡들이 총 망라된 히트앨범입니다. 특히 당시 녹음된 마스터 테이프가 남아있어 디지털 복원하였는데, 당시의 사운드를 그대로 살리기 위해 리마스터링을 하지 않아 왜곡되지 않은 생생한 사운드를 들을 수 있습니다.
Other tracks can be found here:

유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 Second generation Meteor (1945~1960) [Disc 5]
13 즐거운 우편배달 / Happy postal delivery
14 방앗간 처녀 / Mill (1957)
15 찢어진 일기장(日記帳) / From my diary
"These songs are rather up-tempo and happy entertaining, orchestrated songs. The third track is old-styled so more eastern styled Trot."

Domido Best Collection 100 Vol. 1
CD3-7 찢어진 일기장 / From my diary
CD3-14 방앗간 처녀 / Mill (1957)
CD3-17 전화통신 / 전화통신 / Telephone Call
Nam, Baek-Song & 심연옥 / Sim, Youn-Ok
"Mill" (mentioned before) has been restored and sounds more dynamic this way and with stereo sound. "Telephone Call" is more up tempo and frolic. It is in two parts with two singers (with Sim Youn-Ok). The jazz influence is more pronounced as usual, which makes it more interesting too.

Domido Best Collection 100 Vol. 2
CD1- 10 단간방 사랑 / Danbang Love (1959)
CD1-13 남녀회상곡/ Reunion Song (1962)
[[남백송 김정애] / Nam Baek-Song & Kim Jung-ae]
CD4-5 서울간 김서방 / Kim Seobang between Seoul (1958)
Another more outstanding or distinctive track is "Reunion Song" with a mambo rhythm and dynamic and somewhat jazzy arrangement, with its song still rooted in Trot music. One part is with Kim Jung-Ae on vocals. The last track is trot styled but it reveals just a small touch of jazz.
Roughly translated from Wikipedia:
Born on November 1, 1935, Samrangjin-myeon, Miryang-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do.
In 1954, the songwriter from Milyang made his debut with "Mujeong Port'' (Arirang record release). After that, he became an exclusive singer on Domido Records and did a remake of the song of the singer Baek Yeon-seol to catch the public's attention.
In the 2000s, she released a number of albums with singer Aveng-mi and released her new song "Ah Life" in 2009. During 2014 on music stage count, he recorded some of his appearances. In 2015, he died after an ilness.