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모니카유 - Monica Yoo

Some tracks can be found on:

가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum: 220 Besl

CD3- 21 일요일은 참으세요 / Pretty Sunday (1963)

-ref. "Never On Sunday"-

This is obviously light Western pop. Mixed origin Monica Yoo has more western looks which makes it easy for her to make the links to western styles even more easily.

*CD4-8 서울에서 동경에서 / To Tokyo, from Seoul (1966)

Of course the interpretation of this "nature boy" song in a jazzy setting worked perfectly well. I didn't find more songs, but on YouTube you can find a full album worth of songs.

From Wikipedia: Monica Yoo Real Name: Yoo In Kyung 劉仁 鏡 Born January 24, 1938. Started in the Japanese colonial period as a professional singer Genre : Pop Music, Trot, Jazz Pop Activity Period 1956 ~ Present . Korean female singer and actress. In 1956, she made her first debut as a singer on the US Eighth Army stage, and in 1960 he starred as an actor in the movie "The Performance". Father Jae-sung, mother is German.

LP2: 1.림보룩 2.태미 3.위를 보고 걸어요 4.등대불 1.알디라(영화'연애센타'주제가) 2.일요일엔 참으세요(영화'Never on Sunday'주제가) 3.그대 그리는 왈쓰 4.사요나라(영화'사요나라'주제가

On LP1 En'core: 1.주비주비주(Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo) 2.눈물의 왈쓰(I went to your Wedding) 3.보이헌트(Where the Boy's are?) 4.누구든지 친해봅시다(Everybody love's a lover) 1.나만을 사랑하고(Till I waltz again with you) 2.내사랑 코리나(Corinna Corinna) 3.달빛 흐르는 강(Moon River) 4.검은상처의 부르스(Broken Promise)

Other tracks worth checking:

* 도둑 / Kiss

* 검은 상처의 부르스 / Blues of Black Wounds

* 남의 속도 모르고 / Without knowing how fast others go (1966)

밤의 애인 / Night Lover (Meaculpa)

* 사랑은 하나 (007 위기일발 주제가) / Love is One (007 Crisis Theme Song)

* 서울의 밤한때 / Seoul at night (Una Seradi Seoul)

* 손톱을 깨물며 / Biting my nails

"Kiss" is a sexy and happy sounding jazzy song with double bass rhythm and horn solos. "Blues of Black Wounds" is a sadder but beautiful song in a soft and hot rhythm, sung with a low and soulful voice. On the same Monica Yoo album "My Trumpet", sung by 유주용 / Yu Ju-Jong with male voice is equally attractive. "Night Lover" is a pretty sad and slow song. The very orchestrated "Love is One" fits with that sad mood as well. "Seoul At Night" is a kind of late night club song. "Biting my nails" fit with that description as well, with some flashlight diva focus feel.

가요계를 누비는 혼혈가수들|그들의 인기판도를 알아본다

1년만에 TBC방송가요대상신인상을 수상하자 혼혈가수에 대한 관심과 인기가 부쩍 높아졌다. 현재 활동중인 혼혈가수는 「톱·클래스」의 윤수일군을 비롯해 함중아·박일준, 그리고 여성「보컬·트리오」「희시스터즈」의 「리더」 김인순양등이다.

이 가운데 박일준군과 김인순양은 흑인혼혈가수. 이들은 최근들어 부쩍 높아진 인기를 바탕으로 가요계 정상을 향해 활발한 활동을 펴고있다.

개성있는 외모·특유의 호소력이 매력|윤수일·함중아·박일준·김인순등 인기 날로 상승|「히트」곡들 거의가 절규하듯 자신들의 처지를 노래

이들 혼혈가수들의 「데뷔」곡과 「히트」곡들은 대부분 피부색이나 외모가 달라 일부 사회에서 받아야하는 편견과 이들 편견에 대한 갈등을 노래하고 있는지 특징이다.

우리가요계의 혼혈 「스타」제1호는 60년대 중반에 크게 활약했던 유주용씨와 그의 누이 「모니카유」. 유주용씨는 경기고를 거쳐 서울대문리대에 진학한 다복한 환경에서 자랐다. 「모니카유」 역시 이화여고를 나와 가요계와 영화계를 두루 석권했었다.

두 사람은 서구풍의 「마스크」가 오히려 연예활동에 도움을 준 「케이스」로 당시 이들의 인기는 대학생 사이에 특히 높았었다.

그뒤를 이은 첫 흑인혼혈가수가 71년에 「데뷔」한 「샌디김」군. 김군은 처음 TBC-TV「탤런트」로 「데뷔」했으며 노래뿐만 아니라 「프로·복서」로도 활약했고 현재는 제일동포 아가씨와 결혼, 연예활동에서 잠시 쉬고있다. 70년대 후반에 들면서 혼혈아들의 연예계「데뷔」는 부쩍 늘어났으며 대부분이 「로크·그룹」을 통해서였다.

첫혼혈「그룹」이 『황금의 포도알』이란 뜻의 『골든·그레이프스』. 그 뒤 「프로·복서」이 「안사노」가 조직한 「LAS」가 뒤를 따랐다.

또한 흑인혼혈 가수로만 뭉처진 『블루노트』가 뒤이어 등장했다. 『사랑만은 않겠어요』로 「데뷔」 1년만에 정상을 차지한 윤수일 군도 바로 이 「골든·그레이프스」출신. 경남울산이 고향으로 울산공대건축과를 다니다 상경, 이 「보컬·그룹」에 참여하면서 행운을 잡았다. 윤수일군에 앞서 역시 「골든·그레이프스」의 「멤버」였던 함중아군은 「양키스」란 새로운 「보컬·그룹」을 이끌다가 금년봄에 「솔로」로 전향, 「데뷔」곡 『안개속의 두 그림자』가 크게 「히트」하면서 「스타덤」에 올라섰다.

남녀를 구별하기 어려운 애조띤 음색이 이색적이며 최근 「디스코」곡으로 작곡된 『정든고향』도 대단한 반응을 불러일으키고 있다.

함중아군은 아직도 「골든·그레이프스」에서 활약중인 친형 함정필군과 함께 작곡법, 「오키스트레이션」공부까지 끝낸 성격파다.

함군이 취입했던 『서머·타임』은 주한 미군방송인 AFKN 「라디오」를 통해 자주 방송될 정도로 일품이다.

한편 민요가수 김상범씨에 「픽업」된 박일준군은 「해리·벨러폰테」를 연상시켜주는 미남형의 혼혈가수다. 「라이처스·브러더즈」의 『언체인드·멜러디』를 가사를 바꿔 부른 『오! 진아』로 「데뷔」한 박군은 최근 『갈까요』를 발표, 흑인혼혈아가 겪는 사랑의 슬픔을 노래하고있다.

1백72cm의 키에 몸무게 64km의 박군은 부모를 알수없는 고아로 대신고교를 졸업, 흑인혼혈「그룹」 『블랙·라이트』을 거쳐 「데뷔」했다.

이밖에 혼혈가수들은 대부분 「보컬·그룹」을 조직, 활동하고있다. 그러나 이들 「솔로」가수들의 폭발적 인기에 영향을 받아 앞으로 더많은 가수가 「솔로」로 「데뷔」할 전망이다.

아뭏든 혼혈가수들은 개성있는 외모와 그들 특유의 호소력, 그리고 비애에 젖은 음색으로 하여 한동안 「팬」들을 사로잡을 것이란 것이 가요계의 공통된 의견이다.

[출처: 중앙일보] 가요계를 누비는 혼혈가수들|그들의 인기판도를 알아본다

" Mixed Race Singers Going Through the Music World

Recognizing Their Popularity

After receiving the TBC Music Awards for New Artists in a year, interest and popularity for mixed race singers increased. Currently, the mixed-blood singers are Yoon Soo-il of the Top Class, Ham Joong-ah, Park Il-jun, and Kim In-sun, the leader of the female vocal trio Hee Sisters.

Among them, Park Il-jun and Kim In-sun are black mixed singers. They have been actively working towards the top of the music industry based on the recent increase in popularity.

Unique appearance and unique appeal appeal | Popular days such as Yoon Soo Il, Ham Jung Ah, Park Il Jun, and Kim In Soon | Most of these "debut" and "hit" songs of mixed race singers differ in their skin color and appearance and are characterized by the prejudice that some society should have and the conflict about these prejudices.

Yoo Ju-yong and her sister, "Monica-yu," who were very active in the mid-'60s. Yu Joo-yong grew up in a plentiful environment after going to Seoul National University. Monicayu also left Ewha Girls' High School and seized the music and film worlds.

The two were the cases where Western-style masks helped entertainers, and their popularity was particularly high among college students.

Sandy Kim, the first African-American singer who succeeded, debuted in '71. Kim debuted on TBC-TV's talent, not only singing but also acting as a professional boxer. Currently, he has been taking a break from his marriage and entertainment activities. In the late 70's, the debut of the entertainment world for mixed race children increased rapidly, mostly through Rock Groups.

`` Golden Grapes '' means `` Golden Grape ''. After that, `` professional boxer '' followed `` LAS '' organized by `` Ansano ''.

In addition, Blue Note, which is a group of only black mixed singers, was followed. Yoon Soo-il, who won the debut in `` I Won't Just Love '' in 1 year, is from this Golden Grapes. Ulsan Gyeongsangnam-do attended Ulsan Institute of Technology as his hometown. Prior to Yoon Soo Il, Hamjung Ahn, who was also a member of the Golden Grapes, led a new vocal group called the Yankees and turned to solo this spring. Came up in "stardom" while being greatly hit.

Its distinctive tone makes it difficult to distinguish between men and women, and the recently written "Disco" song has a great response.

Along with his brother-in-law Ham Jung-pil, who is still active in the Golden Grapes, Hamjung allies have completed their composition and study of the Orchestration.

Summer Time, which was captured by the South Korean military, is so popular that it is often broadcasted through the USFK AFKN Radio.

Park Il-jun, who was picked up by folk singer Kim Sang-bum, is a handsome mixed race singer who is reminiscent of Harry Bellerfonte. `` Oh! Chained Melody '' by `` Ritchers Brothers '' `` O! Park Jun, who made her debut in Jin Ah, recently released Going to Sing, and sings the sadness of a black mixed race.

At a height of 172 cm and weighing 64 km, Park graduated from high school with an orphan whose parents were unknown, and made his debut after going through the black mixed group, Black Light.

In addition, most mixed singers are organizing and working on vocal groups. However, due to the explosive popularity of these solo singers, more singers will debut as solo.

It is a common opinion of the music community that mixed-singers will capture their fans for a while with their distinctive looks, their unique appeal, and their sorrowful tone.

[Source: JoongAng Ilbo] Mixed Race Singers Going Through the Music World"



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