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박인희 - Park In-Hee (<-Toi et Moi)

Oasis (CD) 박인희 - 세월아/봄이 오는길 Seoul / Spring is coming

16D373 가요LP - 박인희 (세월아-봄이 오는 길) - 중고엘피LP음반레코드판수입 NC1002948

1. 세월아 / Seoul

2. 나의 소망 / My wish

3. 들길 / Lifting

4. 알로하오에 / Aloha

5. 섬아기 / Island

6. 봄이 오는길 / Spring is coming

7. 목마와 숙녀 / Horses and Ladies

8. 모닥불 / Bonfire

9. 내사랑아 / My love

* 10. 몰래 몰래 / Secretly

Tracks with * I consider essential listens or tracks to check out for sure. It makes also very suitable for western radioshow airplay. The other three tracks might be given a try, but they are rather mellow.

Psyche Folk Radio show comments: "I think most (if not all) tracks might be found too mellow for western taste. I took out the best tracks: one happy song and two melancholic songs. This is one of the midprice reissues."

Because this was very cheap and I knew already the singer has a lovely voice and this was an original album reissue and not a compilation, I gave this release a try hoping it was containing an original expression behind a more mellow approach, where the loveliness and innocence would create some unique moments too with something real or fragile behind it, some salt in the sugar.

There are several mainstream folk-pop covers with the innocence of a young girl, with orchestrations, subtle drumming and acoustic guitars and some other instruments like keyboards.

The original songs stand out better than the few covers (from them I only recognise The Carpenters : “I'm on the top of the world”). Track 7 is melancholic song with some spoken word too.

The album might not be a must have but there is a convincing sweetness in it that is more specifically of a unique a,d typical Korean quality of the 70s, where in another version, language or country this might not work so well. But in that case it is somewhat rewarding. The last most sad "waltz" is also very beautiful.

1974년 박인희 1집 ‘모닥불’ ‘목마와 숙녀’

박인희. 그녀의 매력은 문학적 낭만이다. 인생과 사랑을 부드러운 어조로 얘기하는 듯 한 그의 노래는 오랜 세월이 지나도 좀처럼 빛이 바래지 않는다. 76년까지 여섯 장의 앨범과 한편의 시낭송 음반을 발표, ‘얼굴’과 ‘한잔의 술을 마시고…’로 시작되는 ‘목마와 숙녀’는 유명하다. 그녀는 DJ와 작가로도 잘 알려져 있다. 71년 동아방송 ‘3시의 다이얼’로 시작, DJ로 인기를 누렸고 ‘지구의 끝에 있더라도’ 등 두 권의 시집과 한 권의 수필집을 펴냈다. 가수로 활동했던 기억이 아련할 정도로 DJ로서 오랫동안 대중과 만났다. 박인희는 우리나라 최초 혼성 듀오인 뜨와에 므와 (불어로 너와나)로 70년에 출발. 숙명여대 재학 중 데뷔했고 72년에 결혼, 그 후 이필원과 박인희는 각각 솔로로 독립하기에 이른다. 듀오 1집에서는 이필원의 창작곡 ‘약속’, 박인희가 부른 ‘세월이 가면’이 , 2집에서 ‘그리운 사람끼리’, 3집 ‘추억’ 등이 큰 인기를 얻는다. 솔로로 독립한 그녀의 1집 타이틀 곡 ‘모닥불’이 빅 히트, 후속타로 ‘하얀 조가비’, ‘방랑자(외국 곡)’, ‘봄이 오는 길’, ‘얼굴’ 등 주옥과도 같은 레퍼토리가 인기를 얻는다.

그녀의 가치있고 특유의 보이스 컬러인 서정성의 카리스마로 청중을 사로 잡는다. 또한 ‘목마와 숙녀’ ‘얼굴’ 의 낭송 음반은 ‘포엠 송’이라는 단어까지 유행시켰다. 화려한 전성기를 맞기도 했던 그녀가 가수 활동을 접고, 시나 가사를 쓰는 일에 몰두, 한때 미국으로 건너가 한인방송국 국장으로 근무했다. ‘모닥불’ 외 ‘목마와 숙녀’ ‘내 사랑아’ ‘몰래 몰래’ ‘세월아’ ‘나의 소망(Top of the world)’ ‘들길’ ‘알로하오에(Aloha oe)’ ‘섬집 아기’ ‘봄이 오는 길’ ‘돌밥’ 등이 수록됐다.

" Park In-hee's 1st album ‘Bokfire’ ‘Horse and Lady’ in 1974

Park In-hee. Her charm is literary romance. Her song, which seems to speak of life and love in a soft tone, hardly faded after these years. By '76, she had released six albums and one poetry song, “Face” and “Drink a glass of alcohol…” but also ‘Horses and ladies’ is famous. She is also known as a DJ and writer. In 1971, she began his career as a DJ at 3 o'clock, and became popular as a DJ. She also published two poetry books and one essay, including "Even at the End of the Earth." Park In-hee started in 70 as the first mixed duo in Korea, Twae Mwa / Toi et Moi. She made her debut while attending Sookmyung Women's University and married in 72. After that, Lee Pilwon and Park In-hee each became solo artists. In the first album, Lee Pilwon's original song 'Promise', Park In-hee's 'The Time Goes Away', and in the second album, 'Morning People' and 'Three Albums' are very popular. Her first solo title, `` Bonfire, '' which is a solo independent album, is a big hit, and a repertoire such as `` White Clam '', `` Wanderer (Foreign Song) '', `` The Way of Spring '' and `` Face '' are popular too.

She captivates the audience with the charisma of lyricism, her valuable and distinctive voice color. Also, the recital of "horses and ladies" and "faces" has even made the word "poem song." She had a brilliant heyday, and she ended her career as a singer, writing poems and lyrics. 'Bamboo' and 'horses and ladies'' my love '' sneak '' sewolah '' top of the world '' death '' aloha oe '' island baby '' spring This way, 'dolbap' is recorded."

CD 박인희 - 힛트전집 2 / -Collection of Hits Vol.2

16F261 가요LP - 박인희 고운노래 모음 Vol.2 (끝이 없는 길/햇님 달님) /

Fine Song Collection NC1002956

1. 나무 벤취 길 / The wooden bench road

2. 햇님 달님 / Sun Moon

3. 물긷는 언덕 / Biding Hill

4 실바람 속에 / In the wind

5. 잉크 한 방울 / A drop of ink

6. 장미꽃 필 때면 / When the rose blooms

7. 모래알 / A grain of sand

8. 내가 부를 이름은 / Calling your name

9. 돌밥 / Stone rice

10. 섬 / Island

11. 수줍은 사나이 / Shy Man

12. 꿈이 훨훨 / The dream is far away

13. 아기새 / Baby birds

14. 산속의 집 / House in the mountains

15. 스물다섯 / Twenty Five

16. 샛별 / Morning star

17. 수레바퀴 / Wheel

Radio show comments: "The album sound more studio-aranged compared to the previous one. After the first one, this sounds even less good, so I only took out one track of my preference."

The second volume continues in a similar vein, but goes even deeper into the mainstream of popular music, with a sort of happy-melancholic flavour, gaining innocence in a way but with a sad after-taste because it is as if the expressions are limited to more recognisable and safe hum-along songs or at times children-like songs, with the melancholy coming through in the end, -more than a creative soul looking for the real expressions can bear.

The voice shows a strange kind of beauty expressing itself within a certain limitation of a world that is musically a safe haven.

All the songs have lush orchestrations with backing of a similar band with electric bass and drums and some occasional electric piano. Still good for most of the album, the mainstream aspects are already more dominant on some tracks.

"Biding Hill" has a sweet popular music interpretation of a Korean folk song. I still think it is the most interesting track of the album.

Jigu (CD) 박인희 - 힛트전집 3 NC1002960

* 1. 사랑의 휴일 / Holiday of love

2. 아름다운 시절 / Beautiful times

3. 우리 두 사람 / The two of us

4. 얄미운 얼굴 / A grim face

5. 어느 여름날 / One summer day

6. 그 얼굴 하나 / One face

7. 이대로 영원히 / Forever like this

8. 너의 모습 / Your appearance

9. 비야 비야 / Villa Villa

* 10. 사랑의 추억 / Memories of Love

11. 다정했던 날 / A friendly day

12. 오늘 / Today

13. 그러면 됐지 / Then it worked

14. 파란 향기 꽃 / Blue scented flowers

15. 나만을 사랑해주 / Just Love me

16. 동그라미 얼굴 / Circular face

17. 임 / Being

Strangely enough, the songs sound stronger and less mellow on volume three, and the arrangements are also better, and even here and there even very good. The lush orchestrations are still present at times, but with it comes also some (progressive minded or psych-) rock musicians, playing drums, some fuzz and electric guitar and organ and a few other instruments (first favourites are 1,3). Often with an attractive lightness, these songs can be regarded as a mixture of folk/pop/rock. The sweet folky voice of the singer with the rockier progression on the first track finally takes us what we really prefer to hear. It was a great starter track. The slight rock flavour luckily continues for a while, even in the more poppy approaches, it improves what it gets and wherever it leads to, like commissioned studio musicians who also needs to deal with the included lush orchestrated parts and the soft, more mainstream and still meant as popular song approaches, which still tend to remain most dominant most of the time. A few songs sound more eastern (track 5), a few others eastern mainstream. I think I recognise a few covers too, or perhaps these songs just sound familiar (of which track 10 I like a lot, it also has a more creative band arrangement). The album still is a strange mixed bag, from which the best tracks show a convincing emotionality.

From :

"The fascinating aspect of Park In Hee's singing is the excellent control she has of her voice at very low volumes. Her wide vocal range and control along with light instrumental accompaniment gives her selections a very light sound with positive therapeutic effects. Her music helped me relax during recovery from recent surgery and in weeks of physical therapy. Furthermore, my young grandson nods to sleep more calmly when Park In Hee sings in the background. Oh for more singers with her talent!"

Piergiorgio Betti

(CD) 박인희 - 힛트곡 전집 / Park In-hee-Hit Song

16F283 가요LP - 박인희 고운노래모음 (하얀조가비/재회) /

Fine Song Collection (White Pavilion / Reunion) NC1001601

* 1. 모닥불 / Bonfire

2. 하얀조가비 / White Clamshell -"waltz"-

3. 방랑자 / Wanderer

4. 재회 / Reunion

5. 그리운 사람끼리 / Between longing people

6. 미루나무 / Cottonwood Tree

7. 젊은날의 우리들 / When we were young -"waltz"-

8. 당신은 없었어요 / What you didn't have

* 9. 끝이없는 길 / Endless road

10. 겨울바다 / Winter Sea

11. 눈빛만 보아도 / By looking at my eyes

12. 나는너 너는나 / I am you, you are me

13. 다리 위에서 / On the bridge

14. 스카브로우의 추억 / Scarborough Memories

* 15. 세월이 가면 / As time passes by

16. 고향바다 / Hometown Sea

17. 배가 들어오면 / When the ship is coming in

This compilation of Park In Hee songs makes a really perfect listen, really, this album making this one of the best starters of the folk-pop driven area from one of the most convincing voices as well.

On track 14 a lesser favourite song appeared, a cover of “Scarborough Fair”, luckily with a fair version and beautiful string orchestrations, acoustic pickings, clarinet and sound sensitive touches by keyboards making me forget I have ever been tired of that song.

Not sure yet about what to think of the last two tracks but still highly recommended.

With a convincing happiness compared to other releases from the time.

- Here the arranged orchestrations are perfectly fit to a folky pop album with a reference to 'folk'/songwriting. -> therefore: Recommended release.

Latest LP reissue:

박인희 - 모닥불 / Park In-hee - Bonfire 2017 LP-only reissue (2016)

SIDE 1 1. 모닥불 / Bonfire 2. 돌밥 / The stomach 3. 얼굴 / Face 4. 마지막 태양이라면 / If it's the last sun 5. 이사도라 / Isadora SIDE 2 1. 소나무에 이름을 새기며 / Name the pine tree 2. 어느 여름날 / Any summer 3. 접동새 / Earthing 4. 아사녀 / other-in-law 5. 갈대밭에서 / In the reeds

지금까지도 사랑받는 당대 최고의 포크송 '모닥불'의 오리지널 버전을 비롯해 시적인 분위기가 넘치는 아름다운 가사가 압권인 주옥같은 곡들이 수록된 이 음반의 최초발행은 1972년 프린스레코드이다. 이 음반은 발매된지 45년 만에 당시에 녹음된 마스터테이프를 리마스터하여 원본에 가장 가까운 사운드로

"This album contains a poetic atmosphere and also includes the original version of the best folk song 'bonfire’. This is the first issue of this album, which contains gemstone songs with beautiful lyrics, originally released on Prince Records in 1972. It is the first reissue since 45 years after it was recorded, taken from the master tape. 500 edition only."

재탄생한 2017 재발매반으로 의미를 가진다. * 180gram Black Vinyl 500장 한정판매. * 오리지널사운드 복원에 충실한 MRC Sound Lab. 마스터링. * 음반 리뷰 첨부. 박인희 / 젬마가요 / 젬마엘피 / A-279 / OGY11

PS. There also exist (CD) 박인희-골든 (2CD) Jigu

뚜아에무아 출신 박인희, 35년 만에 국내 무대 컴백 2016-03-04 11:05

1세대 여성 포크가수, 올봄 ‘컴백 콘서트-그리운 사람끼리’ 개최

1970년대 혼성듀엣 ‘뚜아에무아’ 출신인 1세대 여성 포크 가수 박인희(71)가 35년 만에 국내 무대에 컴백한다.

공연기획사 쇼플러스는 4일 “박인희 씨가 올봄 ‘박인희 컴백 콘서트-그리운 사람끼리’를 개최한다”며 가수 활동을 재개하는 건 1981년 미국으로 건너간 이후 35년만이라고 밝혔다.

그는 미국 로스앤젤레스 미주한인방송국(KCB)에서 라디오 프로그램을 진행하고 1994년 KBS 2FM ‘박인희의 음악앨범’ DJ로 3개월가량 국내 방송 활동을 했지만 가수로 무대에서 노래하는 건 공식적으로 35년 만이다. 공연은 5월께로 알려졌는데 1970년대 대표 가수인 정미조가 37년 만에 새 앨범을 내고 화가에서 가수로 돌아온 데 이은 소식이어서 더욱 반갑다.



공연기획사 관계자는 이날 통화에서 “미국에서 라디오 진행 외에는 가수 활동을안 하셔서 다시 무대에 오르는 것은 35년만”이라며 “그간 국내 방송 복귀와 음반 출시 제의가 많았지만 응하지 않으셨다가 이번에 공연을 결정하셨다. 직접 로스앤젤레스로 건너가 박인희 씨를 섭외했다”고 말했다.

숙명여자대학교 불문과 출신인 박인희는 1970년대 초 혼성듀엣 뚜아에무아로 활동했으며 1972년 솔로로 독립했다. 그는 ‘모닥불’, ‘끝이 없는 길’, ‘그리운 사람끼리’, ‘세월이 가면’, ‘봄이 오는 길’ 등 직접 작사·작곡한 곡으로 큰 사랑을 받으며 여성 싱어송라이터로서의 존재감을 알렸다.

그는 ‘노래하는 시인’이란 수식어가 있을 정도로 글쓰기와 시를 좋아했으며 국내 최초로 ‘목마와 숙녀’, ‘얼굴’ 등의 시낭송 음반을 히트시키기도 했다.

싱어송라이터이자 시인, 라디오 DJ로 다양한 활동을 이어간 그는 1981년 수많은 히트곡을 남긴 채 팬들 곁을 떠났다. 그러나 1989년 풍문여중 동창인 이해인 수녀와함께 수필집 ‘소망의 강가로’를 출간했고, 1994년에는 자신의 시집 ‘지구의 끝에 있더라도’를 내기도 했다.

구체적인 공연 일정은 오는 14일 서대문구 홍은동 그랜드힐튼호텔 컨벤션센터에서 열리는 기자회견에서 발표할 예정이다.


First Generation Female Folk Singer Holds Comeback Concert for Old People. First-generation female folk singer Park In-hee (71), who came from the mixed duet “Toi et Moi” in the 1970s, returns to the domestic stage in 35 years. Show Plus, the performance agency, said on April 4 that Mr. Park In Hee will hold 'Park In Hee Comeback Concert – Good Old People' this spring. It will be 35 years since she moved to the United States in 1981.

She performed a radio program at the Korean Broadcasting Station (KCB) in Los Angeles, USA, and worked for three months as a KBS 2FM “Park In Hee's Music Album” DJ in 1994. The performance was known from May, and it was nice to hear that Jung Mi-jo, the representative singer of the 1970s, released a new album in 37 years and returned as a singer after having become a painter.

"It is 35 years since I went on stage again without performing a singer activity in the US except for the radio."

I went directly to Los Angeles and hired Park In-hee. ”

Park In-hee, who was a member of Sookmyung Women's University, worked as a mixed duet Tua-e-mua in the early 1970s and became independent in 1972. She is known for her presence as a female singer-songwriter. Shee loved writing and poetry with a modifier of “singing poet,” and she had the first Korean hit with a poetry record with tracks such as “horses and ladies” and “faces”.

As a singer-songwriter, poet, and radio DJ, she left the fans in 1981, leaving numerous hits. In 1989, however, she published her essay collection, “The River of Hope,” along with Sister Lee Hae-in, a former classmate so it seems.

The specific performance schedule will be announced at a press conference held at the Grand Hilton Hotel Convention Center in Hongeun-dong, Seodaemun-gu on September 14. "

yunhap news


(rough translation with help of Google Translate):


모닥불 피워놓고

마주 앉아서

우리들의 이야기는

끝이 없~어라

인생은 연기속에

재를 남기고

말~없이 사라지는

모닥불 같은것

타~다가 꺼지는

그 순간까지

우리들의 이야기는

끝이 없어라

타~다가 꺼지는

그 순간까지

우리들의 이야기는

끝이 없어라


Putting out a bonfire

being confronted From Face to face

Our story is

that There is no end to it

Life is in smoke

and it is Leaving ashes

and it Disappears without words

It is Something like a bonfire

you Get out

Until that moment

Our story is

that There is no end

you Get out

Until that moment

Our story is

that There is no end.

봄이 오는 길

산 너머 조붓한 오솔길에 봄이 찾아온다네

들 넘어 뽀얀 논밭에도 온다네

아지랑이 속삭이네 봄이 찾아온다고

어차피 찾아오실 고운손님 이기에

곱게 단장하고 웃으며 반기려네

하얀 새 옷 입고 분홍신 갈아 신고

산 넘어 조붓한 오솔길에 봄이 찾아온다네

들 넘어 뽀얀 논밭에도 온다네

곱게 단장하고 웃으며 반기려네

하얀 새 옷 입고 분홍신 갈아 신고

산 넘어 조붓한 오솔길에 봄이 찾아온다네

들 넘어 뽀얀 논밭에도 온다네

들 넘어 뽀얀 논밭에도 온다네

Spring is coming

Spring comes on a quiet trail over the mountains

It is coming over to the fields

Whisper, spring is coming

Because you are a good visitor

It is Nice to dress up and smile

Put on your pink new white shoes

Spring is coming on a quiet trail over the mountains

It is coming over to the fields

It is Nice to dress up and smile

Put on your pink new white shoes

Spring is coming on a quiet trail over the mountains

It is coming over to the fields

It is coming over the fields.

박인희. 사랑의 추억

숨소리 나무에 등을 기대고 앉아서 그대가 불러주던 고운노래 귀기울인다 이제는 다시 돌아올 수 없는 사랑의 추억 이어라 라

황금의 햇빛속을 걸어가던 두사람 이마를 마주대고 영원한 꿈을 꾸었지 이제는 다시 돌아올 수 없는 사랑의 추억이어라 라

기쁠때나 슬플때나 한마음 한뜻으로 위로하고 아껴주던 그시절 생각난다 이제는 다시 돌아올 수 없는 사랑의 추억이어라 라

프랑스의 미셀 뽈라레프가 부른 샹송인 '누가 할머니를 죽였나'는 1980년대에 광주 오월가로 번안되어 이 나라의 민주화 운동에서 빼놓을 수 없는 불후의 명작으로 자리잡았습니다.

원곡의 내용은 그 옛날 할머니가 그처럼 정성들여 가꿨던 아름다운 정원이 도시계획으로 불도저에 밀려 할머니에 대한 추억마저 함께 사라졌음을 안타까워한다는 내용의 노래입니다.

제목이 '어느 할머니의 죽음'이라 번역되어 소개되던 이 노래는 샹송 특유의 뛰어난 서정성 때문에 당시 살아남은 자들의 가슴에 남아 있는 오월의 상흔을 '오월의 노래'와는 또 다른 의미로 흔들어 놓곤 했습니다. 전두환 정권 시절, 이 샹송은 금지곡으로 묶이기도 했었죠.

'오월가'를 들으면 원곡에는 없는 비장함이 느껴지곤 합니다.

특히, 학살의 리얼리티를 간명하지만 강렬하게 묘사한 가사는 감히(?) 쉽게 따라 부르기 어려운 엄숙함과 경건함을 주곤 했지요. 그러나, 우리가 아는 거센 행진곡풍의 '오월의 노래'와 뽈라레프의 서정성 짙은 노래와는 분위기나 흐름이 상당히 다릅니다.

아마도 '중간 단계의 뭔가가 있을 거다'라고 추측하던 저는 우연찮게 이 의문에 답을 주는 노래를 발견하게 되었습니다. 바로 '모닥불', '방랑자' 등으로 알려져 있는 박인희씨가 1975년에 미셀 뽈라레프의 노래를 '사랑의 추억'이라는 제목으로 번안해서 부른 것입니다.

'뽈라레프-박인희-익명의 편곡자'로 이어지는 한 노래의 변천 과정은 원 가사의 내용, 그리고 작 편곡자들의 의도와는 상관없이 서로 수미상관하면서 노래의 위대한 힘을 국경을 넘어 보여준 것입니다.

다시는 '오월의 노래' 같은 노래가 더 이상 만들어져서는 안 된다는 다짐과 함께 박인희 버전의 가사처럼 "기쁠 때나 슬플 때나 한 마음 한 뜻으로 위로하고 아껴주던" 가슴이 따뜻한 민중들의 세상이 하루 속히 오기를 바랄 뿐입니다.

Memories of love

Siting back against the tree breathing

and listening to the fine song you sang.

Faced with two faces

walking in the golden sunshine I dreamed forever

Whenever I'm happy or sad,

I remember when I was comforting and caring with just one heart

Youtube comments: "Chancellor Michel Guillarev's Chanson 'Who Killed My Grandmother' was transformed into Gwangju May Street in the 1980s and became an indispensable masterpiece of the country's democratic movement. The content of the original song is that the beautiful garden that the old grandmother had been so elaborately had been pushed by the bulldozer by the city planning, so that the all memories of her grandmother disappeared together with it.

The song, which was translated and translated as "The Death of a Grandmother" used to shake off the scars of May, which remain in the hearts of those who survived at that time, because of the exceptional lyricism of Chanson. During the Chun Doo-hwan regime, this chanson was also banned.

When you listen to the Mayo Street, you often feel the splendor that is not present. In particular, the succinct but intensely portrayal of the reality of the massacre used to give solemnity and godliness that was hard to dare to follow. However, the atmosphere and the flow are quite different from the song of May with the strong marching song that we know and the lyrical song of Kualalev.

Presumably 'there's something in between,' and I accidentally found a song that answered this question. Park In-hee, known as the 'Bamboo' and 'Wanderer,' sang the song of Michel Guillalev in 1975 under the title 'Memories of Love.'

The transition process of a song that leads to 'Pulalev-Park In-Hee-Anonymous Arranger' shows the great power of the song across the border, regardless of the contents of the original lyrics and the intention of the composers.

With the pledge that a song like 'Song of May' should not be made anymore, as the lyrics of Park In-Hee's version say, "Come back and care for you with joy and sadness." I just hope."

사랑의 휴일 (Holidays)

사랑의 휴일이면

그대와 함께 떠나요

괴로움과 슬픔 잊어버리고

산과 바다로 떠나요

그대와 손을 잡고

푸른 언덕을 넘어서

바람을 따라가요


아름다움을 찾아요.

사랑의 휴일이면

그대와 함께 떠나요

괴로움과 슬픔 잊어버리고

산과 바다로 떠나요

그대와 손을 잡고

푸른 언덕을 넘어서

바람을 따라가요


아름다움을 찾아요

Holiday of Love (Holidays)

If it's a holiday of love

Going away with you

Forgetting the pain and sorrows

Leaving to the mountains and the sea

Holding hands with you

Over the green hills

Following the wind


Finding beauty

If it's a holiday of love

Going away with you

Forgetting the pain and sorrows

Leaving to the mountains and the sea

Holding hands with you

Over the green hills

Following the wind


Finding beauty

아름다운 시절

아무도 없는 호수가에서

지나간 시절을 생각 합니다

무지개 뜨는 언덕을 보며

미래의 내 모습을 그려 봅니다

이만큼 기쁘면 저만큼 슬프고

우리는 언제나 이렇게 만나

수없이 많은 꿈을 위하여

서로의 생각을 모아 봅니다

Beautiful days

Nobody at the lakeside

Thinking of the past

Looking at the rainbow rising hill

I will paint my future

If you're happy like this, you are as sad as me

We always meet like this

For the sake of countless dreams

we Gather each other's thoughts

몰래 몰래

몰래 몰래 누군가 걸어오는 소리

어둔밤 깊은밤 호롱불 켜고

당신이 당신이 부르시는 소리

물 긷는 소리

몰래 몰래 누군가 속삭이는 소리

어둔밤 깊은밤 호롱불 켜고

당신이 당신이 다가오는 소리

옷자락 소리

Sneaking up (Secretly)

It is the sound of someone walking in secret

It is dark at night

You sound how you respond to it,

as Water rumble

Secretly sneaking into someone's whispering

It's dark at night

You sound like you are coming,

(Humm) That is its sound.

잉크 한방울

한 방울의 잉크로 적어놓은 그 이름

한 방울의 잉크로 지우고 말았어요

그립다는 말 한마디 어렵지도 않은데

틀-린 것 같아 지우고 다시 쓰지요

그립다는 말 한마디 어렵지도 않은데

틀-린 것 같아 지우고 다시 쓰지요

A drop of ink

The name written in a drop of ink

I have erased with a drop of ink

It's not hard to say that I miss you

but I think it's wrong to do so.

It's not hard to say that I miss you

but I think it's wrong when I do.

나무 벤치 길 / 박인희

저바람속에 누가 내이름을 부르는 소리있어 혼자 걸어도 외롭지않은 이길은 끝없는 추억의 길 길가에 서있는 소나무와 나무 나무도 가슴에 남겨놓은 잊지못할 그대의 눈동자 눈물의 그모습이 지금도 있을것 같은 벤치에 아무도 모르는 마음을 두고 떠나면 저바람속에 누가 내이름을 부르는 소리있어 혼자 걸어도 외롭지 않은 이길은 끝없는 추억의 길 길가에 서있는 소나무와 나무 나무도 가슴에 남겨놓은 잊지 못할 그대의 눈동자 저바람속에 누가 내이름을 부르는 소리있어 혼자 걸어도 외롭지 않은 이길은 나의길

There's someone calling my name in the wind

Even when walking alone, you won't be lonely,

following the road of endless memories

It's a road with pine trees standing on the roadside

Your unforgettable eyes in my heart

On the bench where all the tears are still present

And If you leave thoughtlessly

There is still someone calling my name in the wind

Even when walking alone, I won't be lonely,

following the road of endless memories

It's a road with pine trees standing on the roadside

Your unforgettable eyes in my heart

There's someone calling my name in the wind

I'm not lonely even when I walk alone



Although all potentials are there to be a great folk singer/songwriter with sweet voice, with great promising moody record sleeves, revealing the best of this era, there are tendencies to go towards more mainstream, save and softer and more mellow folk/pop areas, the best qualities are always somewhere there. But it's only when they are fully respected, with chamber-like arrangements added or folk moods intact that this singer becomes highly collectable and enjoyable.

See also Toi et Moi



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