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이성애 - Lee Seong-Ae / Lee Sungae

Radioshow related review: "Lee Song Ae is a popular singer. She sings covers mostly, I guess in both Western and Korean styles. Every track is well worked out with string orchestra mostly and a pop/rock band, fitting nicely with the 60s entertainment industry of the west.

After a first track like this I hear something like a waltz song. The third track is an ok but in fact still not too much of a real alternative of “Let It Be”(Beatles), in a Korean pop chanson version. The arrangements include psych organ, piano and drum accents and small acoustic guitar accents. The next or fourth track I think is “Molley Molley” with orchestra and pop/rock band. This is followed by “It’s time for you to go” with lush orchestral arrangements, picking and organ, a fine enough mainstream chanson approach. The sixth track is more up-tempo song with orchestral and pop/rock band arrangements.

The next and 7th track is accompanied by a jazz combo with drum and string orchestra. It is well entertaining.

The 8th track is led by surf guitar with orchestra, is once more a popular song approach ; strange accents on guitar and organ can be heard. This is followed by another entertaining pop/song with full orchestra of strings and reed instruments, drums and guitars, well worked out with much melodic freshness in the reed section.

A good song choice is “Super Star” arranged by acoustic rhythm guitar, drums and with well-arranged brass arrangements, perhaps it will be a good track to take out for airplay. The eleventh song track has some singing strength with emotions too, accompanied by pop/rock band and strings mostly, and it shows some nice guitar repetition of the tune. Also the well entertaining last Korean (?) song is well arranged with full orchestra including strings and flute making a nice conclusion for the compilation."

이성애 - 오리지날 힛송 총결산집

NC1002952 1. 기다리는 마음 ; 2. 우연히 만난 사람 ; 3. 하나님 뜻대로 (Let It Be) ; 4. 사랑은 추억속에 ; 5. 너와 내가 (Until It's Time For You To Go) ; 6. 내사랑 전해다오 ; 7. 사랑의 오두막집 ; 8. 기원 ; 9. 생각 ; 10. 사랑한다고 말했지 (Super Star) ; 11. 추억의 그림자 ; 12. 살짜기 옵서예

Jigu Records 이성애 / Lee, Seong-Ae : 옛노래 전집 [compilation] -2CD- (2007)*


After having heard a previous single compilation, this album sounds more commercialised Trot as I expected. For western listeners I guess this will work as a bit too mainstream to look for it. There will be too little difference between the tracks for it to feed that universal feeing and sensitivity for music, leaving it to details that will not be grasped. I even had difficulties to pick out even just one track that might still work.

CD 1 01. 아주까리 수첩 02. 나그네 설움 03. 누님의 사랑 04. 고향설 05. 유랑극단 06. 번지 없는 주막 07. 눈물의 수박등 08. 고향길 부모길 09. 대지의 항구 10. 석유등 길손 11. 산팔자 물팔자 12. 금박댕기 13. 갈매기 쌍쌍 14. 임 계신 전선 CD 2 01. 애수의 소야곡 02. 목포의 눈물 03. 단장의 미아리 고개 04. 청춘고백 05. 섬 처녀 06. 누가 울어 07. 돌아가는 삼각지 08. 안개 속으로 가버린 사람 09. 어머님 10. 안개 낀 장충단 공원 11. 봄날은 간다 12. 청년고향 13. 찔레꽃 14. 고향의 그림자

Tracks on compilations to be found:

가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum 220 Best [Disc 8]

사랑의 오두막집 / Love shack (1971)

A great western-styled pop song with big band and terrific voice. Suitable for a Texas show theatre.

Golden Folk 2015 compilation

사랑을 느낄때 / When you feel Love

This is a cover from what I think is a Carpenters hit song. The song is close to the original, translated to Korean. It is accompanied by warm guitars, soft drumming and bass and electric piano, with the expected harmony vocal parts.



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