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박신자 - Park Sin-Ja

Tracks to listen you can find here:

유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 / Second generation Meteor singers (1945~1960)

CD10-12 댄서의 순정 / The purity of the dancer

The version of this song on this relies is damaged with surface noise, so I rather recommend the next compilation to check it->

가요(歌謠) 박물관 Music Museum - 220 Best

CD1-3 댄서의 순정 / The purity of the dancer (1959)

This is a foktrot/boogie-like song accompanied with guitar and ballroom orchestra.

Another song I heard which fits to this but I didn't find on any compilation yet is this slow boogie:

단풍처녀 / Autumn leaves. -boogie-

Another very nice modern song with pleasant rhythm and rhythm changes and fit arrangements is the following song:

* 소녀의 꿈 / Girl dreams

I have also heard from her sing a couple more mainstream trot interpretations.

Tracks with * I consider essential listens, also very suitable for western radioshow airplay. Underlined tracks are still considerable for this judgement.



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