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송민도 - Song Min-Do

Song Mindo Hit Music Complete Collection (송민도 히트전집)

From this split-release, a review of the Song Min-Do release:

Sadly, the Song Min Do compilation is nothing but a commercial remake album, of wanting us to remember 80s/90s TV shows, not really being the best occasion or association to appreciate the/such music/singers/songs in its best conditions. Here the arrangements are strings and brass and an electric band and guitars, with older vibrating voice, are merely pressed out already died-out nostalgia pop, mellow, molded and highly corrupted. To avoid.

1 My One Love (나 하나의 사랑)

2 Under Seoul's Roof (서울의 지붕밑)

3 Anemone Lamentation (아네모네 탄식)

4 Seogwipo's Love (서귀포 사랑)

5 Song Of Katusa (카츄샤의 노래)

6 Blue Thread Red Thread (청실홍실)

7 It Is Blue Dream Now To Where (푸른꿈이여 지금어디)

8 It Is What Matters (웬일인지)

9 Ranch Springtime Of Life (청춘목장)

10 Yeook's A Song (여옥의 노래)

11 Sunday Of Happiness (행복의 일요일)

12 It May Be Late If Is Tomorrow (내일이면 늦으리)

13 My Tango (나의 탱고)

14 Grass Of The Hometwon (고향초)

For the Na Ae-sim part see the review at its separate page->.

유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째 (1945~1960) 13 CD

CD3-2 나의 탱고 / My personal Tango (1957)

CD3-3 내일이면 늦으리 / I'll be late tomorrow (1957)

CD3-4 그대 목소리 / Your voice (1959)

CD3-5 해당화(海棠花) 사랑 / Gonghwa love

CD3-6 행복(幸福)의 일요일(日曜日) / Sunday of Happiness

CD3-7 나 하나의 사랑 / I love someone

I am not so good in recognizing dance styles, but “My personal Tango” sounds already slow for a tango, whereas for the even more slowed down song “I’ll be late tomorrow” I don’t even try no more of giving the musical style a name. With the voice in full focus, the song slowly waltzes with careful arrangements. Also “Your voice” is a tango, with strongly pronounced, passionate singing. “Gonghwahwa Love” is even slower than that, with a romantic feel and with power in the voice. “Sunday of Happiness” is of course a happy walking song, where an accordion and some Hawaiian guitar and such are paving the way. “I love someone” is a 40s styled love song, with orchestrated walking orchestra, including some horn solos.

CD11-11 여옥(如玉)의 노래 / A song of a jade (on LP BPL-0029) (1959)

"Song Of Jade" is a slow sweet accordion-led waltz song with band and extra flute melodies on top.

CD12-12 사랑의 길 / Road of love ("Love's Way")

Also this last track is a slow romantic "waltz." It more or less defines the artist.

The full release can be found on next page->

가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum: Best 220

CD2-8 추억의 거리 / Distant Memories (1960)

“Distant Memories” is a nice and slowly waltzing song. You almost want to sing and waltz a long, which I guess is part of the plan how to affect people.

CD9-2 추억의 거리 / Kyachyu's song (1960)

“Kyachyu”s Song” starts with a passionate gypsy violin solo, also the song expresses itself with stretched and taking-the-time pronunciations. This is again the typical personal approach and also quality of the singer to do so.

Domido Best Collection 100 Vol. 1

CD3-6 나의 탱고 / My personal tango (1957)

CD3-11 그대 목소리 그대 목소리 / Your Voice (1959)

"My Personal Tango" (also on the firstly reviewed compilation) is the first of two tracks which has been remastered. With its remastered dynamics you can hear better in stereo its whole variety of instruments that were used for the arrangements.

CD4-3 나의 칼멘나의 칼멘 / My Carmen (1962)

It comes to no surprise a tango-related theme song, Carmen is interpreted by this artist as well. It is a pleasant and well-arranged song with lots of instruments (including electric picking guitar and organ which were new instruments since the late 50s-early 60s).

Domido Best Collection 100 Vol.2

CD2-1 회상의 부르스 / One Time Blues (1962)

CD2-17 해당화 사랑 / Gonghwa Love(1960)

CD3-2 죽도록 사랑하여Sinno me moro(보이헌트 중)/ In Love To Die - Sinno me moro (1959?)

CD3-11 삼손과 데리라 / Samson and Delilah

CD4-4 송도의 밤 / Songdo Night (1958)

On the slowfox “Someday Blues” Song Min-Do’s voice is also well pronounced. The equally slow walking “Gonghwa Love” we already know from the earlier compilation. This I guess should be a remastered version. The cover of “Sinno me moro” (Alida Chelli), surely fits the approach entirely to the singer’s passionate voice. Even more powerful is “Samson & Delilah”, as a memorable performance. Also “Songdo’s Night” is dripping with this sort of slow intimate passion with a loud enough voice that can only be heard and one is not to be able to neglect.

Sohn Suk Woo Anthology: Venus Recording Vol.1

4 우리 애인은 올드미스 / Old Miss Lover

This is a slowly waltzing song with full range orchestral arrangements by Sug Woo Sohn.



1923년생, 송민도라는 가수를 떠올리는 사람들은 최소한 60줄을 넘어 섰거나 거기에 가까운 사람이다.

이 노래가 세상에 나온 것은 한국전쟁이 끝나 아직 복구작업이 끝나지 않았던 시절이다.

감리교 목회자의 딸로 태어난 그녀는?1947년 KBS(당시 중앙방송국) 전속가수?1기생으로 들어갔다.

그것도 결혼한 몸으로. 그야말로 파격중에서도?또 파격적인 발탁이었다.

그해 데뷔곡은 '고향초'로?'청실홍실'?'카츄샤의 노래'?'하늘의 황금마차'?'청춘목장'?'행복의 일요일' 등의 히트작을 내놓았다.

데뷰곡인 ‘고향초’는 3년 뒤 발발한 한국전쟁을 거치면서 피난민들 사이에 유행했었다.

나 하나의 사랑은 1955년에 발표.

그녀는 노래를 부를 때 기교를 전혀 부리지 않은 그야말로 고운 목소리를 낸다.

그녀는 허스키하고 지성적인 목소리의 주인공이다.

모든 여성가수들이 ‘꾀꼬리’ 같은 목소리로 승부하던 그런 시절에 그녀는 등장했다.

첫 곡을 내면서 음반사측에서 ‘민도’가 남자 이름이라며 한 때 다른 이름으로 바꾸었지만

목사였던 그녀의 아버지가 하늘 민(旻), 길 도(道), 즉 ‘천당으로 가는 길’이라는 뜻이라 해서 거절했다고 한다.


Translated (with Google Translate help):

Born in 1923, those people who remember the singer named Song Min-do must be at least 60 now. This singer appeared when the Korean War ended and the restoration work was not finished yet.

Born as a daughter of a Methodist pastor, she entered the KBS (the Central Broadcasting Station) as an exclusive singer in 1956. She was also married that year. Her 1956 debut songs were "Hometown-cho", "Cheongsil Hongsil", "Katsuya Song'', "Golden Carriage of the Sky'', "Youth Ranch'' and "Happy Sunday".

The debut song, "Hometown," was popular among refugees during the Korean War, which broke out three years later. "My one love" was released in 1955. When she sings, she has a really nice voice with no technical skills. She is the hero of a husky and intelligent voice. She appeared at a time when all the female singers were playing with a voice like "Oretail (?)"

In the first song, the music label said that Mindo was a male name. Her father, who was a pastor, refused to have it changed because it meant the way of heaven, the way, or the way to heaven.


가수 활동은 1947년에 한국방송공사의 전신인 중앙방송국 전속가수 모집에 응시하여 1기생으로 발탁된 것이 시작이다. 데뷔곡으로 취입한 〈고향초〉가 널리 알려지면서 송민도의 대표곡이 되었다. 이 노래는 음반사 측에서 일방적으로 여성스럽게 바꾼 송민숙이라는 예명으로 발표되었다. 고향을 그리워하는 내용의 〈고향초〉는 당시의 시대적 분위기와 맞아 떨어졌고, 선배 가수인 장세정이 다시 취입하여 널리 알려졌다. 한국 전쟁 중에는 대한민국 국군 정훈공작대에 소속되어 위문공연 활동을 하였고, 종전 후 〈나 하나의 사랑〉과 〈청실홍실〉이 크게 히트하여 1950년대 후반을 대표하는 여가수로 부상하였다. 이 가운데 〈청실홍실〉은 대한민국 드라마 주제가 제1호이다. 1960년대에도 〈카츄샤의 노래〉, 〈목숨을 걸어놓고〉, 〈여옥의 노래〉, 〈서울의 지붕 밑〉,하늘의 황금마차〉, 〈청춘목장〉, 〈행복의 일요일〉 등의 히트작을 계속 내놓았다. 가성을 사용하지 않는 창법은 고급스러운 느낌을 주며, 목소리는 잔잔한 서구식 저음이다. 미성의 가수들이 많던 시기라, 송민도의 허스키한 목소리는 독특한 분위기를 자아내며 젊은층과 지식인들의 사랑을 받았다. 대한민국 가요의 수준을 한 단계 올려놓았다는 평가를 받기도 한다. 1963년부터는 쇼단을 경성하고 단장을 맡아 활동하기도 했다. 1960년대 후반에 장남이 베트남 전쟁에 참전한 것을 계기로 사이공에 식당을 차리고 머물렀다. 사이공을 떠나면서 1971년에 미국으로 이민하였고, 로스앤젤레스에 정착해 생활하였다.


Translated with help of Google Translate:

The singer's activities began in 1947, at the central broadcasting station, the forerunner of the Korea Broadcasting Corporation. Take a look at exclusive singers. At the beginning they were just entertainers. 〈Hometowncho〉was blown up as a debut song,

It became the representative song of Song Mindo. This song was unilaterally changed by the record label. It was announced under the name of Song Min Sook. "Hometown", which is about missing hometown, fell in tune with the atmosphere, and senior singer Jang Se-jung. It was re-recorded and became widely known.

During the Korean War, she joined at the Republic of Korea Armed Forces to perform a consolation performance, and after the end of the war. The Blue and Red Room was a big hit, and in the 1950s she emerged as a representative singer in the second half of the 50s.

The voice is a calm western low voice. There were a lot of aesthetic singers, but Song Min-do's husky voice creates a unique atmosphere. It was loved by young people and intellectuals.

Since 1963, she cultivated Shodan and also acted as a general manager.

She left Saigon and immigrated to the United States in 1971, Lived in Los Angeles.


나 하나의 사랑-송민도

작사/작곡 : 손석우

나 혼자만이 그대를 알고싶소 나 혼자만이 그대를 갖고싶소

나 혼자만이 그대를 사랑하여 영원히 영원히 행복하게 살고싶소

나 혼자만을 그대여 생각해주 나 혼자만을 그대여 사랑해주

나 혼자만을 그대는 믿어주고 영원히 영원히 변함없이 사랑해주


이토록 가사 단어 하나 하나를 또록또록 정확하게 발음하는 가수는 우리나라에는 더 이상 보이지 않는다.

1923년생, 송민도라는 가수를 떠올리는 사람들은 최소한 60줄을 넘어 섰거나 거기에 가까운 사람이다.

이 노래가 세상에 나온 것은 한국전쟁이 끝나 아직 복구작업이 끝나지 않았던 시절이다.

감리교 목회자의 딸로 태어난 그녀는 1947년 KBS(당시 중앙방송국) 전속가수 1기생으로 들어갔다. 그것도 결혼한 몸으로. 그야말로 파격중에서도 또 파격적인 발탁이었다.

그해 데뷔곡은 '고향초'로 '청실홍실' '카츄샤의 노래' '하늘의 황금마차' '청춘목장' '행복의 일요일' 등의 히트작을 내놓았다.

데뷰곡인 ‘고향초’는 3년 뒤 발발한 한국전쟁을 거치면서 피난민들 사이에 유행했었다.

나 하나의 사랑은 1955년에 발표.

그녀는 노래를 부를 때 기교를 전혀 부리지 않은 그야말로 고운 목소리를 낸다. 그녀는 허스키하고 지성적인 목소리의 주인공이다. 모든 여성가수들이‘꾀꼬리’ 같은 목소리로 승부하던 그런 시절에 그녀는 등장했다.

첫 곡을 내면서 음반사측에서 ‘민도’가 남자 이름이라며 한 때 다른 이름으로 바꾸었지만 목사였던 그녀의 아버지가 하늘 민(旻), 길 도(道), 즉‘천당으로 가는 길’이라는 뜻이라 해서 거절했다고 한다.

1963년,그녀는 남일해, 고대원을 비롯 무용단, 밴드 등을 합쳐 모두25명 으로 ‘백만불쇼단’을 결성했지만 결국 5년 후에 접었다. 그 해 청룡부대로 월남에 파병된 장남의 소식이 두 달 넘도록 끊기자 그녀는 아들을 찾아 월남으로 떠난다.

사이공(지금의 호치민)에서 그녀는 한국식당을 차려3년 반 동안 체류한 뒤 곧바로 미국으로 떠났다. 현재 LA 오렌지카운티에서 생활하고 있는 그녀는 교통사고로 몸이 매우 불편하다고 전해진다.

TV가 없고 라디오에서 목소리만 듣던 많은 사람들은 그녀의 얼굴이 어떻게 생겼는지를 1970년대가 되어서야 겨우 알았지만 그때는 이미 그녀가 미국으로 이민을 간 후였다.

세상의 모든 남편들이 부인으로부터 가장 듣고 싶은 노래가 바로 이 '나하나의 사랑'일 것이다.


Translated with help of Google Translate:

'My (one and) only love'

Lyrics / Composition: Son Seok-woo

I want to know you alone and I want to have you alone

I alone love you so I want to live happily ever after

I think of you alone, and I love you alone

I believe in you alone and love you forever and forever

Song Min-do, a singer pronounced its lyrics and words so accurately we no longer have such an example in Korea.

This song appeared at the moment the Korean War ended and the restoration work was not yet finished.

Born as a daughter of a Methodist pastor, she entered the KBS (Central Broadcasting Station) as a in 1947. It is the time she also married. Even during the outbreak of the war we have an exceptional selection. That year, her debut song "Gohyangcho'' was released with hits such as ``Cheongsil Hongsil'', ` Kachusha's Song ', ``Golden Carriage of the Sky'', ` Youth Ranch ' and ``Happy Sunday''.

Her debut song, "Gohyangcho," was popular among refugees during the Korean War, which broke out three years later. "My one (and only) love" was released in 1955.

When Song Min-Do sings, she has a really nice voice with no specific technical skills. She is the hero of a husky and intelligent voice. She appeared at a time when all the female singers were playing with the voice of “Oktail” (??).

On the first song, the label company said Mindo was a man's name.

In 1963, she formed the “Million Dollar Shodan” with 25 people, including Nam Il-hae, the ancient circle of people, dance troupes, and bands. That year, when the news of the eldest son who was sent to Vietnam in the Blue Dragon Troops ended for more than two months, she left for Vietnam.

In Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City), she had a Korean restaurant for three and a half years and after that she left for the United States. Currently she's living in Los Angeles Orange County, she is said to be very uncomfortable due to a car accident.

Many people who didn't have a TV and only listened to on the radio barely knew what her face looked like until the 1970s, after she had emigrated to the United States.

It is this 'one love' song that every husband in the world wants to hear her sing.


Fragment from Yongwoo Lee, Embedded Voices In Between Empires, p.172-174:

"What constraints does the colonial experience establish around popular song narratives during the post-liberation era? How do popular songs‘ relations to social contexts exacerbate the national ―collective ethos‖ of this specific era? The production of cultural memory through popular songs in this period is historically situated by generating recollections through voices tangled with historical incidents, such as the shift from the schizophrenic exhilaration of national liberation, capturing moments of longing and yearning and the excruciating sense of national separation and alienation accompanying the 38th military demarcation. During the post-liberation era, the phonograph industry searched for a new icon of Korean popular songs by auditioning. Song Min-Do, born in Lungjing, Manchuria but repatriated to Korea after the liberation, was singled out to be the heroine singer and consequently debuted with a big hit number, ―Gohangcho” (Forest of my hometown, written by Kim Da-In, composed by Park Si-Choon, Okeh record) in 1947209 after an audition for Chung-Ang broadcasting‘s singer contest.°

°She recollected the contest, saying ―I should sing anything I can do best, so I sung ‗Nina‘ composed by Hyun Jae-Myeong. But the panel of judges asked me if I can sing some popular song, of which I know nothing. So I eventually sang ―Stagecoach runs (Yeokmachanun Dalinda)‖ by Jang Se-Jeong, but I had to stop since I didn‘t know the lyrics. I was so embarrassed because the audition was on air throughout the whole country.‖ Park Seong-Seo (2006), Korean first husky voice, Song Min-Do, Seoul Daily Newspaper, 2006.10.26.

―When petrol flies to the far southern sky / Camellia blossoms in the backyard garden / The girls picking mulberry left home behind to Seoul / Did you forget our beloved people and hometown! (1st verse) When petals of wild rose shattered on the water / spring passed in my hometown with a frosty wind / where all my beloved people go / did you forget the smell of soil! (2nd verse)‖

“Gohangcho” (Forest of my hometown) Performed by Song Min-Do, Okeh Record 1947

In contrast to the alleged severity of Japanese imperialism, USAMGIK control instituted a scheme of colonial government through speedy rehabilitation, social projects and modernization, and by projecting an image of itself as a beneficent and humanitarian leadership in postwar Korea. Consequently, many Koreans moved to Seoul searching for jobs. According to Lee & Cho‘s study of social movement during the U.S. occupation era, the rate of population increase in metropolitan Seoul is considerable during and after the USAMGIK control of Seoul (25.4%), Gyeonggi (5.7%) (Lee & Cho, 1997:61, See appendix 4). Thus, the theme of the song ―Gohangcho‖ is based in a nostalgic sentimentality and distance, depicting a hometown with camellia trees and wild roses, to signify the concept of original values and as ―places that people identify with and have strong feelings about‖ (Nostrand & Estaville 1993:2-3).

Song Min-Do became popular with her husky alto voice that was distinct from other singers, and she released many popular songs such as ―Nahanauisarang” (My only love 1955), ―Cheongsil Hongsil” (Blue thread, Red thread 1956), and ―Katyushaui nore” (Song of Katyusha 1960). She retired from the entertainment business when she moved to Saigon to take care of her son who was dispatched to the Vietnam War in the late 1960s. Thirty years later, Song was invited to Gayomudae to sing her very first number, ―Gohangcho,‖ to celebrate the show‘s 1000th episode in 2006.

Song Min-Do, an 87 year old former celebrity, sang her debut number ―Gohangcho” in 2006, which delivered a mixture of hometown nostalgia and betrayed the passage of time through the dilapidated quality of her voice. It was as if she provided twentieth-century Korean modern history compressed into a single song, reflecting her entire life interspersed in countless emigration histories of the passage from Manchuria to Vietnam, a popular song summoning Korean audiences to collective memory, which Sturken (1997) describes as ―entangled‖ between cultural memory and history as nostalgia. Thus, the process of Korean history is closely related to cultural memory, which is conveyed through popular songs engaged as a historical narrative of the Korean populace.

Popular songs offer an appropriate terrain on which to examine how colonial experiences were engaged in post-liberation Koreans‘ mentalities, and how this postcolonial imaginary evokes the relations between colonizers and colonized. Popular songs from this era also provide a site to examine the linked nature of colonial memories and post-colonial cultural activity and consumption as these are developed by colonial musicians through their appropriations of colonial experiences as tropes that rewrite the history of the post-liberation and Korean War era."



그대 목소리

들창 너머 들려오는 그대 목소리

언제나 들어봐도 다정스러워

이 밤도 변함없이 나를 부르나

멀고먼 산곡까지 울려주던

그 언제나 듣고 싶은 그대의 목소리.

내 가슴에 스며드는 그대 목소리

또 다시 들려주나 그 멜로디를

강물결 흔들면서 나를 부르나

그리워 잊지못해 구슬프게 들려오는

나의 사랑 그대의 목소리

-강탁수 작사/한복남 작곡-

앨범명 : 송민도 가요힛트앨범 제1집 [그대 목소리] 10인치

(1960) 도미도 LD-106 from LP

'Your voice'

Your voice coming over the fields

sounds Always friendly to me

Even this night it calls me likewise

The sound of the far, far valley

is That voice you always want to hear.

Your voice that permeates my heart

I hear you again, the melody

Shake the river and call me

I miss you, I can't forget

My love, your voice

-Written by Kang Tak Soo / Hanboknam Composition-

Album Name: Song Min-do Gayo Album Album Vol. 1 [Your Voice] 10 Inch

(1960) Domido LD-106 LP

海棠花 사랑

내 사랑 아름다운 한 송이 해당화

비바람에 시들어도 향기만은 수집다네

이른 이침 이슬 맞어 애처로운 모습이면

이 내 몸도 서러워서 품에 안고 운답니다

내 사랑 강언덕에 외로운 해당화

목동들이 짓밟아도 절개만은 변함없네

깊어가는 가을바람 송이송이 낙화되면

이 내 몸도 서러워서 품에 안고 운답니다

'Sea Bream (?) love'

not translated yet

행복의 일요일 - 송민도

1.다람쥐가 꿈꾸는 도봉산으로

그대 손을 잡고서 같이 갈거나

하늘엔 흰구름도 둥실 춤추고

흐르는 시냇물은 맑기도 한데

송사리 숭어떼가 물장구친다

행복의 일요일은 사랑의 꽃이 핀다

가슴에 꽃이 핀다.

2.실버들이 늘어진 우이동으로

그대 손을 잡고서 같이 갈거나

그늘숲 파랑새가 노래를 하고

나리꽃 하늘하늘 반겨주는데

일곱 빛 무지개가 아롱거린다

행복의 일요일은 사랑의 꿈이 핀다

곱게도 꿈이 핀다.

3.벌거숭이 뛰노는 광나루가로

그대 손을 잡고서 노젖어 갈거나

은구슬 부서지는 뱃머리에는

연분홍 꽃잎들이 휘날리는데

물제비 살랑살랑 나래를 친다

행복의 일요일은 사랑의 싹이 튼다

살며시 싹이 튼다.

'Happy sunday'

Towards the Dobong Mountains where squirrels dream

I Hold your hand and go there together

The white clouds dance in the sky

the Flowing streams are clear

A group of killfish mullet hits the water

Sunday of happiness are blooming of love

like Flowers bloom in the chest

Going To the right-sided place (?) where silver is

Holding your hand and going together

Shady Forest Bluebird Singing

Lilium flowers welcome you towards the sky

Seven light rainbows is tingling

Sunday of happiness is a dream of love

It is a dream and it grows fine.

Toward the waves running

Holding your hand and getting wet

Silver beads on a broken bow

The pink petals are flying away

Swallows softly

Sunday of happiness sprouts with love

Sprouting gently sprouting

내일이면 늦으리

오늘 밤 장미꽃이 시들기 전에

첫사랑 문을 열고 불러주어요

그대의 가슴 깊이 나 혼자만이

스며드는 그 비밀을 속삭여 주오

내일이면 늦으리 내일이면 늦으리

오늘 밤 푸른 별이 꺼지기 전에

첫사랑 불길 타는 마음을 주어요

그대의 타는 순정 나 혼자만이

가져보는 그 열쇠를 나에게 주오

내일이면 늦으리 내일이면 늦으리

I'll be late tomorrow

Before the rose fade tonight

Open the door of first love and call me

Deep in your heart, you are alone

Whisper the secret that soaks

Tomorrow is late Tomorrow is late

Before the blue star goes out tonight

First love gives me a burning heart

Your burning pure, for just me

Give me the key

Tomorrow is late Tomorrow is late

송민도 - 장미꽃 인생 1957년 1월 (장미꽃 인생 영화 주제가)

아름다워라 체리 나의 사랑 체리 장미꽃 같은 얼굴 그대 사랑 영원히 간직한 나의 심정을 알어나다오 검은 그 눈동자엔 사랑의 하소연 담고 계시는 듯 장미꽃 인생은 가시덤불 장미꽃 사랑은 허무한 사랑 아름다워라 체리 나의 사랑 그대 내 사랑아~

Life of a Rose I know it’s foolish to love you so much But I forget to be smile when you touch me My heart tells me to beware Your dangerous cherry but I don’t care

January 1957 (Movie Theme Song)

송민도- 장미꽃 인생(薔薇꽃 人生) (57/1) (映畵 薔薇꽃 人生 主題歌)

아름다워라 체리 나의 사랑 체리 장미꽃 같은 얼골 그대 사랑 영원히 간직한 나의 진정을 알어나 다오 검은 그 눈동자엔 사랑의 하소연 담북히 실은 듯 장미꽃 인생은 가시덤불 장미꽃 사랑은 허무한 사랑 아름다워라 체리 나의 사랑 그대 내 사랑아 I know its foolish! To love you so much! But I forget to be smile! when you touch me! My heart tells me to beware! Your dangerous cherry! But I don't care!

송민도, 김시스터즈 청춘 목장



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