송영란 - Song Young-Ran Songs can be found here: Music Museum 220 Best CD3- 14 굳바이 죤 / Goodby John (1964) -ref. "Two Quirrels" & 'Lock & Keys'- This I assume is a cover of some 60s American pop song. The notes refer to "Two Quirrels" and "Lock & Keys" but I have no idea what reference this truly is. #oldtime #S
Songs can be found here: Music Museum 220 Best CD3- 14 굳바이 죤 / Goodby John (1964) -ref. "Two Quirrels" & 'Lock & Keys'- This I assume is a cover of some 60s American pop song. The notes refer to "Two Quirrels" and "Lock & Keys" but I have no idea what reference this truly is. #oldtime #S