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송창식 - Song Chang-Sik (Twin Folio)

송창식 - 1974 : 맨처음 고백 / The First Confession

also titled as "First Confess"

CD release : Music Research May 01, 2008 (original LP MPA)


1 맨처음 고백 / The First Confession

2 한 걸음만 / Only One Step

3 밤눈 / Night vision

4 향수 / Perfumes


5 축가 / Anthem

6 손을 잡고 걸어요 / I Walked Holding Hands

7 새는 / Birds

(*) 8 한번쯤 / At Least Once

9 강변에서 / On the Riverside

10 바람부는 길 / Windy Roads

I thought Song Chang Sik's boosted song emotionality must have delivered a few worth checking out songs, but I could have guessed from this cover here the schlager-aspect most often was still the most dominant factor. The 7th track with psychedelic rock band featuring fuzz solos, flute and keyboard solos of course stands out well. Also a bit more convincing is the last, acoustic song.

Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics, or tracks to check out for sure. These are tracks that makes them also very suitable for western radioshow airplay. Tracks that are only underlined are still fine tracks you might better check out as well, but I am not sure how essential they are. (translated roughly)

송창식 | 맨 처음 고백 / 손을 잡고 걸어요 (1974)

트윈폴리오에서 독립하여 애플 프로덕션에 둥지를 틀었던 송창식이 오리엔트 프로덕션으로 이적하며 발표한 첫 번째 음반으로, 통산 네 번째 독집에 해당한다. 애플 시절 송창식의 음반이 트윈폴리오의 연장선 혹은, 김희갑의 곡을 받으면서 가요와의 중간적 형태의 위치에 해당했던 반면 동방의 빛과 결합한 새로운 시도들은 향후 송창식의 스타일을 규정지을 정도로 독특한 형태의 진화를 이루었다. 그 진화 가운데는 스매시 히트곡 <한번쯤>과 같이 트로트와 결합했지만 통속적인 느낌이 들지 않는 트랙도 있다. 물론 그 이유는 연주에 참여하고 있는 동방의 빛의 영향력이 클 것이다. 특히 전체적으로 도입한 지 얼마 되지 않은 것으로 보이는 무그 신세사이저의 종횡무진 펼쳐지는 활약이 돋보이며, 프로그레시브록의 영향력 아래 펼쳐지는 서늘한 후주를 동반한 <새는>은 단연 압권이다. 송창식이나 동방의 빛의 여타 작품들에서 좀처럼 듣기 어려운 블루스적 감성의 <강변에서>도 독특하다.

Song Chang-sik | First Confession / Walk Hand in Hand (1974)

"Song Chang-sik, an independent of the Twin Folio and nested in Apple Production, is the first album released and transferred to Orient Production. While Song's album was an extension of the twin folio or the song of Kim Hee-gap in Apple's days, new attempts combined with Light Of The East (session band) have evolved a unique form of evolution that defines Song's style in the future. Done. Some of the evolutions, such as the smash hit "Once Once", combine with the trot but don't feel popular. The reason is, of course, the influence of the light of the east to participate in the performance. In particular, the Moog synthesizer, which seems to have been introduced for a while, stands out, and its birding is accompanied by a cool aftermath under the influence of progressive rock. Blues' sensibilities, which are rarely heard in Song Chang-sik and other works of the East, are also unique."

Although the impression of Song Chang Sik he might have/had tendencies to a more bombastic or melodically an entertainment way of singing based upon what I have heard before, - on the previous reviewed release, on this one however, with a fine rock band accompanying, his full potential, voice, singing and approach actually comes out very well. The (creative) band on these 15 tracks shows a great sound with nice (fuzzed here and there) electric guitar organ, bass/drums. For airplay I took out a few tracks for airplay where there was a bit more room for electric fuzz or organ contributions. This belongs to the (progressive) pop / rock area, with only a small touch of popular music left in the singing. People who only heard the previous release should be open to a real surprise.

송창식 / 골든앨범 / Golden Album

CD release date: Nov 10, 2011 on Music Research

* 1 그대 있음에 / In your presence

* 2 피리 부는 사나이 / Pipe Man

* 3 한번쯤 / Once

4 맨 처음 고백 / First confession

5 한 걸음만 / Only one step away

6 축 결혼 / Wedding celebration

7 걷지 말고 뛰어라 / Don't walk, but run 8 손을 잡고 걸어요 / Hold your hand and walk

* 9 새는 / A Leak

10 이슬비 / Drizzling

11 간다시던 / Wherever you go

12 가위 바위 보 / Rock Paper Scissors

13 새벽길 / Dawn

14 이상해 / Strange

15 아홉 동그라미 / Fifteen nine circles

Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics, or tracks to check out for sure. These are tracks that makes them also very suitable for western radioshow airplay. Tracks that are only underlined are still fine tracks you might better check out as well, but I am not sure how essential they are.

V.A.: 바보들의 행진 / March of fools OST

* 1 왜 불러 / Why do you call me?

2 날이 갈수록 / As the days go by

* 4 고래사냥 / Whale hunting

Early review: "Most of this compilation album was somewhat disappointing for me, for its easy mainstream use of rhythms and schlager-like pop songs, song festival-pop like at times with some kitschy approaches. The few fuzz guitar parts and organ can’t compensate enough, for Western collectors this 60s pop album might not rewarding enough. (For early airplay I chose only one track that stood out)."

When I listen back to these Song Chang Sik tracks I find them rewarding enough today. "Why do you call me" sounds powerful enough, also for its band arrangements (organ and rock band with calmer passages). As the Days Go By" its a calmer and still fine track. "Whale Hunting" has nice emotional fuzz and also sounds like a pretty fine track to me.

Chosen for possible airplay: track 2, 6, 9, 10

I checked three more early albums out from Song Chang-Sik, and I was amazed of the varied and convincing voice capabilities of the singer who adapts well and with power to different sort of singing styles and song contexts. This one as a consistent album is already amongst the best ones I have heard from him.

On this first album (I saw other albums from 1977 onwards) all the songs and arrangements and of course also the singing is rewarding. Song’s singing shows a strong inner power and the band is a dedicated rock band (guitars, drums and keyboards mostly).

The first song has somewhat pop mainstream melody, but the approach still is more rock. The second track (“the pied piper”) is a classic Korean cover I have heard before. It shows flute arrangements, electric piano and strings and full-breast, powerful singing. The third track starting with strings and picking guitar and electric piano (amongst funky guitar,..) and here the singer shows a more tempered, rich and warm slower voice. A similar song follows this, with its own emotionality and strength in singing, slightly more crooner-like. The emotionality is even more rich in quality on the next and more melancholic track. Its arrangements receive electric piano and strings arrangements. This one lies close to crooner music as well, but sounds directly and deeply inspired. The ending has a small moody electric/acoustic solo. Also very special is the next track (“Ding Dong Ding”) with Baroque electric piano and keyboards lead, with slower singing, with its own strong emotional richness. The next track is a bit lighter with nice band arrangements. Even more special is the track after that, a slower emotional song with acoustic pickings and at the start a fit keyboard drone. It has an acoustic guitar part too. This is followed by one more lighter track with a lighter rhythm. The last song track has a bit more progressive band arrangement. A fine album worth checking out.

송창식 골든 제1집 / Golden House (album 1)

LP: SPDR-137 / HC-200 100

CD release date: Nov 01, 1990 on E&E Media

CD: 1. 한번쯤 / Once

2. 피리부는 사나이 / Pied Piper

3. 맨처음 고백 / The first confession

4. 그대 있음에 / In your presence

5. 사랑이야 / Love

* 6. 비와 나 / Rain and me

* 7. 딩동댕 지난 여름 / Ding dong deng last summer

8. 철지난 바닷가 / An out-of-date beach

* 9. 애인 / lover

* 10. 상아의 노래 / Ivory Song

11. 축가 / anthem

12. 새는 / Leaking

Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics, or tracks to check out for sure. These are tracks that makes them also very suitable for western radioshow airplay. Tracks that are only underlined are still fine tracks you might better check out as well, but I am not sure how essential they are.

Possible airplay : track 2, 3, 10

This next album is a good pop/rocking album as well. It starts with a lighter rocker. The second track shows a powerful voice alternated with subtle singing, a song arranged in several parts and with varied arrangements, a known song and a good original version of it, with an outstanding performance of voice, and a good band arrangement. The first four tracks fit well together in the same vein, in a somewhat rock context.

Then suddenly, the 5th track is a folk/acoustic songwriter’s song with acoustic pickings, before turning smoothly into a more rock direction again. Also the songs with extra strings are tastefully arranged.

The next surprise is the 10th track, which starts like a filmic track with wooden block percussion and voice only. Also this turns into a good enough pop/rock track. And then continues this way again. Once more, a nice album to trace.

송창식 골든 제1집 Golden Album 2

CD release date: Jul 01, 1996 on E&E Media

(A1) 01 고래사냥 / Whale Hunting

* 02 왜 불러 / Why are you calling me?

* 03 이슬비 / Deep rain

* 04 가위 바위 보 / Scissors Scissors

05 나의 기타 이야기 / My Other Story

(B1) 06 내나라 내겨레 / My country

07 꽃보다 귀한 여인 / More wondering than about a flower

08 나그네 / Wayfarer

09 향수 / Perfume

10 토함산 / Tohamsan

11 사랑하는마음. 한걸음만. 이상해 / I love you. Just one step away. Odd.

The next compilation is an album of lighter but still good pop/rock without songs that show its differences easily/immediately. If I have to take out tracks I would show track 7, a good blues-rocker, and the track after that, a Koreanised acoustic songwriter track (accompanied by acoustic and amplified pickings only). Original pressing 1983 ?

송창식 골든 제3집 Golden vol.3

CD release date: Mar 24, 2003 on E&E Media

(A1) 1 우리는 / We are

2 푸르른 날 / lush green days

3 가나다라 / Canada

4 슬픈 얼굴 짓지 말아요 / Don't make a sad face

5 선운사 / Sununsa

(B1) 6 참새의 하루 / Sparrow day

7 담배가게 아가씨 / Tobacco lady

8 에이야 홍 술레잡기 / Aiya Hong Sule

9 당신은 / You

10 밀양 머슴 아리랑 / Mill sheep Arirang

"Canada" is a strange progressive twist of a fusion of pop/rock with powerful singing mixed with Korean folk rhythms also worth mentioning.

맷돌 (밝은 노래모음) [한정판] / V.A.: Millstone (Bright Song Collection) [Limited Edition] (live)

LP 1970 ; CD reissue 2018

* 4 비와 나 / Rain and Me

( 5 딩동댕 / Ding dong dang announcement)

6 딩동댕 / Ding dong deng

This was one of the first concerts of acoustic song music which had something innocent and pure. This feeling is also given to Song Chang Sik performances.

세시봉 친구들: 43 지기 친구들의 음악 그리고 이야기들... (4CD)

Cecibong's Friends: 43 Keeper Friends' music and stories ...

Disc. 1 (송창식 이야기 / Song Chang-sik story)

01. 한번쯤 / Once

02. 나의 기타 이야기 / My guitar story

03. 우리는 / We

04. 피리부는사나이 / The Pied Piper

05. 맨처음 고백 / First Confession

06. 사랑이야 / Love

07. 당신은 / You are

08. 가나다라 / Canada

09. 푸르른날 / Green Day

10. 고래사냥 / Whale Hunting

11. 토함산 / Tohamsan

12. 상아의 노래 / Song of Ivory

13. 애인 / Lover

14. 참새의 하루 / Sparrow Day

15 선운사 / Seonunsa

16. 왜불러 / Why?

17. 밤눈 / Night eyes

18. 담배가게아가씨 / Tobacco shop

19. 새는 / Birds

20. 나그네 / A stranger

21. 축가 / Auspicious

This is a re-recording which still more of a nostalgic idea than a necessary move for musical reasons. The technical sound is very good. I think only "Lover" has something more perfectly achieved.

Disc. 2 (윤형주 이야기 / The Story of Yoon Hyung-joo)

Disc. 3 (김세환 이야기 / Kim Se Hwan's Story)

Disc. 4 (트윈폴리오 이야기 / Twin Folio Story) :

"In 15 words or less: One of the flag-bearers of the folk rock movement in the 1970s.

Maybe he should have been ranked because… Some of his songs like Whale Hunt are iconic. He was not ranked because… He did not have much influence otherwise, and quickly joined the softened folk rock trend in the late 1970s."

윤형주 / Yoon, Hyung-Ju: 윤형주(尹亨柱) 리싸이틀 / Rain's wayfarers / girls.1973

with 윤형주 / Yoon, Hyung-Ju:

CD1 10 하얀 손수건 / / White Handkerchief

* CD1 11 비와 나/라라라 / Biwa Na / Lalala

CD1 12 두 개의 작은 별 / Two little stars

Live recording of three acoustic songs with some duo harmony vocals (like Twin Folio). The second one I consider a classic.

Songs on compilations:

친구야 소풍가자 / Friends, let's go on a picnic: 쎄시봉 그때 친구들의 음반 / Cecibong's album

* CD1 7 나는 피리부는 사나이 / I'm a piper

Application song of memory Best 40

CD1 10 산골짝의 등불 / Valley lamp

Very sweet, simple acoustic picking track (2 guitars and voice)

V.A.: 비의 나그네/아가씨들아 / Rain's wayfarers / girls

11 산골짝의 등불 / Valley lamp

가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum 220 Best (CD box)

CD8 6 고향 / Home (1970)

-ref. "Mi casa Su Casa"-

with 서유석 / Yu Seok Suh

Another acoustic folk track with delicate singing and sparse harmony singing.

대중가요 Lp 가이드북 / Popular Songs Lp Guidebook

9 고래사냥 / Whale hunting (1975)

제조사 :SAIL MUSIC원산지 :국내출시일 :2021-03-12

Side. A
1. 창밖에는 비 오고요 
2. 아베 마리아 (Ave Maria)
3. 끝이라고 (It’s Over)
4. 비 (Rain)
5. 고독 (Wednesday Child)
6. By The Time I Get To Phoenix
7. 비의 나그네 – Bonus Track
Side. B
1 밤비 (Let It Rain) 
2. 조국찬가 (Battle Hymm Of The Republic)
3. 내버려두오 (Let It Be)
4. 어제 (Yesterday)
5. 아베 마리아 (Ave Maria)
6. Today
7. 하얀 손수건 (With 윤형주) – Bonus Track
* 180g 중량반    
* 24Bit/176.4kHz 디지털 리마스터링    
* 폴리 페이퍼 이너슬리브  *보너스 트랙 2곡 추가 수록
* Transparent Gold Color, Transparent Yellow Color, Black Vinyl - 컬러 250장 , 블랙 250장 한정 제작  
* OBI     
* 수입 제작 (Germany)

첫번째 창작곡 <창밖에는 비 오고요>, 커다란 히트를 기록했던 <조국찬가>, 팝 번안곡인 <내버려 두오 (Let it Be)>, <어제 (Yesterday)> 등이 수록된 반세기만에 초반본으로 발매되는 트윈폴리오, 세시봉의 주인공! '70년대 포크 전성시대를 견인한 송창식의 첫 솔로 독집! 원작에는 수록되지 않은 70년대 히트곡 <비의 나그네>와 윤형주와 함께 한 트윈폴리오 시절의 히트곡 <하얀 손수건> 보너스 트랙 추가 수록. 70년대 포크 전성시대를 견인한 송창식의 첫 솔로 독집 송창식의 첫 솔로 앨범인 ‘애창곡 모음’은 1970년대의 인기 디제이(DJ) 이종환이 기획해 다섯 장의 시리즈 음반으로 제작해 포크송 열풍을 일으켰던 ‘별밤에 부치는 노래 씨리즈’ 의 출발점에 해당하는 1집이기도 하다. 소위 ‘별밤 시리즈 음반’들은 대부분 여러 가수의 노래들이 수록된 컴필레이션 형식으로 제작했지만, 이 앨범은 이례적으로 송창식의 독집으로 제작되었다. 이는 70년대의 국민가수로 성장했던 송창식의 인기가 이미 이 음반이 발매된 1971년에도 상당했음을 증명한다. 듀오에서 솔로 가수로 독립 송창식의 솔로 가수 행보는 이미 남성듀오 트윈폴리오 시절인 1969년에 시작되었다. 그의 기억에서조차 지워졌던 솔로 데뷔곡은 손석우 작사 작곡의 <멀어진 사람>이다. 아마도 트윈폴리오가 짧은 기간 활동하고 해체한 것은, 세간에 알려진 윤형주의 학업 문제보다 솔로 가수로 데뷔하려던 송창식의 음악적 열망 때문이었을지도 모른다. 1970년 3월, 남성 듀오 트윈폴리오가 해체되자 송창식은 MBC TV「목요살롱」에 출연하며 솔로 가수로 본격적인 활동을 시작했다. 당시 방송과 다운타운에서 주로 불렀던 그의 레퍼토리들은 대부분 한국에서 인기가 많았던 팝송 번안 곡들이었다. 사실 한국 포크의 레전드로 평가받는 송창식의 데뷔 초기 모습은 대중에게 인기가 많은 팝송 번안 곡을 주로 부르는 상업적인 포크가수에 불과했다. 창작 작업도 시작하지 않았던 미완의 송창식을 향해 일부 골수 포크 팬 중에는 ‘인기에만 영합하는 측면이 있다’고 비판하는 이도 있었다. 하지만 짧은 듀엣 활동 기간에도 불구하고 타고난 가창력으로 대중의 마음을 사로잡았던 송창식은 여고생 팬클럽이 결성되었을 정도로 폭발적인 사랑을 받았다. 이에 MBC 라디오 심야 프로그램「별이 빛나는 밤에」진행자였던 당대의 인기 디제이(DJ) 이종환은 방송의 중요 초대 가수였던 송창식을 자신이 기획하고 제작에 관여했던「별밤에 부치는 노래 씨리즈」 첫 앨범의 주인공으로 선택하는데 일말의 고민도 없었다. 첫 창작곡 <창밖에는 비 오고요>의 존재 반세기 만에 오리지널 LP 포맷으로 재발매된 송창식의 첫 독집은 선풍적인 인기를 끌었던 당대의 히트 앨범답게 재킷 디자인과 라벨 색상이 다른 버전이 복잡하게 공존한다. 이번에 재발매된 LP는 파란색과 노란색 재킷 커버 중 1달 먼저 발매된 귀한 노란색 초반 버전이 채택되었고 오렌지, 자주색 등 여러 색상이 존재하는 라벨 중에서 오리지널리티를 살리기 위해 자주색 라벨로 제작되었다. 1971년 ‘별밤에 부치는 노래 씨리즈’ 1집으로 발매된 이 앨범의 수록곡은 남성듀오 트윈폴리오 해체 이후 솔로로 독립해 1년여 동안 불렀던 그의 애창곡들로 구성되었다. 대부분 애절하고 감상적인 분위기의 팝송 번안 곡으로 채워진 수록곡 중 송창식의 유일한 창작곡 <창밖에는 비 오고요>의 존재가치는 선명하다. 공식적으로 발표된 송창식의 첫 창작곡이기 때문이다. 가사는 이장희의 작품이다. 1972년 6월 내한 중이던 미국 작곡가 벤 오클랜드는 우연히 파티 석상에서 <창밖에는 비 오고요> 등을 부르는 송창식의 노래를 듣고 감탄했다. 이후 송창식의 모든 음반들을 구해 들을 정도로 매료된 그는 송창식의 미국 진출을 적극 추진했었다. 예상치 못한 큰 히트를 기록한 <조국찬가> 총 12곡의 수록된 이 음반은 소박한 통기타 연주와 풍성한 오케스트라 연주 편곡이 공존한다. 송창식의 통기타 연주도 정겹지만, 무엇보다 그의 뛰어난 가창력은 사람의 목소리가 가장 아름다운 악기임을 입증한다. 감성적인 창작곡 <창밖에는 비 오고요>와 더불어 2면 두 번째 트랙 <조국찬가>도 예상치 못한 큰 히트를 기록하며 이 앨범의 흥행에 일조했다. 이 노래는 한국 최초의 걸 그룹 김시스터즈가 1970년 내한공연 무대에서 불렀던 팝송 <공화국의 전송가(Battle hymm of the Republic)>을 애국 가요 <조국찬가>로 리메이크했다. 이 곡은 ‘애국 가요도 히트할 수 있다’는 전례를 남기며 당대 가요계에 유행처럼 번졌다. 또한 <아베 마리아(Ave Maria)>, <끝이라고(It's Over)>, <비(Rain)>, <고독(Wednesday Child)>, , <밤비(Let It Rain)>, <내버려 두오(Let it Be)>, <어제(Yesterday)>, 등 앨범에 수록된 팝송 번안 곡들은 송창식의 달콤한 음색이 덧칠되면서 원곡과 더불어 라디오와 음악다방에서 쉼 없이 리퀘스트 되었다. 흥미로운 곡은 A면과 B면에 중복 수록된 <아베 마리아(Ave Maria)>이다. A면은 러닝타임 4분 58초의 오케스트라 버전이고 러닝타임 2분 30초의 B면은 소박한 통기타 라디오 버전이다. 초반 커버의 뒷면 트랙 리스트에는 B면의 곡 표기가 누락되어 파란색 재반에는 수정되었다. 비틀즈의 대표곡 를 한글 제목으로 발표한 <어제>는 소박한 통기타 연주와 영어 가사로 노래해 당시 학생층에서는 ‘원곡을 능가한다.’는 극찬을 받았다. 이번 재발매 LP에는 송창식의 70년대 히트곡 <비의 나그네>와 트윈폴리오 시절의 대표 히트곡인 번안 곡 <하얀 손수건> 2곡이 새롭게 추가되었다. 1970년대를 포크 전성시대로 이끈 히트작 시리즈 앨범이 연속 발매에 기폭제가 되었을 정도로 히트한 이 앨범 발매 이후 송창식은 언론 인터뷰 요청과 TV와 라디오 방송 출연 요청이 밀려들며 유명세를 탔다. 하지만 송창식은 TV보다 얼굴을 드러내지 않는 심야 라디오 프로그램만 고집해 당시 ‘별창식’, ‘밤창식’ 등의 별명으로도 불렸다. 이 앨범의 히트로 서울 명동과 충무로의 다운타운에서는 “여학생들에 생명적인 존재 송창식”이라는 현수막까지 나붙을 만큼 송창식은 솔로 가수로 성공적인 출발 동력을 제공받았다. 앨범을 기획 제작한 이종환도 이 앨범의 히트로 별밤 시리즈 음반을 다섯 장이나 발매하며 1970년대를 포크송과 시리즈 음반 전성시대로 이끄는 계기를 마련했다. 1986년 이후 정규 앨범 발표가 중단된 송창식의 첫 독집 재발매가 새로운 정규앨범 발표 소식으로 이어지길 기대해 본다. 글=최규성 대중문화평론가. 한국대중가요연구소 대표

Rough Translation: "Twins released in half a century after their first original song <It Rains Outside the Window>, <The Fatherland Hymn>, which recorded a huge hit, and <Let it Be>, <Yesterday>, etc. Folio, the protagonist of Se Sibong!

Song Chang-sik's first solo solo album that led the heyday of folk in the '70s!

Additional bonus tracks include the hit song <Rain Traveller>, which was not included in the original, and the hit song <White Handkerchief> during the Twin Folio era with Yoon Hyung-ju.

Song Chang-sik's first solo solo album, who led the era of folk heyday in the 70s

'Favorite Song Collection', was planned by popular DJ Lee Jong-Hwan of the 1970s and produced it as a five-series album, which was the starting point of the'Songs of the Starry Night', which created a folk song craze. . Most of the so-called “Star Night Series Albums” were produced in the form of compilations containing songs by several singers, but this album was unusually produced as a solo album by Song Chang-sik. This proves that the popularity of Song Chang-sik, who had grown into a national singer in the 70s, was already significant in 1971 when this album was released.

Song Chang-sik's solo singer's career began in 1969, when he was a male duo twin folio. His solo debut song, which was erased even from his memories, was written and composed by Sohn Seok-woo. Perhaps the reason why Twin Folio was active and disbanded for a short period of time was because of Song Chang-sik's musical aspiration to debut as a solo singer, rather than the academic problems known to the public. In March 1970, when the male duo Twin Folio was disbanded, Song Chang-sik began his career as a solo singer by appearing on MBC TV 「Thursday Salon」. His repertoires, which he sang mainly on broadcast and downtown at the time, were mostly popular pop-song bundles in Korea.

In fact, Song Chang-sik's early debut, which is evaluated as a legend of Korean folk, was only a commercial folk singer who mainly sang a pop song bundle that is popular with the public. Some critics criticized Song Chang-sik, who hadn't even started his creative work, as ‘there is a side that caters only to popularity.’ However, despite a short duet activity, Song Chang-sik, who captured the public's hearts with his innate vocal skills, was so explosively loved that his high school girl fan club was formed. Accordingly, Lee Jong-hwan, a popular DJ at the time, who was the host of the MBC radio late-night program ``On a Starry Night,'' was the protagonist of the first album of ``Songs Songs Sent at Starry Series'', which he planned and participated in the production of Song Chang-sik, an important guest singer of the broadcast There was no worries about choosing it.

The existence of the first original song <It Rains Outside the Window>

Song Chang-sik's first solo album, re-released in the original LP format in half a century, is like a hit album of the day, which was sensationally popular. The LP, which was re-released this time, adopted the precious early yellow version that was released one month earlier among the blue and yellow jacket covers, and was produced with a purple label to preserve the originality among labels that exist in various colors such as orange and purple. Released in 1971 as the first album of “Songs in the Starry Night”, the songs included in this album consist of his favorite songs, which he sang as a solo artist for more than a year after the dissolution of the male duo twin folio. Among the songs in the song, Song Chang-sik's only original song, "It's Raining Outside the Window," is clear. This is because it is Song Chang-sik's first original song that was officially released. The lyrics are Lee Jang-hee's work.

American composer Ben Oakland, who was visiting Korea in June 1972, accidentally admired Song Chang-sik's song, singing <It Rains Outside the Window> at a party. Afterwards, he was so fascinated that he could listen to all of Song Chang-sik's records and actively promoted Song Chang-sik's advance into the United States.

<The Fatherland Hymn> recorded a huge unexpected hit

This album, which contains a total of 12 songs, coexists with simple acoustic guitar performances and rich orchestral arrangements. Song Chang-sik's acoustic guitar performance is also friendly, but above all, his outstanding singing ability proves that the human voice is the most beautiful instrument. In addition to the emotional original song <It's Raining Outside the Window>, the second track on the 2nd page, <The Fatherland Hymn>, also contributed to the success of this album by recording an unexpected hit. This song remakes the pop song <Battle hymm of the Republic>, which was sung by the first Korean girl group Kim Sisters on the stage of their performance in Korea in 1970, as a patriotic song <The Fatherland Hymn>. This song spread like a trend in the music industry of the day, leaving a precedent that ‘patriotic songs can also be a hit.’ Also, <Ave Maria>, <It's Over>, <Rain>, <Wednesday Child>, <Let It Rain>, <Let it Be)>, <Yesterday>, and other pop song bundles included in the albums were constantly requested by the radio and music cafes along with the original song, with the sweet tone of Song Chang-sik overlaid. An interesting song is Ave Maria, which is duplicated on pages A and B. Side A is an orchestra version with a running time of 4 minutes 58 seconds, and side B with a running time of 2 minutes 30 seconds is a simple acoustic guitar radio version. In the track list on the back of the initial cover, the track mark on the B side was omitted, and the blue color was corrected. <Yesterday>, which released the Beatles' representative song in Korean titled, sang a simple acoustic guitar performance and sang in English lyrics, and was praised by the student group as "Exceeds the original song." Song Chang-sik's 70's hit song <Rain Traveler> and two new songs from the classic twin folio album <White Handkerchief> have been added to this re-release LP.

A hit that led the 1970s to the heyday of folk

After the release of this album, which was so hit that the series album became a catalyst for serial release, Song Chang-sik gained popularity with requests for media interviews and appearances on TV and radio broadcasts. However, Song Chang-sik was also called by nicknames such as "Byeolchangsik" and "Night Changsik" because he insisted on only late-night radio programs that do not reveal his face than TV. With the hit of this album, Song Chang-sik was provided with the driving force for a successful start as a solo singer so that a banner of “Song Chang-sik, a vital existence for female students” was posted in downtown Myeong-dong and Chungmuro, Seoul. Lee Jong-hwan, who planned and produced the album, also released five albums of the Star Night series as a hit of this album, providing an opportunity to lead the 1970s to the era of folk songs and series albums. We hope that the re-release of Song Chang-sik's first solo album, whose release of the regular album has been suspended since 1986, will lead to news of the release of the new regular album.

Written by = Choi Gyu-seong, popular culture critic. Representative of Korea Popular Music Research Institute



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