신세영 - Sin Se-Young

Tracks you can find at:

유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc 9]
The second generation of singers in the meteor group (1945 ~ 1960) [Disc 9]
3 추억(追憶)의 다방(茶房) / Memories of a Tea House (1956)
4 전선 야곡(戰線夜曲) / Fronline (1951)
This clearly is a tango, with long improvised violin introduction, followed by accordion leads in rhythm, it leads to a rather passionate song (male voice) with vibrating voice. The second song clearly is (a trot) song related with the war. The sound quality is not so great.

Best Collection 100 vol.1 Domido
CD1-15 신라의 칼 / Silla's sword (1961)
This is a rather exotic track with reference to fairytales and Arabian Nights with nice underlying arranged exotic tune (led by strings and accordion, horn parts, piano rhythm and such) mixed with a trot-like song. It is my favorite song of the artist.

Best Collection 100 vol.2 Domido
CD2-3 그날밤 부르스 / That Night Blues (1963)
With a rather jazzy nightfall introduction, this is the most "bluesy" expressions so far, a song like from one's heart's complaint. The small combo adds melodic brass and some violin/string accents. A fine song.
Roughly translated from wikipedia:
Born in Dongnae, Busan, he grew up in Daegu. Immediately before the liberation, he was obliged to go into the Japanese army, sent to Manchuria via the Manchurian Bongcheon, which was bombed by a B-29 aircraft after which he was sent to a hospital. In 1947, he became an exclusive singer after winning the contest organized by Orient Records. In 1948 he made his debut with "Romance Route". In 2010, he received the President's Commendation from the Korea Popular Culture and Art Award. He went to the United States in 1981, returned his visa in 2004, and returned home permanently.
Shin Se-young is named after the famous singers Shin Canaria, Jang Se-jung, and Lee Nan-young. He was the second popular singer following the sage after liberation. 'Seonjeon Gogok' is a song written by Park Si-chun in 1951 and the songwriter asked Yuho to sing. Park Si-chun wrote the song in consideration of Nam In-soo, but Lee Byung-ju, president of Orient Records, recommended Shin Se-young. In 1951, Shin Se-young recorded this song and then his mother died. He was always in need to keep singing this song during his lifetime out of gratitude for his mother.
Other hits include 'Hospital Ship', 'Loveless Tower Love', 'The Path beyond Beyond', '40 Stairs of Memories', 'Tayang Diary' and 'Cafe of Memories'. Nahuna sang and wrote the famous 'Return Youth'.
가요인물 재조명[003] ‘전선야곡’의 가수 신세영
가요박물관 2008.04.29
가요인물 재조명[003] ‘전선야곡’의 가수 신세영(申世影)
‘전선야곡’에서 ‘청춘을 돌려다오’까지
‘불멸의 보초가’로 병영 막사에서 군가보다도 많이 불리는 ‘전선야곡’의 가수, 그리고 ‘청춘을 돌려다오’의 작곡가이기도 한 신세영 선생(82). 지난 4월 18일, 대한가수협회 원로가수 회장으로 재선출되어 또다시 원로가수들의 권익과 가요계 발전을 위한 막중한 임무를 맡았다. 나이를 잊은 듯 완성하게 활동하고 있는 신세영 선생의 활동을 재조명해본다.
글 l 박성서(대중음악평론가, 저널리스트)
‘신세영’이라는 예명은 당시 유명가수들이었던 申카나리아의 ‘申’, 장世정의 ‘世’, 이난影의 ‘影’자를 한 글자 씩 조합해 만든 이름이다. 흔히 그를 일컬어 ‘해방 이후 현인에 이어 두 번째로 가수가 된 인물'이라 한다.
그도 그럴 것이 당시엔 음반을 찍어낼 물자와 시설이 턱없이 부족해 누구나 쉽게 음반을 낼 수 없었던 탓이다. 그만큼 가수 또한 귀했다.
48년, 대구 오리엔트레코드사를 통해 데뷔곡 ‘로맨스 항로’를 발표한 데 이어 ‘병원선’, ‘무영탑 사랑’, ‘이백리 푸른 달밤’, ‘십자성’ 등을 잇달아 발표했다.
본명 정정수.
1925년 광산업을 하는 부친 정자경과 포목점을 운영했던 모친 김옥경 사이 3남매 중 외아들로 부산 동래에서 태어나 어릴 때 대구로 이사했다.
운동신경이 뛰어나 복싱선수로 활동하기도 했던 그는 가수가 되기 위해 집안의 반대를 무릅쓰고 콩쿠르에 참여하면서부터 점차 노래실력으로 두각을 나타낸다.
이 무렵 이재호, 백년설, 이인권 선생 등 대가들을 만나게 되면서 가수에의 꿈을 한껏 키우던 45년 초, 해방을 불과 얼마 앞둔 시점에 그는 일본군에 의해 강제 징집된다. 이때 평소 아껴주던 백년설씨가 역까지 마중 나와 어깨를 두드려주며 ‘외동아들인 만큼 반드시 살아 돌아오라’고 당부하던 말이 지금도 귀에 쟁쟁하다고 회고한다.
징용 후 만주 봉천을 거쳐 항구 전선에 투입되는데 이때 그는 ‘B 29’의 폭격을 받아 대부분의 전우들을 잃고 그 역시도 피투성이가 된 채 병원으로 이송, 생사의 갈림길에서 감격적인 일본 패망 소식을 듣는다.
이 무렵 그는 정신대의 참혹상을 목격하기도 했다고 증언한다. 더구나 그 주인공 중 한 여성을 최근 서울 방송국에서 다시 재회하는 감격을 맛보기도 했다.
이역만리에서 통한의 시간을 보냈던 정신대 할머니와 징용군이었던 신세영씨, 당시 절박한 상황만큼 60년 만의 해후는 믿기기 어려우리만치 감동적이었으리라.
일본 패망과 함께 중국에서 한 달 반가량 수용소 수감생활을 거친 뒤 귀국해 본격적으로 가수활동을 전개했던 그의 대표곡 ‘전선야곡’은 한국전쟁이 한창이던 51년 10월에 취입한 노래다.
이 노래는 그에게 대표곡 이상으로 의미가 각별하다. 취입했던 바로 그날 어머니가 운명하셨기 때문에 이 노래를 부를 때마다 항시 목이 메었다.
'전선에서 그리는 고향 어머니'에 대한 심경을 고스란히 담은 이 ‘전선야곡’은 대표적인 전쟁가요로 그 무렵 국민들의 심금을 울렸다. 길가다가도 느닷없이 징집되어 전쟁터에 나선 바람에 정작 어머니 얼굴조차 뵙지 못보고 고향을 떠난 이들도 적지 않았던 탓이다. 때문에 ‘어머님의 흰 머리가 눈부시어 울었소’ 하는 부분에서는 특히 가슴이 북받쳐 올라 부르는 이도, 듣는 이도 함께 소리 내어 울었다.
전쟁은 누구에게나 예외 없이 희생을 강요했다. 그 역시 이듬해 정훈국 공작대에 소속되어 국군들의 작전을 따라 최전방 덕천까지 진격했다가 중공군에게 포위, 이틀 만에 탈출하는 등 죽을 고비도 여러 번 넘겼다. 이때 생사를 함께 한 7사단 군예대원 중에는 가수 손인호씨도 있었다.
60년대에 들어서면서부터는 작곡 활동도 함께 시작하는데 대표적인 노래가 ‘청춘을 돌려다오(신행일, 현철, 나훈아 등 취입)’, 그 외에도 ‘정처 없는 방랑자(최무룡)’, ‘화전민(배호)’, ‘비에 젖은 로맨스(안다성)’ 등을 작곡했다.
가족은 부인 박목련 여사와의 슬하에 2남 2녀가 있다.
특히 장남 정태진씨는 한때 ‘태일’이라는 예명으로 가수로 활동하며 그의 작곡인 ‘추억의 동백섬’과 ‘남포동 소야곡’과 ‘저 달이 엿볼까봐’ 등을 발표했다.
나머지 가족들은 지난 74년 미국으로 이민한 데 이어 신세영씨 또한 81년 미국으로 건너가 가족들과 합류한 이후 틈틈이 한국을 오가다가 3년 전에는 아예 비자를 반납했다.
‘묻혀도 한국 땅에 묻혀야겠다’는 생각, 그리고 여전히 해야 할 일이 많기 때문이다.
글 l 박성서 (대중음악평론가, 저널리스트) - Copyrights ⓒ 韓國歌謠作家協會報 2007. 6월.
Shin Se-young, a singer of the song 'Frontline's Night' (Music Museum 2008.04.29)
Focusing once more upon the songs of Shin Se-young (申 世 影) from 'Central Yagok' to 'Return youth' (Written by Park Sung-seo (popular critic, journalist)
Shin Se-young (82), a singer of 'The Front Night Gok', which is called the 'Immortal Guardian' in the barracks. On April 18, he was re-elected as the senior singer chairman of the Korean Singer Association, and again took on the important task of developing the rights and the music industry of senior singers. Let's re-examine the activities of Mr. Se-young Shin who is working as if he has forgotten his age.
The name “Shin Se-young” is made up of letters from the famous singers of the sign “申”, Jang Se-jung, “世”, and “Ian”.
At the time, there was so much shortage of materials and facilities to record records that no one could easily produce them. The singer's approach was precious.
In 1988, he released his debut song ``Romans Pass"' on Daegu Orient Record, followed by ``Hospital Line'', "Loveless Tower Love', "Ibaekri Blue Moonlight'' and "Cross St.''.
In 1925, he was born in Dongnae, Busan.
He also worked as a boxer because of his great athleticism, before he began to compete with his family to become a singer.
At this time, when he met his masters such as Lee Jae-ho, Baek-nyeon-sul and Lee In-kwon, he was forced to be drafted by the Japanese army in the early 45, taking some years of his dream of becoming a singer. At this time, the hundred-year-old Seol, who he was usually caring for, came to the station and patted his shoulder and said, “Be sure to come back alive as being my single son”.
After being recruited, he was sent to Manchuria via Manchurian Bongcheon, where he was bombed by B 29, and where he lost most of his comrades. He was also wounded and sent to the hospital where he heard the shocking news of Japan's defeat while being at the crossroads of life and death.
At this point he testified that he also witnessed a trauma of the spirit squad (translation?). In addition, he became one of the main characters who recently relived the emotion of reuniting in Seoul broadcasting station.
His grandmother spent her time with Lee Yeong Man-ri and Shin Se-young, was Jing Yong-gun.
His most representative song, “The Front Night Gok,” after having returned home after a half-month prison camp stay in China after the defeat of Japan, he began to sing in October 51, during the Korean War.
This song is more meaningful to him than just as a representative song. Every time he sang this song, he felt its content, because his mother felt list the the day he was bombed and severely wounded.
This “front line night music” that reflects the feeling of “mother's hometown drawing on the front line” was a representative war song. It was because there were not many people who left from their hometown being able to see their mother's face because they were conscripted on the road. Because of this, 'the mother's white hair cried dazzlingly', especially the one with the big hearts and the one who heard it cried aloud together.
The war forced anyone to sacrifice without exception. He also joined the Chung Hoon-guk in the following year, advancing towards the front line in Deokcheon following the operations of the ROK soldiers, and besieged the Chinese and escaped after two days. At this time, singer Sohn In-ho was among the 7th Division military artisans who lived and fought together.
In the 1960s, composing activities began with the song 'Returning Youth' (Hyun-chul, Na Hoon-a, etc.)', as well as 'The Wanderer' (Choi Mu-ryong)', 'Hwa Jeon Min (Ho)', He also composed 'Rained Romance'.
The family has two sons and two daughters with his wife.
The eldest son Jung Tae-jin once acted as a singer under the title of 'Tai Il' with some compositions of his own like 'Dongbaekseom of Memories', 'Nampo-dong Soyagok' and 'Looking at the Moon'.
The rest of the family immigrated to the United States in 1974, and also Shin Se-young moved towards the United States in 1981 joining the family in return.
Written by Park Sung-seo (popular critic, journalist)
-Copyrights ⓒ 韓國 歌謠 作家協會 報 June 2007.
Taken from Embedded Voices In Between Empires, The Cultural Formation of Korean Popular Music in Modern Times By Yongwoo Lee:
"The wartime phonograph industry between 1950 and 1953 was not simply the ―declining era of phonograph,‖ as inferred by some scholars (Academy of Korean studies, 1998). The Korean War phase of the phonograph industry conveys the atmosphere of Korean wartime sentiment through the release of many popular hit songs such as ―Jeonseonyagok” (Nocturne of the War Front, performed by Sin Se-Young, Orient Records, record number R815, 1950), ―Aneuinore” (Song of Wife, performed by Shim Yeon-Ock, Orient Record, record number R815, 1952) and ―Gutseora Geumsuna” (Be strong, Geumsun, performed by Hyun-In, Orient Record, record number T4286 R8025 A, 1953). For the phonograph industry, it was also a time of survival, when local phonograph companies in Daegu and Busan produced only a few phonograph records, since refugees including musicians and producers gathered for temporary protection away from the battlefield. The Korean War was not responsible for disconnecting pre- and postwar Korean popular music production, nor did it leave as a vacuum in Korean popular music history. In two major southern cities, Daegu, where Orient records was based and Busan, the home of Doremi records, the popular music industry continued to grow amidst the rubble of the national conflict. The Korean War created an opportunity for local refugees in cities such as Daegu and Busan, Masan and Jinhae to take part in popular music and film-making projects. Numerous hit records were produced under the Orient record label in Daegu, established in 1947 by Lee Byeong-Joo."
"Commemorating the 58th anniversary of the Korean War, NARA recently released 47 photographs to the public in 2009. The black and white photograph of a mother feeding her son in Daegu station on December 19th, 1950 (figure 4-10), captures the bodies situatedin wartime Korea, suffering from the bifurcation of North from South, the foreign controls driven and divided by ideological motives and two fratricidal (4.3 Je-Ju Massacre and Korean War), all engraved into the collective memory of Koreans. These revived memories transmitted through a photograph produce a sense of melancholia entangled into individual and cultural memories. Popular song encompasses and unites the voices of wartime Koreans and the standard narratives of popular song, retroactively shaping the cultural logic of the Korean War imaginary, engaged with excruciating memory."
'Nocturne of the War Front'
Hearing the noises of the gunfight as a lullaby/
I ran to my home town, my house in my dream/
My mother prayed for my credit putting Jeonghwasu (pure water drawn from well)/
I cried because my mother‘s hairs were so dazzlingly white /
I wish I could hold her (2nd verse)
―Jeonseonyagok‖ (Nocturne of the War Front)
Performed by Sin Se-Young, Orient Records, record number R815, 1950
(with help of Google Translate, so incomplete and with mistakes, but it gives an idea)

'전선야곡' (戰線夜曲, 1951)
유호 작사/ 박시춘 작곡/ 노래 신세영
가랑잎이 휘날리는
전선의 달밤 소리 없이 내리는
이슬도 차거운데
단잠을 못 이루고
돌아눕는 귓가에 장부(丈夫)의 길 일러 주신
어머님의 목소리.
그 목소리 그리워.
들려오는 총소리를
자장가 삼아 꿈길 속에 달려간
내 고향 내 집에는
정안수(淨華水) 떠 놓고서
이 아들의 공(功) 비는 어머님의 흰 머리가
눈부시여 울었소.
쓸어안고 싶었소
'The Front Line'
Leaves are falling
wires into the Moon night
Falling silent
dew is cold
I can't sleep
In my ear
The way of ledger
Mother's voice.
Ah ~ ah ~
I miss that voice.
I can hear the gunshots
a Lullaby
in my dream I ran
In my hometown
I'm going to float
This son is like empty rain
my Mother's white hair
I cried dazzlingly.
Ah ~ ah ~
I wanted to hug you.
신세영 - 전선야곡
가랑잎이 휘날리는 전선의 달밤
소리없이 내리는 이슬도 차가운데
단잠을 못이루고 돌아눕는귓가에
장부의 길 일러주신 어머님의 목소리
아~~~~~그 목소리 그리워
들려오는 종소리를 자장가 삼아
꿈길속을 달려간 내고향 내집에는
정안수 떠놓고서 이 아들의 공비는
어머님의 흰머리가 눈부시어 울었소
아~~~~~쓸어 안고 싶었소
Jeonjeon Yagok
Moonlight of the electric wire with the crotch leaves flying
The dew that falls silently is cold
I can't sleep very well
Mother's voice
Ah ~~~~~ I miss that voice
Lullaby the sound of the bell
My hometown that ran down the dream road
Aside from Jung An-soo, this son's public
Your gray hair was dazzling and crying.
Ah ~~~~~ I wanted to hug you
신라의 칼/신세영
신라의 피가끓는 시퍼런 칼은
사나이가 부르짖는 꽃이련만은
일백번을 죽고죽어 황토가 될지라도
님의 향한 일편단심 아~ 일편단심
내어이 변하리오
간신의 무리들과 불의의 사랑
나려지는 칼날끝엔 달빛도 뜬다
산수찾어 도를 딱는 시퍼런 칼날끝엔
님의 향한 일편단심 아~ 일편단심
내어이 변하리오
-손로원 작사/한복남 작곡-
'Silla's sword'
Silla's bloody boiling knife
A flower for the man who cries
Even when I die a hundred times and fall,
approaching towards you ~ approaching
will not change my mind
in Bare crowds and unrighteous love
Moonlight rises at the edge of my blade
At the tip of the sharper blade
a One-sided singleness towards you ~ a One-sided singleness
I (will not) change my mind
-Songwonwon lyrics / Hanboknam composition-
애수의 왈츠 (1961)
언제까지나 사랑하는 그대 다시는 못 만나리
그대의 입술 내가슴속에 지워지지 않네
아~ 다시못올 내 사랑 내 사랑
언제까지나 사랑하는 그대 다시는 못 만나리
지금 어데서 행복하게 사나 한없이 그리워라
사랑은 가고 내가슴속엔 추억만 남어
아~ 그리워라 내 사랑 내 사랑
지금 어데서 행복하게 사나 한없이 그리워라
-차경철 작사/하기송 작편곡-
'Waltz of Sorrow'
I will never ever meet you again
(but) Your lips are not erased in my heart
Ah ~ My love will never come back, my love
I will never meet you again ever
I live happily here and now
Love is still present ; I only have memories in my heart
Ah ~ miss my love my love
I live happily here and now
-Cha Kyung-cheol Lyrics / Hagisong Composition- (1961)