윤형주 - Yoon Hyung-Ju (Twin Folio)

윤형주(尹亨柱) 리싸이틀 / Yoon Hyung-ju's cycle
CD 1 01. Okie From Moskougee
02. 우리의 이야기 / Our story
03. Lost Love / Today / Sloop John. B
04. Help Me Make It Through The Night / For The Good Times
* 05. 비의 나그네 / Rain's Wayfarer
06. Solitary Man (김세환 / 윤형주 / Kim Se Hwan / Yoon Hyung Joo)
07. Come To My Bedside (김세환 / 윤형주) / Come To My Bedside (Kim Se Hwan / Yoon Hyung Joo)
08. Banks Of The Ohio (윤의련 / 윤형주) / Banks Of The Ohio
09. Hush A Little Baby (윤의련 / 윤형주) / Hush A Little Baby
10. 하얀 손수건 (송창식 / 윤형주) / White Handkerchief (Song Chang-sik / Yoon Hyung-ju)
11. 비와 나 / 라라라 (송창식 / 윤형주) / Biwa Na / Lalala (Song Chang-sik / Yoon Hyung-joo)
12. 두 개의 작은 별 / Two little stars (Song Chang-sik / Yoon Hyung-joo)
Live performance (spoken word and songs):
CD 2 01. 초대손님 : 윤여정 / Invitation by Yoon Yeo Jung (spoken word)
02. 밤에 쓰는 편지 / 점례 / Letters to write at night (spoken word)
03. 초대손님 : 조영남, 윤여정 / Invited guests: Cho Young Nam, Yoon Yeo Jung (spoken word)
04. 석별의 정 : 조영남 / Seon Jeong Jung: Young Nam Cho
05. 초대손님 : 박상규 / Guest: Park Sang-kyu
06. 초대손님 : 고영수 / Guest: Ko Young-soo
07. 그애와 나랑은 : 이장희 / With him and Me: Lee Jang-hee
08. 무지개 : 이장희 / Rainbow: Jang Hee Lee
This double album can a bit considered as one cd album, with a bonus CD of a concert recording. Yoon Hyuing Ju’s has a very beautiful and convincing mature voice. This is basically acoustic song music. A big part is very much influenced by the American folk songwriting and there are many, often combined covers interpreted; only a few are left in English.
Songs mentioned are “Okie From Moskougee” (1), which keeps the Americana style in it, using some sliding Hawaiian guitar and dual vocal harmonies, “ Lost Love/Today/Sloop John” (3), a very good presentation and interpretation of these songs with strummed guitar and some rhythmic picking theme, “Help Me Make It Through The Night/For The Good Times” (4), “Solitary Man” (6), a classic song and very convincing interpretation, with a slightly different voice, in English, and with nice pickings, “Come To My Bedside” (7), sung by female led voice, in Korean, “Banks Of The Ohio” (8) and “Hush A Little Baby” with nice dual vocal expressions. If I read well Song Chang-Sik participated on some of these recordings.
The second CD has some other participants and is a live concert with only two tracks that can be lifted out between long spoken word introductions (between four and seven minutes), of which one of these two songs is an exceptional choice of a song once again.
The album might be worth tracing for lovers of American acoustic songwriters, here these interpretations have something expressive to contribute, showing a fine talent to sing and perform.
Years later I still think the album is fine but it is necessary to admit it still has difficulties in the first few songs to always convince me and to make me listen attentively the whole way through. The whole album is mostly performed by just voice and guitar. The English songs sounds fine enough, but still more than once they do not really provide me this feeling meeting many unique moments. With some patience however one still is able to find some of the more unique moments enfolding themselves as well, like the way how "Rain's Wayfarer" is able to convince for instance, a song that can be found on several compilations too for obvious reasons. It's simply arranged with acoustic guitar and a bit of electric guitar. The song in English "Solitary Man" is truly fine as well. And some of these songs like "Biwa Na" are convincing enough as well.

윤형주 / Yoon, Hyung-Ju : Golden Best 베스트 모음집 [Disc 1-2] 2012-4-4
1.바보 / Fool
2.미운사람 / The Ugly
with 송창식 / Song, Chang-Sik (as Twin Folio):
3.두개의 작은 별 / Of Two Little Stars ref.Heintje: "Zwei Kleine Storine"-
4.하얀 손수건 White handkerchief
5.비바람 그녀 / Weatherproof
6.그리움 / Nostalgia
7.비와 나 /라라라 / Rain and Me / La La La
8.샤론들에 핀 백합화 / Pin lilies in sharon
9.우리들의 이야기들 / Our stories
10.즐거운 자전거 하이킹 / Happy Bike Hiking
11.사랑스러운 눈동자 / Lovely eyes
12.행복한 마음 / Happy Heart
13.참사랑 / True Love
* 14.새노래 / New Song
15.작은 불 밝히고 / Small light
with 김세환 / Kim, Se-Hwan
16.그리운 옛날 / The good old days
Disc 2
* 1.비의 나그네 / The wayfarer of rain
2.두 손을 마주잡고 / Face to face
3.성탄의 아침 / Christmas Morning
4.꿈나무 내 이야기들 / The stories in my dream tree
with 김세환 / Eunkyung Lee:
5.결혼식 / Wedding
* 6.아름다운 아가씨야 / Beautiful lady
7.토요일밤에 / Saturday night
8.보고픈 사람 / People who want to see
with Twin Folio:
9.아가씨들아 / Girls
with 김세환 / Eunkyung Lee:
10. 못다한 마음 / Incorrect mind
11.나를 잊지 말아요 / Forget me not
12.오늘은 일요일 / Today is Sunday
13.님의 모습 / Its appearance
14.밤의 노래 / Night song
15.고이 간직하려오 / I want to keep it
16.구혼자의 소청 / Suiter's Complaint
In this bigger overview and compilation I have noticed that the overal approach of Hyung-Ju Yoon tend to mellowness much too often, both for the folkpop song approach and also for the folk era. An exception that succeeds to exceed this in expressiveness is the classic song "The wayfarer of rain". A bit different and more convincing is "Beautiful Lady" which has great folky vocal harmonies (a bit like Austrian folk) with a female voice. Also these songs with the female artist still tend to be too mellow and at times even have country-folk like features.

The Musician Series - 트윈 폴리오ㆍ이종용ㆍ윤형주ㆍ어니언스 [Disc 1-2]
Twin Folio, Lee Jong-Yong, Yoon Hyung-Joo, Onion
CD1-10 Twin Folio
CD11-18 이종용 / Jongyong Lee
CD2 1-15 윤형주 / Yoon, Hyung-Ju
01안개속에 묻혔나요 / Buried in the fog
02 우리들의 이야기들 / Our stories
03 사랑의 자취 / Trace of love
04 못다한 마음 / Famous Minds
* 05 바람아 구름아 / Wind cloud (Beatles)
* 06 지금도 나만을 / Only me
07 비와 나 / Rain and me
08 고이 간직하려오 / I want to keep
09 그리운 노래 / Old Song
10 잃어버린 사랑 / Lost Love
11 오늘이 가면 / Today
12 나의 친구 / My friend
13 두개의 작은별 / Two little stars
14 꽃집아가씨 / Florist
15 사랑이 있었네 / There was love
While the previous compilation I would prefer to say to avoid, this one oddly enough works just fine. All the tracks with some small reservation work just fine. The softness does not disturb at all. Many covers can be found here too, but I didn't find out the original titles yet. In combination with Onions this compilation is much more worth it.
CD16-19 Onions
Tracks on compilations:

Golden Folk (2018 Audio Phile)
14 두개의 작은 별 / Two Little Stars
with Song Chang-sik

가요(歌謠) 박물관 / Music Museum Best
CD8-2 두 개의 작은 별 / of two small stars (live) (1974)
This is a different, somewhat busker-like version.

비의 나그네/아가씨들아 / Wayfarers Rain / Babes
3 아름다운 아가씨야 / Beautiful lady
with 어은경 / Eo, Eun-Kyeong
작사, 작곡, 편곡 및 제작을 겸하는 가수이자 방송인이다. 1947년 11월 19일 서울에서 태어나 서울 경기고등학교를 졸업하고, 1966년 연세대학교 의과대학에 입학했으며, 1974년 경희대학교 의과대학 본과 2년까지 재학했다. 1967년 가을 음악감상실 ‘세시봉’에서 송창식을 만났으며 1968년 남성 듀엣 ‘트윈 폴리오’를 결성해 가요계에 데뷔, ‘하얀 손수건’, ‘축제의 노래’, ‘웨딩 케이크’, ‘슬픈 운명’ 등을 발표했다. 1969년 12월 트윈 폴리오를 해체하고 1971년부터는 솔로로 ‘비와 나’, ‘라라라(조개껍질 묶어)’, ‘비의 나그네’, ‘두 개의 작은 별’, ‘우리들의 이야기’, ‘바보’, ‘고백’, ‘사랑스런 그대’, ‘어제 내린 비’ ‘미운 사람’ 등 80여 곡을 발표했다. 1971년에는 동아방송 심야프로인 ‘0시의 다이얼’과 ‘탑튠쇼’에서 디제이를 맡았다. 그 후 동아방송 ‘팝스 투나잇’, MBC-FM '윤형주의 한밤의 데이트', CBS '찬양의 꽃다발', 극동방송 '윤형주와 함께' 등에서 라디오 진행, KBS '연예가중계‘, ‘열린 음악회’, SBS '음악세상’, MBC '청소년 음악회’ 등 TV 프로그램 MC를 맡아 방송인으로 활동했다. 1976년 광고회사 서울오디오를 설립해 ‘오란씨’, ‘새우깡’, ‘롯데껌’ 등 1400여 곡의 시엠송과 로고송을 제작했고 지금은 (주)한빛기획 대표이사를 맡고 있다. 1989년 케니 로저스 내한 공연 제작을 시작으로 셀린 디옹, 마라나타 싱어즈, 가스펠 가수 샌디 패티, 스티브 그린 등 해외 유명 가수의 내한 공연을 기획, 제작했다. 2003년 7월에는 카네기홀 역사상 첫 가족 공연을 했고, 그다음 해 세종문화회관 대강당에서 앙코르 공연을 가진 바 있다. 2010년 세시봉 전국 투어 콘서트를 시작으로 미주, 호주, 유럽, 일본 공연에 이어 지금도 계속 세시봉 친구들과 공연을 한다. 한국 사랑의 집짓기 운동(Habitat) 후원회장 겸 홍보위원장, 한국 십대선교회(Y.F.C) 본부 이사, 한국백혈병소아암협회 홍보이사, 법무부 홍보대사, 몰디브 명예영사, 독도 의용수비대 홍보대사 등으로 봉사해 오고 있으며 온누리교회 장로로 교도소, 장애우, 해외선교 사역을 꾸준히 펼쳐 가고 있다. 지은 책으로 『또 하나의 아름다움』(나침판사, 1991), 『QT로 만나는 아버지와 아들』(두란노서원, 1998)이 있다.
"Yoon, Hyung-Ju is a singer and broadcaster who is also a writer, composer, arranger, and producer. Born in Seoul on November 19, 1947, he graduated from Seoul Gyeonggi High School, entered Yonsei University College of Medicine in 1966, and in 1974, attended Kyung Hee University College of Medicine for two years.
In the fall of 1967, he met Song Chang-sik at the music auditorium 'Seshibong' and formed a male duet 'Twin Folio' in 1968 and debuted with them in the music industry, with songs like 'White Handkerchief', 'Festival Song', 'Wedding Cake' and 'Sad Destiny'.
In December 1969, the Twin Folio was dismantled, and from 1971, he wrote solo songs like 'Rain and Me', 'La La La (tied shell)', 'Rain's wayfarer', 'Two little stars', 'Our story', 'Fool' ',' Confession ',' love you ',' rain yesterday 'and 'ugly man', in total he released more than 80 songs.
In 1971, he played DJ in 'Dial at 0 o' and 'Top Tune Show'. Since then, he has been on radio at Dong-A's 'Pops Tonight', MBC-FM 'Yun Hyung-Joo's Night Date', CBS 'Bouquet of Praise', and Far East's 'Yun Hyung-Ju', KBS 'Entertainment Broadcasting', 'Open Concert', SBS He acted as a broadcaster for the TV program MC such as 'Music World' and MBC 'Youth Concert'.
In 1976, he founded Seoul Audio, an advertising company that produced more than 1,400 songs and logo songs, including Oran, Shrimp, and Lotte Gum. He is currently the CEO of Hanbit Planning.
In 1989, Kenny Rogers started making concerts in Korea, where he planned and produced concerts by famous international artists such as Celine Dion, Maranatha Singers, Gospel Singer Sandy Patty and Steve Green.
In July 2003, he performed his first family performance in Carnegie Hall's history, and the following year he held an Angkor performance at the Sejong Center for the Auditorium. Beginning with the 2010 Se Sibong National Tour Concert, he continued to perform with Secibong friends after the Americas, Australia, Europe and Japan. He has served as Chairman and Public Relations Chairman of the Korean Habitat Campaign, Director of the Korea Youth Mission (YFC) Headquarters, Public Relations Director of the Korea Leukemia & Cancer Association, Honorary Ambassador of the Ministry of Justice, Honorary Consul of Maldives, and Ambassador of the Dokdo Medical Veterans Corps. As an elder of the church, he continues to work in prisons, the disabled, and overseas missions. His books include The Other Beauty (Compass Judge, 1991) and The Father and Son Meet with QT (Duran Noh Seowon, 1998)."
To decide how much Yoon Hyung-Ju is collectable for western collectors is difficult. Some compilations will do better than others. You need to deal with some caution. The mellow character could easily dominate over the inspired moments. Certain tracks certainly are worth discovering.
See also his appearance as one part of Twin Folio
See also Twin Folio, V.A.: Stranger in the Rain & Golden Folk