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윤연선 - Yun Yeun-Seon (Yoon Youn Sun / Yuni Yeon) (<Toi et Moi)

Psyche Folk Radio show comments:

"This Pop folk singer (with second, male voice) with acoustic guitar, has a slightly "different" voice. The songs are arranged with nice calm rock band arrangements (drums, bass, organ, some oboe, piano, strings,..). These are my favourite tracks." The album has been reissued lately by World psychedelia.

World Psychedelia description:

"Another Korean folk classic, that also features "best production and trip vocal." Yoon Youn Sun's beautiful, brooding vocals breathe hope where before there was despair; there are retro-'60s touches that are reminiscent of French yé-yé music of the François Hardy, France Gall type -- sultry, yet nurturing a languid innocence; this album by Yoon Youn Sun was released in Korea in 1972, which makes Yoon Youn Sun a contemporary of Kim Jung Mi, which is a good reference point; the record has several modes: there are duets with a male singer; the songs that groove the best (tracks 5 & 6) occur when the Farfisa organ gets involved; the second half of the record features complex arrangements (a few strings find their way into the mix). Full-color discography included."

Dusty Groove description :

"Sultry post folk psychedelia from Korea's Yoon Youn Sun -- with sweet female vocals and a fairly moody overall groove! Wing Of Peace is really melodic take on the post folk and psychedelic singer/songwriter sound of the early 70s -- a set that recalls both the warmth of the California scene as well as the dreamy pop late 60s pop of other climes -- especially the lovely ladies of the French scene. There are lovely female vocals at the forefront of the songs, and stripped down backing of the drums, guitar, bass and Farfisa! 12 tracks in all: Korean titles that we can't translate, but love to listen!"

Other Music description :

"Originally released in 1972, this album from Korea's Yoon Youn Sun features the dualities of every great folk record -- some lighthearted elements mixed with the dark and depressive. On Wing of Peace, Yoon's austere vocals ground the mostly buoyant arrangements like a balloon-clutching child. At times reminiscent of France Gall, and others Judy Collins, her clear voice is beautifully serene. The highlight of the album is track 7, where bluesy piano, harpsichord and flute bring out the feel-good in ye-ye (e.g. the la-las in the chorus) and wrap it around some catchy British folk-inspired melodies. Strings kick in on track 8 in a Bacharach flourish, but really get their moment in the (ahem) sun on tracks 9 and 11 with an instrumental break, karaoke style. Other standouts include the flute-led male/female duet (track 3) and the sad, guitar-picked balladry (track 12 -- the lone song with English words uttered, "I Love You"). It's also one of the only songs where the arrangement takes a gloomy turn, conjuring a tale of heartache and loss. Recommended for Kim Jung Mi (the Korean Francoise Hardy) fans looking for a more leisurely vibe. [LG]"



비하인드 스토리가 담긴 인서트와 스티커 포함. 24bit 고음질 리마스터링을 통해 아날로그 원음 재현

1970년대 전설적인 포크명반으로 자리매김한 윤연선의 첫독집이자 대표음반인 [평화의 날개]는 포크 마니아들도 구경하기 힘들었던 초희귀 앨범이다. 이음반이 음악팬들 사이에서 화제가 되었던 것은 몇 년전 한 인터넷 경매사이트에서 대중가요 음반 경매 사상 최고가인 151만원에 낙찰이 되면서부터, 또한 1970년에 결성된 혼성 포크듀엣 ‘뚜와에 무와’ 해체 이후 박인희에 이어 이필원과의 두 번째 여성파트너로 선택된 윤연선과 이필원의 미발표 음원이 수록되었다는 사실이 알려지면서 포크팬들의 호기심을 더욱 자극했다.

당시 6개월 동안의 녹음작업을 마쳤으나 2기 ‘뚜와에 무와’ 의 음반으로 발표되지 않고 윤연선의 첫독집으로 세상의 빛을 보게된 의미깊은 앨범이다. 윤연선은 이미 대학시절에 축제나 작은무대등에서 노래를 부르기 시작하여 여러가수들과 유명 DJ, PD들과의 교류를 통해 음악활동을 시작하여 나름의 입지를 알리고 있던차에, 이필원과의 운명적 만남은 [평화의 날개]가 탄생될 빌미를 제공하였던 것이다.

전체 수록곡들을 통해 맑고 순수했던 초창기 그녀의 음색을 접할수 있는 좋은 기회를 제공해주는 이 앨범은 금지곡 “고아”로 유명한 포크가수 오세은의 감칠맛 나는

기타연주를 즐길수 있는 귀한트랙 “어데로 가야하나”를 비롯 그의 자작곡이 여러곡

포진해 있어 오세은과의 끈끈한 음악적 교류를 짐작하게 해준다.

또한 이필원과의 혼성듀엣곡 “보내는 마음 가는 마음” “님이 오는 소리”는 당시 박인희를 능가하는 환상적인 화음이라는 음악팬들의 평가를 얻어낸바 있는 곡들로서 박인희의 목소리와 비교해 들어 보는것도 색다른 재미를 안겨다 줄 것이다. 한때 이 음반의 존재 여부도 불투명 했던 첫 독집 이었지만 그안에 담긴 내용물들은 이처럼 높은 완성도를 자랑하는 포크명품이다.


Rough translation (with Google Translate help):

Record Information. Includes inserts and stickers with behind story.

24-bit high-quality remastering to reproduce analog original sound

Rhythm-On Release Date: June 20, 2005 CD

Rhythm-On Release Date: November 23, 2005 LP limited blue LP to 350 pieces.

"Yoon Yeon-sun's first solo album and representative album [Wings of Peace], established as a legendary folk album in the 1970s, is a rare album that folk enthusiasts did not even know. The album became a hot topic among music fans a few years ago after a successful sale of a popular folk-duet ``Toi & Moi'' formed in 1970, after a successful bid on a popular music auction site for 1,150,000 won. Following Park In-hee, Yoon Yeon-sun and Lee Pil-won, who were selected as the second female partners with Lee Pil-won, were recorded.

At the time, the recording was finished in six months, but it was not released as the second album of 'Toi et Moi', but it was a meaningful album that saw the light of the world as Yun Yeon-sun's first solo album. Yoon Yeon-sun had already begun singing at festivals and small stages in college and started music activities through exchanges with singers, famous DJs and PDs, and her fateful meeting with Lee Pilwon [ The Wings of Peace] provided the promise of birth.

This album provides a good opportunity to experience her early, clear and pure sound through all the songs. It includes number of her own songs, including a rare track where you can enjoy guitar performances. It is heralded, suggesting a strong musical exchange with Oh Se-eun.

Also, the duet songs with Lee Pilwon, “Sending Heart” and “Sound of God” are songs that have been praised by music fans as fantastic chords that surpass Park In Hee at the time. At some stage, the existence of this album was opaque, but the contents contained therein are such folk masterpieces with such high perfection."

[윤연선 / 평화의 날개 LP] 전과정을 미국에서 제작 수입한, Blue 비닐의 콜렉턱스 아이템 게이트 폴드(Gate Fold) 형식으로 특별히 제작된 자켓 350장 한정발매 포스터, 스티커 포함 24bit 고음질 리마스터링을 통해 아날로그 원음 재현 1970년대 전설적인 포크명반으로 자리매김한 윤연선의 첫독집이자 대표음반인 [평화의 날개] LP 음반은 포크 마니아들도 구경하기 힘들었던 초희귀 앨범이다.

이음반이 음악팬들 사이에서 화제가 되었던 것은 몇 년전 한 인터넷 경매사이트에서 대중가요 음반 경매 사상 최고가인 151만원에 낙찰이 되면서부터, 또한 1970년에 결성된 혼성 포크듀엣 ‘뚜와에 무와’ 해체 이후 박인희에 이어 이필원과의 두 번째 여성파트너로 선택된 윤연선과 이필원의 미발표 음원이 수록되었다는 사실이 알려지면서 포크팬들의 호기심을 더욱 자극했다. 당시 6개월 동안의 녹음작업을 마쳤으나 2기 ‘뚜와에 무와’ 의 음반으로 발표되지 않고 윤연선의 첫 독집으로 세상의 빛을 보게된 의미깊은 앨범이다. 윤연선은 이미 대학시절에 축제나 작은무대등에서 노래를 부르기 시작하여 여러가수들과 유명 DJ, PD들과의 교류를 통해 음악활동을 시

[Yonyeon-sun / Wings of Peace LP] 350 copies made of this Blue Vinyl Collector's Item Gate Fold, produced and imported from the United States. Limited edition poster, limited edition posters, stickers included, 24-bit high-quality remastering to reproduce the original sound. Yun Yeon-sun's first solo album and representative album, which was established as a legendary folk album in the 1970s, is the Wings of Peace LP album.

The album became a hot topic among music fans a few years ago after a successful sale of a popular folk song duet 'Tuwae Muwa' (Toi et Moi), which was formed in 1970, when it was sold at a price of 1.15 million won, the highest price ever for a popular music album. Following Park In-hee, Yoon Yeon-sun, who was selected as the second female partner with Lee Pil-won, and Lee Pil-won's unpublished sound recordings were recorded, which further stimulated the curiosity of the folk fans. At the time, she finished its recording within 6 months, but it was not released on the 2nd album 'Tuwae Muwa', but it was a meaningful album that saw the light of the world as Yun Yeon-sun's first solo album. Yun Yeon-sun started singing at festivals and small stages in college, and began performing music activities through exchanges with singers, famous DJs and PDs.

윤연선-평화의 날개 음반이LP로 발매 된다네요 /

Wings Of Peace 1972 GEBL-SL05

윤연선1집 평화의 날개(350장 한정반) LP 2005년 06월 20일​

* A1. 고별 / Parting 2. 어데로 가야하나 / Where should I go? 3. 보내는 마음 가는 마음 / Sending heart receiving heart 4. 님이 오는 소리 / The sound of arriving 5. 그리운 사람 / A nostalgic person 6. 내일부터 / From tomorrow 7/B1. 평화의 날개 / Wings of peace 8/B2. 시간속에서 / In time 9/B3. 물망초 / Forget-me-not 10/B4. 파란 하늘 / Blue sky 11/5. 생각납니다 / I remember * 12/B6. 떠나기 전에 / Before leaving

only on CD: 13 구름과 나 / Clouds and me [Bonus Track]

Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics, also very suitable for western radioshow airplay. Tracks that are only underlined can be considered great tracks as well, not sure how essential they are.

A very good compilation, although perhaps the first two third still is a little more special.

Yun Yuen Son has an incredible, convincing folk-like voice with a kind of soft power.

Often the arrangements of the songs, with a folk core, have very carefully made and perfectly sound-mixed arrangements. I heard also a track with an almost operatic voice arrangements. In some songs the very original acoustic guitar arrangements dominate. Often drums and bass give a bit more foundation and power, some orchestrations of strings, air instruments or clarinet, a bit of organ can be heard too amongst other occasional instruments. A very enjoyable release.

매혹의 노래모음 / Fascinating Song Collection NC1003791

Jigu Records ‎– JCDS-0789 1975

01 고아 / Orphanage

02 얼굴 / Face

03 아가 / Baby

04 섬 아이 / Island child

05 사랑하는 사람아 / My Dear

06 사랑의 휴일 / Holiday of love

07 마음 / In My Mind

08 바닷가 모래 위 / Sandy Beach

09 왜냐 묻지 말아요 / Don't ask me why

10 저 하늘 구름 따라 / The sky and the clouds

11 꽃 피는 마을 / Village of Flowers

12 바람아 / Wind

13 헤어짐 / Breaking up

14 미련 / Regret

gradings soon

가수들을 접하다 보면 저렇게 수줍음을 많이 타고 소극적인 사람이 어떻게 자신을 드러내는 가수가 되었을까 하는 사람이 있다. '얼굴'이라는 노래로 잘 알려진 윤연선이 그런 경우다. 그녀의 가족을 살펴보면 더욱 이해가 안 된다. 언니는 KBS의 성우였고 오빠는 유명한 배우 윤양하이다. 큰 키에 항상 긴 생머리를 하고 원피스를 즐겨 입었던 윤연선은 자신도 모르게 청년문화의 여성적인 아이콘을 따라가고 있었다. 고교 1학년 때부터 YMCA의 '싱얼롱 Y'에 나갈 정도로 노래를 좋아했던 윤연선은 재수생 시절이던 1972년 KBS배 쟁탈 전국 노래자랑 월말대회에서 1등을 하고 여기에 선발된 아마추어 가수 6명과 함께 KBS의 '새별무대'에 출연하여 이수만의 자작곡을 불렀다. 이것을 계기로 현재 국제적인 제작자가 된 이수만과 함께 음반을 제작하게 되었는데, 이 음반이 1972년 10월에 이종환의 제작으로 오아시스에서 발매된 시리즈 앨범 'Oasis Folk Festival Vol.6'이다. 1972년 방송사 노래자랑대회 입상 계기 데뷔 히트하던 번안곡 '고아' 금지곡 되자 활동 접어 1972년 당시 박인희와 결별 상태이던 '뚜아에무아'의 이필원은 작곡 발표회를 열었는데 여기에 윤연선이 초대가수로 노래를 불렀다. 호흡이 잘 맞는다고 느낀 이필원은 듀엣멤버를 제의했다. 5개월간 연습을 하고 취입을 위한 녹음까지 마쳤으나 이필원이 문제였다. 박인희와의 화음을 이상적이라 생각하고 있었던 이필원은 화음이 잘 안 맞는다고 발매를 포기해버린 것이다. 그냥 버리기가 아까웠던 음반사는 오세은의 곡을 더 수록해 1972년 11월 '평화의 날개'라는 윤연선의 독집으로 발매했다. 여기에 수록된 이필원과의 듀엣곡 '그리운 사람'을 들어보면 상당히 괜찮은 수준의 화음이다. 이필원의 박인희에 대한 미련이 상당히 강했음을 알 수 있다. 윤연선의 대표적 히트곡 '얼굴'은 1974년에 발표된다. '얼굴'은 전래가요로 떠돌던 곡인데 이 곡을 부르고 싶었던 윤연선은 작곡자를 수소문하여 동도 중학교에서 음악교사를 하고 있는 신규복을 찾아갔다. 신규복은 음악실에서 자신의 피아노 반주로 윤연선이 '얼굴'을 부르는 것을 들어보고 노래에 어울린다고 생각해서 취입을 허락했다. '얼굴'이 히트하면서 이름이 알려지고, 통기타가수들과 어울려 방송출연도 잦아지게 된다. 1975년에 발표한 네 번째의 음반에는 프랑스 샹송을 번안한 '고아'를 수록했다. '얼굴'에 이어 '고아'의 히트로 방송과 음반취입의 제의가 몰려들던 무렵 '고아'는 '지나친 비정과 불신감 조장'이란 이유로 금지곡이 되어버렸다. 그렇잖아도 소극적이던 윤연선은 더욱 위축되어 활동에 적극성을 보이지 않았다. 속이 탔던 음반사는 급기야 금지곡 '고아'를 빼고 음반을 다시 발매했다. 인기상승에 수반되는 적극적 활동요청과 음반사의 상업적 이해타산은 윤연선의 기질과는 반대되는 것이었다. 결국 윤연선은 활동을 그만두게 된다. 대중음악평론가


Rough translation:

"When you come across a singer, there is a person who is so shy that she became a singer who thus was able to reveals herself. Yun Yeon-sun is known for the song 'Face'. Her sister was a voice actor of KBS, and her brother is a famous actor, Yoon Yang Ha. Yun Yeon-sun, who was always tall and always dressed with long hair, enjoyed the feminine icon of youth culture.

Yun Yeon-sun, who had liked to sing to YMCA's' Singlong Y 'since he was in high school, won first place at the end of the 1972 KBS Cup Contest National Singing Contest and was selected by KBS's' It appeared on 'The Saebyul Stage' and sang Isuman's own song. This led to the production of the album along with Lee Soo-man, who is now an international producer. This album is a series album 'Oasis Folk Festival Vol. 6' released by Oasis in October 1972 by Lee Jong-hwan.

In 1972 debuted as a winner of the broadcasting company, after the hit song 'No Goa' was banned.

In 1972, Lee Pil-won of 'Tuae Mua', which was separated from Park In-hee, held a composition presentation, where Yun Yeon-sun sang as the first singer. Feeling good fit Lee Pilwon proposed duet members. She practiced for 5 months and finished recording for release, but Lee Pilwon was found to be a problem. Lee Pil-won, who thought the harmony with Park In-hee was ideal, gave up the release because the harmony did not fit well. The music label, released the album as a kind of waste product, in November 1972 as Yoon Yeon-sun's solo album, `` Wings of Peace ''. If you listen to the duet song 'Nostalgic People' with Lee Pilwon, it is a pretty good harmony. It can be seen that Lee's regret for Park In-hee was quite strong.

Yoon Yeon-sun's representative hit song 'Face' is released in 1974. 'Face' is a song that was wandering as a traditional song, and Yun Yeon-sun, who wanted to sing this song, visited the composer and found a new teacher who is a music teacher at Dongdo Middle School. Shin Sang-bok listened to Yun Yeon-sun's 'face' with his piano accompaniment in the music room and thought it suited the song. The name is known as 'Face' is hit, and the appearance of the broadcast is frequented with other singers.

The fourth album, released in 1975, contained an cover of French Chanson. After `face'' followed by ``goa'' hits, `goa'' became a banned song because of `extreme sadness and distrust ''. Even so, Yoon Yeon-sun, who remained passive, contracted even more and showed no positiveness in activities. The record label was released, except for the banned song 'Orphan'. The demand for active activities and the commercial interests of the record companies accompanied the increase in popularity were contrary to Yun's temperament. In the end, Yun Yeon-sun stopped working."

Popular music critic

윤연선 / Face (Unofficial? Fanclub CD) (얼굴_ 팬클럽용 비매품 미개봉CD)

본 상품은 윤연선님 팬들을 위해 제작한 비매품 미개봉CD

1. 얼굴

2. 님이 오는 소리

3. 고아

4. 보내는 마음

5. 아가

6. 저하늘에 구름따라

7. 왜냐 묻지 말아요

8. 강매

Tracks on compilations:

젊은이를 위한 CD 음악시리즈 2집 1976

2 얼굴 / Face



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