이남순 / Lee Nam-Sun

You can find tracks here:

유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc 4]
* 4 이슬비 내리는 길 / Drizzle
This is a fine tango song with fit voice and of course accordion lead and some gypsy violin improvisation.
Tracks with * are considered essential tracks, also suitable for a western radio show.
This album is reviewed on next page->

가요(歌謠) 박물관 [Disc 1]
* 12 아마다미아 / Amada Mia (1951)
Also this track is a tango, a great song with tango drive. Lee Nam-Sun has a deep aspect in her voice which makes her voice very suitable for this tango style.

The only other track I heard from this artist is the following:
* 이별의 상처 / Farewell
It is an original tango-like song with creative arrangements and once more great singing.
(with help go Google Translate, so with still some mistakes)
― 이남순
비바람 눈보라에
눈 못뜨고 짓밟혀도
죽어도 변치 않을
희고 노란 몸 빛깔
후, 하고
당신께로 갈게요
‘앉은뱅이꽃’은 식물분류상 어느 특정 꽃을 지칭하는 게 아니라 제비꽃, 채송화, 민들레…… 등을 앉은뱅이처럼 키가 작은 꽃이라 하여 각 지역에서 부르는 이름이다. 이 중 ‘민들레’는 우리나라 각처의 산과 들에 흔히 자라는 초롱꽃목 국화과의 여러해살이풀인데, 줄기는 없고, 잎이 뿌리에서 뭉쳐나며 옆으로 퍼지며, 잎은 거꾸로 세운 바소꼴이고, 깃꼴로 깊이 패어 들어간 모양으로 가장자리에 톱니와 함께 털이 약간 있다. 꽃은 4∼5월에 노란색으로 핀다.
이남순의 시 <앉은뱅이꽃>은 바로 민들레를 그리고 있는 시조이다. 시인은 민들레의 특성을 묘사하며 어두운 현실을 이겨내고 언제나 노란 꽃을 피우는 이 꽃의 특성과 함께 그리운 이에게 날아가고픈 마음을 드러낸다.
초장과 중장은 민들레의 특성이다. ‘비바람 눈보라에 / 눈 못뜨고 짓밟’히는 것이 민들레이다. 앉은뱅이꽃이라 불릴 만큼 키가 작으니 비바람이나 눈보라에 시달리는 것은 물론이거니와 사람들에도 밟히기 일쑤이다. 생육에 그런 어려움이 따르지만 민들레는 이를 극복하고 ‘희고 노란 몸 빛깔’을 뽐낸다. 이는 ‘죽어도 변치 않을’ 민들레의 특장이다.
그렇게 노란 꽃을 피운 민들레는 씨방을 ‘후, 하고 / 불어주세요’라 청한다. 왜? 바로 ‘당신께로’ 가고 싶기 때문이다. 여기서 ‘갈게요’는 가겠다는 의지의 표현이자 약속이나 다름없다. 씨방을 불어주면 그 바람에 날려 당신에게로 날아가고 싶다는 마음, 아니 꼭 그렇게 날아갈 것이란 약속이다. 바로 당신을 향한 그리움이리라. 그 때문에 온갖 시련을 이겨내고 노란 꽃을 피웠고 씨방을 키웠으리라.
어느 평자는 이 시조와 관련하여 ‘그리움이 깊어 몸과 마음이 부풀어 오를 때 바람을 만나 어우러지면 서슴없이 몸을 띄워 정인에게로 달려갈 수 있는 ‘민들레’는 시인이 지향하는 소통의 매개’라고 했다. 맞는 말이다. 그러니 시인이 민들레 - 앉은뱅이꽃을 통해 말하고자 하는 것은 누군가를 위해 날아가고픈 마음의 표출이다. 비바람 눈보라라는 부정적 현실 속에서도 희망의 노란 꽃을 피우는 민들레, 비록 앉은뱅이처럼 땅에 납작 엎드려 있지만 씨방의 홀씨들이 바람에 날려 당신에게로 날아가고자 하는 약속은 단순한 들꽃의 말이 아니라 세상을 밝히는 희망의 노래가 된다.
제목을 ‘민들레’라 하지 않고 굳이 ‘앉은뱅이꽃’이라 한 것도 실은 앉은뱅이라는 결함을 드러내면서 그런 고난을 이겨내고 노란 빛깔 꽃을 피우며, 더 나아가 비록 키는 작지만 홀씨 되어 당신이 불어주는 입김을 받아 바람을 타고 당신에게로 가고픈 마음을 간절하게 보여준다. 초장과 중장의 민들레 특징과 이어지는 종장 ‘후, 하고 / 불어주세요 / 당신께로 갈게요’에 이르면 음절수만 맞춘 것이 아니라 시어를 다루는 시인의 감각까지 돋보이게 한다.
시를 읽다가 문득 든 생각 - 나도 당신에게로 날아가고 싶다.
Rough translation:
The Perching flower
In a rainstorm / snowstorm
Even with open eyes I get trampled
and Even when I die, I won't change
my White and yellow body color
after this moment
Please give it a blow
and I will go to you
- The (Perching or) ‘Butterfly Flower’ does not refer to a specific flower as a plant classification, but rather to a whole series of flowers like violets, hydrangeas, dandelions,… It is a name that is used for a short flower which is sitting back. Among these, the 'dandelion' is a perennial plant of the campanula asteraceae, which is commonly found in mountains and fields of Korea. There are no stems on it. They are a little bit hairy looking with teeth on the edge. These flowers bloom in yellow from April to May.
Lee Nam-soon's poem which is also translated as the ‘Sit-Blood Flower’ is the eponymously drawing upon the dandelion. The poet describes here the characteristics of the dandelion, and expresses in it the desire to fly towards the nostalgic with the characteristic of this flower that overcomes the dark reality and always blooms her yellow flowers.
The dandelion flowers can be ultra long and medium long. The dandelion is the one who's caught in a blizzard with no snow. They are short enough to be called perching flowers, so they are not only affected by rain or snowstorms, but also by people. Their growth is accompanied by such difficulties, but dandelion overcomes it and shows off its 'yellow and yellow body color'. This is a special feature of dandelion that “it will not change when you die”.
Dandelion with yellow flowers is the expression of a wish for I want to go to you. Here the 'to go' is an expression of a will to go and a promise. If you blow the seeds, you want to blow it in the wind and make it fly to you. It will be your longing for you. Because of this, he would have overcome all kinds of trials, and he would have blossomed yellow flowers and cultivated ovaries.
One commenter said that 'the dandelion', which is able to run towards Jung-in, is able to run to Jung-in especially when the longing is deep and body and mind is swell. So what the poet wants to say through a dandelion- like a bunch of flowers, it is an expression of the desire to fly towards someone. The Dandelion that is blooming yellow flowers of hope within the negative reality of a rainstorm, even though it lies flat on the ground like a sitting man, the promises of the uncles to blow towards you are not just referring to wild flowers, but are songs of hope to brighten the world.
The title 'Dangle', not just 'Dangle Flower', reveals the flaw of the sitting flower, which is able to overcome such hardships, to bloom into yellow flowers, and furthermore, even though the height is small, you can become blown by its smell. Eager to show you how to ride the wind. The characteristics of dandelion in the chojang and jangjang, followed by the “fu, ha ha / blow me / I'll go to you” become highlights not only through the syllables but also through the poet's sense of dealing with poetry.
Suddenly the thought strikes while reading the poetry- just like I want to fly to you too.
rough translation :
I'm missing the name of Amadamia
I am missing Amada-Mia, I sneak up it this night
Sitting alone by the bright window of the moon,
I burned my chest in thought
Love is sad
Amadamia Nostalgia, always comes again
The original song of this song can be found in an Argentine tango song but it's hard to know because we cannot find the information about it anywhere. However, in 1946, Rita Hayworth charmingly sang the song in the film Gilda as "Amado Mio." In addition, the Kansone singers, who won twice after another at the Sanremo Festival in 1951 and 1952, also sang "Amado Mio". Nilla Pizzi sang in the early 1960s another version. "Amado Mio" means literally, "loved ones." This became the song title, while some people still say the name "Amado Mio". Even though the Korean song, "Adamia" is known through the movie starring Rita Hayworth since the movie "Gilda" it was first introduced by singer Lee Nam-soon.