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원방현 / Won Bang-Hyun

Tracks can be found on:

유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc 7]

16 추풍령 자장가 / Chulunch Lullaby

17 나만 울었소 / I only cried

"Chulunch Lullaby" is a slow trot song with vibrating voice and pretty much an old times /bygone feeling, getting stringer by some surface noise and slight damage in the sound. This makes that this track does not show anything out of the ordinary. Also "I only cried" is mainstream trot, with some slow jazzy flavours.

Domido Best Collection 100 Vol. 1

CD2-8 피난길 고향길 / 피난길 고향길 / Evacuation Hometown

More successful according to my taste is this happier sounding "Evacuation of Hometown" with a jazzy up tempo rhythm and lighthearted vocals.

Domido Best Collection 100 Vol. 2

CD1-14 화류일기 / Flower Diary

“Flower Diary” is performed with the same kind of lightheartedness as the previously listed track. Also this has the injection of jazz that makes this work even better.

CD4-16 아라비아 공주 / Arabian Princess (D-3008-AB) (1955)

Totally brilliant however is this track "Arabian Princess" featuring a hypnotic bass line rhythm and an Arabic exotic brass arrangement recalling the Arabian trail. A rather funny track with rich musical effect.

CD5-2 순정 아가씨 / genuine lady (1961)

"Genuine Lady" is another fine track with a great jazz/trot/old style combo.



(with help of Google Translate, so not perfect)

'추풍령(秋風嶺) 자장가'

김운하 작사/ 전오승 작 편곡/ 노래 원방현

<가사 미비>

아가야 잠들어라 자장가를 불러주마 피눈물 목이 맺혀 휘갈기는 채쭉 끝에 북풍 일경 걸어보는 추풍령 고개길이 백리드냐 천리드냐 청노새야 어서 가자.

피난길 엄마 잃은 네 마음을 모를소냐? 낯설은 눈보라가 앙가슴을 저밀 적에 밝아 올날 걸어보는 추풍령 고개길이 백리드냐 천리드냐 청노새야 어서 가자.

부풀어 터진 발을 명아주로 동여 매고 새 살림 새 희망을 찾아가는 타향길에 희망 속에 걸어보는 추풍령 고개길이 백리드냐 천리드냐 청노새야 어서 가자.

<秋風嶺 자장가>는 가수 元芳鉉님이 1955년에 오아시스레코드에서 발표한 노래입니다. <나만 울었소/元芳鉉노래>와 같이 발매된 이 노래는, 金雲河 作詞/ 全吾承 作編曲의 작품으로, 休戰 후의 분위기를 잘 반영하고 있지 않은가 합니다. 귀한 노래 잘 듣고 갑니다. <音盤情報 : 雲水衲子님>

'Chuppungryeong Luo Lullaby'

Baby, fall asleep, I'll sing you a lullaby

with The tears felt in my throat

passing the Trail of Churyeongryeong

a running Blue mule, let's go from here.

Do you not know your lost mother?

Unfamiliar blizzards squeal

along the Chupungyeong Pass

Backlead Blue mule, let's go.

Swelling bulging feet

On the other side of the road to find new hope

along the Churyeongryeong Pass, walking in hope

Backlead Blue mule, let's go.

(incomplete lyrics)

Written by Kim Unha / Arranged by Jeon Oh Seung / Song Won Bang Hyun. <秋風 嶺 Lullaby> is a song released by the singer 元 芳 鉉 in Oasis Records in 1955. It was released along with <I Only Cry / 元 芳 鉉 song>, the work of 金 雲 河 作詞 / 全 吾 承 作 編曲, which reflects the atmosphere after the death.



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