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김연월 / Kim, Yeon-Weol

유성기로 듣던 불멸의 명가수: 얼굴 없는 명가수 (2)

11 무정한 밤차 / Heartless night train (1936) (OKEH 1901)

Unique on this track is a bossanova rhythm. You can also hear a train whistle. It is a goodbye song, which sounds gentle and sweet. It is like a celebration because of the sounds of the orchestra (violin, clarinet, strings etc. and a touch of jazz here and there). As usual its sadness is not directly expressed but can be felt through the lyrics. A woman undergoes the situation.

It is the only track I have on any of the compilations, but surely is worth discovering. Nothing can be found about the artist.

오케레코드와 조선악극단

무정한 밤

노래: 김연월

작사: 김능인

작곡: 김송규

반주: 오케패미리뮤

산비탈 정거장에 봄날도 오면

이별을 당해보니 섧기도 하오

인제 가면 언제 오리

아 무정한 차는 떠나오

황혼에 별이 차리 구성진 소리

이별이 아까워서 부는 갈피리

잘 가세요 잘 계세요

아 연기는 사라집니다

인생은 춘풍인데 해는 지는데

어이타 검은 눈물 그칠 줄 몰라

웬일일까 웬일이요

아 무정한 차는 떠나

(Google Translation, with mistakes !)

Okeh Record and Chosun Orchestra

"Heartless night train"

Song: Kim Yeonwol ; Lyrics: Kim In-In

Composed by Kim Song-kyu ;

Accompaniment: Oke Family Music

When spring comes to the hillside station

When I'm saying farewell, I pray

When will you go riding?

Oh, leave a heartless scar

The sound of starry formations at dusk

are blowing because of parting

Good bye good bye

Ah the smoke disappears

Life is full spring, but the sun goes down

Ai, I can't stop the dark tears

What will you be going here?

Oh, leave (but) a heartless scar.



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