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서금영 / Seo, Kem-Young / 徐錦榮

유성기로 듣던 여명의 한국동요 / Korean Song of Dawn (=lullabies) (1924~1945)

CD1-3 낮에 나온 반달 / Half Moon by Day (40273 A)

CD1-4 고향의 봄 / Hometown Spring (40273 B)

CD1-6 달마중 / During the Month (C140-B)

CD1-7 짚신짝 / Straw Shoes (C161-A)

CD1-10 해바라기 / Sunflower (C163-B)

CD1-13 바닷가에서 / By the sea (40142 B)

CD1-14 무명초 / Cotton Plant (40142 B)

Songs like these take a distance from the repetitive patterns of the nostalgic trot style with roots in Japanese music. The nursery rhymes were free of censorship and reminded of something real, of past days when mother comforts over her children, an age of innocence. The first song is just piano and voice and an outdo with a small combo, nothing else. See Kim Young's voice although adult still has something of a child's voice which makes its effect complete. "Hometown Spring" continues where "Half Moon by Day" ended, in fact as a sad lullaby which could as well have been a goodbye to bygone days. I assume both songs were from the same session. "During the month" is arranged with very subtle small chamber arrangements. It's voice almost loses its tone, which gives it something very sad. "Straw Shoes" likewise sounds like a poor man's blues song during a Christmas night in which one can hardly survive. The piano and other subtle played instruments plays it like a musical box rhythm of a waltz. "Cricket" turn the singer's voice to a sharper and more girly voice to which the combo plays a jazzy accompaniment like it this is played to a funeral instead of arranged for a lullaby. This gives it a charming tone. "Sunflower" reveals a more bright and happy tone while the voice again slightly loses its intonation, again this gives it an atmosphere of its own which adds something sad to something that should in fact makes you happy or comfort you, in perfect balance between two contradictory emotions, as a comforting song during the feeling of pain. "By The sea" is a very short charming lullaby with voice piano and violin only. "Cotton Plant" is a bit faster track from the same session. Also this is a short and charming song in an almost danceable and more joyful rhythm.

CD2-3 봉사꽃 / Flower (C163-B)

CD2-7 병정 나팔 / Soldiers (C 161-A)

CD2-8 가을 밤 / Autumn Night (C161-B)

CD2-11 밤새톨을 굽다가 / Baking Overnight (C163-A)

with 이경숙 / Lee Kyung - Sook & 중앙보육학교 / Central Nursery School & 최명숙 / Choi Myeong-Suk

"Flower" is a slow song with sweet piano and violin. "Soldiers" is a tiny & poetic song which plays in the melody, lyrics and song theme with the trumpet-melody announcement engaging soldiers. "Autumn Night" is piano and strings is a slower late night lullaby kind of hymn. "Baking Overnight" is sung by three lead voices as if this nursery rhyme takes gives you the feeling of a school of engagement being solely accompanied by school piano.

유성기로 듣던 가요사 /

Songs that I heard during the musical period from 1925~1945

16 달마중 / During the Month (1932)

This is the same song as I have reviewed above. In this recording there's a scratch as distortion.



(fragments of translation, with possible mistakes):

Lee Jung Sook and Geum Young Seo (Kem-Young Sea were considered to belong amongst the best nursery rhyme artists of its times.

Regarding the genre of nursery rhymes, the company that produced and released the album vigorously was Regal Record Company. The second place that produced and released many nursery rhymes albums is Victa Records (Victor Records?). The third was Columbia Records, and the singers who worked here were Lee Jung Sook, Chae Dong Won, Seo Geum Young, Choi Myeong Sook, Lee Kyung Sook, and Lee Sam Hong.

The composers include Yun Suk Joong, Hong Nan Pa, Park Tae Hyun, Lee Won Soo, Bang Jung Hwan, Jung Soon Cheol, Yoo Ji Young, Yoon Kuk Young, Han Jung Dong, and Yun Baek Nam.

O'Record also released a children's music record. On Japanese labels such as Nippon a couple other artists released their albums.

At Egle Record, Seo Geum-young, Lee Kyung-sook, and Choi Myeong-sook recorded an album, and for them, Kim Tae-oh, Kim Shin-myeong, Park No-chun, Kim Soo-kyung (Yun Bok-jin), Park Soo-soon, and Hong Nan-pa wrote and composed music.

Fiurther you have a few examples on Sierra Records, Nitto Records, and Dear Records. Taepyeong Records seems to have been the most passive in the production of nursery rhymes with only one song.

Lee Jung-sook, as the best nursery rhythm singer in Korea, along with Sue Geum-young, received special guidance on nursery rhyme from the famous composer Hong Nan Pa (洪 (1898-1942).

The second best singer is Seo Geum-young (徐錦榮, 1910-1934). She was born in Hwangju, Hwangdo, and moved to Seoul to live with her parents, who had previously run a pawn shop. In the 1925 Dong-A Ilbo New Year's Issue, 140 specially selected children from Seoul's regular schools are selected for the future. , 1912-1953). They later grew up to be prominent poets as expected. Seo Geum-young, a student of Dongduk Women's Normal School, was selected for the future musician. In addition, when introducing the home of a child with a child, a reporter about her was published with a picture.

After graduating from ordinary school, she went to the central nursery school where Lee Jung-sook attended. In 1931, the name of Geumyoung Seo is confirmed on the list of graduates of the Central Nursery School. In the same year, if you see the name of the poet Mo Yun-sook on the list of graduates of Ewha Women's University, she will be about the same age as him. Like Geum-sook Suh, Seo Geum-young was a disciple who received special guidance from the Hong Nang and was instructed. In January 1931, she released her first albums, including <Beach by the Sea> and <Momyoungcho,> in Columbia in 1934. . Reflecting its high popularity, she made his major debut in Columbia and released various recordings from several record companies including Regal, Eagle, and Nippon Norhong, but he died of typhoid fever that summer. At that time, she was only 23 years old.

The Hongnanists were shocked when they heard about Sue Geum-young's death. In 1931, Hong Ok-im, a niece Hong Ok-im, fell into homosexuality and shocked herself with a partner. She heard about the death of the disciple Seo Geum-young, who had died before the shock. In this process, <Bambonghwa> is inserted, which begins with 'Bambong beneath your shape'. The lead in the song referred to a niece that would have served as a symbol of the disciple Seo Geum-young.

<Dalmama> (During the Month?)

Come on, sweetie.

Pick it up, put it on a thread, hang it around your neck

Black dog, let's go towards the stream

Silky silken room

driven by a weeping willow

The salt is dissolving in the moonlight

Come on, upon the stream, sweetie.

Reported clogs in the moonlight

Let's go to the ditch

The songs of former singers, including Lee Jung-suk and Seo Geum-young, who remind us of our old memories of childhood, are still ringing our hearts even in the 21st century. If you compare the tone of the two people and how to create a window, Lee Jung-sook is more crisp and rounder than Seo Geum-young. The feelings of sorrow, which are full of pity and tenderness, are more heart-loving than Seo Geum-young. In contrast, Sue Geum-young's tone and changgeum softly wraps the whole body with a relaxed atmosphere that is soft and subtle.

Other nursery rhymes are not much different from the creation of the two girls and are generally similar. One interesting fact is that Korean accents and pronunciations have changed dramatically over the course of nearly 100 years. Some people say that when they hear their first nursery rhyme, it is similar to hearing it. There may be traces of the 1930s founding that remain in North Korea. How do you feel this?

In the colonial era, nursery rhythms calmed the hearts of the people who suffered from the wounds and tears accumulated in their hearts with a gentle and cozy atmosphere of love and peace, just like a mother's hand. We must remember that in these activities there was a painstaking effort by Lee Jung-sook, Suh Geum-young and the girl nurse singers whose names were so buried.

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