Mdou Moctar
Sahel Sounds Mdou Moctar -LP/digi- (NG,2013)**** I really can’t tell too much about this record, about this artist or about the...

Group Inerane
Sublime Frequencies Group Inerane : Guitars from Agadez (NI,rec.2004 & 2007)***° There has been given some attention lately to the...

Sahelsounds Zabaya : Azna de L'Ader -digi/LP- (NI,70s?,re.2016)***°° "Forty years coming, Azna de L’Ader finally has an official...

V.A. : Niger Radio
Sublime Frequencies V.A. : Niger Radio (NI,2014)*° In the series of faraway radio transmissions, here we have a collection of broadcast...

Mammane Sani
Sahel Sounds Mammane Sani et son orgue : La Musique Electronique du Niger -LP- (NG,1978,re.2013)***° Mammane previously was a UNESCO...