최갑석 - Choi Gap-Seok

Tracks can be found here:

유성기로 듣던 가요사 두번째(1945~1960) [Disc 9]
CD9-16 고향에 찾아와도 / When you come home
Taken from an original printed source, this is one of the more filmic orchestrations of the singer I have heard. It is a matter of taste, but I imagine it s well how the surface noise could give it a certain extra charm.

가요(歌謠) 박물관 220 Best
CD1-11 고향에 찾아와도 / When you come home (1958)
* CD3-4 항구의 인사 / Porters (1963)
Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics, or tracks to check out for sure. It are tracks that makes them also very suitable for western radioshow airplay.
Tracks that are only underlined can be considered fine tracks that you might better check out as well, but I am not sure how essential they really are.
This “When you come home” sounds like another version of the aforementioned song, through a recording which makes it easier to appreciate because of its better preserved sound quality. It might be still a more favourite track to take out. “Porters” however, with jazzy elements is another preferred one for obvious reasons. It has rather bluesy horn / trumpet solos in it which improve its moodiness.

최갑석 - Original Hits Song (1989) CD
01. 고향에 찾아와도 / When you come home 02. 태평양 마도로스 / Pacific Island 03. 그리워라 부산항 / Miss Busan Port 04. 세월은 흘러가도 / When time goes by 05. 타향설 / Others 06. 한많은 유랑나그네 / Lots of wanderers 07. 삼팔선의 봄 / Spring of the Sampalm 08. 평안도 사나이 / Man of Peace 09. 정든 목포항 / Jeong Mokpo Port 10. 운명의 사랑 / Love of Destiny 11. 인생무정 / Lifelessness
The first track (that I have mentioned before) has a very filmic orchestration. Despite that a few more tracks show a certain variety of interpretational songs, they all fit pretty much within the Trot genre without that the singer shows much effort or signs of adding much of his own. I makes me even having bit of regret checking this artist / singer better out, simply because of absolutely nothing which is able to really stand out here.
What I vaguely could translate from http://blog.daum.net/...
...is that he was born 16th of September, 1938 as the eldest son of 6 brothers and sisters. He did military service at Jeju Island after which he started to sing. He was active from the late 50s till the late 60s, had 23 hits from around 50 songs of which 28 were recorded. He started a company in Vietnam with colleague Domi. He later moved to Lendale, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
임실의 원로가수 故 최갑석을 아세요? (2009) 네이버 메인에#전북도민일보추가
고 최갑석(崔甲錫) 원로가수는 임실군 임실읍 출신이다. 그는 임실에서 성장하여 초등학교를 졸업하고 전주에서 생활 하다가 6.25후 제주도 제1육군훈련소에 입대하여 군 복무를 마쳤으며, 부산에서 잠시 생활을 하던 중에 부산 가요 콩쿨대회에서 1등을 한 결과 작곡가들에게 선발되어 가요공부를 하게 되었고, 그때부터 가수로써 노래를 시작했다. 1950년대 말부터 1960년대 말까지 활발한 활동을 하여 ‘삼팔선에 봄’ ‘고향에 찾아와도’ ‘내 고향 찾아가면’ 등 23곡을 히트시켰으며, 28곡을 취입하여 50여곡 이상의 영원한 노래를 남겼다.
그는 1970년대 초 다른 사업을 구상하고 동료가수인 ‘도미’와 함께 베트남으로 향하여 사업을 시작하였으나 이 또한 여의치 않아 모든 사업을 청산하고 1974년 미국으로 이민을 하였다. ‘최갑석’은 현지인들의 도움으로 펜실베니아주 필라델피아 인근 렌즈데일에서 노인 아파트 관리소장을 하면서 살았다고 한다. 운명하기 8년 전부터 고혈압과 심장, 신장 질병으로 투병 중 필라델피아 템블 대학 병원에서 2004년 9월 말경 대동맥확장 수술을 받은 후 10월 14일 유명을 달리하였다. 가족으로는 부인 이형숙 여사와 1남 1녀를 두고 있다.(인터넷검색결과)
임실군에서는 군민들의 뜻을 모아 ‘고 최갑석 기념 사업회를 창립하고 년 중 군민의 날에 최갑석 가요제를 개최하여 음악을 사랑하는 군민들의 자긍심을 높일 수 있는 행사로 발전시키는 것이 필요하다고 최성미(임실문화원장)은 말했다. 또 노래비를 제작 건립은 물론 최갑석 일대기 자료를 확보하여 유고집을 발간하는 등 군민들로써 해야 할 과제라고 했다. 기념 사업회는 임실군을 중심으로 군민 다대수가 참여하여야 함은 물론, 재경, 재전, 재부향우회원들을 참여시키고 서울의 가수협회와도 연결하여 추진해야 할 것이라고 했다. 따라서 매년 가요제 운영이나 관내 중요지역에 노래비를 건립하는데도 자문의 역할을 함으로써 적극적인 참여를 유도하고 내실 있는 행사와 사업이 이루어 질수 있도록 민간차원에서 추진함이 타당 하지 않겠냐며 이를 추진하기 위해서는 임실관내 각 기관 또는 사회단체와 재경, 재전, 재부향우회 임원, 그리고 언론의 협조가 지극히 필요하다고 했다. 최갑석 기념사업에 협조하고 있는 인사는 임정호 (작곡가, 남부대학교 음악학부 외래교수)외 서울 원로 가수회가 있다.
▲히트곡( 23곡 )= 삼팔선의 봄, 고향에 찾아와도, 태평양마도로스, 세월은 흘러가도, 타향설, 한 많은 유랑나그네, 평안도 사나이, 정든 목포항, 그리워라 부산항, 운명의 사랑, 인생무정, 항구의 사나이, 항구의 인사, 홍도야 울지 마라, 남강의 추억, 내 고향 찾아가면, 마도로스 순정, 물방아 꽃이 피면, 울고 싶은 마음, 허무한 세월, 인생유수, 푸른 꿈, 그때는 옛날,
▲취입곡(28곡)= 그림자 사랑, 그 이름은 최고청춘, 깨어진 사랑 탑, 내가 꺾은 송죽매화, 내 사랑 슬픈 사랑, 넋두리 청춘, 눈물 실은 호남열차, 눈물의 누이동생, 능금 꽃, 달리는 경부선, 못다 핀 사랑, 바다 없는 항구, 밤비의 기타, 밤비의 이별 길, 부산의 하룻밤, 사랑, 사랑의 고백, 아들의 하소, 연락선 나그네, 은혜냐 사랑이냐, 이국선, 인생건널목, 인생극장, 철민의 노래, 타향은 외로워, 태양아 말해다오, 호롱불 주막, 휴전선 고갯길. 강명자 도민기자<시인>
Do you know Choi Gap-seok? (2009)
# Cheonbuk-do Daily Newspaper
The late elder singer Choi Gap-seok originates from Imsil-eup, Imsil-gun. He grew up in Imsil, graduated from elementary school, and lived in Jeonju. After july 1925, he joined the 1st Army Training Center in Jeju Island, where he completed his military service. During his brief life in Busan, he was selected as a composer by winning the first prize at the Busan Gay Contest. After that, he started studying and started singing as a singer. From the late 1950s to the late 1960s, he was active and hit 23 songs, including “Spring on Sampalm,” “When he came to his hometown,” and “When he came to my hometown.” He recorded about 28 songs and left more than 50 classic songs.
He conceived another business in the early 1970s and started his business in Vietnam with his fellow singer, Domi, but he also liquidated everything and immigrated to the United States in 1974. Choi Gap-seok lived with the assistance of locals as director of senior apartment management in Lendale, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Eight years before his death, he suffered high blood pressure, heart and kidney disease, and he died on October 14 after undergoing aortic dilatation at the Philadelphia Temble University Hospital in late September 2004. The family includes his wife, Mrs. Hyung-sook Lee and one man and one daughter. (Internet search results)
In the Imsil-gun, it is necessary to establish the Choi Gap-seok Memorial Project by gathering the people's will and to hold the Choi Gap-seok Song Festival on the People's Day to develop the event to enhance the pride of the people who love music. said. He also said that it is a task for the citizens, such as producing and constructing the song fee, as well as securing a brief draft of Choi Gap-seok. The commemorative project said that not only a large number of citizens should participate in the Imsil-gun, but also the members of the Gyeonggi-do, Korean War, and Korean vice-minor members should be involved and promoted in connection with the singer association in Seoul. Therefore, it is advisable to induce active participation by acting as an advisor in the annual music festival or to establish song costs in important areas within the jurisdiction. He also said that there is a great need for cooperation with social groups, finance, warfare, by-election officers and the media. Personnel who cooperate with the memorial service of Choi Gap-seok which include Lim Jung-ho (composer, visiting professor at the Department of Music, Nambu University) and the Seoul Senior Singer Society.
There were some Hit songs (out of 23 songs) like "The spring of Sampala", "when you come to your hometown", "Pacific Island", "even though the years go by", t"he other town", "many wandering wanderers", "peace man", "Jung Mokpo port", "miss Busan port", "the love of destiny", "life heartless", "Man of the port", g"reeting of the port", "Hongdo", "don't you cry", "memories of Namgang", "when you visit my hometown", "Madurosu chastity", "when the water mill blooms", "I want to cry", "vanity", "life's prosperity", "blue dreams", then,
Songs he sang (28 songs) like "Shadow Love", "the name is Supreme Youth", "Broken Love Tower", "Picked up Songjuk Plum", "My Love Sad Love", "Youth's complaint", "Honam Train with Tears", "Sister of Tears", "Twill Flower", "Running Gyeongbu Line", "Love that can't be missed", "Sea port without sea", "Bambi's guitar", "Bambi's farewell", "Busan's one night", "love, confession of love", "son's calcination", "ferry ship", "grace or love", "Lee Kook-sun", "life crossing", "life's theater", "Cheolmin's Singing", "loneliness is lonely", "sun talk", "horong fire tent", "truce line".
By Representative Domin Journalist