정훈희 - Jung Hoon-Hee (Chung Hoon-Hi)
This is a light but in fact great short (2->4 min songs) collection of pop/rock with very convincing warm and nice range of singing...

조미미 - Cho Mi-Mi / Jo, Mimi
KBS Media 조미미 / 골든 Golden 2CD 2006.09.18 CD 1 01. 바다가 육지라면 / If the Sea is Land 02. 먼데서 오신 손님 / Guest from far away 03. 단골손님 / Regular...

최무룡 - Choi Mu-Ryong / Choi Mooryong
This is a collection of old time music Trot (50s styled), with slow male singing and small combos (reeds, strings) with solo instruments...

정태춘 - Jung, Tae-Choon, Cheong Tae Choon
정태춘 1집 - 시인의 마을 (LP Miniature)정태춘 노래 | 뮤직리서치 | 2008년 01월 10일 CD Music Research 정태춘 - 1집 시인의 마을 LP version 2016 MRCD1613 1978-11-5 LP 01 ...

정태춘 - Jung Tae-Choon & 정태춘 & 박은옥 - Jung Tae-Choon & Park Eun-Ok
also written as -Jung Tae-Chun & Park Eun-Yok / Jeong Tae-Chun and Park Eun-Ok / Cheong Tae-Choon and Park Eun-Ohk- 정태춘 - Jung Tae-Choon:...

신중현과 엽전들 - Shin Joong Hyun & Yeopjeondeul / Yup Juns/ Yupjeons / Coins
"Musical performance by Yupjeons. This record reissued only CD in 2002. A4-6 and B4-6 songs are not Kim Jung Mi songs and Shin Jung...

최안순 - Choi An-Soon (Choi An-Soon) (<-Lana.et Rospo)
Most of the album is folk songs with acoustic guitar, possibly more of the tracks are covers of popular Western song hits (like “Plaisir...

최양숙 - Choi Yang-Sook
LP reissue 최양숙 꽃 피우는 아이 (400 Set 고유번호 한정반) GEBLSL24 2013-12-06 This is a song-based album somewhat for a certain mainstream public, but...

조용필 - Cho Yong Pil / Jo Yong-Pil (Five Fingers / Kim Trio Band)
I had already the opportunity to listen to the album on YouTube before I had it. This was my first impression: Although Cho Yong Pil is a...

조영남 - Cho Young-Nam
조영남-점이-여보 / Point / Honey Most of this album is going beyond the interest of Western Music lovers. At it worst, like track 3, this is...