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신중현과 엽전들 - Shin Joong Hyun & Yeopjeondeul / Yup Juns/ Yupjeons / Coins

"Musical performance by Yupjeons. This record reissued only CD in 2002. A4-6 and B4-6 songs are not Kim Jung Mi songs and Shin Jung Hyun's songs, but by other singers and writers. At this album Kim Jung Mi's sexy and acidly voice meets Shin Jung Hyun's psychedelic pop feelings again. Some songs have a certain pop feelings but have also Shin Jung Hyun's great musicality with his group Yupjeons's musical performances." Folkie Jin

"Groovy folk funk from mid 70s Korea -- mad, pulpy tunes from Kim Jung Mi -- possibly her best work ever! This wonderful self-titled set is a pretty deep left turn from her other material that we've been lucky enough to get our hands on -- this one really goes deeper into the trippier elements that pepper her work -- with deep, thumping bass lines, groovy organ washes and some strings! Groovy, groovy work and more than lives up to the World Psychedelia tag! 11 tracks in all. (Apologies for our lack of song titles -- all notes are Korean!) " Dusty Groove

See separate page for Kim Jung-Mi

신중현과 엽전들 1집 - 미인: 1st Original Version Shin Jung Hyun MVD 2003

[ 재발매 ]신중현과 엽전들 노래 | Pony Canyon / Pony Canyon | 2004년 06월 10일

"First version of this record (Shin Jung Hyun & Coins) was reissued only CD format in 2003. But there are dubbed guitar sounds on the reissue of the CD. It is a Korean psychedelic rock masterpiece!! Only this album released about 500 copies only with a paper sleeve gate fold cover ! ! First pressing has not the A5 and B5 song, but only it just appeared the songs on the cover track list. Members are Shin Jung-Hyun(Guitar and Vocal), Lee Nam-Lee (Bass), Kim Ho-Sik(Drums). It is a different Musical performance and Drummer compared to the second pressing. First pressings were only given to a broadcasting station. So it was a very rare and expensive these days.

The first pressing is in fact the best combination of styles (of Western rock music combined with Korean traditional rhythms) of all his records. It is a great eastern pyschedelia!! Only I just can say that "He almost completed his hope (to combine Western music with Korean traditional rhythm) at this album." Just you must feel it!! The CD reissue was published in 1994." Folkie Jin

신중현, 국악과 록음악을 결합하여 획을 긋다. 엽전들은 비로소 그룹의 상업적인 성공을 견인한 명그룹이다. 남녀노소 '3천만의 애창곡' 미인의 최초 버전이 공개된 의미 심장한 재발매 앨범. 국악과 양악의 조화가 만개한 가장 한국적인 락 앨범.

"Shin Jung-hyun, Korean traditional music and rock music combined. The melancholia of the best-in-class groups have driven the group's commercial success. This is a meaningful re-release album that reveals the first version of the beautiful woman 'age of 30 million songs'. The greatest Korean rock album with the harmony of Korean and Western music."

신중현과 엽전들 [original version] 25-08-1974 CD

* A1 저 여인 / / The woman 4:05

* A2 그 누가 있었나봐 5:40

* A3 설레임 / Serum 4:55

* A4 생각해 / Thoughts 4:20

* B1 나는 몰라 / I do not know 3:25

* B2 할 말도 없지만 / Nothing to Say 4:50

* B3 미인 / Beautiful Woman 4:25

B4 나는 너를 사랑해 / I love you 3:11

Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics from a western point of view of listening, as tracks to check out for sure because for some reason they seem to stand out as such, which makes them also very suitable for western radio show airplay.

Tracks that would only be underlined can be considered fine tracks you might better check out as well, but I am not sure how essential they really are.

"This record was reissued on CD format in 1994. First pressing and Second pressing have different track list order, and music Performance. Members are Shin Jung-Hyun(Guitar and Vocal), Lee Nam-I (Bass), Kwan Young-Nam(Drum). This album is a Hard rock style of first pressings. But B5 is a great psychedelic instrumental song!!" Folkie Jin

"Second pressing (Shin Jung Hyun & Yup Juns) members are Shin Jung-Hyun(Guitar and Vocal), Lee Nam-I (Bass), Kwan Young-Nam (Drums). It is a different Musical performance and Drummer compared to the second pressing. This album is a Hard rock style of first pressings. But B5 is a great psychedelic instrumental song!!" In general it had hard rock styled musical performances. The reason is that record company wants popular rock sounds, and while the first pressing is not, they wanted to record it again. That's how Shin Jung Hyun had to record it again. This second pressing is not so rare and low price (on CD)." Folkie Jin

PS. The LP has a different order of tracks compared to the cd.

vol.1/ Beauty Jigu 1994 CD

* 1 미인 / Beautiful woman

* 2 생각해 / Thoughts

* 3 그누가 있었나봐 / He must have been there

* 4 긴긴밤 / Long long nights

5 나는 너를 사랑해 / I love you

* 6 저 여인 / The woman

* 7 설레임 / Serum

* 8 할말도 없지만 / Nothing to say

* 9 나는 몰라 / I do not know

10 떠오르는 태양 / Rising sun

Very good, fine psych-rock/hard rock album, with here and there some blues-rock elements. Last track on the album is a blues-rock improvisation, with some dirty fuzz touches. Very unique is also the combination of original Korean music with western elements. On first track this can be described as Korean music with some Hendrix influence or so.

The second version CD is still available as "Shin Jung-Hyun and the Coins" :

"This record occupies the space between straight funk, psychedelic beat, and guitar shreddery. This is the earliest record I have from the "Godfather" and is a serious departure from his early work with the Add 4 during the 1960's. The record, which was originally released on Jigu records in 1974 (JLS-120984) is a solid affair, clearing showing SJH's progression from surf rock & roll to funk inspired psychedelia. The record exhibits solid funk baselines in most of it's songs and really feels inspired by American 70's funk (Think Curtis Mayfield's, Sly and the Family Stone, and a less dramatic Isaac Hayes). The song lengths have moved from an average of 2.5 minute ditties in the Add 4 to about a minute longer, with that added time being spent less on catchy choruses and more on funked out instrumental solos (mainly drums and bass). In the pantheon of the "Godfather's" career it would seem that this album is a worthwhile exploration into funk music, showing hints (the last song, easily the longest at just shy of 7 minutes is an unexpected journey through a free jazz/psychrock landscape) into the impending psychedelic boom that would characterize most of SJH's career. A worthwhile addition to collector's of asian psych rock and world funk. I give it a solid B, very listenable, while still managing to be interesting."



신중현과 엽전들 신중현과 엽전들 (1974/지구레코드)

Track List : LP Side A

1. 저 여인 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 4:06

2. 그 누가 있었나봐 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 5:45

3. 설레임 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 4:15

4. 생각해 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 4:23

LP Side B

1. 나는 몰라 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 3:04

2. 할 말도 없지만 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 4:18

3. 미인 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 4:25

4. 나는 너를 사랑해 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 3:10

*재판 곡 순서(초판과 곡 길이가 매우 다름)

LP Side A

1. 미인 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 3:00

2. 생각해 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 2:50

3. 그 누가 있었나봐 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 3:00

4. 긴긴 밤 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 4:30

5. 나는 너를 사랑해 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 3:11

LP Side B

1. 저 여인 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 2:30

2. 설레임 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 2:23

3. 할 말도 없지만 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 2:32

4. 나는 몰라 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 3:10

5. 떠오르는 태양 (작사:신중현 작곡:신중현 편곡:신중현) 7:00

Credits 신중현(g, v), 이남이(b), 김호식(d, 초판), 권용남(d, 재판) 작사.작곡.편곡 : 신중현

Guitar&Vocal : 신중현 ; Bass Guitar : 이남이 ; Drums : 김호식(초판)권용남(재판) ; 녹음 : 1974. 7. 2~10. 6

※ 가슴네트워크, 경향신문 공동기획 ‘가슴네트워크 선정 한국대중음악 100대 명반’ 7위

(가슴에서는 매주 월요일/목요일, 경향신문에서는 매주 목요일 1~100위 음반리뷰를 순차적으로 올립니다. 총50주 동안 연재할 예정이고, 32명의 필자가 참여합니다. *별점은 해당 필자의 의견이 아니라 가슴에서 일률적으로 매긴 평점입니다.) 앨범해설/한상철 2007/09/13

-한국 전통 5음계 서양 하드록에 접목-

‘한국 록의 신기원’이라는 진부한 멘트는 적어도 이 앨범에 있어서는 유효한 표현이다. 애드훠와 덩키스, 그리고 더멘을 비롯한 수많은 밴드를 거친 신중현은 심플한 3인 체제의 구성으로 다시 돌아왔다. 처음에 5인조로 시작했던 엽전들은 신중현을 중심으로 베이스에 이남이, 드럼에 김호식을 영입하지만 후에 권용남으로 멤버가 교체되며 첫 번째 앨범인 본 작을 1974년에 발표한다.

엽전들의 첫 번째 정규 앨범은 두 가지 버전이 존재했던 것으로 알려져 있다.<미인>을 비롯한 대부분의 러닝타임이 4분 30초가 넘는 초기 버전은 1973년 오일쇼크로 휘청대던 음반사에서 “팔리지도 않을 음반을 제작할 수 없다”며 1000장을 비매품으로만 찍었는데, 이 버전은 싸이키델릭한 초기 멤버들로 이루어진 앨범으로 현재 LP로 구입하려 할 경우 무려 100만원을 호가하는 가격을 제시해야 구할 수 있다고 한다. 그 이후 새로운 드러머인 권용남을 영입해 만든 버전이 현재 우리가 알고 있는 버전의 앨범이다. 초판이 싸이키델릭에 집중했다면 현재 우리가 듣는 버전은 하드록적인 성격이 강하다 할 수 있겠다.

러닝타임을 줄여 새롭게 발매한 앨범은 폭풍 같은 실적을 이뤄냈다. 당시 애어른 할 것 없이 모두가<미인>을 불렀다. 음반은 미친 듯이 팔려나갔으며 당시로는 상상하기 어려운 100만 장의 고지마저 점령했다. 밴드가 직접 출연하는 ‘미인’이라는 제목의 영화도 제작되면서 침체된 음반시장은 갑자기 유례없는 호황기에 접어들지만<미인>을 포함한 대부분의 수록곡은 저속하다는 이유로 방송 부적합 판정을 받는다.

앨범은 커버 뒤에 써 있는 글 그대로 ‘긍정적인 엽전정신’으로 가득하다. 이것은 그루브하며 동시에 시원한 하드록의 진행으로 이뤄져 있지만 무엇보다도 한국적이라는 가장 강력한 메리트가 있다. 한국의 전통음악에서 주로 사용하는 5음계를 이용하며 한국적인 멜로디를 서양의 하드록에 접붙였다. 이러한 요소 덕분에 일본은 물론 해외 많은 애호가들이 본 작을 사랑했다.

후에 수도 없이 리메이크된 삼천 만의 히트곡<미인>을 시작으로 그루브한 전개의<그 누가 있었나봐><긴긴밤>, 스트레이트한 진행을 가진<생각해><저 여인>, 연주 중간에 노래를 멈추게 하고 여자친구가 화낸다면서 가사를 바꿔 부르는<나는 몰라>, 7분여의 싸이키델릭한 여정을 담은<떠오르는 태양>으로 이 불세출의 걸작은 마무리 된다.

오리지널 앨범 커버 뒤에 써 있는 음악평론가 최경식 씨의 추천사에는 이런 내용을 담고 있다. “한국의 로크(Rock) 뮤직은 있었던가? 한국의 로크란 과연 가능할 것인가?” 그 가능성은 바로 이 앨범에서부터 확실해졌다.



신중현이라는 뮤지션을 한 단어로 정리한다는 것은, 지금껏 그가 몸담고 손을 담궜던 모든 앨범들의 제목을 단숨에 읊어 내리는 것만큼이나 힘든 일이다. 50년대 후반 미8군 무대 활동을 시작으로 ‘에드 훠(Add 4)’, ‘덩키스(Donkeys)’, ‘더 맨(The men)’ 등의 무수한 밴드를 만들고 거치며, 박인수, 김추자, 펄 시스터즈 등 무수한 뮤지션들을 정상에 올리며 ‘신중현 사단’을 만들던 그 신화가 바로 신중현이었다. 그리고 그의 그 수많은 활동들 중 가장 빛나는 정점에, ‘신중현과 엽전들’이 있다.

1973년 신중현(기타/보컬)과 이남이(베이스), 김호식(드럼)의 3인으로 결성된 이후, 이듬해인 1974년, 신중현과 엽전들은 대한민국 록 역사에 오래도록 남을 첫 번째 앨범을 세상에 던진다. 기타 리프? 임프로비제이션? 사실 이런 복잡한 단어들은 아무것도 필요 없을 지도 모른다.<미인><떠오르는 태양><나는 너를 사랑해>등의 앨범 수록곡들을 듣는 순간, 후두부가 얼얼해지는 바로 그 느낌이 이 앨범의 포인트이기 때문이다. 가장 ‘한국적’이면서도 ‘획기적’이며 ‘진보적’인 록 음악은 이 앨범 안에 모두 담겨 있었던 셈이다.

하지만 이런 황금기도 잠깐, 정권찬양가 요구를 무시했던 신중현에게 박정희 정권의 탄압이 시작된다. 자유로운 영혼으로서의 꿈틀대는 생기를 잃어버린 후, 연주곡만이 담긴 앨범 두 장과 건전가요 풍의 가사들만이 담긴 2집을 내놓은 엽전들은 1975년 12월, 신중현이 대마초 파동으로 ‘대마초의 왕초’라는 누명을 쓰면서 창작의 끈을 빼앗긴 뒤, 그와 더불어 역사 속으로 조용히 스며들고 만다. 그리고 그 역사는 대한민국 록 음악의 가장 어두웠던 순간으로 영원히 기억될 것이다. (김윤하/웹진 가슴 편집인)

·데뷔 : 1962년 ·활동 시기 : 1960년대 ~ 1990년대(신중현) ·구성원 :1974년 신중현과 엽전들신중현(기타, 보컬)이남이(베이스 기타)김호식(드럼) 1974년 신중현과 엽전들신중현(기타, 보컬)이남이(베이스 기타)권용남(드럼)


Track List: LP Side A

1. That Woman (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 4:06

2. Who should have been (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 5:45

3. Flutter (Lyric: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 4:15

4. Thinking (lyric: Shin Joong Hyun composition: Shin Joong Hyun arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 4:23

LP Side B

1. I Don't Know (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 3:04

2. Nothing to Say (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 4:18

3. Beauty (Lyric: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 4:25

4. I Love You (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 3:10

* Trial song order (the song length is very different from the first edition)

LP Side A

1. Beautiful Woman (Lyric: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 3:00

2. Think (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 2:50

3. Who Were There (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 3:00

4. Long Night (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 4:30

5. I Love You (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 3:11

LP Side B

1. That Woman (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 2:30

2. Flutter (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 2:23

3. Nothing to Say (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 2:32

4. I don't know (Written: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 3:10

5. The Rising Sun (Lyric: Shin Joong Hyun Composition: Shin Joong Hyun Arrangement: Shin Joong Hyun) 7:00

Credits Shin, Shin-Hyun (g, v), Lee Nam-I (b), Kim Ho-Sik (d, first edition), Yong-Nam Kwon (d, trial) ; Lyrics, Composition, Arrangement: Guitar & Vocal: Shin Shin Hyun Bass Guitar: Lee Nam Drums: Kim Ho-sik (First Edition)

Recording: 1974. July 2 ~ 10. 6

Rough translation:

The cliche of "The Era of Korean Rock" is a valid expression for at least this album. After a number of bands, including Adjunc, Dunkies, and Demen, Shin, Shin-Hyun returned to the simple three-member system. Yupjeon, which started as a five-member, first recruited Lee Nam in the base and Kim Ho Sik in the drum, centering on Shin Ji Hyun but later replaced the members with Kwon Yong Nam and released the first album in 1974.

It is known that the first regular albums of the eponymous two versions existed, and the early versions including most beautiful women's running time, which lasted more than four minutes and thirty seconds, were released in 1973 by an oil shock. I can't make it. ”It was only sold for 1000. This version is an album composed of psychedelic early members, and if you want to purchase it with LP, you can get it at a price of 1 million won. Since then, a new drummer, Kwon Yong-nam, is the version we know now. If the first edition focused on psychedelic, the current version we hear is hard rock.

The newly released album, which reduced running time, achieved a stormy performance. At that time, everyone sang <Beauty>. The album was sold like crazy and captured even one million notices that were difficult to imagine at the time. As the band also produced a movie titled "Beauty," a stagnant record market suddenly entered an unprecedented boom, but most of the songs, including <Beauty>, were judged unsuitable for broadcasting because they were vulgar.

The album is literally filled with the 'positive mind of spirit' written on the back of the cover. This is a grooved and cool hard rock, but most of all, it is the strongest merit of being Korean. Using the five scales used in Korean traditional music, Korean melodies are grafted to Western hard rock. Thanks to these factors, many enthusiasts from Japan and abroad loved the work.

Starting with 30 million hits <Beautiful> which was later remaked, <The Who's Been There> <Long Long Night>, <Thinking> <That Woman> with a straight process, and stopped the song in the middle of the performance The film's masterpiece is finished with <I don't know> and the rising sun with a 7-minute psychedelic journey.

The music critic Choi Kyung-sik's recommendation behind the cover of the original album contains this. “Is there rock music in Korea? Is it possible for Korea's Locke? ”The possibility became clear from this album.

(Han Sang-chul / Music Lover)



Biography: Organizing a musician named Shin, Shin-Hyun in one word is as hard as putting out the titles of all the albums he has been working on. Starting with the stage of the Eighth Army in the late fifties, he created and went through numerous bands such as 'Add 4', 'Donkeys' and 'The men', Park In-soo, Kim Chu-ja, and Pearl Sisters. The myth that made countless musicians to the top and made 'Shin Joong-hyun Satan' was Shin Ji-hyun. And the shining peak of his many activities is 'Shin Joong Hyun and Yeopjeon'.

After the three members of Shin Joong-hyun (guitar / vocal), Lee Nam-yi (bass), and Kim Ho-sik (drums) in 1973, Shin Ji-hyun and Yupjeon threw their first album to the world. Guitar Riff? Improving? In fact, these complex words may not need anything, because the moment you hear your head froze at the moment you listen to the songs on the album, `` Beauty '', `` Rising Sun '' and `` I Love You ''. The most 'Korean', 'breakthrough' and 'progressive' rock music was contained in this album.

But for this golden prayer, Park Chung-hee's crackdown begins on Shin Ji-hyun, who ignored the demands of the practitioners. After writhing as a free spirit, they released two albums containing only performance songs and two albums containing only the sound and lyrics of the song. After being robbed of the string, he quietly penetrates into history. And that history will be remembered forever as the darkest moment of Korean rock music. (Kim Yoon-ha / Webzine Tits Editor)

Debut: 1962 Activity Period: 1960s ~ 1990s (Shin Joong-hyun)

1974 Shin Joong-hyun and Yeopjeon

Shin, Shin-Hyun (Others, Vocal)

Lee Nam Lee (bass guitar)

Kim Ho-sik (Drum)

1974 Shin Joong-hyun and Yeopjeon

Shin, Shin-Hyun (Others, Vocal)

Lee Nam Lee (bass guitar)

Yongnam Kwon (Drum)

신중현과 엽전들 ‎– 신중현과 엽전들 1975

A1 선녀 A2 미련 A3 나는 너를 A4 바람 B1 너만보면 B2 오너라 B3 빗속의 여인 B4 저무는 바닷가

"This record was reissued on CD format in 1994. He wrote very wholesome lyrics at these album. The government restricted the songs at the first album as being immoral song lyrics. This album is great Korean hard rock styled music." Review of reissue ->

신중현과 엽전들 / Shin Jung Hyun & Yup Juns ‎– 신중현과 엽전들 제 2집 = Vol. 2 1975

Jigu Records ‎– JCDS-0452 01 Jul 1994 CD

* 1 아름다운 강산 / Beautiful river 7:53

2 산아 강아 / Sanya 3:05

3 지키자 / Let's keep 2:21

4 어깨 나란히 / Shoulders side to side 2:25

5 비둘기 / Pigeon 2:14

6 승리의 휘파람 / Whistle of Victory 2:24

7 뭉치자 / Bundle 2:48

8 나 / I 3:59

A good album of psych-rock style with some nice close harmony vocals, but there are also a few more smoothly going songs, probably a demand from the label. Still a fine album, clearly from a good band which (like instrumental best) hold their temperament back quite a bit. I didn't airplay it because it doesn't add much more to the last album & tracks..

Other review on :

"This one is a pretty short little number clocking in at about 28 minutes with 8 tracks. Most of the album is truthfully pretty pedestrian. The songs are sub par psychedelic folk tunes with repetitive licks.

The real significance of this album is that it includes the earliest recording I could find (granted this is not a definitive statement on the progression of this song) of Shin Jung Hyun's masterpiece "Beautiful Country" or sometimes referred to as "Beautiful Korea."

The song itself has an interesting history. The song was a response to President Park Chung Hee's request that the S. Korean rock legend write a song praising the president's grandeur. SJH flatly refused and instead wrote a song praising his country. The song is pretty epic. The version on this album is one of the shorter ones I have come across, clocking in at 7:56. Most versions of the song seem to hover around 8-10 minutes long. While the version on Vol. 2 is probably my least favorite and most straight forward, it is still an amazing accomplishment and it is no wonder SJH continued to rework and revisit this song throughout his career.

The song is punctuated by long, groovy psychout guitar solo's, beautiful vocals, and a wonderfully circular song structure. The song conjures images of Korean hippies spinning around atop a beautiful pastoral hillside until they fall down only to stay on the ground and stare at shape shifting clouds. Totally Epic. Totally Rad."

This album is clearly played by a psych-rock band, but very relaxed and smoothly, like a public friendly instrumental album (as if assembling a sort of "easy listening psych-rock" album). The psych-rock band with guitarist Shin Jung Hyun, and a flute player occasionally playing as if replacing a singer is very attractive too. Quite funny is how the band on the 5th track took a moment to speed up the rhythm with a small freak-out occasion, laughing with the effect of it in the end. An extremely enjoyable album. Not very expensive actually, if you can find one. I recognised some of the "song" instrumentals..(like track 9).

(CD) 신중현과 엽전들 - 연주곡 베스트 JIGU 1994

Shin Jung Hyun & Yup Juns - Instrumental best

1 님은 먼 곳에 / Being far away 3:00

2 커피 한 잔 / Cup of Coffee 3:20

* 3 빗속의 여인 / The Woman in the Rain 6:35

* 4 마른 잎 / Dry leaves / Awaiting Mind 5:12

5 월남에서 돌아온 김상사 / Officer Kim returning from Vietnam 4:16

6 미련 / Foolish 4:31

7 떠나야 할 그 사람 / Leaving a man 3:11

8 저무는 바닷가 / On the beach 3:37

* 9 봄비 / Spring rain 5:24

10 기다리는 마음 / Longing Heart 6:30

1975-07-18Jigu (JLS-120985)

Performed by 신중현과 엽전들 3기 (1974) - 신중현 : 보컬, 기타 - 이남이 : 베이스 기타 - 권용남 : 드럼 - 왕준기 : 플루트

"This record was reissued as "best of" compilation as "Yupjeons best instrumental songs collection" in CD format in 1994. Members are Shin Jung-Hyun(Guitar and Vocal), Lee Nam-I (Bass), Kwan Young-Nam (Drum), Wang Jun-Ki(Flute). 16 until 17 are Yupjeons instrumentals. New member Flutist Wang Jun Ki participated at these instrumentals. So these albums have more unique and various sounds and you'll hear to great and stable Yupjeons's Music performances. "

No info known for this album

신중현과 엽전들 ‎– 신중현과 엽전들 1975

A1 선녀 / The Fairy 11:33

A4 바람 / I saw you.. 5:17

B3 빗속의 여인 / 빗속의 여인 / In the Rain 7:53

Psychefolk Radioshow comments : "The debut of Coins (as Shin Jung Hyun & Yup Yuns) I airplayed in the first radioshow. This unreleased album is musically much more interesting. "The Fairy" is a very slowly starting beautiful psych ballad with sweet vocals. Some psychedelic elements also slowly come in, and near the middle taking the track over, with an almost over-droning and repetitive bass and electric guitars improvisation with voice screams on the background. (I guess a slightly different mix could still improve the track, but in this form it doesn't miss its psychedelic effect either). The repetitive bass and improvisation is stretched to an unusual, perhaps almost unnecessary length (in this mix). It has some great wa-wa guitar passages and the already mentioned voice screams. "I saw you..." has a psych-rock improvisational playing with some psych effects on the electric guitar and some distortion effects on the voice ? I really like the singing too. It also experiments a bit in improvisation. Also "In the Rain" has this kind of psych-blues repetition drive influence, with electric guitar and some voice drive improvisation (early Jimmy Hendrix came from the same musical area of early inspiration). "

Shin Jung-hyeon (guitar, vocals), Lee Nam-Lee (bass), Kim Ho-Sik (drums), Kwan Young-Nam (drums), Wang Jun-Ki (flute)

Beatball Records. Lee Hyoung Pyo : A Beauty (blu-ray) 1974,re.2018 ***°

with Shin Joong Hyun & Yup Juns

This blue-ray limited to 1500 copies shows the somewhat simple story of the band looking for a gig and change of life and appreciation of their music, a chance which came after all. The interest in a young girl leading to that point of change and which inspired to "The Girl in the Yellow coat" is a beautiful moment. A bad sad the editing of the movie is a bit rough and lots of musical fragments could have lasted longer according to my taste. Never the less it's an artifact of inspired psych-bluesy inspired music of the 70s. The film comes with English subtitles and also the booklet has English translations.

신중현과 엽전들은 이전 신중현의 그룹인 더멘이 키보드,섹소폰등이 포함된 5인조 구성에 흑인풍의 소울뮤직과 사이키델릭한 락음악이 결합된 사운드였다면 신중현과 엽전들은 말그대로 3인조의 미니멀함을 최대한 살리는 사이키델릭이 가미된 락음악이었다. 구성이나 음악적인 방향에 있어서는 지미헨드릭스를 지향하는 바가 컸다.

신중현과 엽전들이 주연을 맡은 싸이키델릭/음악 영화, ‘미인’ (1975)의 블루레이 발매’ 7월17일!!!

영화 <미인>은 1974년 신중현과 엽전들이 발표한 데뷔 앨범 수록곡 ‘미인’의 선풍적인 인기에 기대어 제작된 작품이다. 심의 자료에 의하면 곡이 발표된 1974년 신필름이 기획, 제작에 착수하였으나 거듭되는 심의 반려로 주요 내용을 수정하여 이듬해인 1975년에 공개된다. 그 과정에서 노래 ‘미인’은 금지곡 판정을 받아 정작 동명의 영화에는 누락되고만다.

신상옥 감독의 상업영화 프로덕션인 신필름의 대표 감독 이형표가 메가폰을 잡았으며 이두용 감독과 콤비로 잘 알려진 각본가 김하림이 당시 젊은이들의 유행 코드를 살린 시나리오를 제공했다. 신중현과 엽전들의 3인과 김미영이 주연으로 출연하며 이일웅과 가수 소연이 조역을 맡았다.

비슷한 과정으로 제작된 음악 영화들이 그렇듯 단기 제작에 의한 허술한 부분이 눈에 띄지만, 유행을 선도했던 음악가/밴드를 통해 당시의 ‘유행 문화’를 간접 체험할 수 있다는 사실만으로도 영화 <미인>의 가치는 충분하다. 신중현과 엽전들이 주연인 만큼 그들의 대표곡들을 총 망라한 스코어를 감상할 수 있으며 후일 발표되는 곡들을 다른 편곡으로 들어볼 수 있다는 것도 큰 매력이다. 특히, 신중현의 오리지널 록스코어와 디자이너 이신우의 컬러풀한 의상이 만나 빚어내는 싸이키델릭 공연 장면은 상상속 영역으로만 머물렀던 ‘한국 팝컬처’ 그 자체를 증명하는 소중한 순간이다.

신현 (신중현)과 꽁치 (이남이), 동호 (권용남)는 가난한 음악인이다. 실력은 있으나 써주는 클럽이 없어 월세를 밀리고 맨션 주인으로부터 내쫓길 지경이다. 같은 맨션에 거주하는 미대생 미인 (김미영)은 그런 일행에 위로와 격려를 아끼지 않는다. 미래가 불투명한 3인조의 방값과 술값등을 대신 내주고 애정 어린 시선으로 대하는 미인. 이에 고무되는 현은 그녀를 짝사랑하기에 이른다. 어느날, 그들의 음악을 알아봐주는 레스토랑에 고용된 후 음반과 클럽 출연 계약을 연달아 성사시키는 현과 그 일행. 그들 앞에는 톱스타로 오르는 길만이 남아있는데…곧 종적을 감춰버린 미인과 그녀를 찾아 거리를 헤메이는 리더 현. 이름 조차 알 수 없는 미인의 정체는 무엇이고 현은 그녀를 다시 만날 수 있을것인가!

*서울레코드페어 기획 1500매 한정반 *오리지널 네가필름 복원 *초도 한정 800매에 한해 실사이즈 리프로덕션 포스터 증정 *아웃박스, 56 페이지 컬러 책자와 스카나보 케이스 구성 -스틸 컷 이미지로 구성된 5종 엽서 세트 -영화평론가 김봉석, 음악평론가 송명하의 에세이가 실린 책자 원작 발표: 1975년 시간: 84분 영상: 컬러 사운드: 모노 화면비: CS(2.35:1) 언어: 한국어 자막: 영어 부가 영상: 극장 예고편 디스크: 1매

"The Blu-ray reissue of the one-of-a-kind psychedelic film ‘Miin (A Beauty, 1975)’ starring and featuring music by Shin Joong- hyun & the Yupjuns. This film was conceived due to the phenomenal popularity of the hit song, ‘Miin’ from the 1974 debut album of Shin Joong-hyun and the Yupjuns. According to records from the censor’s office, the film was originally conceived and put into production by Shin Films in 1974. However, due to repeated rejections by the censor’s office, it had to undergo changes in content before its eventual release in 1975. In the meantime, the song ‘Miin’ itself became officially prohibited, which is how it ended up missing from the eponymous film. The film was directed by Lee Heoyng-pyo, the head director at Shin Films, a commercial film production company owned by the director Shin Sang-ok. The scenario, which catered to the tastes and styles of the youth culture at the time, was provided by screenwriter Kim Ha-rim, who was well known for his work with director Lee Doo-yong. The film starred the three band members of Shin Joong-hyun and the Yupjuns and Kim Mi-young in the titular role, with supporting roles by Lee Il-woong and singer So-yeon. While the production values of the title aren’t top-notch, due to the rushed nature of similarly conceived films, ‘Miin’ represents a valuable cultural record in that it allows viewers to indirectly appreciate the ‘hip’ culture of the time through one of the era’s most popular musicians. The film stars the band’s members, so naturally the soundtrack is rich with a selection of their best music. One particular attraction is that the in-film versions of the tracks often feature distinctive arrangements of songs that would be released later on. The psychedelic concert scenes, where the original rock score by Shin Joong-hyun comes together with the colorful wardrobe provided by designer Lee Shin-woo, create precious moments that attest to the realness of the often elusive existence of ‘pop culture’ in Korea."

PLOT & STORY Shin Hyun (Shin Joong-hyun), Kkong-chi (Lee Nam-yi), and Dong-ho (Kwon Yong-nam) are poor musicians. Despite their musical chops, clubs won’t let them play and they are about to be evicted from their apartment because of the backed-up rent. A fellow tenant in their building, the ‘Beauty’ (Kim Mi-young), offers them comfort and encouragement. She offers to pay for the struggling trio’s rent and meals while cheering them on. Inspired by her, Hyun finds himself falling into a one- sided infatuation with her. Eventually, the band finds a venue that is willing to let them play. Shortly after, they also land a record and club performance deal. The road to stardom appears wide open in front of them, but the trio soon finds that their muse has disappeared. Hyun wanders off in search of her… where has the nameless beauty gone? Who is she really, and will Hyun ever meet her again?

Bluray DVD 84 MINUTES / COLOR / MONAURAL / ENGLISH SUBTITLES / 2.35:1 ASPECT RATIO / ALL REGIONS Limited run of 1,500 copies Video restored from original negative films Original theatrical trailer included

Package consist of outbox, 56-page color booklet, and Scanavo case 5-piece postcard set featuring still cut images from film

"The three piece rock band Yup Juns are having a rough time as musicians. Comprised of the lovestruck guitarist and vocalist Hyun (played by Shin Joong-hyun), bassist Kkong-chi (played by Lee Nam-yi) whose and long face and mustache is given the nickname "Mackerel", and fit drummer Dong-ho (played by Kwon Yong-nam), the trio's psychedelic funk is angering their landlord (played by Lee Ill-woong) with the loudness and getting no gigs at local venues. There is one person that is fond of their music and their drive and that is a beautiful girl (played by Kim Mi-yeong) who lives in the same building. A college girl, she offers the band members money for rent they cannot pay, cooks food for them, and quietly gives them support. The band is ready to give up, but while at a restaurant a few college kids working part time offer the band a gig to play music at the establishment as a house band, bringing in a youthful crowd and eventually leading to interest from record executives. But with newfound fame comes a distance from their roots, as well as Hyun's infatuation with the beautiful girl becoming a further and further dream... Musician Shin Joong-hyun pioneered the South Korean music scene by introducing a local brand of rock music with his band Add4 from 1962 and continuing through the decade and into the 1970s. He formed the psychedelic trio Shin Jung Hyun & Yup Juns in the early 1970s that caused a bit of a ruckus with the government with their anti-establishment themes placed in their music, leading to government bans of their songs, including the 1974 hit "A Beauty" <미인>, from their million-selling debut album. Though the song itself was not in particular critical or political, the government banned it for "undesirable social influence", along with 45 other popular songs for other differing reasons. But even with the ban, it didn't stop the group from delving into a new step in media - through cinema with a deal with filmmaker Shin Sang-ok's Shin Productions. Films such as The Beatles' "Help!", The Monkees' "Head", and The Folk Crusaders' "Three Resurrected Drunkards" showcased rock bands playing semi-fictionalized versions of themselves on screen (although it can be argued The Monkees were already a fictionalized band in the first place), all to the delight of music fans and introducing rock and visuals in a new form other than a concert film, in the days before MTV. "A Beauty" was an extremely rushed project with only a three month production schedule and the band having little if no input for the script, written by Kim Ha-lim. Filled with dream sequences, a fairly non-sensical narrative of the band's simple rags to riches story with silly humor, but also including some social issues such as class struggles and generational conflict. The story itself is a weak point, as there are some too^good to be true elements and points that do not have consequential value. How did the band look to support themselves all the time before the beginning of the film? No day jobs to support themselves at all? Dong-ho's mother appears in one scene to lure him to return home, but suddenly as he walks away it turns into a bizarre yet hilarious Kung Fu sequence showcasing the drummer's real martial arts skills. Was there any particular purpose for mother to appear in one scene that does not move the plot forward? The dialogue itself is plain, simple, and yes very seemingly rushed with little effort into lyrical poetry as one would expect from musicians. And to add to that, the acting by musicians do not add to much in terms of greatness, though they are not bad. Just not able to execute a broad range compared to the other actors in the production. Though on the plus side the songs itself have the lyrical poetry expected for some scenes, as half of the musical segments are psychedelic instrumentals. Other fun moments include parodies (or inspiration...?) from films such as "The Graduate" which also uses (or steals?) the theme song "The Sound of Silence" in a dream sequence and the numerous music performance scenes by Yup Juns with the direction courtesy of director Lee Hyoung-pyo uses skewed camera angles, lens flares, rapid editing, and bold colors for great psychedelic effect not seen in the average feature film at the time. It is definitely a visual delight to watch for the film's use of colors and cinematography. "A Beauty" took the name from the band's hit song but ironically it was not included in the finished feature due to the government ban. The film is critical of the gap between the youth culture as seen with the band's struggles to fame and acceptance plus the violent acts by the neighboring "old" establishments. Most of the film is comprised of a fairly young cast and the scenes of older people are ones separating the youth or destroying what the youth are putting together. An interesting indirect jab at the military led strict government of President Park Chung-hee while also a look at the ever changing South Korean culture. But it is not only about generations. In one scene a girl is beat up by college girls her age, as they find out she is not an actual student but only posing as one. As at the time only a small percentage of women attended college it was looked at as an unfair for a person to be part of the "elite" college educated women at the time. The social issues are prevalent in the narrative but they are not the central force. Here it is all about the music and the Yup Juns truly shine in their one and only appearance in a feature film. On August 30th 1975 the film premiered at the Scala Theater in Seoul where it played to less than stellar results. Just over 4,100 tickets were sold and only played at a single theater for its theatrical run. At a time when hit films sold hundreds of thousands of tickets, "A Beauty" was little more than a forgotten blip on the radar of South Korean cinemagoers. Shin Jung Hyun & Yup Juns success would also see an end with Shin's arrest in December of 1975 for marijuana possession, led in a string of raids against many counterculture artists of the day. The band broke up and Shin's music would not be heard for over a decade, but with a musical renaissance in the 1990s led to the rediscovery of Shin's music as well as other counterculture bands, leading Shin to once again perform into the new millennium. The Yup Juns' records were reissued on CD for the first time in South Korea in 1994 and in 2012 the albums were pressed in America on CD and LP for the first time. In 2010, he received a Fender Custom Shop Tribute Series guitar, being only the sixth musician and the first Asian musician to receive the honor. While the music has been readily available, the film of "A Beauty" hasn't. This 2018 Blu-ray release presents the film for the first time on a digital format. "

Booklet: The 56 page booklet is in Korean and English which includes a cast and crew listing, essay, and technical information. First is the multi part essay "In Search of "A Beauty" in an Unbeautiful World" by film critic Kim Bong-seok, broken down into six sections. In the lengthy essay, discussed are musicians moving into cinema, the Korean film industry at the time, the political and social setting, and in comparison to other world films of the era. "Restoration of a Precious Cultural Record that Faced Erasure in the Mid 1970s" by music critic Song Myeong-ha is another multi part essay, breaking down the significance of Shin's music, the road from the song "A Beauty" into a film and the banning of the tune, and additional notes on the music. The essays are well written and well translated into English for the package and gives significant information considering the lack of digital extras on the disc.

In addition, the package incorrectly states region A only, while this is a region ALL disc.

Shin Joong Hyun & Yup Juns ‎– Shin Joong Hyun & Yup Juns

Lion Productions ‎– LP: LION-LP 123 (30 Oct 2012) / CD: LION664

A1 Beautiful Woman 4:29

A2 Think 4:25

A3 I Think There Was Someone Else 5:50

A4 Long, Long Night 4:34

A5 I Love You 3:08

B1 Lady 4:06

B2 Anticipation 4:18

B3 I've Got Nothing To Say 4:21

B4 I Do Not Know 3:04

B5 The Rising Sun (Instrumental) 6:59

(No gradings done)

There's also a release for the Western market. It contains tracks from the releases mentioned above. Extensive liner notes by Kevin "Sipreano" Howes.

Trailer of the movie 'A Beauty(1975)' / '신중현의 미인' 1975년



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