조미미 - Cho Mi-Mi / Jo, Mimi

KBS Media 조미미 / 골든 Golden 2CD 2006.09.18
CD 1 01. 바다가 육지라면 / If the Sea is Land
02. 먼데서 오신 손님 / Guest from far away
03. 단골손님 / Regular customer
04. 서산 갯마을 / Seosan Gaet Village
05. 선생님 / Teacher
06. 진부령 아가씨 / Jinbuyeong lady
07. 연락선 / Ferry 08. 서귀포를 아시나요 / Do you know Seogwipo?
09. 사랑은 장난이 아니랍니다 / Love is not a joke
10. 명동 블루스 / Myeongdong Blues
11. 돌아와요 부산항에 / Come back to Busan Port. -disco/funk/trot-
12. 란 같은 여자 / A Girl Like Ran
13. 연화궁 / Yeonhwagung 14. 해지는 섬포구 / Losing island
Tracks with * I consider essential listens or classics from a western point of view of listening, as tracks to check out for sure because for some reason they seem to stand out as such, which makes them also very suitable for western radio show airplay. Tracks that are only underlined can be considered fine tracks you might better check out as well, but I am not sure how essential they really are.
CD 2 01. 무정한 나루터 / Ruthless Naruto
02. 버들잎 청춘 / Willow Leaf Youth
03. 수줍은 춘풍 / Shy Spring Wind
* 04. 믿기는 왜 믿어 / Why do you believe? -chachacha / trot-
05. 아가씨 순정 / Young lady
06. 노총각 노처녀 / Old bachelor old lady
07. 구룡포 사랑 / Guryongpo Love
08. 보내 놓고 울었소 / let you cry
09. 참을 수 없기에 / Because I can't stand it
10. 무정항구 / Mujeong Port
11. 한 많은 낙동강 / Wide Nakdong River
12. 연분홍 낭랑 / Light pink
13. 목마른 해바라기 / Thirsty Sunflower
14. 님 가신 서울길 / Nim trail Seoul road
This is 2 CD’s with an overview of some performances by the beautifully looking Cho Mi Mi, not sure from which date the recordings are from.
The first CD is more heavily commercialised, still Koreanised music with orchestra and band, from which a small part has been replaced by synths. This is popular music, with a formula of keyboards, orchestra and sax solos and a bit of electric picking guitar, with light musical themes, possibly from the 80s, not specifically collectible for foreigners. However, Cho Mi Mi’s voice is very good.
Different is the 11th track, showing a funky disco rhythm, a new commercial way of arranging which fits at least with its time, and not an imitation from what was common before. Also track 13 is good for its arrangement, which might be from an older date, which includes guitar, flutes and organ too. On the 14th track a wooden block plays rhythmical accents to a small orchestra/brass.
The second CD has more original orchestrations (60s/70s), there are chachachas too, use of organ and electric guitar. Favourite might be the chachacha of track 11, also with accents on wooden block.

도미도 베스트 컬렉션 100 VOL.1 / 50-60 Domido
* CD4 16 울릉도타령 / Ulleungdo
This is a nice eastern twist, a more modern-life approach compared to other tracks.
지난 70년대 히트곡 ‘바다가 육지라면’을 부른 가수 조미미(본명 조미자) 씨가 9일 오전 서울 구로구 오류동 자택에서 간암으로 별세했다. 향년 65세.
전남 목포에서 태어난 고인은 1965년 ‘떠나온 목포항’으로 데뷔한 후 1969년 '여자의 꿈' '바다가 육지라면' '선생님', '먼데서 오신 손님', '단골손님', '눈물의 연평도', '처녀 농군' '개나리 처녀' 등 많은 히트곡을 남겼다.
Singer Zomi Mi (real name Somi Ja), who sang the hit song `` Ocean Land Ramen '' in the 70's, died of liver cancer at the house of Oryu-dong, Guro-gu, Seoul on the morning of the morning. 65 years old.
She was born in Mokpo, Jeonnam, and debuted with "Mokpo Port" in 1965, and in 1969, with 'Woman's Dream', 'If the sea is land', 'Teacher', 'Visitor from far away', 'Customer', 'Yeonpyeong of tears', she left many hit songs including 'Virgin Farmer' and 'Forsythia'.
바다가 육지라면’ 등의 인기곡으로 1970년대를 풍미했던 트로트 가수 조미미(본명 조미자·65)씨가 9일 오전 서울 오류동 자택에서 간암으로 별세했다.
전남 영광 출생으로 목포여고를 졸업한 고인은 1965년 동아방송 주최 민요가수 선발 콩쿠르인 ‘가요백일장’에서 김세레나, 김부자씨와 함께 발탁되며 데뷔했다. 65년 데뷔곡 ‘떠나온 목포항’을 발표한 뒤 69년 ‘여자의 꿈’으로 이름을 알렸다. 이후 ‘바다가 육지라면’을 비롯해 ‘선생님’ ‘먼데서 오신 손님’ ‘단골손님’ ‘서귀포를 아시나요’ ‘눈물의 연평도’ ‘댄서의 순정’ ‘개나리처녀’ 등 70년대 내내 숱한 히트곡을 남겼다.
고인은 곡을 트로트 가락으로 재해석하는 능력에서 독보적이라는 평가를 받았다. 특히 ‘바다가 육지라면’ ‘먼데서 오신 손님’ 등은 고인의 미성과 애절한 가사가 돋보인 절창으로 팬들의 많은 사랑을 받았다. 60년 박신자 원곡의 ‘댄서의 순정’ 역시 75년 고인이 부른 리메이크 버전이 유독 인기를 끌었다. 당시 인기 바로미터였던 MBC 10대 가수에 71년(먼데서 오신 손님), 72년(단골손님), 76년(댄서의 순정) 등 수차례 뽑혔다.
유족으로는 안애리·애경씨 등 2녀가 있다. 빈소는 경기도 부천 성모병원에 마련됐으며, 발인은 11일 오전(032-340-7300).
손영옥 선임기자 yosohn@kmib.co.kr
Born in Yeongnam, Korea, she graduated from Mokpo Girls' High School and debuted in 1965 with Kim Serena and Kim Bu-ja at the K-Pop Contest, a folk song singer competition hosted by Dong-A. After releasing her debut song Mokpo Port in '65, he announced his name as 'Women's Dream' in '69. Since then, he has made a number of hit songs throughout the 70s, including 'Ramen if the sea is land', 'teacher', 'customer from far away', 'customer', 'do you know Seogwipo', 'year of the tears', 'pure of the dancer' and 'forsythia virgin'.
The deceased was considered unique in his ability to reinterpret songs in a trot rhythm. Fans loved the deceased's beauty and the heartfelt lyrics.
The approach of Cho Mimi has a quality that makes trot style almost like a logical next step of interpretation, a style movement and light musical atmosphere of enjoyment. Although this is a mainstream area her approach makes it easier to appreciate.