정훈희 - Jung Hoon-Hee (Chung Hoon-Hi)
This is a light but in fact great short (2->4 min songs) collection of pop/rock with very convincing warm and nice range of singing...

조미미 - Cho Mi-Mi / Jo, Mimi
KBS Media 조미미 / 골든 Golden 2CD 2006.09.18 CD 1 01. 바다가 육지라면 / If the Sea is Land 02. 먼데서 오신 손님 / Guest from far away 03. 단골손님 / Regular...

한명숙 - Han Myung-Sook
한명숙 오리지날 힛송 총결산집 / Han Myung-Sook Original Song Collection 1990.09.00 1 노란샤쓰의 사나이 / The Boy in the Yellow Shirt -country- * 2 우리 마을 / My...

로커스트 - Locust
1981 로커스트 (사철메뚜기) - 내가 말했잖아 [검정 LP 한정반] Beatball Music | 2018년 07월 30일 A1 내가 말했잖아 / I Told You So 2 그대여 / (I miss) You 3 저 달이 미워 / Blame...

현경과 영애 - Hyun Kyung & Young Ae
현경과 영애 – 현경과 영애 / 그리워라 This is a rather nice duo folk-pop album. The dual vocals fit within range of late 50s, early 60s and late 60s...

최안순 - Choi An-Soon (Choi An-Soon) (<-Lana.et Rospo)
Most of the album is folk songs with acoustic guitar, possibly more of the tracks are covers of popular Western song hits (like “Plaisir...

4월과 5월 - April & May
Charming, song-related folk-rock with 2 slightly mellow male harmony singers, some tracks also orchestrated (strings and brass),...

양희은 - Yang Hee-Eun
양희은의 데뷔 음반이 40년 만에 처음으로 CD로 발매된다. also listed as vol.1/ Soft Songs (The Original) A1. 아침이슬 / Morning dew 2. 엄마 엄마 / Mom Mom * 3. 세노야 세노야...

이은하 - Lee, Eun-Ha
Also this is a more mainstream orientated singer, with a performance-related emotionality in the voice. This is especially so in the...

임성훈 / Im, Sung-Hoon / Lim Sung-Hun (< Shin Yung-Hyun & Questions)
Specific tracks you can find on: 가요(歌謠) 박물관 [Disc 8] * 11 당신은 몰라 / You do not know (1971) This track is a somewhat crooner-like ballad...