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이은하 - Lee, Eun-Ha

Also this is a more mainstream orientated singer, with a performance-related emotionality in the voice. This is especially so in the first track, where her voice is almost broken in a smoked way. This song itself still is mainstream pop with keyboard chords, some brass arrangement and a sax solo. This emotionality is also most clear in the last track, which iswith a piano accompaniment only.

Many tracks have funkier elements although not in a too creative or inventive way, occasionally this has additional disco cymbal rhythms, a flute arrangement or a fuzz rock guitar part, mostly the approach remains a bit light pop/rock, especially getting more this way when string imitating keyboards are added or some jumping bass rhythm. If the band would have improvised further outwards from this, this could have left the mainstream more easily, but it never does.

Update: I must say that after all these years, I still appreciate well the three picked out tracks. In a way the "new" funky element can still have something refreshing.

(CD) 이은하 - 오리지날 힛송 총결산집

1 겨울장미 / winter rose

* 2 한순간 / moments

3 봄비 / spring rain

4 밤차 / night tea

* 5 아리송해 / Arisong

6 조용한 미소 / A quiet smile

7 사랑의 그림자 / Shadow of love

8 그님은 가셨지만 / He went but

9 아무말도 하지말아요 / Don't say anything

* 10 당신께만 / Only to you

11 님마중 / Nimma

12 떠날때는 말없이 / When I leave

Another funky track you can find on

Jigu Lee Eun Ha: Golden -2cd- (2006)***

This is a good example of 70s pop/rock, with good voice and some arrangements by a small rock combo which mostly plays in a rather relaxed way, with 50/50 a bit of additional brass/strings or additional keyboards too or additional backing vocals or some small sax solo or so. Lee Eun-Ha’s voice is reaching from middle tone towards soprano. In the early tracks her voice is able to break in the beginning of when she start singing. Every track is very enjoyable and has enough originality to convince each time.

A more than decent document from those enjoyable days of western-influenced, but also globally tasteful pop/rock from South Korea.

If I listen more into detail, it is again clear how on the first CD the way the voice breaks in a breathy way is a great quality which isn't used in the later recordings. A few tracks are arranged with the pop/rock band (Shin Jung-Hyun influence on some tracks ?), with nice organ. Here and there are interesting classical arrangements, most of it still has a mainstream pop leaning. Lee Een Ha's voice definitely has qualities on its own, which proves one track that is accompanied by piano only. Later tracks have a bit more dominance of brass and mainstream pop, even though the originality always remains intact.​


* 1. 아직도 그대는 내 사랑 / You are still my love ;

* 2. 최진사댁 세째 딸 / Choi Jin-sa's third daughter ;

3. 사랑은 아직도 끝나지 않았네 / Love is not over yet ;

4. 휘파람 소리 / Whistling ;

5. 아카시아 필 때 / Acacia peel time ;

6. 이 사랑을 아는가 / Do you know this love ;

7. 임을 찾아가야겠네 / I need to find out ;

8. 빗속을 간다 / Go in the train ;

9. 밤의 이야기 / Night story ;

* 10. 나의 별 / Star of mine ;

* 11. 그 어느날 밤 / One night ;

* 12. 그대 나를 좋아하니까 / Because you like me ;

* 13. 이슬비 / drizzling

* 14. 오늘도 만났지만 / I met him today ;

15. 그리운 영아 / A nostalgic infant ;

16. 아카시아 꽃목걸이 / Acacia flower necklace.


1. 안 오면 싫어 / I do not want to go inside ;

2. 사랑의 눈동자 / Lovely eyes ;

3. 정말 못 잊어 / I really do not forget ;

4. 임 마중 / Welcome ;

* 5. 오! 나는 몰라 / Oh! I do not know ;

6. 그대를 위하여 / For You ;

7. 헛걸음이 될까봐 / I wonder if it's a bad thing ;

* 8. 사랑한다 말해주오 / Let me tell you I love you ;

9. 혼인길 터지려나봐 / I'm about to get married ;

* 10. 알다가도 모를 일 / Don't know ;

11. 그대 오려나 / You are coming ;

12. 이상해요 / Weird ;

* 13. 전화 할게요 / I will call you ;

14. 비밀 이야기 / Secret story ;

15. 비는 왜 오나 / Why is it raining? ;

16. 그리움이 / Longing

Lee Eun Hee's voice can be considered as a funky voice into a pop/rock era with a beautiful crack in the singing which is rather unique to her voice. This way, the funkiest and rockiest tracks still pay most credit to this.



Taken roughly from wikipedia:

" Lee Eun-ha was born in Seoul in 1961. Her real name was Hyo-sun Lee. Her father, Lee Bae-young, was a famous accordion player and Lee Eun-ha had been listening to music since she was 5 years old. Lee Eun-ha, who began to learn Trot at first but went through the metamorphosis quickly, has a husky voice. She changed in style to soul pop. Shortly after her debut, the unknown singer, Lee Eun-ha, had to go to a nightclub and sing, but due to strict regulations in broadcasting in 1975, the minor could not appear on stage. For this reason, she was registered to be born in 1958, was raised as a three years old, and was acting as a singer in her twenties while intentionally increasing her makeup to deceive her age.

Lee Eun-ha, who appeared on the airwaves stage, sang compositions by Yoo Seung-yeop in 1978 after her first hit, ``You Still Love My Love.'' When she sang ``Bamcha'' (songwriter Yoo Seung-yeop), she performed a stabbing dance and that way it became a sensational hit. In 1979, she wrote her first song, Arisong (composed by Lee Ha-ha / lyrics by Lee Seung-dae), which hit the jackpot and won the KBS Singer King Award that year. Lee Eun-ha, who was recognized for his powerful singing powers, won also the Excellence Award in 1981 as his song <Bamcha> at the Grand Prix of the KBS World Song Festival.

Top star Lee Eun-ha, who had gained considerable popularity in 1982, made her debut in the film industry, and was the first to star in an adult film called "The Flower Snake that Takes Off Every Day." Lee Bae-young, who was reluctant to appear in an adult film, allowed Lee Eun-ha to appear in the movie at the time.

Lee Eun-ha, who was spotlighted as the best dance pop singer of the time with the husky voice and powerful singing ability since the 1970s, competed with Hye Eun, who was called as being a rival. In 1986, Lee Eun-ha wrote a story of a heartbreaking trial with her first love, composed by Jang Deok, who was composed and deceased. Jangdeok sang the best song by singing a lyrical love song ``Like the way he sent me with a smile'' (composed by Lee Eun-ha). In 1989, Jeon Young-rok's songwriting / composition Dolkijima〉 (Jeon Young-rok's writing / composing) was the last known song by the public. Lee Eun-ha, however, has an extraordinary record of winning the Top 10 Singer Awards, recognized as the best singer in Korea, for nine consecutive years.

As we entered the 1990s, we had a gap. In the meantime, she did concerts and musicals. Lee returned as a singer in 2007, and in that year he submitted the application for permission to apply for family register in Seoul Family Court, and her actual birth date was corrected from 1958 to 1961 by the resident registration. In 2012, she started a new career in jazz music after five years."

대한민국의 여자 가수로 본명은 이효순이며, 서울특별시에서 태어났다. 종교는 불교다.

1973년에 데뷔하였으며, 1970년대 후반부터 1980년대 중반까지 인기로 혜은이와 쌍벽을 이뤘던 최고의 여자 가수였다. 77년 처음 10대 가수에 선정된 이후, 85년까지 무려 9년 연속 10대 가수에 선정되었다. 즉 설명이 필요 없을 정도로 한 시대를 대표하는 가수라고 할 수 있다. 1990년대 초반에 건설 관련 회사 사장이던 아버지가 빚보증을 잘못 서서 그로 인해 20억원에 달하는 빚이 생겼으며, 90년대 당시 시세가 8억원에 달하던 서울 자택까지 다 넘어가게 되었고 밤무대까지 뛰며 빚 아버지의 20억을 모두 갚게 되었다고 한다. 그러나 2015년에 다시 아버지로 인해 생긴 사채 빚이 50억원에 달하게 되었으며, 파산 선고를 받아 면책 절차를 진행 중이다. #

2017년 현재는 쿠싱증후군과 척추 전방 전위증이란 병들로 투병 중이며, # 주사, 약 처방 등으로 인해 몸무게가 많이 늘어남과 동시에 살도 많이 쪘다고 한다. 그와 함께 현재는 상단의 사진과는 180도 다른 모습이다.

Roughly translated :

A Korean singer, Lee Hyo-sun was born in Seoul. Religion is Buddhism.

She made her debut in 1973 and was the best female singer who paired with Hye Eun Lee from the late 1970s to the mid-1980s. After being selected as one of the top ten singers in 1977, he was selected as one of the top ten singers for nine consecutive years until 1985. In other words, it can be said that she is a singer representing an era so well that explanation is not necessary. In the early 1990s, her father, who was the president of a construction company, erroneously incurred debt guarantees, which resulted in 2 billion won in debt. It is said that all of them were paid back. However, in 2015, his father's debts reached 5 billion won, and he was insolvency proceedings.

As of 2017, she was suffering from illnesses called Cushing's syndrome and anterior spinal dislocation.



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