현경과 영애 - Hyun Kyung & Young Ae

현경과 영애 – 현경과 영애 / 그리워라
This is a rather nice duo folk-pop album. The dual vocals fit within range of late 50s, early 60s and late 60s softer, melancholic and sometimes lighter happy pop songs, all except one sung in Korean. There are some orchestrations, acoustic guitars, soft drums, some organ and piano. This is all about innocence, melancholy, occasionally sing-a-long chansons. “Christmas Bells” is the only English song, a very light-hearted song almost like a mainstream yodelling song. with doobop-flavoured backings. There’s also a nice bonus track added : a sad song with acoustic guitars, soft drums, a flute arrangement and some fuzzed organ near the end.
Ebay description :
“This album was first pressed in 1974 however the military dictatorship forbid promptly this album to distribute. That was a kind of culture obliteration in order to keep their authority. These songs are very lyric, beautiful and peaceful. Then this album has contained two forbidden artists in Korea , they were Kim Min-Gi and Kim Kwang-Hee. The reason of confiscation was just that. So this album was extremely rare in Korea during the past 30 years, and this has been hardly released in 2004.
Lee, Hyung-Kyung & Park, Young-Ae were fresh-women who entered to Fine Arts College of Seoul National University in 1971. They had participated to the Song Festival of a welcoming party for New Purpil in 1971. They made a folk duo and took part in the Song Festival. And they met senior student, Kim, Min-Gi & Kim, Kwang-Hee taking this momentum. This young female folk duo had sung just at college town as a pure amateur. And they had decided to record their album by the remembrance of graduation,1974. This album is their only record now. Their voices seem to be pure, limpid and very harmonious.
Some more information. Hyung-Kyung & Young-Ae had not sung any more after they had graduated. Now Hyung-Kyung lives in a foreign country and Young-Ae is a proffessor at the Fine Arts College in Korea . Some of fans served a little folk concert-we call as 'Frog-Folk Concert'- for her in 2004 after this album was released, Young-Ae sung alone then. Also Kim Kwang-Hee who has composed and written for this album sung her own song for the first time in her life -Kwang-Hee Kim also is a professor at the Music Arts College in Korea. That was a very impressive concert. I assert carefully that their album seems to be comparable with Vashty Bunyan's.. believe it or not."
Side A ;
1. 아름다운 사람 / Beautiful People. (music, words by Kim, Min-Gi)
2. 님의 마음 / The Mind of Lover (music, words by Lee, Hyung-Kyung)
* 3. 나 돌아가리라 / I Will turn back (music, words by Kim, Kwang-Hee)
4. 눈송이 / A Snowflake (music, words by Lee, Jang-Hee)
5. 그리워라 / Adios Amore (music by Mocedades, words by Lee, Hyung-Kyung)
Side B ;
CD6/B1. 내친구 / Oh! My Friend (music, words by Kim, Kwang-Hee)
CD7/B2. 종소리 / Ring Those Christmas Bells (music by Gus Levine, words by Lee Hyung-Kyung)
CD8/ B3. 얘기나 하지 / Just hope to talk with me (music, words by Kim,Duk-Nyun
CD9/B4. 참 예쁘네요 / Oh Rock My Soul (music by Peter Yarrow, words by Lee, Hyung-Kyung)
CD10/B5. 바다에서 / By the sea (music, words by Lee, Hyung-Kyung)
CD11 마지막 노래 / The last song (music, words by Jo, Dong-Jin)*
*Bonus track added to this re-issued album.
Originally released by Taedo Records in 30 Nov 1974
Reissue on Rythm-On – GEBL-SC02, 05 Mar 2010
latest LP edition :

현경과 영애 / 그리워라 / Hyun Kyung and Young Ae / I miss you (2015 2LP edition)
현경과 영애 / 그리워라 앨범 소개 : 품번 : GEBL-SL02 (발매: 2015 리듬온) 2LP 500set 전량 수입 한정반(미국&유럽) 12인치(180g Crystal Clear Vinyl) & 7인치( 75g White Vinyl) 게이트 폴드 형식의 커버(7인치 싱글 커버 포함) 인서트(전곡 가사&라이너), OBI 포함.
1970년대 포크 본연의 모습을 아름다운 하모니로 일구어낸 현경과 영애의 데뷔작이자 유일작. 30년간 팬들에게 폭넓은 사랑으로 원곡의 존재를 잊게 만든 왈츠풍의 ‘그리워라’ 동요풍의 깜찍한템포가 돋보이는 ‘참 예쁘네요’ 프로그레시브한 느낌마저 안겨다주는 ‘나 돌아가리라’ 트레디셔널 싸이키 포크성향의 ‘얘기나 하지’ 등 수록곡 전체가 높은 완성도를 자랑하는 한국 포크 역사에 영원히 기억 될 명반.
< 12인치 수록곡>
Side A :
1. 아름다운 사람
2. 님의 마음
3. 나 돌아가리라
4. 눈송이
5. 그리워라
Side B :
1. 내친구
2. 종소리
3. 얘기나 하지
4. 참 예쁘네요
5. 바다에서
<7인치 수록곡>
Side A :
1. 마지막 노래
Side B :
1. 눈송이 (Live version)
(요약 라이너) : 현경과 영애의 데뷔작(이자 유일한 음반)이다. 일반적으로 데뷔 음반이 음악인의 본격적인 활동을 알리는 발판 혹은 기지개로서 의미를 지니는데 반해, 이 음반은 현경과 영애의 대학 시절 4년간의 음악 활동을 정리하는 기념 작품의 성격을 띤다. 졸업을 앞두고 기념으로 만든 이 음반은 그대로 사실상 ‘음악 활동 졸업’ 음반이 되었다. 따라서 이 음반에 갈무리된 음악들은 이들이 대학 시절 즐겨 불렀던 곡들 위주로 선곡된 것이며 이를 통해 이들이 추구했던 음악 세계를 엿볼 수 있다.
이현경과 박영애는 때로는 번갈아 노래하고, 때로는 같이 입을 맞추며 아름다운 하모니를 들려준다. 그 노래 속에 맑고 순수한 영혼을 담으려 했다는 것은 음반을 끝까지 듣지 않아도 알 수 있다. 김민기가 만들어준 명곡 <아름다운 사람>은 대표적이다. ‘어두운 비’, ‘세찬 바람’과 대비되는 ‘맑은 두 눈’, ‘더운 가슴’, ‘고운 마음’을 가진 ‘아름다운 사람’은 현경과 영애의, 나아가 당대 포크
공동체의 지향점을 상징적으로 갈무리한다.
김광희가 작곡한 <나 돌아가리라> 역시 <가난한 마음>(노래 양희은)이란 제목으로 발표됐던 데서 알 수 있듯, 자연과 벗하는 작고 가난한 마음과 삶을 바라는 곡이다. 이 곡의 가사는 20세기 미국 여성 시인이며 극작가인 에드나 세인트 빈센트 밀레이(Edna St. Vincent Millay: 1892-1950)의 시(詩) <나는 돌아가리라>에서 따온 것이다. 음악적으로는 중남미 풍의 관악기가 인상적인 포크 록의 형식을 취하고 있다.
그런데 이 음반은 <아름다운 사람>, <나 돌아가리라>, <얘기나 하지>처럼 차분하고 진지한 느낌의 곡들로만 구성되어 있는 것은 아니다. 오히려 흥겹고 발랄한 분위기의 곡들이 주류를 이루고 있다. 번안곡들은 대표적이다. 스페인 보컬 그룹 모세다데스(Mocedades)의 <Adios Amor>에 우리말 가사를 붙인 곡 <그리워라>는 꽤 인기를 모았고 지금도 현경과 영애의 팬들로부터 높은 사랑을 받고 있는 왈츠 풍의 노래이다.
<종소리>는 페기 리(Peggy Lee)의 목소리로 잘 알려진 캐롤 <O Ring Those Christmas Bells>를 원곡으로 삼은 곡으로, 폴카 리듬의 흥겨운 곡이다. <참 예쁘네요>는 피터 폴 앤 메리(Peter, Paul & Mary)의 라이브 버전으로 익숙한 <Oh, Rock My Soul> 을 번안한 곡이다.
이현경의 자작곡 <님의 마음>과 <바다에서>, 그리고 이장희가 만든 <눈송이>도 ‘아주 쾌활한’ 것은 아니지만 굳이 따지자면 ‘발랄’과(科)로 분류되는 곡들이다. 왈츠 풍의 <님의 마음>과 <바다에서>는 ‘두비두비두비’나 ‘라라라라’ 같은 여흥구와 맑게 튀는 피아노 소리가 싱그럽고 청초한 이미지를 주는 곡이다.
이 음반이 평가받는 이유는 무엇보다 이처럼 아름다운 하모니를 들려준 포크 음반을 찾긴 어렵기 때문이다. 현경과 영애의 보컬은 성량과 기교가 아니라 사람의 음성이 어우러질 때의 본질적인 아름다움을 새삼 일깨워준다. 그때의 아름다움은 듣는 이 스스로 독창부터 합창까지 불러보면서 노래 부르는 맛을 느끼게 하는 전이성을 지닌다. 요컨대 이 음반이 소중하게 평가받는 이유는 노래와 하모니가 지닌 원초적인 아름다움, 나아가 ‘아름다운 사람’과 사회에 대한 꿈을 꾸밈없이 담고 있기 때문이다. 꼭 물질적 비만과 정신적 빈혈의 시대이기 때문만은 아니다. 잊고 살지만, 노래와 사람의 아름다움은 여전히 소중하고 유효하며 포기할 수 없는 것이기 때문이다. (이용우 / 대중음악 평론가)
Translated with the help of Google Translate :
This is the debut work of Hyun Kyung and Young Ae who made an appearance on the folk scene of the 1970s with their beautiful harmony vocals. Their Waltz-style 'longing' made fans to never forget their original songs after 30 years. From the very beautiful 'I'm so pretty’, to 'I'll Be Back' until the more folkier 'I do not talk' will forever be remembered in the proud history of Korean folk.
Hyun Kyung and Young Ae's debut is also their only record. its debut was made 4 years further into their full-fledged activity. It more takes the role of a kind of memorial piece organising the music activities of the duo, commemorating their graduation. It is in that way the songs were mainly selected, with music that could be shown to the world.
Hyun Kyung and Park Yong Ae sometimes sing solo, sometimes in beautiful harmony together. Clearly a pure soul feeling is expressed in the songs from the start. The famous song <Beautiful People> created by Kim Min Ki is added here as well . this stands in contrast to 'dark rain' and strong wind’. The 'beautiful person' with 'clear two eyes', a ’warm heart' and ‘a good heart' captures the essence of the duo.
Kim Kwang-hui's composition "I'll Be Back" was also released under the title "Poor Heart" (Song Yang Hee Eun). As you can see, it is a song that speaks about an honest heart and life living in harmony to nature. The lyrics of this song are from 20th century American poet and play writer Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950), derived from the collection <I am going to die>. Musically, this is folk with an impression of a Latin flavour while taking the essence of form of that of a rock song.
Where this record can be as calm and sincere as <beautiful person>, <I will be back>, <talk to me>
does not do this solely via its vocal lead. Rather, it this track is a mainstream song with a pleasant and youthful atmosphere. Tere’s also a Spanish language song called <Adios Amor> from the Mocedades vocal group. The song "I miss you" with lyrics that are quite popular this still is loved by the fans of Hyun Kyung and Young Ae. This one is a waltz-like song.
<Bells> features O Ring Those Christmas Bells, a well-known performed song by Peggy Lee. This one refers to the original song, as a jolly song with polka rhythm. <Oh, Rock My Soul> is a live version of a song by Peter Paul & Mary with its own original tune addition.
Lee Hyun-kyung's own songs <Your Heart> and <On the Sea> and <Snowflake> made by Lee Jang-hee are also very cheerful. They are classified as 'Balal' and (family) songs (?). <your heart> and <in the sea> are again Waltz-like. In the song you can hear the sound of a piano that sounds being performed from an entertainment district just like 'Doubly Dubious Duby' or 'La Lalla'.
This is a hard to find a folk record that shows a lot of beautiful harmony. The vocals of Hyun Kyung and Young Ae are not the merit and technique but more like an essential beauty, especially shown when the voice of the lead person is further harmonized. The beauty of that time is revealed when you jus listen to singing evolving from the solo to the chorus part, and to feel the singing taste thus presented. In short, the reason why this record is valued is also for the song and original harmony beauty, showing images of how a beautiful person and society can be imagined. It is unique material and perspective that we therefore should not forget about ever. It let us not ever to forget about that aspect, given in the beauty of song and people, as something which is still precious, valid and can not be given up. (Lee Yong Woo / popular music critic).
This album is worth tracing for lovers of the innocent guitar folk movement.