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임성훈 / Im, Sung-Hoon / Lim Sung-Hun (< Shin Yung-Hyun & Questions)

Specific tracks you can find on:

가요(歌謠) 박물관 [Disc 8]

* 11 당신은 몰라 / You do not know (1971)

This track is a somewhat crooner-like ballad accompanied by (psych)rock band. Here Lim Jung Hoon's voice is coming from a combination of the Elvis Presley area and more late 60s pop inspirations (with 60s vocal harmonies) while the band clearly is more rooted in late 60s psychedelia.

내님이 그리워 (김홍탁 작편곡집)

Sun Woo Young & He6 내님이 그리워 (김홍탁 작편곡집) / I Miss You (Kim Hong-tak) 1971

2 당신은 몰라 / You don't know

* 5 Bambi

9 내 사랑 끝없이 / (Can't stop loving you)

(<= Ray Charles)

3 tracks were indicated to be from and by Im, Sung-Hoon. "You don't know" I have already described above. Also "Can't stop loving you" I can describe similarly. It is of course a cover from the English song by Elvis Presley. It is somewhat updated to late 60s standards. Except for the the title it is translated to Korean. Although He6 is a great psychedelic band they didn't amaze much here. For "Bambi" in between the style is already a move forward to psych-pop/rock and is the best track of these three to present the band. It features some great psych wahwah solos near te end too.

The singer himself and his voice does not belong so much to the psych-pop/rock is closer to the crooner / pop ballad era.



임성훈의 히트곡 '시골길' 76년도 LP판 (CBS 자료실)

30년전 당시 연세대 응원단장으로 사학과에 재학중이던 임성훈(55,본명, 임종창)은 가수가 되고 싶어 무작정 ''한국록의 영원한 대부'' 신중현을 찾아갔다. 젊은 지성인의 저돌적 모습에 반한 신중현은 기꺼이 그를 받아들였다.

현재 명 TV진행자로 이름을 날리고 있는 임성훈은 퀘션스(The Questions)의 객원가수로 데뷔를 한 이후 70년대 중반 ''시골길'' 등의 히트곡을 내며 인기가도를 달렸던 다재다능했던 가수였다.

그룹 퀘션스는 고정보컬 없이 기존의 김상희,김추자를 비롯 60년대 중반 코끼리브라더스의 보컬을 거쳐 신중현과는 그룹 ''블루즈 테트''부터 인연을 맺어왔던 박인수 임희숙과 신인 임성훈, 송만수 등 수많은 객원가수들을 참여시켰다.

1970년 7월25일 퀘션스를 이끌고 참여한 ''''Go Go Gala Party''''는 1960년대 말~1970년대 초 그룹사운드 전성기의 전설로 남아 있다.

현재 MC 임성훈씨는 8년동안 방송했던 MBC 교양 프로그램인 토크쇼 ''임성훈과 함께''와 5년간 정들었던 예능 프로그램 ''퀴즈가 좋다''의 진행을 그만두고 SBS로 옮겨 ''세븐데이즈'',''솔로몬의 선택'',''세상에 이런일이''등을 진행한다.

노컷뉴스 정윤경 기자(인턴)


Lim Sung-hoon's biggest hit song was 'The Country Road' LP 76 (CBS Archives)

Lim Sung-hoon started as a cheerleader of Yonsei University 30 years ago, wanted to be a singer. Shin Ji-hyun, who fell in love with the young figure of intellectuals, was willing to accept him.

Lim Sung-hoon, who is now known as a famous TV host, used to be a versatile singer who made his debut as a guest singer of The Questions and performed hit songs such as "Country Road"' in the mid 70's.

The group quests include Kim Sang-hee, Kim Choo-ja and other singers including Park In-soo, Im Hee-sook, rookie Im Sung-hoon, and Song Man-soo, who have been associated with Shin Jung-hyun through the group Questions.

He led "Go Go Gala Party"' and further participated with the quests on July 25, 1970, remaining through it a legend of the heyday of group sound in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Reporter Chung Yoon-kyung (Intern)


​You can find use or recordings of his voice on several classic psych albums like

* 임아영 / Lim Ah Young & Questions 1집 - 오- 못믿어 (1971, 유니버어살 레코드)

* 선우영아 / Sunwoo Young & He6 - 내님이 그리워 / 김홍탁 작편곡집 (1971, RythmOn)

* 신중현 - 신중현의 / Shin Shin Hyun and Quests : In-A-Kadda-Da-Vida [live] (1970, Universal)

* 신중현과 퀘션스 / Shin Shin Hyun and Quests 1집 - 신중현 작편곡집 (1970, Universal)

See therefore specific pages of these artists



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